Java addWindowListener syntax error -
I'm looking for Google in the morning and this website, but I really do not know what I'm doing wrong. I have created a class (walboard) and I am trying to call it, but when it is compiled, there are errors on "add-window listener".
This is the error that I get:
Error: The constructor wallboard version can not be applied to the type of wallboard given; AddWindowListener (new wardboard (this)); ^ Required: No argument found: The reason for the wallboard: The actual and formal logic lists vary in length And this is the code:
Public class Runabout extends to the Walboard JFrame {JLabel WbText; Applies; Thread t = null; String [] textLine = new string [4]; Public wallboard () {setUndecorated (true); SetExtendedState (6); . GetContentPane () setBackground (Color.BLACK); GetContentPane () SetCursor (Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit (). CreateCustomCursor (new BufferedImage (16, 16, 2), new point (0, 0), blank)); SetVisible (true); This.WbText = new JLabel ("0123456789012345", 0); This.WbText.setFont (new font ("Monospaced", 1, getWidth () * 18/160)); This.WbText.setHorizontalTextPosition (0); This.WbText.setVerticalTextPosition (0); Add (this.WbText); AddWindowListener (new wardboard (this)); This.t = new thread (this); This.t.start (); } Can anyone help me? What am i doing wrong
Many thanks for your input.
It looks like your constructor does not have any logic:
Public Wallboard () {setUndecorated (true); SetExtendedState (6); ... and then try calling it using this code as this asn logic: addWindowListener (new Wardboard (it)); inside the new wallboard (this) addWindowsListener () instead of WindowListener apply something else Should>. Try it instead: addWindowListener (new windolister () {});
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