ios - Accessing Visible UICollectionReusableViews When Scrolling -
I'm trying to get a It is possible to iterate over the supplementary ideas ( Instead of forgetting to clear check call looping cells appear through the subviews: modify UICollectionView a
UICollectionViewFlowLayout supports a vertical impact on the scroll using I'm able to do some of the
UICollectionViewCells like:
- (void ) ScrollViewDidScroll: (UIScrollView *) mainScrollView {CGPoint offset = [mainScrollView contentOffset]; In the (UIView * Cell [self.mainCollectionView visibleCells]) if ([cell conformsToProtocol: @protocol (KSParallaxCell)]) [(parallaxInScrollView (UIView & LT; GSParallaxCell & gt; *) cell): mainScrollView Tox: offset.x Toy: Offset. Y]; A}
UICollectionElementKindSectionHeader and
UICollectionElementKindSectionFooter ) that they checked the same parallax representatives support for?
- (zero) scrollViewDidScroll: (UIScrollView *) mainScrollView {CGPoint offset = [mainScrollView contentOffset]; For (UIView * cell self.mainCollectionView.subviews) if ([cell conformsToProtocol: @protocol (KSParallaxCell)]) [((UIView & LT; GSParallaxCell & gt; *) cell) parallaxInScrollView: mainScrollView Tox: offset.x toy : Offset.y]; }
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