android - Login via Facebook -
I am trying to implement Facebook login in an Android application so that users can use their Facebook account in their application Could Log In as well.
I have installed a Facebook application and I am using I have a I do not want this screen, is there any way to remove this intermediate screen? I updated the subject of Facebook login facebook-android-sdk-3.19.0 .
activity where I have placed my own button, I click on it to get session session to get session session etc. But when I click on this method it starts an empty activity and display a
progressor Please see the screenshot I have no such activity in my code, so Facebook SDK It is doing so.
Private Active Sessions OpenActive Session (Activity Activity, Boolean Permission Login UI, List Permissions, Session Status Callback Callback) {Session .OpenRequest openRequest = New Session. OpenEviverse (activity) .Settings (permissions) .set callback (callback); Session session = new session. Builder (activity). Build (); If (session-date. Crated_token_updated.equals (session.getState ()) || loligan UI} {session.setActive session (session); Session.openForRead (openRequest); Return session; } Return tap; }
activity then it worked normally Is what I should have been doing.
& amp; Activity Activity: Name = "com.facebook.LoginActivity" android: label = "@ string / app_name" Android: Theme = "@Android: Style / Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar" & gt; & Lt; / Activity & gt;
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