How do i map a HBase column with no qualifier in Hive? -

I want to map my Hibiz table to hive, which I found:

 < code> Create stored external table kutschke.bda01.twitter SERDEPROPERTIES ( '' org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler with hbase.columns' (BIGINT, userId BIGINT, text string, creationTime sTRING, isRetweet Boolean, retweetId BIGINT rowkey ). mapping "=" key, user ID, text, time: CreatedAt, Reply: IsRetweet, Reply: retweetId 'TBLPROPERTIES (' '=' kutschke.bda01.twitter ' < / Pre> 

However, the 'text:' column does not map properly I got an exception instead:

  The file is being initialized using the configuration: / etc / hive / conf.dist / failed hive- execution error return code 1 org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask java.lang.RuntimeException :. MetaException (message: org.apache.hadoop. Hive.serde2.SerDeException org.apache. Hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseSerDe: HBS column family 'Tech T' should be mapped to the map & lt;? Lazimimetic & lt;?,? & Gt;,? & Gt; It is important for the map, but should be of the earliest type)   

I think I think the reason behind the entire column family to map the map, But is there any way to map the column correctly with empty qualifiers? If not, how should I go about mapping the column family to the map, and how do I actually get the columns I want?

This can be done by typing the hive column as the hive country map type, like this: < / p>

  table hbase_table_1 (value Create Map & lt; string, SERDEPROPERTIES with integer & gt;, was bought by row_key int) 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler' ( " Hbase.columns.mapping "=" cf:,: "key"); The output of the CF mapped to the field will be presented as Jason String.   

More info here:


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