css - CSS3 double drop border? -

OK, so I want to do something like this. But be of a modular type, where I can have a button class which looks like this, and a class that I can use to apply to classes.

I have it now:

 . Double-drop {status: relative; Padding: Map-packed ($ padding, XL); Margin-top: (-1 * 280 pixels); Border: 3px solid $ black; Background color: $ white; & Amp ;: {content: ''; Status: Completed; Z-index: -1; Top: (-1 * map-obtained ($ padding, m)); Correct: (-1 * get map-map ($ padding, m)); Width: 100%; Height: 100%; Border: 3px solid $ black; Background color: $ Light-gray; }}   

Which works, and makes the impact on the squares. But if it is inside a parent who is fully positioned. (The drop-side is behind ..)

I would like to imitate that effect in my image for all the buttons, and apparently transform its translation so that it moves or not.

Will this probably be the first?

CSS only multiple borders on the button

Perhaps using several shadows, Will there be a simple solution? It becomes extremely impractical in those browsers that do not support it, and it's easy to work with.

  .shadow-button {padding: 10px; Border: Solid 3px # 000000; Display: inline-block; / * Is used only for wrapping leaks around the material, default margin in it * / -webkit-box-shadow: 8px -8px 0px -2px #cccccc, 8px -8px 0px 1px # 000000; -MOZ-Box-Shadow: 8px-8px 0px -2px #cccccc, 8px -8px 0px 1px # 000000; Box-Shadow: 8px-8px 0px -2px #cccccc; 8px -8px 0px 1px # 000000; Font-family: vardana, taahoma, ariel, non-serif; font-weight: bold; } P {padding: 10px;}   
  & lt; Div class = "shadow-button" & gt; PLAY Music Video & lt; / Div & gt;   

Browser Support:


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