Clickbank INS V6.0 Integration c# -

I am trying to integrate CLICKBankINSV6.0 for my C # application.

I like a sample response:

  {"notification": {"version": 6, "attempted rank": 0, "role": "seller", "Site": "Niquelon", "Receipt" "" "" "," Currency ":" USD "," Transaction Type ":" Examination "," Transaction Time ": 1406070122781," Payment Method ":" "", "Full name": "", "full name": 1, "" "" "," customer ": {" shipping ": {" first name ":" test "," last name ":" user "," full name " Test user "," email ":" "," address ": {}}," billing ": {" first name ":" w "Customer", "Last Name": "USER", "fullName": "test user", "email": "", "address" ": wrong," customer product amount ": 1," customer's account " }], "Iv": "1A0b7S1R"}   

but always "Test Notification F"

  string sContent = ""; String Encrypted Notification = ""; String Vector = ""; (System.IO.Stream ReceivedStream = Request to Receive Message.InputStream ) Using // Move to start the put stream and read STream.Position = 0; (Load in the XML document using the System.IO.StreamReader readStream = new System.IO.StreamReader (getStream, Encoding .UTF8)) sContent = readStream.ReadToEnd ();}}    


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