Generating CRUD with Appfuse Maven Plugin(AMP) -
A few days ago I used the command MVN Office: General to generate the CRUD with the app Have done But it generates folllowing files / classes for a given class (say, category): 1) Category-validation.xml 2) Category-action-validation.xml 4) Category 4) Category Action. Java 5) CategoryForm.jsp 6) Category List. / P> I hope that this Private General Manager Category Manager; And it is in contradiction with the standard Tutorial (epiphase) Can someone tell me how to category / category for this category Can Dow Hibernate and Category Manager / Category Manager Improve Emple Class? Use-Damp.genericCore = Incorrect when you run the app: Gen. Like the following: grid / category Dow Hibernate or maybe
category manager / category management implementation class at least !!!
mvn appfuse: gen -Dentity = Category -Damp.genericCore = false
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