Signed Java web start application with Glassfish 4.1 and Java7 -

I'm trying to run a web start application with GlassFish 4.1, localized JDK 1.7 update 51 and I'm " The "faced security settings" message blocked by the application.

Here I tried to do this:
1. The exception was added to the site list in the Java Control Panel. Also try and < / P>

2. Keystore of Glassfish. The s1as key was exported from JAX and Imported into JRE concerts: $ keytool -exportcert -keystore keystore.jks -alias s1as -file server .csr $ keytool -importcert -keystore jre / lib / security / cacerts -alias s1as -file server.csr < / Code>

I could sign jars with the s1as key, but jawaws still complain. JNLP automatically generated by Glassfish using settings from our Sun-application-client.xml Is done

Appreciate any help on how to get this error. Hsas that if I use JR 7 Update 21 in favor of the client, but I would like to try again later with Java 8 so it can not live on Java 7. If it matters, then I am using Ubuntu.

I have repeated your problem and have an alternate solution.

It seems that the problem is automatically related to glassfish 4.1. Generate JNLP file and new Java security jdk 1.7 u 25 or later versions.

If you install your Java Web Start application on Java 1.7.0_21 or earlier, the first distribution will start by using javaws.

I have simplified this problem using Netbeans 8.0.2, Java 1.8_31 and GF 4.1. I have created a Java EE "Enterprise Application Client" with no code changes and deploy it and you can not run it from the glassfish console nor any javaws of 7.1 j25 or later. However, if you use javaws 7.1 u21 or earlier from the command line, then it will start. Interesting, the application is running in a Java 1.8 u31 environment.

There should be a bug in the glassfish.


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