windows - Ensime can't find java? -

When I start in Emac, it immediately states that accidents :

  "java" 'is not recognized as an internal or external command, operational program or batch file. * Processor * infer - ensem-server-documents * with code 1 Uncommonly exits.   

This is strange, because when I type java in CMD (in Windows 8), it runs. MX exec- Path is added to the and the system's path variables. Besides, I wonder if it is in triple quotes, "java" / <> code does this interference interfere ? And what to do with them?

My file (made via sbt gen-ensime ) looks like this:

  (: root -dir "C: \\ user \\ leokr_000 \\ document \\ skala": cache-dir "c: \\ user \\ leokr_000 \\ document \\ scala \\. Ensime_cache" name " Skala ": java-home" c: \\ programmers Illes \\ Java \\ jdk1.7.0_07 \\ Bin ": Java-Flags (" -Xmx512M "" -XX: MaxPrimpSize: = 256m "-XX: Reserved Codecatsczes = 128m" - DSBT Log.format = true ") : Reference-Source-Original Zero: Scala-Edition "2.10.4": Compiler-Argus Zero: Sub-effect ((":: Scala": Module-Name "Scala": Source-Root ("C: \\ User \\ Leokr_000 \\ document \\ scala \\ src \\ main \\ scala "" c: \\ user \\ leokr_000 \\ document \\ scala \\ src \\ main \\ java \ "\ c: \\ user \\ Leokr_000 \\ document \\ scala \\ src \\ test \\ Scale \ "\\ user \\ leokr_000 \\ \ script \\ scala \\ src \\ test \\ java"): target "c: \\ user \\ leokr_000 \\ document \\ scala \\ target \\ scala-2.10 \\ class ": test-target" c: \\ user \\ leokr_000 \ document \\ scala \\ target \\ scala-2.10 \ test-classes ": depend-on- Module Zero: Compile-Depp ("C: \\ User \\ leokr_000 \\" Sbt \\ boot \\ scala-2.10.4 \\ lib \\ scala-library.jar "): Runtime-Depp Zero: Test-Depth Zero: Reference-Source- Root (" C: \\ User \\ leokr_000 \ \. Ivy2 \\ cache \\ org.scala-lang \\ scala-library \\ srcs \\ scala-library-2.10.4-sources.jar "))))    

Your : java-home is incorrect, I do not know how with this setup you have You can run anything in sbt by removing \\ bin from this and check why it is being generated incorrectly.


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