
Showing posts from April, 2013

java - No sources in project. Archive not created -

I use maven-source-plugin to generate Java-source though "MVN Clean; MVAn Package" target Does not generate a project-source.zer in the directory. & lt; Plugin & gt; & Lt; Group & gt; Org.apache.maven.plugins & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; Maven source-plugin & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Version & gt; 2.3 & lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; Hanging & gt; & Lt; Execution & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; Giving-sources & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Goals & gt; & Lt; Goal & gt; Jar-no-fork & lt; / Target & gt; & Lt; / Targets & gt; & Lt; / Execution & gt; & Lt; / Hanging & gt; & Lt; / Plugin & gt; info: [info] --- Maven-compiler plugin: 2.5.1: testCompile (default-testCompile) @ weibo4j --- [ INFO] No source to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- Maven-surefire-plugin: 2.12.4: No test for running (default-trial) @ weibo4j --- [INFO]. [Information] [info...

JBPM execute task multiple times -

In my process, I need to allow a user to perform the same task (with different parameters) several times is. The TaskService class is showing that I see that the method is completely. The task was set to complete the whole system and the user can not execute it again. Is that the solution? Thank you! A task can be executed only once, however, your process will be performed on a single task (node) Many times, may allow triggering, for example, use an intermediate signal start event for your work, where the task will be triggered based on the data sent along with the signal. The process may allow the same function to be recovered several times (for example during a certain stage of the process).

node.js - Invalid XSD schema using libxmljs with nodejs -

I posted a problem on the libxmljs repository and it has been closed because they think that someone at this level The problem is not Lib's, so I post it here. I am trying to validate an XLIFF file with the XML schema provided by the OASIS, but I get an error with XSD. Error: Request._callback (/Users/fluxb0x/Tests/xliff_parser/main.js at Document.validate (/ Users / fluxb0x / test / xliff_parser / node_modules / libxmljs / lib / document. Js: 73: 17) Invalid invalid XSD schema: 25:21 at Request.emit) (events.self.callback (/Users/fluxb0x/Tests/xliff_parser/node_modules/request/request.js:19922) (events. Js: 98: 17) On request. At IncomingMessage (20: 117 events.js) at Request.emit (/Users/fluxb0x/Tests/xliff_parser/node_modules/request/request.js/11604). At IncomingMessage.emit (/Users/fluxb0x/Tests/xliff_parser/node_modules/request/request.js:111:12) (events.js: 117: 20) at _stream_readable.js: 938: 16 process._tickCallback (on node. JS: 41 9: 13) I used the Oxygen XM...

Json data to MySQL using PHP -

I'm new to Jason and PHP this is sample, but I keep using PHP using PHP With this code, I can not input the JSON data to JSN Data as "JSON data" and input the JSON Data Input ["@Contact": "DFG2"]. MySQL, like "Empid": "M01AH"], ["name": "Ricky Jones"], could put these values ​​in MySQL using PHP, The question is how can Are I using ["@context": "dfg2"] using PHP in MYSQL? I know that it is not good to use @ in PHP scripts. $ json_obj = '{"empid": "mhh", "personal": {"name" : "Ricky Jones", "Gender": "Male"}, "Profile": {"Designation": "VP", "Department": "Marketing", "@context": "dfg2"}} '; // If I put ["@context" in: "dfg2"] I can put data in MYSQL / data / convert to stdclass object $ emp_data = json_decode ($ json_ob...

symfony - UniqueEntity Validation on Column+ManyToOne Relationship -

I tried to create a multi-column unique verification barrier, but it will not work. Here's my model: UserInterface * / class * user * * @ORM \ unit * @UniqueEntity ({"webinar", "email"}) * / class user, \ Serializable {... / ** * @var string * * @ORM \ column (name = "email", type = "string", length = 255) * @Assert \ NotBlank () * @Assert \ email () * @Assert \ Length (max = "255") * / Private $ Email; ... / ** * @ORM \ ManyToOne (targetEntity = "Wefra \ ADHSWebinarBundle \ unit \ webinar", inversedBy = "registeredUsers") * @ORM \ JoinColumn (name = "webinar_id", referencedColumnName = "ID") * / Private $ webinar; ...} Whatever is happening, even if there is no error matching the verification in both the columns. e.g. User1 tries to register with the same data without causing an error to the email and webinar_id 6 and user2 verification. I post using "...

sql - SUM of attributes across different ables and JOIN -

I am currently learning SQL and have the following problems. Suppose I have two very large tables, table one name CNT A1B2 table B. name CNT A2C5 Now I want to join two tables and add CNT. The name is same Results Name CNT A3B2C5 Can anybody help to provide some hints on a good way to go? select NAME, from SUM (CNT) (select NAME, from CNT to TABLE_A UNION Select all names, CNT to TABLE_B ) TAB Group by NAME;

set rails console stack backtrace limit permanently -

रेल कंसोल डिफ़ॉल्ट context.back_trace_limit = 16 के साथ बूट करता है, जो आपको केवल context.back_trace_limit = n टाइप करके कुछ भी बदल सकता है। आपको समस्या यह है कि जब भी आप रेल c बूट करते हैं तो आप इसे टाइप करना पड़ता है स्थायी रूप से मैं context.back_trace_limit को कहां बदल सकता हूं? रेल पर कुछ और पढ़ना कंसोल कॉन्फ़िगरेशन की सराहना की गई है। आपको अपना ~ / .irbrc निम्नलिखित के साथ: IRB.conf [: BACK_TRACE_LIMIT] = 20 ध्यान में रखा जाना: विकल्प अपरकेस होना चाहिए यह विकल्प न केवल रेल कंसोल बदल रहा है, लेकिन सामान्य "irb" व्यवहार (रेल कंसोल चलाने के लिए irb का उपयोग करता है) यह सेटिंग वैश्विक है, और प्रति परियोजना नहीं संदर्भ रेल 5 के लिए अद्यतन रेल 5 कमान context.back_trace_limit = 20 असफल हो जायेगा। कन्सोल में आपको मौजूदा सत्र के लिए conf.back_trace_limit = 10 कमांड का उपयोग करना होगा। P> आप conf पर कॉल करके वर्तमान सेटिंग्स देख सकते हैं

.net - C# - Passing Delegate as a parameter to a method -

I am trying to get acquainted with the concept of delegates in C #. I have created this console application so far: Program.cs using the system; Namespace Delegatesest {Class Program {Static Wide Men (String [] AGRs) {Arithmetic Operation. Arrow Deedal Acquired, New Arithmetic Operation. Arop Dale (Arthmetic Operation. Addition); Console.light line (Arithmetic Operation. Convert ResultTostring (Extra Delegate (10, 5)); Console.ReadKey (); }}} Arithmetic operations.cs using the system; Namespace Delegates Test {Public Static Class Arithmetic Operation {Public Deliveries Aropadale (Int X, Int Y); Public Stable String Convert ResultTostring (AropDL Dell) {String result = string.format ("{0} is the result of the operation {1}", Dell method .name, Dell.tostring ()); Return result; } Public static integration (int x, int y) {return x + y; } Substitution of public fixed integer (int x, int y) {return x - y; } Public constant int multiplication (int x, int y) {retu...

VB.NET Class method handles paint event -

How do I use clause handles in my class method? For example, I want to create a picture with the code at PictureBox 1: Public Class Cell Public All Drawel () Handles Photo Box 1 Paint Code & Sub End Class I have an error: handles section requires an athletic variable defined in one type or its base types. How can I do this without using Private SubPicturebox 1_Paint (by-send as an object, same as the system and the system As .windows.form.pententajrgs) handles PictureBox1. Color ps sorry for bad english You can create your own routine to attract on your canvas. Options Strict Options Option Off-Off Public Class Form1 Personal Sub Button1_Click (as the object, as E EventArgs) Handle Button1.Click Blind Canvas New Bitmap (PictureBox1.Width, PictureBox1.Height) as clear on the dim canvasGraphics as Graphics = Graphics.FromImage (Canvas) Dim CellRect new rectangle (100, 100, 100, 100) as cell.draw (canvasGraphics, cellRect, Color.Red , New Pen (New SolidBr...

php - How do I add order & orderby parameters to this wordpress query? -

I used to paint myself in a corner while using this snippet, but how do I Can not manage query. Generally I can do this but the tag with this snippet does not include a tag on the page, can not I actually do any of this work? $ exclude_tags = array (17); Global $ wp_query; $ Wp_query- & gt; Set ('tag__not_in', $ Excluded_Tags); $ Wp_query- & gt; Get_posts (); If (is_pause ()): while (is_pause ()): the_post (); This example will help you complete: - $ args = array ('post_type' = & gt; 'post', 'meta_key' => 'pb_issue_featured', 'orderby' => 'meta_view', 'order' = & gt; , 'Posts_per_page' = '$ posts,' paged '= & gt; $ paged,' paged '=> 1,' meta_query '= & gt; array (array (' key '= & gt;' headline ' 'Value' = & gt; 1, 'compare' => '! ='))); Add_filter ('posts_orderby', 'filter_que...

c++ - Writing ITK (insight Toolkit) results to local buffer -

After implementing the ITK Filter Pipeline, how do I return a buffer to use the results (outside ITK)? / h3> Example Book 1: Chapter 4.1.7: "Importing Image Data from Buffers" " , and is also found in this example. This shows how anyone can wrap the ITK pointer around the C ++ array to use it using the ImportImageFilter object, however, this example then filtered results Uses the Writer object to be written in the file. How do I write filtered results into other C ++ arrays? Or how do I overwrite the array which I have used as input? In short, I have an application in which buffer ( localBuffer ) has an image in which I can follow the example code: [...] const bool filterOwnsBuffer = false; ImportFilter-> SetImportPointer (localBuffer, size [0] * size [1], filter ovensbuffer); Then I can use it in any ITP pipeline and update it at a certain level: [...] FilterType :: Pointer Filter = Filter Type :: New (); Filter-> Set input (import-fil...

java - Spring security and UserDetailsService -

I'm new to Spring Security and I try to apply a custom UserDetailsService for authentication I am doing What's the problem with me, that there is only one way in this interface loadUserByUsername (string user name) which takes the user name as a parameter only and gives UserDetails is. I was wondering why this method does not take any passwords in the form of parameters How did the Spring user succeed in certifying only the user name? I am new to Spring Safety and the authentication process is welcome in clarification and spring safety on AP. This is not the job of UserDetailsService to authenticate the user authentication provider . For example, DaoAuthenticationProvider simply uses the UserDetailsService to load the user by name and then confirms Take a look at the source code of DaoAuthenticationProvider so that it will know how that is correct, to know that against the user the user's name is the password attestation token . Behind the...

php - mysql_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, string given -

त्रुटि $ quant = mysql_result ($ मात्रा, 0) में है; $ मात्रा = ("SELECT product_qty_available उत्पाद से WHERE product_id = {$ _ POST ['id']}"); $ Quant = mysql_result ($ मात्रा, 0); यदि ($ quant & gt; $ _POST ['quant']) {गूंज "इनपुट मात्रा पार हो गई!"; } Else {exit; } ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि आप वास्तव में अपने डेटाबेस से पूछताछ नहीं कर रहे हैं। $ मात्रा = ("SELECT product_qty_available product WHERE product_id = {$ _ POST ['id']}"); होना चाहिए $ मात्रा = mysql_query ("SELECT product_qty_available उत्पाद से WHERE product_id = {$ _ POST ['id']}");

How to reset ISA13 (Interchange control number) in BizTalk 2006 -

I have been facing a problem in 2006's Bizzlet 2006. The problem is that I have to reset the ISA13 (Interchange Control Number). Unfortunately I only have a BizTalk 2010 available, so I'm not sure this functionality is already present in I BizTalk 2006/2006 R2. In BizTalk 2010 and 200 you have the option to reset ISA on the following party contract (see picture below). Do you have the same options in BizTalk 2006 R2 in one side settings?

jquery - store and duplicate input changing id x times -

Hi friends, I was the best way to overcome this: I have Input element within a hidden area div Get the input with id = 'upload_logo' on the page load, then generate the x amount of time and add it to the same div updating names and id each time. & lt; Div id = "hidden_fields" & gt; & Lt; Input type = 'hidden' class = 'hidden' name = 'upload_logo' id = 'upload_logo' value = 'filepath / filename.eps' / & gt; & Lt; / Div will generate: & lt; Div id = "hidden_fields" & gt; & Lt; Input type = 'hidden' class = 'hidden' name = 'upload_logo' id = 'upload_logo' value = 'filepath / filename.eps' / & gt; & Lt; Input class = "hidden" type = "hidden" id = "upload_logo_x" name = "upload_logo_x" value = "filepath / filename.eps" & gt; & Lt; Input class = "hidden...

Returning Device GUIDs and Bios ID, C++, Linux -

I am trying to write the function to return all the GUIDs of the devices connected to the machine, as well as returning the BIOS I am id How do I get it? I can only find ways to do this on a Windows machine, but not Linux. Linux does not assign a GUID for everything that hardware is identified by hardware-based means It is, e.g. USB and PCI tools are identified by vendor and device ID (and serial number). What data can you provide by browsing / sys ? I can also check the source of tools like lspci and lsusb to get an idea of ​​how to recover data from the program (i.e. / sys ). By the way, there is also a device called dmidecode , which works directly on DMI data.

PHP Global Variable throught pages -

I am using jquery during a php project, so all the pages dynamically load into the main page , I'm trying to create links only for a certain user, so if they go to the main page and add the URL, that is? Mode = 55rt67 It gets stored as a variable and can be checked in the entire app I am using below, but it does not work. Any suggestions? if (empty ($ _ GET)) {$ mode = "user"; } {Define ('$ mode', '($ _GET [' mode '])}} defined is used to declare constants, you want to use a variable, not one constant. Updated (session mode Use session to use): $ {$ _SESSION ['mode'] = "user";} and {$ _SESSION ['mode'] = $ _GET ['mode']: session_start on each page

android - Changing name of app in PlayStore -

I had an app called " abc def " in the playstore, and it should be found Now I am unpublishing this app, and now it is not found - so far, very good. I am now uploading a new app called " abc_def " (same name as above with the above name), and " abc_def " It can be found while searching for but now I have changed the name of the new app for "app DACT " and " ABC def " While searching, I can not find it, even while searching for " abc_def ", even if the app's name is already updated to PlayStore (not only in the Developer Console) Does Google take some time to refresh the search index, or did I do something wrong? You need to change the name of the app in both places: Google Play Developer Console and in the application already Compile APK and re-upload to Google Play Have you already done this?

Erlang epmd issues - RabbitMQ and Ejabberd on same host -

I used to run two ejabberd servers on one box with RabbitMQ server. However, some crashed and APMD shows what is happening: $ ./epmd-name EPMD: Up and data on ports 436 9: Name ejabberdjabberpl at the port 48654 Name ejabberd on port 55243 name rabbit_crypto port 25673 at name Rabbit port 38794 However, only ejabberdjabberpl is running - others are dead and they are on ports Not listening. Now, when I'm trying to start the conditional RabbitMQ server or other ejabberd server - they both say that ezbird or rabbit or rabbit_crypto Already exists node. I tried to delete the Stop - but it does not work: $ ./epmd -stop rabbit epmd: Local APMD has & lt; & Gt; How do you know that there is no rabbit now and no longer? The specific problem with Erlong-based applications is that something called 'cookie' is used to communicate with scripts to the scripts. And if someone accidentally removes this secret cookie, the script stops working. Try to m...

c# - Can't Read Registry Key -

Let the code given below, tap the string returns after all, though, if I use the regedit to see this key I am then data in it Is Log On OnSmauser a Restricted Key? public static string end logon () {string enduser; RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey (RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry64); Registry Registry = Registry. OpenSubby (@ "Software Microsoft Windows Onwards / Authentication \ LogonUI", false); If (registryKey! = Null) {enduser = (string) registry. Gate value ("Lastlogged Onuserver"); } And final = "unknown user"; Return (final); } 2 possible problems: you are Trying to read logon on user key, there is a lot of probability which means you will be LastLoggedOnSAMUser . If you have 32-bit registry entry 32-bit applications, change your platform target to x64 and try again. If not possible, then you may have to use the Registry API directly. Expect distance from a nudge in the right direction:

c# - LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Int32 ToInt32(System.String)' method -

I checked online for some answers, and I understood that I can not translate ToInt32 into T-SQL , And I need to use the running of my query, before the memory and then the conversion, but I do not know how to apply it in my example. I have a query below, and it shows me the error message written in the title: string [] parts = rvm.ZipCode.Split ('-'); Var list = result Orterby (B = & gt; (Convert .OIT 32 (Part [0]) - Convert.OINIT32 (B.Zip)). Take (5) .Ollist (); Where results is another query I applied earlier. How to solve any idea? You can try to do something like this: // It would be better if we change the conversion only once, then each Time we take an item from our collection. Nt value = convert toint32 (parts [0]); var list = results.AsEnumerable (). OderBy (z = & gt; Math.Ebus (value - convert toInt32 (z.Zip)). Take (5 ) .toList ();

ios - StringWithFormat "%.2ld" objc to swift -

I have a pickerView object in a fast project. I understand the code in Objective-C but I'm not sure How to implement it in swift Objc method - (NSInteger) pickerView: (UIPickerView *) pickerView numberoffs ows Ingestion: (NSInteger) component {switch (component) {case 0: // week return 7; Case 1: // hour return 24; Default: // min 60; // or 7; (10 10) or / or 13; (5 5)}} I'm not sure how to implement the Switch Statement for the Title ForRow function. Then the stringWithFormat: @ "% .2ld", (long) line is the problem. (NSString *) pickerView: (UIPickerView *) pickerView titleForRow: Earning for NSInteger: (NSInteger) Component {Switch (Component) {Case 0: // Week Return _DayFewike [ Line]; Case 1: // hour return [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% .2ld", (long) line]; Default: // minutes back [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% .2ld", (long) line]; // or, line * 10] // or, line * 5]}} Can anyone help me out? Greetings, Dex You ca...

C++ String reaches over several NUL Bytes -

I hate to ask this because I think it should be very trivial. But this is a real problem as a person who is used as a high level language. I got a C ++ program, which uses PDF to create an image for a PDF. And I have a C # program that communicates with the C ++ program through designated pipes, the PDF file (which is saved as a byte-array) gets transmitted by the pipe. And here's my problem. In the 374th of the stream, there is a NUL byte (00) and in any way I am very stupid to access the data. Here is my code: LPTTRS LPPPNname 2 = TXT ("\\\\. \\ pipe \\ myNamedPipe2"); HPipe2 = Create file (LPPPNName2, GENERIC_READ, 0, ZERO, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL); If (Readfile (HPP2, Chabuff, Dvibet's Tyride, and CB Read, Faucet)) {PDF Data = CFF; } The dwBytes file is size for reading and cbRead shows the correct number. But only the first 373 bytes included in PDF data. I checked that the figure beyond the 373th position is immediately with the...

django - QuerySet values() method behaviour -

क्वेरी पर विचार करें: Blog.objects.values ​​('id', 'author ') यह एक शब्दकोश देता है: [{' id ': 1,' author ': 1234}] क्या उन फ़ील्ड के लिए उदाहरण ऑब्जेक्ट प्राप्त करने का एक तरीका है जो वास्तव में विदेशी हैं? जैसे मुझे कुछ पसंद है: [{'id': 1, 'author': & lt; यूज़र इंस्टेंस & gt;}] स्पष्टीकरण: I वास्तव में .values ​​() का उपयोग करके .notate () के साथ संयोजन में एक अधिक जटिल क्वेरी में, इसलिए मुझे .values ​​() का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता है > ग्रुप द्वारा रिकॉर्ड के लिए। .values ​​() मान रिटर्न नहीं करता है वस्तुओं। आप ऐसा कुछ कर सकते हैं: मान = [{'id': 1, 'लेखक': 1234}, {'id': 2, 'लेखक': 2345}] लेखक = [V] मूल्यों में v के लिए ['लेखक'] लेखक / लेखक = लेखक.बाइजेसफिल्टर (id__in = author_ids) और फिर लेखक ऑब्जेक्ट से प्रतिस्थापित करें: मूल्यों में वी के लिए: authors_qs में लेखक के लिए: अगर v ['author'] == v ['author'] = लेखक ...

jquery - form_for fields disables all javascript elements -

I have a tracks 3.2 application. There is some javascript to show hidden divs on one page, it works fine and dandy. However, when I add some fields, it seems that all JavaScript events are disabled, which was previously used. I can work on the event again, if I leave the field but the form for the tag. if I'm just removes the text field, for example, the event would still gone If I take the field as a straight tag, it works again Another sign that I have found, I have three RWD states, desktops, tablets and phones. This works on the phone! But two other states, it does not work Form_prkar tag looks it: = to form_for (@new_note, url: write_new_page_path) | F | And I add the field like this: = f.label: text, 'how are things today?' ,: class = & gt; "Module-helper '= f.text_area: text placeholder:' Please make a note here, Lines: 5, Class: I went did not expect events Gone, and I'm sure it's a fraudulent mistake. you can even...

c# - EntityFramework - Cannot Delete Entity using DbSet -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 5 जवाब मैं एक को हटाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ EntityFramework के DbSet का उपयोग करके मेरे डेटाबेस से ऑब्जेक्ट कोड निम्नानुसार है: var dbObject = FindById (id); _masterDb.DbTable.Remove (dbObject); _masterDb.SaveChanges (); मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिलती है: "ऑब्जेक्ट को हटाया नहीं जा सकता क्योंकि यह ऑब्जेक्टस्टेट मैनेजर में नहीं मिला है।" कृपया कोई मुझे बता सकता है कि मैं क्या कर रहा हूं संभवत: एक ही संदर्भ से इकाई संलग्न नहीं है। क्या यह कार्य: var dbObject = FindById (id); _masterDb.DbTable.Attach (dbObject); _masterDb.DbTable.Remove (dbObject); _masterDb.SaveChanges ();

math - How to reverse % operation in python -

उदाहरण के लिए: x = (y * 6)% 26 # यह एक है सुसंगत सूत्र 18 = (वाई * 6)% 26 मैं कैसे वाई के लिए हल होगा? या फिर एक% ऑपरेशन को आसानी से वापस करने का कोई तरीका है? आप वास्तव में मॉडुलो अंकगणित को रिवर्स नहीं कर सकते उस। मॉड्यूलो अंकगणित मूल रूप से समनुक्रम समूह देता है कैलेंडर के बारे में सोचें ... कैलेंडर (और घड़ियां) में मॉड 12 है। अक्टूबर के तीन महीने बाद जनवरी, यानी (10 + 3)% 12 == 1 अक्टूबर के बाद 15 महीने जनवरी है यानी (10 + 15)% 12 == 1 आदि ... तो आपका प्रश्न पूछने लगता है कि क्या आप यह बता सकते हैं कि यह कैलेंडर कैलेंडर क्या है, और यह क्या है अवश्य असंभव

http status code 404 - how to redirect a 404 page not found in OpenCart using .htaccess -

मेरे .htaccess पर: मैंने एक 404 पेज about_us पृष्ठ के बारे में नीचे पंक्ति कोड का उपयोग करके पृष्ठ 301 / about_us रीडायरेक्ट करें लेकिन जब मैंने लगभग-हमें पृष्ठ के लिए ब्राउज़र में लोड करने की कोशिश की तो इस पेज को पर पुनर्निर्देशित किया जाता है? _route_ = about_us लेकिन अभी भी पेज 404 त्रुटि में है यहां मेरे .htaccess नियम है RewriteBase / #RewriteRule ^ sitemap.xml $ index.php ? मार्ग = फ़ीड / google_sitemap [एल] #RewriteRule ^ googlebase.xml $ index.php? मार्ग = फ़ीड / google_base [एल] RewriteRule ^ डाउनलोड /(.*) /index.php?route=error/not_found [एल] RewriteCond !% {REQUEST_FILENAME} -f RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME} -d RewriteCond% {REQUEST_URI} * \!।। (ico | gif | जेपीजी | jpeg | png | js | सीएसएस) RewriteRule ^ ([? ^] *) सूचकांक .php? _route _ = $ 1 [एल, क्यूएसए] उपयोग न करें mod_rewrite नियमों के साथ रीडायरेक्ट नियम यह इस तरह से है: RewriteBase / RewriteRule RewriteEngine चालू ...

ios - UIView in a ViewController using swift -

I have a custom view (.xib and .swift) and I use it in different view controllers and custom cellviewviews Want to . I do not know how to do this: p. How can anyone help me in accomplishing this? My custom view is a restaurant, I have labels and images: `Look at the Restaurant Category: UIView { @Iboutlet var View: UIView! @Ibotlett Weak Verge Imaglogo: UIImageView! @IbotletWorldVar IMGrating: UIImageView! @IBOOTlet Weak var lblName: UILBL! @IBOutlet weak var lbl Comments: UILBL! @IBOOTlet Weak var lbl minimum order: UILBL! @IBOutlet weak var lbl deliveryCost: UILBL! @Iibotlet Weakly Worli Blackstats: UILball! / * // Only Override Direct: If you do custom drawing // An empty implementation adversely affects performance during animation Override Funk Direct (Rect: CGRTact) {// drawing code} * / } ` I want to put it in the restaurant view controller: Restaurant viewer of the range: UIViewController { @IBOutlet Weak Wear Restaurant: Restaurant View! Override func viewDid...

Docking a java application jna on windows -

I am trying to create a windows dockable application that prevents a part of the screen from showing in that place is . I have tried to use JNI and JNA. The above code shows how far I got. package jnadock; Import com.sun.jna.Library; Import com.sun.jna.Native; Import com.sun.jna.Pointer; Import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.SheELPAPI; Import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.SheELPAP.APPBARDATA; Import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.DWORD; Import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.HWND; Import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.UINT_PTR; Import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser; Import com.sun.jna.win32.StdCallLibrary; Import com.sun.jna.win32.W32APIFunctionMapper; Import com.sun.jna.win32.W32APITypeMapper; Import java.util.HashMap; Import java.util.Map; Import javax.swing.JFrame; Public Sector Jndok {Personal HWND HW Global; Private final string framing = "dockable frame"; Public Interface Shell32 StdCallLibrary {Final static map & lt; String, Object & gt; WIN32API_...

python - Segmentation fault when using Xlsxwriter and PyQt4 -

I currently use Python modules Xlsxwriter and PyQt4 a script'm getting a segmentation error. Simply importing PyQt4 when running Xlsxwriter result in segmentation fault. PyQt4 to import system imports QtGui def Writexx (Gitatekst, filename): Import xlsxwriter workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook (filename) Worksheet = worksheet .add_worksheet ( 'Test' tab) Worksheet. written (0, 0, Gitekst) Vrkbukkclos () return def main (): WriteExcel ( 'Test text', 'test.xlsx') that __name__ == '__main__': main () "Importing PyQt4 Import from QtGui" fixes the problem, although I use Gui to send Excel file for information I need the code with openxxl instead of xlsxwriter and i still get a seg fault. seg from gdb The defect result is below. & lt; Http: // www> ... [from the path] / Reading symbols from Ana ... did the conda / bin / dragon ... The program is started: [to path] / anaconda / bin / python qtgui-excel....

windows - Ensime can't find java? -

When I start in Emac, it immediately states that accidents : "java" 'is not recognized as an internal or external command, operational program or batch file. * Processor * infer - ensem-server-documents * with code 1 Uncommonly exits. This is strange, because when I type java in CMD (in Windows 8), it runs. MX exec- Path is added to the and the system's path variables. Besides, I wonder if it is in triple quotes, "java" / code does this interference interfere ? And what to do with them? My file (made via sbt gen-ensime ) looks like this: (: root -dir "C: \\ user \\ leokr_000 \\ document \\ skala": cache-dir "c: \\ user \\ leokr_000 \\ document \\ scala \\. Ensime_cache" name " Skala ": java-home" c: \\ programmers Illes \\ Java \\ jdk1.7.0_07 \\ Bin ": Java-Flags (" -Xmx512M "" -XX: MaxPrimpSize: = 256m "-XX: Reserved Codecatsczes = 128m" - DSBT Log.format = true ...

android - Google Drive API await() UI Thread Error -

I am implementing the Google Drive API in my Android application. I do not want to use PendingResult # setResultCallback () Rather, I want to use PendingResult # await () so that I can get the result in the next line and do not wait it is not an issue because everything in the background is going on. However, every time I wait (), I get the following error I have tried to run a call on the Google Drive API that serves as an AsyncTask, Thread, IntentService, AsyncTask and one Uses the wait () in the service with the thread. I have received the following error every time I tried to apply the thread to Looper.prepare (), but he did not solve anything. Does anyone else have this problem? java.lang IllegalStateException: should not be made to call on the UI thread at to wait (unknown source) connect .gms.common.api.a at $ a.await on (unknown source) [OMITTED] on .GoogleDriveManager $ ...

php - error call to member function -

When I login, I am trying to set up some user activity for the codeigner project so I can see Which user logs on and off I have data below at my library function login but now throws an error about fixing this Not sure in. $ this-> CI- & gt; session-> User Data ('user_id'), 'name' = & Gt; $ -> -> CI- & gt; Session- & gt; User Data ('First Name'). $ $-> CI- & gt; Session- & gt; User Data (' last name')); $ This- & gt; CI- & gt; Load-> Model ('Admin / General / user_login_model'); // here error 27 $ this- & gt; User_login_model- & gt; Adactivity ('Login', $ activity_data); error encountered a PHP error Severity: Information Message: Undefined property: User: $ user_login_model File Name: Library / User.php Line number: 27 Fatal error: C: \ Xampp \ htdocs \ codeigniter-cms \ application \ libraries \ User.php Call addActivity () on a non-member member function on lin...

Chrome Developer Tools not showing CSS sheet or line for locally hosted Zurb Foundation pages -

This is a long shot, but I'm at the end of my intelligence to develop a locally hosted foundation page. At some point, the Chrome Developer Tool stopped displaying the stylesheet and line for each individual CSS rule, but instead it seems to show the media query for the element. I have found that the other pages I have created with the locally hosted foundation are doing the same thing, it only hosts the foundation pages locally which are giving me this problem hosted locally. The bootstrap pages are worked as expected, as well as the foundation pages are actually hosted. I do not know what's going on here or why the developers will stop working between the build build? I've checked all my settings, to download Chrome Canary and see the same results. I am not running any kind of local server like MMP, and it was never an issue in the past. Any help? If you are using prefixfree.min.js Removal or comment on it and everything should be back to normal.

mysql - WordPress SQL that updates custom post type meta values (older than 6 months) -

I have a custom post type (artwork), in addition to updating one and two meta_ values ​​in that process from 6 months There is also a need to update more (artwork) in which with Meta's (status) and Meta_View (available) and changes in (not available) so for the first part I use 6 months Can return the old 'available' artwork; SELECT * wp207_posts` wp Join INNER `wp207_postmeta` at wm (wm.`post_id` = wp.`ID` and wm.`meta_key` = 'position' and wm.`meta_value `= 'Available' ') and DateDiff (NOW (),` post_date`) & gt; 182 With these I need to update the values ​​of the following metadata; Update 'status' for 'not available' from Update price so that price can be removed (i.e. remove price price if Update 'price_range' so that the price is removed (i.e. remove the value_current value if it exists) The following SQL me 'status' 'Available' allows to update to 'not available' update `...

jquery - Is there any way to prevent page load of images with javascript? -

I want to create a lazy loading plugin. Some resources have indicated that as soon as the source is defined on an image, the browser starts loading it. At which point in the page processing does this happen? Is it possible in some JavaScript that this code prevents it from happening? If I have correctly understood that you do not load an image unless that Do not interact in a user somehow, this is what you are looking for. JSField: & lt; Img id = "myImg" src = "" width = "107" height = "98" & gt; & Lt; Button onclick = "myfunction ()" & gt; Load image & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Function myFunction () {document.getElementById ("myImg"). Src = ""; } & Lt; / Script & gt; If this has helped, accept the answer.

php - Jquery handle the buttons in a table -

I did not find a good answer to this question that makes sense. I have a table showing and there is a button to join the game in the row at the end of each row in the table button just & lt; Td> & Lt; Button class = "btn-u btn-u-xs rounded-2x btn-u-default" id = "& lt ;? php echo $ game ['id'];? & Gt;" Type = "button" & gt; Join The League; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Td> Each Button ID is the id of the game's user game line. So when a user clicks the button on that line then I need jquery to run a post to save the game to user I have a backend PHP code that actually saves the user But I do not know how to send a Jquery post with a button ID Add JQuery as a selector I use them all To provide a class-League to Amil. Then listen to the click events on those buttons you can catch the game ID and use it to submit a form or make an AJAX call so that the user can be saved in that game. HTML &...

javascript - Jquery change when JS variable changes not working -

I'm trying to make a game where you earn a point when you click on a button Once you When you get the X amount of points, a div appears. I'm tired of using jquery.change to see if the #pointCounter has changed so that it can be detected that by adding a new square it should be visible. It is not working though. Am I not using the change method correctly, or should I use something else? Do checks for changes in workplace rather than change in HTML? HTML & lt; P & gt; You have & lt; Span id = 'pointCounter' & gt; 0 to & lt; / Span & gt; Points. & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Button id = 'clickbutton' & gt; Click me & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; Div id = 'store' & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Click (function () {points = points + addPoints; $ ( '# pointcounter')) JS $ ( '# clickbutton') . Html (digits);}); $ ('#bindootenter') Change (function () {if (numerals> = 5) {$ (...

java - GlassFish session id when first time site is loading -

यहाँ समस्या है मुझे सत्र आईडी प्राप्त होती है: request.getRequestedSessionId (); हालांकि जब साइट पहली बार खुल रही है तो यह रिक्त है। केवल दूसरी विज़िट के साथ शुरू होने से यह सत्र आईडी लौटाता है लेकिन मुझे पहली बार पता होना चाहिए क्या मैं इसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? यह शून्य है क्योंकि कोई सत्र नहीं है। इसके बजाय: request.getSession (true) .getId () जो एक सत्र बनाएगा यदि कोई मौजूद नहीं है, तो एक अद्वितीय सत्र पहचानकर्ता प्रदान करता है ।

How is the best way to generate a calendar table in PowerCenter? -

I must generate the table of calendar dates from the days of the date will expire in Powercenter designer. The Tithiini For example, '2013-01-01' date is fixed sysdate + 'n' months I'm trying to generate a Java Tranornemeshn, Which can generate many dynamic rows, but there is no input row and I have no input ... there is no other better way to use seq generator in the ??? The example table should be in the form of content results date ==== === '2013-01-01' '2013-01-02' '2013 -01-03 '... ...' 2016-03-10 ' You can pass an input row from any source to a Java conversion and then you can generate rows with a continuous date in a loop. You can create a simple table with two columns - Tithiini and Dinankandhi There will be a line which will Kikst both Java code and configuration for mapping.

java - How to sort bidimensional ArrayList? -

मेरे पास एक ArrayList & lt; ArrayList & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; & gt; यह दो मानों की एक सूची है : जॉन, 12.3 मार्कस, 35.0 मुकदमा, 11.4 राशि के अनुसार सूची को कैसे सॉर्ट करना है? यदि इस मामले में एक ArrayList के ArrayList का उपयोग करने से बेहतर तरीका है, तो कृपया मुझे बताएं और मुझे बताएं कि इसे कैसे सॉर्ट करना है। धन्यवाद। इसके बजाय मैं आपको एक क्लास का उपयोग करने के लिए सलाह देगी और वर्ग की तरह प्रयोग करेगी जैसे सॉर्ट करने के लिए तुलनीय या तुलनित्र । इस तरह से कुछ: वर्ग व्यक्ति लागू करता है तुलनात्मक & lt; व्यक्ति & gt; {स्ट्रिंग का नाम; दोहरी राशि; व्यक्ति (स्ट्रिंग एन, डबल डी) {name = n; राशि = डी; } सार्वजनिक अंतर की तुलना करने के लिए (अन्य व्यक्ति) {यदि (राशि! = अन्य। राशि) (राशि, अन्य। संख्या) लौटाता है; Return name.compareTo (अन्य। नाम); }} और लागू करना और समझना आसान है।

owl - Superclasses header not available in Protege 4.3 -

After I am using 4.3 and Pizza Tutorials dependent on (href Link is a numerical domain as not working), but there are plenty of discrepancies like super-class header presents, as shown in the following picture: - Some widgets ahead of that time of tutorials In fact, they could not get in affinity. Please guide me which plugins are required for Superclass Header (which prevents me from adding restrictions) and generally for all other tasks. Thank you. After "div class =" text "itemprop =" text "> You have the title of" superclass "heading" SubClassOf "in your snapshot. In the new Protease release, they have to change the header label. The same applies to the "equivalent class" header described in the PDF of the tutorial. Your version has "equity to two" therefore, in the tutorial, whenever they refer to "superclass hea...

html - How to position elements inside a TD or TH without getting a warning in Firefox? -

I am using element at the right in a table header cell to do this, deployed TH to myself To do this, the child's element to offset painter (in my case, using position: relative ). Unfortunately, it appears that the current Firefox version will issue a warning to any TD or TR at any time other than the static. The lower minimum table HTML & lt; Table & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Head & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Cell & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; and the following minimum CSS rule th (status: relative) // None of these have sufficient td {status: relative} // to trigger Warning table for {border-fall: collapse} This warning appears in the console for Firefox 30 and 32: Table Relative position rows and row groups are now supported. This site may need to be updated because its effect may not depend on this feature. ...

java - Failed to create the JVM -

Unable to create Java virtual machine I have got a lot of issues like I did a post But I did not get it well, then post it here and take care of someone & gt; & Lt; Here is my eclipse.ini - Start Plugins / org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20120522-1813.jar - launcher.library Plugins / org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_1.1.200.v20120913-144807 -product -shopeshash org.eclipse.platform - Launcher. XMXPrime Sees 256M - Launcher. Default Action OpenFile -World - Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion = 1.6 -XX: MaxPermSize = 256m -Xms512m -Xmx1024m ------- ---- Please help me ................ I think you get this error when you take it first, at least you need JR 1.6. The second system defines the jdk in the path variable. / Java directory / bin I think these two can solve your problem

c++ - How do I measure the size of a boost interprocess vector in shared memory? -

"itemprop =" text "> I am using boost :: interprocess :: vector to share some strings between processes, and what do I do to me Want to make sure that in the shared memory segment he does not overflow? I think how much space does the vector take in memory, and how much memory will take a special segment-allocated string? boost typedef :: interprocess :: managed_shared_memory :: segment_manager Segment Manager; Typedef boost :: interprocess :: allocation & lt; Char, Segment Manager & gt; CharAllocator; Typedef boost :: interprocess :: basic_string & lt; Char, std :: char_traits & lt; Char & gt ;, char alacrott & gt; ShmString; Typeface Promotion :: Interpreting :: Allocator & Lt; SMT String, Segment Manager & gt; StringAllocator; Typedef boost :: interprocess :: vector & lt; ShmString, string oscillator & gt; ShmStringVector; Const size_t SEGMENT_SIZE = ...; AddToSharedVector (std :: string localString) {Namespace boost ...

java - FileOutputStream.writeBytes out of bounds -

My program reads a file in a byte array and then tries to create a BMP image from the file. The problem is that I am getting a direct error {public static zero main (string [] args) {FileInputStream fileInputStream = null; File file = new file ("C: /thumbcache_32.db"); Byte [] bFile = new byte [(int) file. Lamps ()]; System.out.println ("Byte Array Size:" + file.length ()); Try {// Convert file bytes in the file's array InputStream = New FileInputStream (file); (bFile); FileInputStream.close (); Convert the bytes to a file fileOutputStream fileOuputStream = New FileOutputStream ("C: / Users / zak / Desktop / thumb final / Carved_image.bmp"); FileOuputStream.write (bFile, 15732781577427); FileOuputStream.close (); Println ("full"); } Hold (exception e) {e.printStackTrace (); }} } The size of the byte array loaded in the file "3145728" and I am attempting to copy Bytes "1573278" to "157...

c++ - Progress bar for loading file -

Whenever I try to load large files, my program does not show me anything until the file is loaded and Then it prints "successfully loaded", but I want to print out how many percentages are loaded in every 0.500ms (its C ++) how can I get it, how many files do it in the restrictions Is loaded in replacement? You will get a total byte or line in the file. When calculating the percentage, it will be lower. If you use the file size, you can calculate the percentage using the file reading position. The recommended algorithm is to use at least two threads. A thread is a GUI thread. The other thread worker will read thread thread in the worker's thread file. Some people believe that the worker thread should progress in its global progress and the GUI thread should choose that variable. Others believe that the worker thread should send messages to periodic or other intervals on GUI threads. The option is yours.

python - [] became None after appending -

I am trying to store raw input in an empty list I am quite new to the python. And apparently, the input was not in the empty list. Then what happened? Latitude = [] longitude = [] Print Latitude # ** returns [] ** Lat_input = raw_input ("Your latitude is: ") Latitude = Lat .append (Lat_input) Print Latitude # ** No one found me here ** long _input = raw_input (" what is your longitude: ") longitude = longitude.Open (long_input) I saw some other postings, yet I did not know what I did. what did I miss? Why have my list gone? Thanks, guys! attachment is an in-place operation; It does not return any value. Just run: underlined. Append (long_input) ... not longitude = longitude .append (long_input) This design and intent is: Returning none instead of a value makes it clear that the function is being called for its side effects rather than its return value. If you did not want to change existing longitude in place, but wanted to create a ne...

android - Login via Facebook -

I am trying to implement Facebook login in an Android application so that users can use their Facebook account in their application Could Log In as well. I have installed a Facebook application and I am using facebook-android-sdk-3.19.0 . Question I have a activity where I have placed my own button, I click on it to get session session to get session session etc. But when I click on this method it starts an empty activity and display a progressor Please see the screenshot I have no such activity in my code, so Facebook SDK It is doing so. Private Active Sessions OpenActive Session (Activity Activity, Boolean Permission Login UI, List Permissions, Session Status Callback Callback) {Session .OpenRequest openRequest = New Session. OpenEviverse (activity) .Settings (permissions) .set callback (callback); Session session = new session. Builder (activity). Build (); If (session-date. Crated_token_updated.equals (session.getState ()) || loligan UI} {session.setActive session...

mysql - ASP MySQLRoleProvider tie roles to users -

I would like to use mysql role provider for aspnet. I have a custom table setup for user userTableName = "user" The problem now using the feature is that when I assign roles to users, MYSQLRolesprovider creates an entry in a table "my_aspnet_usersinroles" and "my_aspnet_users" I want to specify that the roles used to specify To be done Alika "Users should be" table. How do I do that? Do I Need to Write a Custom Role Provider? Is there a setting that I can emphasize to build that union? Or am I just using this whole system wrong? Thank you You need separate tables for users and their roles. Generally, it's three in total, one for users, one for roles and one or more roles to tie the user. Users' tablets allow one to have multiple relationships so that your user can have more than one role. In addition, good database design will give this instruction as well as the user table should include only related artifacts directly related t...

javascript - JS Regex - Replace multiple instances in a string -

मेरे पास यह स्ट्रिंग है: var str = '"testFN, II testLN, II "& Lt; ;, "testFN, कैल टेस्ट एलएन, कैल" & lt;> '; और मैं कर रहा हूं str.replace (/(".*?) ,(.*?")/ g, '$ 1__comma_ $ 2 '); एक स्ट्रिंग (__ कॉमा_) के साथ कई अल्पविराम (,) को बदलने के लिए, केवल अंदर। घटना हालांकि मैंने दिया / g सभी सभी जगहों की जगह नहीं । यह प्रत्येक उदाहरण का केवल पहला मैच बदलता है। वास्तविक परिणाम: "testFN__comma_ II testLN, II" & lt; ;, "testFN__comma_ testLN, कैल" & lt;> अपेक्षित परिणाम: "testFN__comma_II testLN__comma_ II" & lt; ;, "testFN__comma_cal testLN__comma_cal" & lt;> क्या आप कृपया कोई सुझाव दे सकते हैं जो मुझे कुछ भी याद आ रही है? आलसी क्वांटिफायर की कोशिश करें: ("। * ?,) (। *?") हालांकि आपके प्रतिस्थापन प्रभावी नहीं होंगे क्योंकि आ...

c# - Hangfire Installation/Startup -

Today I'm experimenting with hangfire. It looks like a cool product. Unfortunately, my environment is not the most up to date. I have a V. S. 2010, Net 4.0 and SQL Server 2005. I made a new project and Hugfar, Hangfire.Core, Hangfire.NET40.SQLServer, Owen and Who knows what else. There is no error in the project now all the references have been resolved. I got a lot of insights and I tried to configure the startup class as per the instructions. Config.UseSqlServerStorage ("SQLServer") config.update required to perform actions on the public setup of the sub-configuration (app as IAppBuilder) app.UseHangfire (sub (config) 'basic setup background jobs. UseServer (End End) and sub I have also created a new SQL user and the blank database for hang fire to use. I added this connection string to the Web.Config file: & lt; Add name = "SQLServer" connectionString = "server = SQLServer; database = hangfire; user id = hangfair; password = ** ******... mvc - MVC Remote Validation With Additional bool Fields -

I'm trying to use remote validation with an additional boole checkbox field [Remote ("iStoreconnectionWalid", "Tant Management", Additional Fields = "Creatstose")] Public String Storage Connection Connection String {get; Set; } Verification code public JsonResult IsStorageConnectionValid (String Structure Connection String, bool createStorage) { This is completely Works according to the condition of killing the validator. However, despite the value of the checkstock, the text store is always correct if I use an additional field which is not a check box, they are fully supplied. The checkbox is created as standard: @ Html.CheckBoxFor (m => m.CreateStorage) Is this a bug? Or am I doing it wrong? It seems that this is a bug when @ html. CheckBoxFor is used with . The problem is that a hidden with check box with checkbox 2 elements, value = "true" and value = "false" (uncheck) The input given doe...

php - Code Igniter Custom Helper -

I am new to Code Igniter / OOP but am trying to find out. I am trying to make an assistant that I can use in my code; (Function_exists ('email')) {function email ($ type, $ to $ theme, $ object) {switch ($ type)} {/} case 'new': $ body = "hello" $ item [first name ']' '. $ Item ['last name'] ",". " & gt; Thank you."; break; } // Send it $ $ -> Load-> Library ('email'); $ This- & gt; Email-> For (for $); $ This- & gt; Email-> From (' ',' James'); $ This- & gt; Email-> Subject ($ theme); $ This- & gt; Email-> Message ($ body); $ This- & gt; Email-> Send (); }} Then I include it in the autoload for the Helper section. When I try to access it within my controller, I get an error. $ obect ['first name'] = 'Carl'; $ Obect ['Last Name'] = 'Blow'; Email ('new', '', ...

ios - Movement of Box2d Body in cocos2d-x -

I need to move the Box 2D body according to the available Farm Game Center server. After getting the position, I update the condition of the body using the bus: - carbie-> set transformer (B2 VC2 (serverposition.x, Serverpace.i), 0); But running her body inappropriately (for example, the body appears to somehow on the screen). At this time my phantom image does not move (attached to the body) I resolve the situation What I've done I've taken a normal phantom image and just changed the situation in the update, with that box 2D body position. Example: - Your carrier movement based on the state of the server. It will move forward invisibly without user data (image), your B2UD caramenboed-> setransform (B2VC2 (serverposition, Carmenboode-> gtposition). 0.0 F); Here's your normal phantom image. Just touch your phantom image like car-> setposition (CCP (Carmenby-> Gatepage (). X * PTM_RATIO, CarmenBode-> Gateposition (). Y * PTM_RAT...

ruby on rails 4 - grape-kaminari with grape-builder -

Is there no way to grapple-camineri to work with grapes? I have tried to get the record in the real API module end: Resources: group "Return a list of groups related to your company." "/", Jbuilder: "v3 / groups" pagenetic (@ group) end and and I also tried to put pagenet calls inside the jbuilder object: Jason.Ere! PageGate (Group @) group | | Json.partial! "V3 / Group", Group: Group, Computer_Are: Wrong End Neither work can anyone help me do this work? After all, I have worked on it, you have to reset the variable to paged array such as: Resources: Groups "Return the list of groups related to your company." Get "/", jbuilder: "v3 / groups", @Groups = PageNet (@ group) End End

FIxing decimal places during string conversion in Java -

I have some text that has both wires and numbers. I parse the input and count some with numbers. I get the string to string (number) . / code> string in which all the lines of the text and the count of the numbers are included, I just click System.out.println (" S ", appended_string) . Now when I add a string to StringBuilder is converted from a double , I want it to have specific decimal numbers, so that when I finally print the whole thing, then print it with the specified number of digits. Is there any way to do this? In the future, if such a person has such a question, / p> string Formatted string; FormattedString = String.format ("% .2f", number); Here the specifier is for two decimal places.

c - Bubble sorting not working for large file, but it works for small file -

I'm having trouble with a large number of classified bubbles, this is an assignment, and my teacher clearly shows this big Asking to use bubble sort to sort the data. I tried to run in a small file and it works perfectly, but there is a problem to output anything to the big file. I do not know what the problem is. I have to use bubble sort also thanks. The small file "small.txt" is given below. The big file "big.txt" fits here, there are thousands of rows but there is a format similar to the small file, and my program is given below: I waited for 1 hour for output, and the program still Inside the progress to the big file. small.txt FORD 2001 NISSAN 2000 JAYCO 2003 program #include & Lt; Stdio.h & gt; #include & lt; String.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; Int main () {FILE * read; Four line [110000]; Int i = 0, c, j, a; Make four * [111100]; Four * years [111100], * Swapier, * Swapmake; If ((read = fopen ("big.tx...