
Showing posts from July, 2010

iphone - how to detect Number and Decimal Keyboard iOS -

providing I have a keypad for a custom keyboard I am developing on Apple App Store review guidelines based I decimals and number pad to: keyboard extensions app extensions programming Guide will be described as the number and decimal keyboard or rejected them so I decimal And the keyboard for the number textfield, so i cas They can locate text field types. How do I know nothing about numbers or decimal keyboards in the text field that should load the decimal keyboard or number keypad? Before every scene looks like (Swift) before you can get the current keyboard type the viewWillAppear function overrides (animated: bool) {super.viewWillAppear (animated) // set keyboard manager as the type to remove inputTraits = self.textDocumentProxy UITextInputTraits keyboardType go = inputTraits.keyboardType to returnKeyType = inputTraits.returnKeyType } this is my project but reformat and clarity of (Including error checking) without a lot of code. I did not even compile it...

jquery - sibling divs jump to new line when resizing -

I am creating 3 rows and I am creating 4 columns in each row. But what I am trying to achieve is that 1 when any column is changed to one row, then the remaining column should be resized according to the total remaining width of the row. Suppose that the total width of the line is 100% and if I change the size of 60% to 1% then the remaining three columns should be taken according to the remaining 40%. As it happens in my HTML, its size does not change, the rest of the column runs below. This is my code. & lt; Div id = "data-1" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "line" style = "width: 100%;" & Gt; & Lt; Div class = "column" style = "float: left; overflow: hidden; minimum-width: 25%;" & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "column" style = "minimum-width: 25%; float: left; overflow: hidden;" & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "column" style = "...

c++ - Rotate an object on its own axes in OpenGL -

Then I have a cube that I use to make any of its three axes (to rotate the axis of the cube). As there are many other similar questions, my rotation works till I am only moving in one direction, but when I start their mix, I get strange results. In particular, rotation about the Y-axis always spins about the y-axis of the window, even if the cube rotates. My drawing code is as follows: glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW); GlLoadIdentity (); GluLookAt (0.0, 5.0, 15.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); GlPushMatrix (); GlRotatef (theta_y, 0,1,0); GlRotatef (theta_x, 1,0,0); GlRotatef (theta_z, 0,0,1); Draw_cube (); GlPopMatrix (); What I'm trying to describe the question, I say a lot about it, and the accepted answer I think is what I want to do, even though that Link provides it is dead. Whatever I can gather in the connected question, my z-rotation is done first, which means that about my X-rotation (which will be the next) (1, 0, 0) Instead of rotating, I rotate about (-in thet...

sql - How to get the maximum values in one column for each value of another column? -

मुझे निम्नलिखित तालिका में अधिकतम मान प्रति ITEM वाले आइटम की आवश्यकता है : इनपुट तालिका: मान | आइटम 1 | ए 2 | बी 3 | सी 4 | ए 5 | बी 6 | सी 7 | ई वांटेड परिणाम: मूल्य | आइटम 4 | ए 5 | बी 6 | सी 7 | ई चुनें आइटम, मान, अधिकतम वैल्यू = (चुनें MAX (t2। VALUE) से तालिका नाम टी 2 जहां टी.आईटीम = टी 2.आईटीम) से तालिकानाम या, यदि आप सभी रिकॉर्ड नहीं चाहते हैं, तो का उपयोग करें समूह : आइटम का चयन करें आइटम, अधिकतम वैल्यू = अधिकतम (VALUE) से तालिकानाम टी ग्रुप आइटम

optimization - MySQL InnoDB hash index optimizing -

I was thinking that I can customize it more, maybe someone is struggling with it. First of all, I have a table: create tab 'site_url' (`id`bigint (20) ansnate tap etangement,` url_hash` CHAR (32) tap default Null, 'URL' VARCHAR (2048) Null default tap, Primary key (`ID`), index` url_hash` (` url_hash`)) engine = InnoDB; Where do I store site URI (domain is in separate table, but this question does not matter to the purpose of the ID - I hope) url_hash url For more optimization, standard query looks like this: Select the id from site_url where the site_url.url_hash = MD5 (' Uc - often counted in the application instead of mysql) and site_url. Url = 'Some - often counted in applications instead of mysql' describes: + ---- + --- --- ------- + ---------- + ------ + --------------- + ----- --- - + --------- + ------- + ------ + -------------------- - -------------- + | ID | Select_type | Table | Type | Possible_Keys | Key | Key_len |...

css - How to manage z-index of navigation menu? -

I have ASP.NET applications with the navigation menu. I have created the back menu (C #) in the code using the HtmlGenericControl class ("UL" and "LE" elements) and CSS. CSS resembles the following: ul.navMenu {padding: 0px; Margin: 0 px; Width: 1000 pixels; List style: none; Status: Relative; Z-index: 100000; } Ul.navMenu ul {status: absolute; Left: 0; top 100%; display none; Padding: 0 pixels; Margin: 0 px; } Ul.navMenu li {display: inline; Swim left; Status: Relative; } Ul.navMenu is a {text-decoration: none; Padding: 10px 0px; Width: 100px; Background: Gainsborough; Color: # 010101; Swim left; Text align: center; Limit: 1px solid #ffffff; Text-transform: uppercase; } Ul.navMenu a: hover {background: # d91703; Color: #ffffff; } Ul.navMenu ul a {width: 150px; Font-size: 10px; } Ul.navMenu ul li {display: block; Margin: 0 px; } Ul.navMenu li: Hover UL {display: block; } Ul.navMenu ul ul {top: 0; Left: 100%; } Ul.navMenu li: hover ul ul {display: none; } Ul.n...

css - Problems with centering in -

I have seen how to get an unordered list center and for many reasons, for some reason I have to work it though Can not get it for What am i doing HTML: & lt; Section id = "gallery" & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li style = "background-image: url ('.....');" & Gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li style = "background-image: url ('.....');" & Gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li style = "background-image: url ('.....');" & Gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li style = "background-image: url ('.....');" & Gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Section & gt; CSS: # Gallery {Text-align: center; } # Gallery ul {display: inline-block; Padding: 0; List style: none; Hidden flurry; } # Gallery ul li {display: block; Background-position: center; Background size: cover; Repeat Background: No Repetition; -max-boundary-radius: 5p...

Groovy compiler does not recognize inner enum/class type -

MyTestClass1.groovy: वर्ग MyTestClass1 {public static enum MyEnum {a, b} वर्ग MyTestClass {शून्य परीक्षण (MyTestClass1 ग) {} शून्य: सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक कक्षा MyInnerClass} MyTestClass.groovy {एक () {} शून्य} Test2 (MyTestClass1.MyEnum c) {} शून्य परीक्षण 3 (MyTestClass1.MyInnerClass c) {}} groovyc -cp MyTestClass.groovy पास नहीं होगा Test2 / 3 विफलता के रूप में चिह्नित है क्योंकि संकलक प्रकारों को नहीं जानता है क्या यह संकलित करने के लिए कोई चाल है? अपनी एक ही त्रुटि प्राप्त करने का एकमात्र तरीका संकलन करना है MyTestClass बिना MyTestClass1 पहले संकलित किया गया यहां सबसे आसान समाधान सिर्फ सभी संकलन है: groovyc -cp MyTestClass * .groovy । $ ls MyTestClass.groovy MyTestClass1.groovy $ groovyc -cp। MyTestClass.groovy org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: स्टार्टअप विफल रहा: MyTestClass.groovy: 4: वर्ग MyTestClass1.MyEnum @ लाइन 4, स्तंभ 20. शून्य test2 (MyTestClass1.MyEnum ग) {} हल करने में असमर्थ ^ MyTestClass.groovy : 5: क्लास को हल ...

java - Maven create bundle with project -

I have developed a project that has two isolated levels, which include two independent deployments. When I compile these projects, they are positioned as separate artifacts in their Nexus repository. These projects can be developed separately, so Project A can be on version 1.0.1 and Project B can be at version 1.0.5. Although, although they are completely deployed, the entire picture has two independent projects, so I would like to create a "meta-project" which packs existing artifacts of both projects in a single zip. The file (for example, "Today's full picture" is the current release project A v1.0.5 and Project B v1.3.2). Both projects are web projects and thus are war files. I am struggling with Maven and assembly plugins as there are ways to create such an assembly, but it has not yet figured out how to regain the war dependencies with the repository and give them one Packed with Node "dependency assets" can be used to add all depen... mvc 4 - async function in mvc4 -

मेरे पास निम्न संरचना है: यह मेरा नियंत्रक है: सार्वजनिक समारोह InsertRegistration () के रूप में स्ट्रिंग मंद रेस = t.Insertregistration (jsonparam.status) वापसी रेस समाप्ति समारोह यह मेरी कक्षा है: सार्वजनिक समारोह InsertRegistration (स्ट्रिंग के रूप में byval स्थिति) के रूप में स्ट्रिंग sql.Insertregistration (स्थिति) वापसी "1" अंत समारोह यह मेरा मॉडल कार्य है: सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन InsertRegistration (स्ट्रिंग के रूप में ByVal स्थिति) बुलियन मंद के रूप में TConnSQL नई SqlConnection (एसकेएल) के रूप में Dim CommSQL नई SqlClient.SqlCommand के रूप में ("JK_SP_INSERT_PROFILE", TConnSQL) Dim paramSQL के रूप में SqlClient.SqlParameter Dim डेटा_ada के रूप में SqlDataAdapter Dim dt के रूप में DataSet CommSQL प्रयास करें CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure paramSQL = नई SqlClient.SqlParameter ( "@ स्थिति", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100) paramSQL.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input paramSQL.Value = स्थिति CommSQL.Parameters.Add (paramSQL) CommSQL...

r - GitHub displays all code chunks from README.rmd (despite include=FALSE) -

I am currently writing a document for one. I use the knitr with R markdown to write the README file. Killing the 'knit HTML' button in RStudio produces an HTML as I would expect. However, by pushing README.rmd for the butt of the above link, you can see in the lower page section, following the link above. For example, the highest code segment is declared in the README.rmd file as follows: `` `{global_options, include = FALSE} library (knit) option (width = 120) ) Opts_chunk $ set (fig.width = 12, fig.height = 8, fig. P = 'fig', include = true, warning = false, message = false) `` However, in the first line of the code, the contains = FALSE statement is ignored only in this case, and the part of the code which was considered to be hidden, referred to Additionally, the results can not be seen from the result (like plot () , head () ), though opts_chunk $ set (.. ., Include = TRUE) . Is anyone facing similar problem and can I display my readme document...

arrays - Search pattern and print hits lower than threshold -

यहाँ एक उदाहरण है जिसे मुझे चाहिए: INPUT: एक 5 एक 7 एक 11 बी 10 बी 11 बी 12 । । आउटपुट: एक 2 बी 0 इसलिए मेरे थ्रेशोल्ड से कम हिट होने चाहिए यह मामला यह 2 डॉलर है & lt; 10)। मेरा कोड है: awk 'OFS = "\ t" {v [$ 1] + = $ 2; N [$ 1] ++} END {के लिए (एल में) {प्रिंट एल, एन [एल}}} 'इनपुट और मेरा आउटपुट है एक 3 बी 3 मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि कंडीशन को कहां रखें $ 2 & lt; 10 । आप थ्रेसहोल्ड स्टेटमेंट जैसे $ 2 & lt; -v value = XX के साथ दिया गया awk चर है। इसके अलावा, आप v [$ 1] + = $ 2 का उपयोग कर रहे हैं: यह राशि, मेल खाने वाले मामलों की गिनती नहीं है। सब एक साथ, मैं इसका उपयोग करूँगा: awk -vt = 10 '{list [$ 1]} $ 2 & lt; t {count [$ 1] ++} END {के लिए (i सूची में) प्रिंट मैं, गिनती [i] +0}' file ध्यान दें हमें दो सरणियों का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता है: एक को काउंटर का ट्रैक रखने के लिए और अन्य सभी संभावित मानों का ट्रैक रखें। स्पष्टीकरण -vt = 10 थ्रेशोल्ड प्रदान करें। {सूची [$ 1]} सभी संभव ...

country codes - Perl API for getting site domain -

I was wondering if there is a Pearl API that I can use it as' 'or' De 'I want to map the country code on the site domain to redirect people. So if the country code is 'GB', then I redirect to, every country for this without any hard code. In the core module, there is a mapping of the top-level domain from the local level.

activerecord - Limit the number of records in table in Rails -

I want to keep a table in the rail, to limit the number of records. If I have a notification table, So how can I work to keep only 50 records at a time? Therefore, if any new record is added then first is removed and new one is saved as 50th. Is there a good rail system to do it automatically or do I have to implement it manually? When I am creating a new information? I think it is very easy to implement itself. / P> 1 liner notification. First.destroy if notification count & gt; 50 Use it in first / create> callback

Powershell: list members of a .net component -

I am trying to create a script which will provide a list of DLL's methods from a pure component. Even what I have done: absolute ([string] $ path) if ($ path. Stars ("[")) {$ Asm = [reflection. Assembly] :: LoadWidthPertialName ($ path) $ asm.GetTypes () | Choose names, namespaces. Sort namespace | Ft -groupby namespace} and {$ asm = [Reflection.Assembly] :: loadfile ($ path) $ asm.GetTypes () | Choose names, namespaces. Sort namespace | Ft-groupby namespace} So basically the second part of the script (when rendering the path of a dll) is working perfectly fine; Running. GetDllMethods .ps1-path "C: \ program files (x86) \ WinSCP \ WinSCPnet.dll" will provide me all members of WinSCP dll. What I want to achieve with the first part is to get the script by giving the name of the .NET component to get the same result: . GetDllMethods.ps1-path "[System.IO.StreamWriter]" To get all the members of the serial component. But I'm getting...

Visual C# Access item from other class file -

im writing an application in a studio and trying to reach a rich text box from another class. It does not seem to work for me. Besides how do I call a function from another class? My code: Nom place Test {Public Partial Class} Form 1: Form {Public Form 1 () {// I MyClass.test ("Hello") From this place you want to reach; }}} Nom place Test {class MyClass {public zero test (string text) {// here I want to richtextbox1.clear (); But the text box is not available}}} can be done in many ways The favorite will pass the "this" indicator as a "logic" and declare the object of the "Myclass" class in "Form 1", thus, all members of the "MyClass" class and the public functions "Form 1" Access will include access to the Reichbox 1. Nom place Test {Public Partial Category} Form 1: Form {MyClass MyClassObject; Public Form 1 () {Initialization (); MyClassObject = New MyClass (this); MyClassObject.test ("Hello... - Session state server custom timeouts for users -

I want to use a session Steshsrhwar Radice Azure cache. My problem is that I want to set a custom timeout for my users, but it always takes the default value. How do I specify a custom timeout value for my users? & lt; SessionState mode = "custom" customProvider = "MySessionStateStore" timeout = "20" & gt; & Lt; Providers & gt; & Lt; add type = "Microsoft.Web.Redis.RedisSessionStateProvider" name = "MySessionStateStore" host = "Host" port = "6380" Prveski = "close" SSL = "true" throwOnError = "true" retryTimeoutInMilliseconds = "0" databaseId = " 0 "applicationName =" xxxDev "Connection timed out to milliseconds =" 5000 "operation timeout =" 5000 "/> & Lt; / Providers & gt; & Lt; / SessionState & gt; It was the same bug has been reported here: It is decided

Java addWindowListener syntax error -

I'm looking for Google in the morning and this website, but I really do not know what I'm doing wrong. I have created a class (walboard) and I am trying to call it, but when it is compiled, there are errors on "add-window listener". This is the error that I get: Error: The constructor wallboard version can not be applied to the type of wallboard given; AddWindowListener (new wardboard (this)); ^ Required: No argument found: The reason for the wallboard: The actual and formal logic lists vary in length And this is the code: Public class Runabout extends to the Walboard JFrame {JLabel WbText; Applies; Thread t = null; String [] textLine = new string [4]; Public wallboard () {setUndecorated (true); SetExtendedState (6); . GetContentPane () setBackground (Color.BLACK); GetContentPane () SetCursor (Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit (). CreateCustomCursor (new BufferedImage (16, 16, 2), new point (0, 0), blank)); SetVisible (true); This.WbText = new JLabel ("012...

wpf - How to set a global style to XAML buttons that have exisiting control templates -

I am trying to create a global style so that the mouse cursor will turn into one hand when the mouseover is the app on any button. However, my button has its own control templates that use the Ismouthover trigger, so my global ismassover trigger is not working. & lt; Style Target Type = "{X: Type Button}" & gt; & Lt; Style.Triggers & gt; & Lt; Trigger Property = "Ismouth Over" Value = "True" & gt; & Lt; Setter property = "cursor" value = "arm" /> & Lt; / Catalyst & gt; & Lt; /Style.Triggers> & Lt; / Style & gt; And here's a button: style x: key = "VideoVolumeButtonBaseStyle" TargetType = "{x: Type Button}" & gt; & Lt; Setter property = "horizontal content alignment" value = "center" /> & Lt; Setter Property = "Vertical Content Element" Value = "Center" /> & Lt; Setter property = ...

java - Creating a list with repeating element -

Is Java a utility method that generates a list of specified lengths or array with all the elements equal to the specified value (Such as ["Foo", "Foo", "Foo", "Foo", "Foo"])? You can use note that this copy was given to reference Not on objects, if the object itself is working with strings, then it will not make any difference because they are irrevocable anyway. list & lt; String & gt; List = collection Encokes (5, "EFF"); Println (list); [foo, foo, foo, foo, foo]

html5 - Chrome DevTools touch emulation not working -

I was using Chrome's Devices to test a mobile HTML5 app, i.e. optimization of devices and touch Events. Everything was working fine yesterday, but today I get a new toolbar when using "Inspecting Elements" (screenshot) and, if I choose to emulate any device, The touch event just does not work, e.g. I press a button and set fire to events related to other elements / buttons. If I disable DevTools then everything works fine. Whether to withdraw back the previous behavior Is there any way to update Rollback, or at least these features are working? Thank you! :) It seems that the latest update has fixed the problem. For those who still meet, try updating your version of Chrome for Download Kenari!

c# - Alternative for "System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs" on Windows Mobile 6 -

For some time, I search for an option for "Except for System Security.Cryptography". On a Windows Mobile application developed with C # and DotNetFramework 3.5 In fact, I want to sign in and encrypt an XML file. I'm already feeling this operation on a desktop application: X509Certificate2 cert = myCert; // Create contentInfo (which is signed) string msg = system IoOfile Readable text (xmlpath); Byte [] msgBytes = encoding. UTF8.GetBytes (msg); ContentInfo Content = New ContentInfo (msgBytes); // Signed an item signed by a signed message CMS signed message = New signed CMS (content); CMS Signer Signer = New CMS Signer (Certification); Signer.DigestAlgorithm = New Oid ("SHA1"); Signer.IncludeOptionExcludeOption = X509IncludeOption.EndCert only; // Signed message signed messages. Compute sign (signatory, wrong); Byte [] cmsMessage = Signed message. Hint (); // Encrypt message X509Certificate2 certificatePK = new X509Certificate2 (file .readlibets (public k...

installshield - How to set the install path of a merge module from a registry key? -

I have created an installer (using InstallShield 2012 spring) which uses a merge module that I created and I want to install files. From both the main installer and the merge module for the path stored in the registry. In a separate installer, the user is able to specify the install location and I save this path in the registry to be used by subsequent installers. In the merge module, 'INSTALLDIR \ folder' is close to my components. In the main installer, I have changed the destination property from 'Instaltered' to 'RedirectionistBrushation Panel' from '(Default destination of user merge module)'. This allows me to set the files of the merge module in the same path as the installer is in the main installer, but if I change the destination during the run time (via custom action or the Destination folder dialog) only The main installer files are installed for the desired route. I'm using System Search to get the path from the registry and stor...

SQL Linked Server Named pipes provider - error 5 -

I have SQL Server 2012 installed on a machine. I have been successfully using the linked machine from another machine, however, when I tried to connect from the same machine to another machine which is on the same network, I got the following error: Please note that I have checked That I can assess SQL Server from SQL Server Management Studio, but if I try to use Linked Server I would like TCP The Nc, enabled named pipe. Any suggestions Error : Named Pipes Provider: Connection to SQL Server can not be opened [5]. OLE DB Provider "SQLNCLI11" returned the "Login Timeout Expiration" message for the linked server "MAL_SQL". The OLE DB Provider "SQLNCLI11" for the linked server "MAL_SQL" has generated a message "related to a network or instance-specific error when installing the connection on the SQL server. The server is not found or is not accessible. The example name is correct and if SQL Server is configured for remote con...

flash - Adobe AIR: Maximum Stage Size for fullscreen App -

for a kiosk app that is going to run on high resolution display (4k + in horizontal resolution) We consider Adobe Air are doing. I can not find any information about whether AIR can present this resolution in this way whether or not the maximum for the stage size. The application is running on OSX Fullscreen on the second monitor. Is any of the maximum information available on the screen available or does anyone have the experience of working with high-resolution in AIR / Flash? Unfortunately we can not test because we do not have access to such hardware at this time. from one: 16,777,215 pixels bitmap in Flash Player 10 The limit is in which the largest square is 40 9 05 x 40 9. ... Interestingly, if I use the 2400 X600 video and doubles the scale on the runtime in AIR, it runs well - therefore AIR is capable of updati ng screen area A says that in Flash CS6 you can assign steps to grow as 8192x8192. Also see

How do i map a HBase column with no qualifier in Hive? -

I want to map my Hibiz table to hive, which I found: Create stored external table kutschke.bda01.twitter SERDEPROPERTIES ( '' org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler with hbase.columns' (BIGINT, userId BIGINT, text string, creationTime sTRING, isRetweet Boolean, retweetId BIGINT rowkey ). mapping "=" key, user ID, text, time: CreatedAt, Reply: IsRetweet, Reply: retweetId 'TBLPROPERTIES (' '=' kutschke.bda01.twitter ' However, the 'text:' column does not map properly I got an exception instead: The file is being initialized using the configuration: / etc / hive / conf.dist / failed hive- execution error return code 1 org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask java.lang.RuntimeException :. MetaException (message: org.apache.hadoop. Hive.serde2.SerDeException org.apache. Hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseSerDe: HBS column family 'Tech T' should be mapped to the map & lt;? Lazimimetic ...

javascript - unable to get parent reference in sencha touch when calling function is in html attribute -

I need to create a common method in the controller of the power touch so that other similar modules in the application can get those pieces . But now I'm stuck because I'm not seeing my solution (even after trying 100 times on Google) the thing is that the calling function is in the 'html' attribute, and now we have its original context In order to refer to all other siblings, take a look at the code below: & lt; Ext.form.IFieldSet & gt; {// This only shows if the existing data is under "Other Income": 'Field', Title: 'Other Income', Item ID: 'Other IncomeFest', // Instruction: '& lt; HR class = "different" /> ', Items: [& lt; Ext.field.ISelect & gt; {Xtype: 'selectfield', name: 'BorrowerPositionFirstSet', label: 'Borrower Position', Store: 'BorrowerPositionSelectorStore', // UsePicker: incorrect, disabled: true,}, & lt; Ext.field.ISelect & gt; {Xtyp...

php - Joomla downgrade from 2.5 to 1.5 - Blank Page -

I have just created a webpage using Joomla 2.5 and Vamp Server 2.5. I got a hosting plan from a company whose version is PHP: 5.1.6, so I realized that I was using a newer version of PHP and this could cause a problem (I Was working on this page) So I decided to downgrade Wamp5_1.7.4 because this is such a PHP version that may be compatible with my hosting company php. When I installed the new app and moved the files, then I had 2.5 db "new" db by Phpmyadmin. This is an error in the query, I googled it and after deciding that I am ready to import DB with no problems. So everything is fine, I decided to go to the local host and I have another error: more memory is needed, okay. In the investigation I found that I should edit the HTACAC or php.ini file with this: php_value memory_limit 64M and memory_limit = 16m respectfully And everything worked perfectly in my local host also added ini_set ('memory_limit', '32m'); To file my configuration I wen... mvc - JQuery Dropdown change action in MVC5 -

I have a dropdown with two options that I ask for my model list, to move this dropdown option Want to use two scenes Choice display is already a dropdown box if the data already exists. The second option displays a form to add a new record. This view is & lt; Div class = "row-fluid" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "control group offset 3" & gt; & Lt; Label = "text" class = "control-label" & gt; Select option & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Div class = "control" & gt; @ Html.DropDownListFor (model = & gt; model.ParentChoicesId, Model.ParentChoices, "- select the choice -", new {expected} "true", id = "choice", @class = "input-xlarge"} ) & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Hour / & gt; & Lt; Div id = "result" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "row-fluid" id = "newparent" & gt; & Lt; Div cla...

c# - Dependency Property on a usercontrol that is bound to another VM -

I have participated in the following problem: I am currently creating a screen keyboard which is a user control that has its own See MODEL. & lt; UserControl.DataContext & gt; & Lt; Binding source = "{static resource locator}" path = "alpha numeric keyboard" /> & Lt; /UserControl.DataContext> I am trying to add a dependency property named KeyboardAlphaMode which can be toggled by other consumer models which are using this user's control. Dependency for public static readingProperty keyboard alfamodippropy = dependency property Registration ("Keyboard alfalfa mode", typef (UIKeyboardAlphaMode), typef (alphaumeric codebirdview), new frameworkpromartymatata (UIKeyboardAlphaMode.LowerCase, new property changelogblockback (keyboard alfamidecrollback)); Private static zero keyboard alpha modalback (dependent object D, dependency property conflict event ARG E) {...} But, when I try to bind this property to another view ...

DB Performance - Left outer join over database funtion -

This is a slightly complex query in which many records are found with multiple data fields and are re-written The first set of tables (already implemented queries): Select,, D.Edress, M. Solaris, M.AG, A ?? | A? | | Manager manager, department d, a ?? | .. ATC Johns â ?? | .. Let a young man have zero or more employees. Let's say that I need to list all the employee names for each manager. The result of the first set of tables with the manager who does not have any employee (which means that the manager Should list the first set of tables). So i have to use an employee ???? Table tables through party (may contain some more tables). Second group of tables (to be newly connected): This means that one or more employees are included with ???? , "Party" and a ?? | .. ATC I have two approaches to this. Left external joins with the first set of tables in the second group of tables. Create a user define the function in the DB level (UDF) for ... mvc - Conditionally disable textbox in Razor view -

यह एक त्वरित प्रश्न है। @ एचटीएमएल। टेक्स्टबॉक्स (मॉडल = & gt; मॉडल VIN, string.IsNullOrEmpty (Model.VIN)? नया {@class = "आवश्यक विन"}: नया {@disabled = "disabled"}) मुझे उस प्रकार की त्रुटि मिलती है अभिव्यक्ति का निर्धारण नहीं किया जा सकता क्योंकि कोई निहित रूपांतरण अनाम प्रकार # 1 और अनाम प्रकार # 2 नहीं है। क्या सशर्त पाठ बॉक्स को अक्षम करने का कोई तरीका है? ) नया {@class = "आवश्यक विन"}: (वस्तु) नया {अक्षम = "अक्षम"})

opengl es - WebGL copy texture framebuffer to texture framebuffer? -

I am trying to copy a textured framebuffer to another in WebGL, and so far it is just a black screen gives. I'm able to render in texture framebuffers without problems. Here is the code that I thought would work (it currently works on iOS): // bind source Fbo current fbo glGetIntegerv (GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, Amp; current_fbo); GlobindFramebuffer (GLFFAMFFER, src_framebuffer); // Setup Source fbo attachment glFramebufferTextxture2D (GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, src_handle, 0); // glReadBuffer (GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0); & Lt; - Commented because it is not available in WebGL / bind destination fbo glActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + i); GlobIndacts (dist_tags, dist_indle); // Copy glocopyTexImage2D from source to source (dest_target, 0, dest_format, 0, 0, dest_width, dest_height, 0); // set back original fbo / / glReadBuffer (GL_NONE); Globind FrameBuffer (GL_FamBuffer, current_fbo); WebGL does not support glReadbuffer, so I can not specify it, though ...

Access SQL selecting multiple columns from linked tables -

मेरे पास दो टेबल हैं तालिका ए: प्रथम_नाम अंतिम_नाम स्कोर जू जाोजो 100 जेक टिम 30 तालिका बी: नाम लंबाई Joo 3 जेक 4 जोजो 4 टिम 3 पी के लिए ए फाईर्स्ट और अंतिम नाम में शामिल है, बी पी के लिए नाम है। अगर मैं इस तरह से कुछ मुद्रित करना चाहता हूं: प्रथम_नाम अंतिम_नाम स्कोर प्रथम_नाम_लांब्टाई अंतिम_नाम_लाँग मुझे निम्न कोड से कैसे तय करना चाहिए: चुनें ए। *, बी से लैम्प्लेमेंट ए, बी कहां ए। फर्स्ट_नाम = बी .नाम या ए। एलस्ट_नाम = बी। नोम; धन्यवाद। अपडेट: मैंने नीचे दिए गए प्रश्न से थोड़े बदलाव के साथ @पीकोोगेमेज़ को हल किया है। उपयोग में, डबल इनर के साथ, एक का उपयोग करना चाहिए (), कृपया इस पोस्ट की जांच करें। आपकी मदद के लिए आप सभी को धन्यवाद। दो बार अपने नाम की मेज पर जुड़ें यह पूरा करेगा: first_name के रूप में चुनें, अंतिम 2 नाम के रूप में, स्कोर के रूप में a.score, b1.length के रूप में first_name_length, b2.length से अंतिम_नाम_लांबिथ जैसा कि a.first_name = पर बी 1 के रूप में) a.Last_name = के रूप में बी 2 के रूप में भी...

c# - Error message for Index data annotation in EF -

Hello I am using the unit framework 6.1.1 which supports the index data annotation feature in it. I have a field defined in my unit class: [index ("score index", isunik = true)] public at score {get; Set; } This is working fine, however, when the score is not unique then I am trying to find out how to display a message. Right now it just throws an exception. but it is not [index ("scoreIndex", isUnique = true, ErrorMessage = "score should be unique"]] The error message for this index annotation class is defined. Can you please tell me how to handle the exception message so that it can handle it satisfactorily? index entry is not a validation feature, and this is the reason for the error message And does not have an IsValid () method that is valid against a range of valid values. This means that it did not valid like the specific validation attributes (required, maxlength etc.) The IsUnique attribute is used only during a table...

C++ - Define member function outside template-class but in header -

I have defined a simple class-template with a one-man function. It is defined outside of the classroom with an extra (obvious) specialization, which is also defined outside the classroom. In all the header files, if you include this header in many translation units, then you get a linker error due to one-definition rule. // Heading with a Template Template & lt; Class T & gt; Class test class {public: test class () {}; ~ Test class () {}; Boole member function (); }; Template & lt; Class T & gt; Bull Test Class & lt; T & gt; :: member function () {back true; } Template & lt; & Gt; Bull Test Class & lt; Double & gt; :: member function () {back true; }; Everything is alright so far but if I put the definition of member function inside the class body, the linker error disappears and the function can be used in various translation units. . // Heading with a Template Template & lt; Class T & gt; Class test class {public: test clas...

How can I map iOS or android appID to facebook appID? -

Creating an advertisement for the purpose of Facebook advertising API "mobile_app_install" requires an FB update. Is there a way to map iOS apps or Android apps to Facebook apps or is there a way to create such ads without the Facebook app? This is technically required to run ads on your mobile app (App Store or Google Play) It is possible that you need to set up a Facebook app in the form of link ads - where you want people to click links, there is a direct link in the app store, however, the question is why do you want to do this?

coldfusion - Database entry cfqueryparam dynamic session variable value -

आप गतिशील चर के लिए एक cfqueryparam कैसे बनाते हैं? & lt; cfset ["firstname_ # # #"] = मैं इस तरह से कुछ के लिए मूल्य कैसे लिख सकता हूं प्रपत्र [ "firstname_ # # जोड़ें"] & gt; & Lt; cfset ["middlename_ # जोड़ें #"] = फ़ॉर्म ["मिडलेनमा_ # जोड़ें #"] & gt; & Lt; cfset ["lastname_ # जोड़ें #"] = फ़ॉर्म ["lastname_ # जोड़ें #"] & gt; डेटाबेस प्रविष्टि: & lt; cfquery डेटा स्रोत = "टाइटलबाईबल" नाम = "सम्मिलित करें" & gt; (प्रथम नाम, मिडलनाम, अंतिम नाम) मूल्य (& lt; cfqueryparam मान = "# #" cfsqltype = "CF_SQL_VARCHAR" & gt; & lt; cfqueryparam मान = "# # "Cfsqltype =" CF_SQL_VARCHAR "& gt ;, & lt; cfqueryparam मान =" # # "cfsqltype ="...

java - getter setter for Hashmap using generics -

मेरे पास निम्न दो वर्ग हैं पशु वर्ग वर्ग पशु {मानचित्र & lt; स्ट्रिंग, ए & gt; डेटा = नया हैशमैप & lt; स्ट्रिंग, ए & gt; (); सार्वजनिक शून्य सेट वैल्यू (हैशमैप & lt; स्ट्रिंग,? & Gt; val) { = val; } सार्वजनिक मानचित्र getValue () {; }} कुत्ता वर्ग वर्ग कुत्ते का विस्तार करता है पशु {सार्वजनिक शून्य सूचकांक} {मानचित्र & lt; स्ट्रिंग, ए & gt; नक्शा = नया हैशमैप & lt; स्ट्रिंग, ए & gt; (); Map.put ("नाम", "टॉमी"); Map.put ("favfood", "दूध"); // सूची देना चाहता है, इंटीजर्स भी सेट वैल्यू (मैप); }} जैसा कि आप उपरोक्त कोड से देख सकते हैं मैं अनुक्रमणिका विधि में कुछ मान सेट करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, लेकिन मुझे गलती से त्रुटि चेतावनियां मिल रही हैं दोनों दो फाइलें त्रुटि संदेश हैं: डॉग क्लास फ़ाइल में: इस रेखा पर एकाधिक मार्कर - ए को एक प्रकार से हल नहीं किया जा सकता - ए को एक प्रकार के समाधान नहीं किया जा सकता पशु वर्ग फ़ाइल में: इस रेखा पर एकाधिक मार्कर - ए को ए...

Apigee target endpoint timeout -

Is there a way to check target endpoint timeout in post flow? In fact, I want my API to respond with a specific message, if the goal endpoint does not respond to a specific period. Thank you, You want to take a look at; It has got a selection of details, which you can use to configure timeout. Specifically, in your case, you want to set connect.timeout.millis to be appropriate, your DefaultFaultHandler You can read the error for more information about the customization.

php - mustache: insert a string literal into a template filter -

I would like to do the following (this is a template given by a PHP mustache version): & lt; H1 & gt; {{Hello | My_filter}} & lt; / H1> Where Hello is a verb string, not a variable name. How can I do this? Finally I did the following: & lt; H1 & gt; {{# My_filter}} Hello {{/ my_filter}} & lt; / H1>

Change css of iframe using jquery not working (same domain) -

I saw tons of examples and examined how you can manipulate iframe content from parents It is trying for itself I can not get it to work - neither my test environment (which is on the same domain and url) nor jsfiddle: What is I doing wrong here? All you need to do is just change the code a little bit. Use the prepared () method instead of the load () method $ ('iframe # frame'). Ready (work () ($ ('iframe # frame'). Content (). ("Head") enclosed ($ ("style = type = 'text / css'' body {display}: none ;} & Lt; / style & gt; "));}); I've closed your JSField, you can see the demo

java - How to access array boolean value -- array required, but Object found -

I'm having trouble reaching an array Boolean value such as the following ... boolean [] [] sub = new boolean [] []; Object [] record = new object []; Record [0] = all; If (record [0] [0] [1] == false) {// do something} When I set a clock, then I get the type of bullion and the false value The I compiler gives an error of the required array, but the object is found. The record is [] array type object, but inside each code it contains the boolean [] [] array I have tried casting but it is not working Is (i.e. (boolean) record [0] [0] [1] ). Does anyone think about using boolean values? If has every element of the record boolean Casting should be done on the first access to the that array: if ((((boolean [] []] [[record [0])) [0] [1] == incorrect) {// do something} Or better yet, false , evaluate array contents: if (! ((Boolean [] []) (record [0])) [0] [1]) {// do something}

java - ANTLR4 Rule for one or more options *in order* -

I have found a rule for matching the time period specified in the rule, time, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds . For example: For 2 months, 3 months, 5 days For example: 17 seconds but not: 1 day, 1 month 5 minutes, 2 hours My current rule is: Duration: year = months of the year (LIST_DELIM months = unity months)? (LIST_DELIM days = integral days)? (LIST_DELIM hours = integral hours)? (LIST_DELIM minutes = INTEGER minutes)? (LIST_DELIM seconds = INTEGER seconds)? | Months = only one month (LIST_DELIM days = integral days)? (LIST_DELIM hours = integral hours)? (LIST_DELIM minutes = INTEGER minutes)? (LIST_DELIM seconds = INTEGER seconds)? | Day = Integer Day (LIST_DELIM hours = impermeable hours)? (LIST_DELIM minutes = INTEGER minutes)? (LIST_DELIM seconds = INTEGER seconds)? | Hours = integer hours (LIST_DELIM minutes = INTEGER minutes)? (LIST_DELIM seconds = INTEGER seconds)? | Min = INTEGER MINUTES (LIST_DELIM seconds = INTEGER SECONDS)? | Second =...

AngularJS: ngTable with json data: filtering and sorting does not work -

I am trying to populate data from a REST webservice in the table using ngTable. Data are being shown, but they are neither fit nor filterable. Filtering always gives blank list. Here is a link to the API that I am referring to: JS: $ Scope.dataInstances = []; $ Scope.getDataInstances = function () {$ http ({method: 'GET', url: '/ rest / v1 / data / instances', header: {"authorization": "Basic" + btoa ("USERNAME" + " : "+" PASSWORD ")}}}. Svitt (function (data, position) {$ scope.dataInstances = data; $ scope.tableParams.reload (); // just some logging console.log (JSON.stringify (data) Terror (function (data, position) {alert ("error:" + status);});} $ $ scope.tableParams = new ngTableParams ({pages: 1, // show first page count: 10, // filter count per page: {}, sorting: {date: 'ASC' / / initial sorting}}, {total: $ scope.dataInstances.length, // data length getData: function ($ defer, para...

Signed Java web start application with Glassfish 4.1 and Java7 -

I'm trying to run a web start application with GlassFish 4.1, localized JDK 1.7 update 51 and I'm " The "faced security settings" message blocked by the application. Here I tried to do this: 1. The exception was added to the site list in the Java Control Panel. Also try and 2. Keystore of Glassfish. The s1as key was exported from JAX and Imported into JRE concerts: $ keytool -exportcert -keystore keystore.jks -alias s1as -file server .csr $ keytool -importcert -keystore jre / lib / security / cacerts -alias s1as -file server.csr I could sign jars with the s1as key, but jawaws still complain. JNLP automatically generated by Glassfish using settings from our Sun-application-client.xml Is done Appreciate any help on how to get this error. Hsas that if I use JR 7 Update 21 in favor of the client, but I would like to try again later with Java 8 so it can not live on Java 7. If it matters, then I am using Ubuntu. I have repeated your problem and ha...

parcelable - How to marshal/unmarshal ContentValues to insert generic type into ContentProvider? -

I want to put a general POO in ContentValues ​​and open it within ContentProvider. I am finishing my little brain again: Inserting Parasabal, Content Value, and SQLite: I have added Android I am trying. Location in SQLite via ContentProvider: location loc = mLocationClient.getLastLocation (); MyParcel = android.os.Parcel.obtain (); Loc.writeToParcel (myParcel, 0); Content value = content value Crater. Secret Parsel (myParcel); Question 1) This is my ContentProvider.insert method: Insert the public URI @Override (last Uri Uri, the value of the final content values) { SQLiteDatabase db = Mydatabase.getWritableDatabase (); //db.insert () What values ​​do not disagree ?? Db.insert (myTABLE_NAME, a ???? one ????, value); Ure result = null; Db.close (); Return result; } This fails because db.insert () does not disagree values ​​(I believe) and error entering android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: myTABLE_NAME () in VALUES (NULL) ) Question 2) Is there any way I can add...

sql - Data missing from create view query in mySQL -

I am using it to create a view of a query in mySQL: Create SELECT `innovation_name`,` link`, `range`,` navigate_db` from `brief_details`,` category` = "service" make it a view with everyone Ends the right column, but there is no data if I just run the query without making the scene, it displays all the correct data. What am I doing wrong here? Thanks for any advice. you need to run again SEms_selected from SELECT * to retrieve the data.

ios - Why an I getting "Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[UIImageView _isResizable]: unrecognized selector" -

My UIImageView is linked to a TableViewCell as you can see above (My reputation is very low Post images, so I had to upload it to Tinpec). The cell code for this image is here: #import & lt; UIKit / UIKit.h & gt; @ Interface excitadotaside menu menu: UITTEWewsell Property (strong, notatomic) IBotllet UIIMviewview * image; @property (strong, non-monotic) IBOutlet UILabel * label; After that, specify the image that I receive: - (ExtratoDeNotasSideMenuTableViewCell *) tableView: (UITableView *) tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath: ( NSIndexPath *) indexPath {ExtratoDeNotasSideMenuTableViewCell * cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: @ "ExtratoDeNotasSideMenuTableViewCell" forIndexPath: indexPath]; // Configure cell ... cell.image.image = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "Icone_SideBar.png"]; Cell.label.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% @", [Self.Menitanens ObjectAttand:]]; Return cell; } But this does not work, the...

java - anonymous class extending an abstract class -

I'm looking to schedule a task at a specified time in startTime , and when it Time comes, I want to run it on a method rrun (boolean param 1, object oboj) . rrun () is a method in the class, say SomeClass . And, within some class , I have a method m1 () , which it does as part of its code: / P> Timer start timer = new timer (); StartTimer.schedule {New timer Task (public) run from zero (cry (wrong, this);}}, starttime); To do this, get me the error Incompatible type: & lt; anonymous timer task & gt; can not be converted to some class What am I doing in Wrong? TIA // ============================== = Edit: I am using JDK8 - the latest one anonymous anonymous Inside the square, is a reference to this current timer task , not in the unknown class, not the enclosed class. For, this : public zero run (crying (wrong, some class.);}

c++ - std::thread and std::mutex issue -

I have a global buffer (uint8_t data buffer []) which is continuously updating a Bluetooth communication thread at any time mine The main program thread can access this data buffer. The question is how do I stop the main thread from reaching buffer, while the other thread is updating it and vice versa? Right now my Bluetooth lock mute locks (around buffer updates). I have another Mutex lock () and unlock () also in my main thread when I'm accessing the data but it does not work properly. For some reason, I get many checksum errors, which I'm sure is that I come in the form of a threading issue because I have another single threaded test app, which is very easy to communicate with the same device without any fault Used to be. What do I do in my communication thread: uint8_t dbuf [14]; While (1) {if (run!) Brakes; // Read the data ... // mtx1.lock (); Memcopy (Databaffer, DBFF, 14); Mtx1.unlock (); } And I have something like this in my main thread: mtx2.lock ();...

ios - Accessing Visible UICollectionReusableViews When Scrolling -

I'm trying to get a modify UICollectionView a UICollectionViewFlowLayout supports a vertical impact on the scroll using I'm able to do some of the UICollectionViewCells like: - (void ) ScrollViewDidScroll: (UIScrollView *) mainScrollView {CGPoint offset = [mainScrollView contentOffset]; In the (UIView * Cell [self.mainCollectionView visibleCells]) if ([cell conformsToProtocol: @protocol (KSParallaxCell)]) [(parallaxInScrollView (UIView & LT; GSParallaxCell & gt; *) cell): mainScrollView Tox: offset.x Toy: Offset. Y]; A} It is possible to iterate over the supplementary ideas ( UICollectionElementKindSectionHeader and UICollectionElementKindSectionFooter ) that they checked the same parallax representatives support for? Instead of forgetting to clear check call looping cells appear through the subviews: - (zero) scrollViewDidScroll: (UIScrollView *) mainScrollView {CGPoint offset = [mainScrollView contentOffset]; For (UIView * cell self.mainColl...

MVC4 Razr throws error on AngularJS email regex pattern -

In my MVC4 view, I'm able to validate my form fields using AngularJS. Everything works great except for email verification. I am using AngularJS v1.2.26 within the MVC4 project. Here I am using the ridge pattern. ng-pattern = "/ ^ [_ a-z0- 9] + (\. [_A-z0-9] +) * @ [a-z0-9 -] + (\ [One- Z0- 9 -]. +) * (\ [Az] {2,4}.) $ / " . My problem is that in the browser I get a runtime error when the razor hits the '@' symbol in the ragex pattern and blows the page. Any help would be great. Thanks! @ razor syntax has a special symbol to use it on page Just use a double @@ like this: ng-pattern = "/ ^ [_ a-z0-9] + (\. [ _a-Z0-9] +) * @@ [one-Z0-9 -] (\ [one-z0-9 -] .. +) * (\ [az] {2,4}) $ / "

perl assign string on multiple lines -

I want to be able to specify the combination of multiple strings in one variable. I 'looking for something like this: $ variable = 123 $ string = "hello" + "this" + $ variable + "string" is; Is it possible to do something with these lines in Perl? from: additive operators Binary + returns the sum of two numbers. Binary - gives the difference of two numbers. Binary . aligns two stars. Therefore, you need to combine a string: $ string = "Hello" "This is a". $ Variable "string";