
Showing posts from May, 2012

swift - What does "Constrain to margins" mean in Interface Builder in Xcode 6.0.1 -

I understand the purpose of "location for the nearest neighbor" (in Xcode 6, more specifically in the interface builder), but What does "margin control" mean? Is there a link between "Vacation to the nearest neighbor" along the side of a particular control button, and its factories check the checkbox labeled "Control margin" at the same time ? What is the role of this feature in Autolayout? Please find a screenshot with the checkbox and label I am surrounded in red: () Thank you in advance for answering my three questions. iOS 8 introduces a new property of UIViewview: layout margins . In essence: these 4 values ​​represent a margin of the view (a UIEdgeInsets ): its sub-views can now be positioned relative to these margins, or the old method relative to the side I One had written with the details, let me know that it is clear and if you have additional doubts.

eclipse - how to synchronize the java file with dynamically generated file? -

I have created an eclipse plugin that will dynamically generate a text file. When the user clicks on the method from the correct package explorer, it will generate a new file with the square structure and method body. I want to synchronize these two files. When the user makes some changes in the method inside the Java file It should be updated in the generated file Consider a scenario that has 2 files. public class calculator {public ent (int a, int b) {int c = a + b; Return c; } Public at Sub (int a, int b) {int c = a-b; Return c; }} Right click on the add method from the user package explorer and generate the file. The file will be as follows: The name of the file will be generated based on the class name and method name. Calculator_add.txt: public class calculator {public et al. (Int a, int b) {int c = a + b; Return c; }} If the user changes the argument in the law then it should be reflected in the generated file. How can I get it in eclipse? Please give some ...

php - My system is fetching data from a wrong table -

Instead of receiving data from the DOC_PROGRESS table, it continues to retrieve data from table I need data from both tables but I think I am doing it wrong. My query is down, by the way. Please help me (from the selection "dd as JOIN doc_progress AS dp ON dd.p_id = dp.p_id WHERE (dd.p_id = '". $ _ Session [' currentUser ']. "') And (dp.progress =' ​​read ')"); & lt ;? Php $ select1 = "doc_progress" as the ASD DP JOIN DOC DD ON dd.p_id = dp.p_id WHERE (dd.p_id = ''. $ _ Session ['current user']. "") And (dp .progress = 'unread'); $ Sql ​​= mysql_query ($ select1) or die (mysql_error ()); while ($ row2 = mysql_fetch_array ($ sql)) {? & Gt; & lt; tr square = " Strange Grade X "> echo $ row2 ['date_created']? & Gt; & lt; / td> & lt; td & gt; & lt; a Href = "" & gt; & lt ;? php echo "& lt; B & gt; ...

specifics replace substring in string with php function -

In the lesson, I would like to change the div tag li . But not everyone is just some well defined. In this case, people who have the ID "tab- *" starts, I need to use the PHP function easily: & lt; Div id = "tab-141285" class = "my-class" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "my-subclass" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; Advertising Ready Advertising & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "tab-85429" class = "my-class" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "my-subclass" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; Advertising Ready Advertising & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Get this text & lt; Li id = "tab-141285" class = "my-class" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "my-subclass" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; Advertising Ready Advertising & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div...

Tizen Native Application Unable to create -

I'm trying to make the Tizen original app, but I'm unable to create the app, see my picture below, no samples Not available in the original app, my Tizen SDK version is 2.1.1 I can tell you how this is using TeasyNative (WYSIWYG). If you are seeking a code-based answer, then ignore it. However, those who are trying to learn and navigate in TeZan Studios, this is very useful! Start Tezanne Studio File / NewTeazan Project Template / Next Mobile / Next Basic Application / Next UI Builder Single View (bottom left) / Next Project Explorer (top layout / layout.xm (double click to open layout) Open Choose Design Tab (Center) In the Palette, UI Container (Only Right Drag "Grid" from Palette to your Screen Change the color count to 720 and line number to 1280 in the Properties tab (so far right or on: Fix window / view / other / properties) Drag the bar from your screen to "Grid" Now you should see more (22) UI components P>...

android - Max number of shared preference files? -

I want to store some data in shared priority files instead of sqlite for simplicity, and to avoid upper and boilerplate Sqlite Is not the number of files (size) in the same application shared? Is it safe to believe that fewer than 100 files will be cured All shared prefixes / data / data / [package name] are stored in shared_prefs / [app name]. XML, so I think there is no limit on the basis of AECTECTURE. I do not know the practical limit, but I think it is enough for you: D.

math - Python division -

I was trying to normalize the number from -100 to 0 to 10 to 100 and only problems were To note that there are no variables here, it does not evaluate the way I expect it to be: gt; & Gt; (20-10) / (100-10) 0 Float division does not work either: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; If it is inserted on a float on either side of the partition, it will work: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; (20-10) / float ((100-10)) 0.1111111111111111 In the first example, each side is evaluating as an int, which means that the final answer will be inserted int . Since 0.111 is less than 5, this is the circumference of 0. This is not transparent in my opinion, but I think that's such a way. What is the explanation? You are using Python 2.x, where the integer division instead of being a floating point number Will be reduced. & gt; & Gt; & Gt; 1/2 0 You get one of them float : gt; & Gt; & Gt; Float (10 - 20) / (100 - 10) -0.1111111111111111 or ...

Merging the bodys of three google docs documents via google script -

What I try to do is the following: I would like to merge the body (with formatting, table, image etc.) ) I searched the web for hours of three different Google Documents, but I could not find any solutions that I was able to work on. First of all, fill Best look, the code is like this: function merge docs () {var docIDs = ['list-of', 'documents', 'id', 'you should do something']; Var baseDoc = DocumentApp.openById (docIDs [0]); Var body = baseDoc.getActiveSection (); (Var i = 1; i & lt; docIDs.length; ++ i) {var other body = DocumentApp.openById (docIDs [i]). GetActiveSection (); Var totalElements = otherBody.getNumChildren (); (Var J = 0; J & lt; Total Elements; ++ J) for {var element = otherBody.getChild (j) .copy (); Var type = element.getType (); If (type == DocumentApp.ElementType.PARAGRAPH) body.appendParagraph (element); And if (type == DocumentApp.ElementType.TABLE) body.appendTable (element); Else if (type == DocumentApp.El...

inline assembly - Unable to execute command 'tasm.exe' with Borland -

I am using Borland 4.52 to create an old project and I am running on this issue. When my build script enters a module that contains assembly code, I have: INFO: root.compile: ======= ================================================== ====== Rootpile: Building module information: ================================== Cleaning ================ Information: root.compile: Thread handler said: 1 was created DEBUG: root.compile: Thread -100: module_path c: \ make.exe: *** [c_des.obj] error 1 error: root.compile: when Module_pout ran, error: 2 error: root.compile: stop thread: thread-100 flags and options: -1- -d -ml -w -f- -x- -v -R- -vi-rt- -p -dcad generating OPT C option file generating OPT ASM option file compiling ../../../../source/lrc.c "C: \ BC 45 \ bin \ bcc" + c.opt -c -olrc. Obj .. /../../../source/lrc.c Borland C ++ 4.52 Copyright (c) 1987, 1994 Borland International .. ......... / Source / L RCC: Compili ng ../../../../source/c_des.c "C: \ Bc45 \ ...

python 3.x - How can I cause my program to loop until a certain combination of values is reached? -

I want to design this program so that the user has an X (X, Y) grid, and as long as possible (x , Y) The program is not used for loop to reach values. I just have to figure out how to design a loop question = (input ("where do you want to go?")); Y = 0x = 0 If question in ["up"]: y = y + 1 print ("You have taken one unit up!") Print ("Your position is now", X, Y) In the question ["Bottom"]: y = y - 1 print ("You have transferred one unit!") Print ("Your position is now", X, Y) if the question in ["right"]: x = x Question in ["left"]: 1 print ("You have taken the right one unit!") Print ("Your position is now", X, Y): y = y + 1 print ("You left one unit ! ") Print (" Your Status ("You can not go there.") X = y = 0 while (x, y))! = Treasury_scott: gt; A detailed answer (Python 3) was added in response to comments. There are many things ...

c# - Windows phone 8 web browser resolution issue -

When I loaded an external website using the web browser controls in Phone 8 of C #, the content is without any The problem is loaded, but Content is too small Users must zoom properly for visual content. Is this a resolution issue? How can I fix this? Here is my code, Webbrozer myBrowser = new webbrowser (); Uri Goal URL = New Uri (@ "http: //.../.../"); MyBrowser.IscriptEnabled = True; MyBrowser.Navigate (targetUrl); ContentPanel.Children.Add (myBrowser); thanks Use meta in your html page & lt; Meta name = "viewport" content = "width = 320" />

tumblr - ruby SimpleOAuth error -

I am very new to Ruby and there are some problems using the Ruby Tumbler API. Very easy test case when executing it: #! / Usr / bin / env ruby ​​is required 'tumblr_client' Tumblr.configure do | Config | Config.consumer_key = "XXXXXXXXXX" config.consumer_secret = "XXXXXXXXXX" config.oauth_token = "XXXXXXXXXX" config.oauth_token_secret = "XXXXXXXXXX" End Client = Tumblr :: puts client.posts ("" ) I get this error message: / library / rabbi / games / 2 / 2.0 / gm / simple_auth 0 0/0/0 / lib / Simple_Auth Header.rb: 88: In 'attributes': SimpleAuth: ATTRIBUTUKESS does not match keys with additional options: (runtime error) [: API_host,: consumer_sect,: tokens_cent] to / from Ebriury / Rabby / Games / 2 / 2.0 / Gmys / Simple_Auth- 0.3.0 / lib / simple_oauth / header.rb: 74: In / 'Library / Ruby / Games / 2.0' / ​​'From' signed 'Authorization' / Pseudo / Simple_A... - how can have an array of html input type="button" in jquery? -

मेरे पास 3 एचटीएमएल इनपुट बटन मेरे वेब पेज में है। & lt; इनपुट आईडी = "मील0" रनैट = "सर्वर" प्रकार = "बटन" वर्ग = "बीटीएन-मुक्त अरेंजिनपुट" / & gt; & Lt; इनपुट आईडी = "मेला 1" रनैट = "सर्वर" प्रकार = "बटन" वर्ग = "बीटीएन-व्यस्त सरणीरूप" / & gt; & Lt; इनपुट आईडी = "मेला 2" रनैट = "सर्वर" प्रकार = "बटन" वर्ग = "बीटीएन-प्राथमिक सरणी इनपुट" / & gt; अब मुझे अपने jquery फ़ंक्शन में 3 तत्वों की एक सरणी होना है: यहां मेरा सभी कोड है: $ ("# btnNextWeek")। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन (ई) {var MealsButton = $ ('। सरिनपुट'); var भोजन = s.split ('! ~!'); के लिए (var i = 0; i & lt; = 2; i ++) {मील बटन [ ("चौड़ाई", "200 पीएक्स"); भोजनबटन [आई]। सीएसएस ("ऊंचाई", "60 पीएक्स"); अगर (एटआर [ 1] == "1") {मीलबाटटन [आई]। सीएसएस ("वर्ग", "बीटीएन-एप बीटीएन-सफलता बीटीएन ...

mysql - Database approach for different product types -

There are different product / service types listed in my e-commerce application such that each product / service type has different properties / properties. For, a mobile phone has various properties like CDMA / GSM and a TV has different sets of features like USB / HDMI. Many product types are initially available and I will continue to add different product / service types. So my question is, should I need a separate table for each product / service type in my database because each product / service has different attributes (columns) or whether a different, but better approach is? The estimated number of product / service types is 50+. Your case is an example of class / subclass or type / sub-type. Buffalo is "generalization / expertise" in ER modeling Here is a list of tags related to questions like yours: If you have these three tags If you read the tag wiki, then there are answers to the questions tagged with those three tags, besides the signal on design...

PHP - insert process on another domain -

I have the condition, 2 is the site with its own database and domain. In this site, there is a form Which stores database on any other domain in C. "Process of joining" is a way to be on domain C, because after the insert process, send the data to a fixed address via email. I thought of working on domain C, and had called the function in the site (A or B) to run the insertion process. But I do not know how to do it. If you are using both sites on the same server then simply database connection to other databases To create and access data from the current database, execute the query using this connection for inclusion and other connections. And if you are running applications on different servers, then use the web application (REST / SOAP) to communicate between the applications.

ios - Border-radius issue on iPad, iPad 2 -

Issues with limit-radius on iPad (3.2), iPad 2 (4.3.2) Here is the code: . Article. Post. Left img {width: 100%; Limit-Radius: 0 100% 0; -image-radius: 0 100% 0; -khtml-boundary-radius: 0 0 100% 0; -Widk-Infection: boundary-radius1s; Transition-Delay: 0.1s; Transition period: 0.5 s; Transit Property: All; Transition-time-function: ease; } And this is my result: Any ideas about getting the desired result I am after that? Try adding -webkit-border-radius: 0 100% 0; On iOS 5 there is a need to render the scope of the boundary in the form of a Safari.

c++ - How to seek stream pointer of a memory mapped file(using boost)? -

I have mapped my file using boost :: iostreams :: mapped_file_source and it A stream has declared the file as boost :: iostreams :: stream & lt; Boost :: iostreams :: mapped_file_source & gt; Read as StreamReader . It worked fine and I was able to parse the memory map file. I used the getline to read the file and stored some offset from the file. While doing this operation I was able to use the seekg to take the stream reader to the desired position but once the whole file is read, I can not find the stream reader from anywhere. () Returns right What stream reader clears the pointer after reaching the end of the file? Is there any way that I can go through the desired file offset after reading the entire file? Thank you I think you want to reset it to clear () method should state state. View

Emacs org-mode: how to hide the enumerated list items descriptions by default -

Assume that we have this organization file: 1 first item of first item Description 2. Second item description of second item 3. Third item description of third item If I move the cursor to all the top items, and , this will hide discipline and the file will look like this: 1 first item ... 2. second item ... 3. third item ... But when I open the file all the items are open, which is uncomfortable for me. How can I hide them by default, just by leaving the dots? This is strange, for me it's default behavior to hide everything except the top level Modify it globally through the menu: group org startup - & gt; Option org-startup-folded or for each file like this

java - JLabel remove space between text and border -

I am creating a JLable with only one text (customized from the other part of the program). I can not post images here, but the label comes with padding (i.e. the difference between the text and the boundary). I do not want padding to be so thick a way to compress padding So, it will not be so thick? These are the things I have tried (one by one, not at all) Setpriffer size (width, height); SetBorder (new blank border (new instances (0,0,0,0,0)); SetBorder (new blank border (new inset (-5, -5, -5, -5))); But none of these works. Most they contract my jlabal but padding remains the same. Padding ends rather than covering my text. I understand that margins can work but JLab has not set margin so I am losing Any help would be appreciated, thanks! I understood that 'border' which I actually saw was label instead of label only The background itself was transparent (I did not set OPEC (true) for the label). There is no padding to turn on my label, which I wanted I thi...

c# - No Settings tab in Properties of XNA project in Visual Studio -

When I created Windows Project Projects, I use it to create an application by relaunching it I am able to store the variable for In Project Properties, go to the Settings tab. I am currently working on an XNA project and want to do something to save 'hi-score' in this game. However, when I look in properties then there is no Settings tab. Any ideas if I can access this option in the XNA project? In the solution, right-click on your project Explorer, Add - and G; Find components, and settings file.

android - fragmenttabhost not showing inside my fragment -

my classes fragment tabs - this piece which will host my fragrance tab its OnCreateView method View public onCreateView (LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, savedInstanceState bundle) {fragmentTabHost = new fragmentTabHost (getActivity ()); FragmentTabHost.setup (getActivity (), getFragmentManager ()); FragmentTabHost.addTab (fragmentTabHost.newTabSpec ("Tab 1"). Set indicator ("Tab 1"), Fragment 1. Class, Faucet); Segment TabHost.addTab (fragmentTabHost.newTabSpec ("Tab2"). Sets Conductor ("Tab2"), Fragment 2. Class, Faucet); Return Fragen TabHost; } Activity Category XML & lt; Relative layout xmlns: android = "" xmlns: tool = "" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height Android: paddingLeft = "@ Dimen / activity_horizontal_margin" Android: paddingRight = "@ Dimen / activity_hor...

unit testing - When using python mox mock objects is there any way to avoid all of them being equal (as in __eq__)? -

I am facing some problems which are equal to all the counterfeit masks of any class, == , __ eq __ expressions though they are different objects (at least mock1 mock2 returns False ). Is there any way to stop that behavior? In the example of the code given below, you can see that the count is wrong because it thinks that all socks are the same: import mox class MyClass (object): Passed real1 = MyClass () real2 = MyClass () listreal = (real1, real2) joke = mox.mox () mock1 = mocker.CreateMock (myClass) mock2 = mocker.CreateMock (MyClass) listmock = (mock1, mock2) real1 = = Real2 # false real1 is real2 # false listreal.count (real1) # 1 mock1 == mock2 # This is true mock1 is mock2 # false listmock.count (mock1) # 2 After the It seems that the implementation of __ eq __ for mox.mockAnything and mox.MockObject simply replay_mode and expected_calls_queue therefore compares any duplicate object that is expected of the same call is actually "equal" . ...

javascript - Center a dynamic on screen -

I am trying to create a gallery-page as a list of thumbnails when a thumbnail is clicked The related picture opens in "popup" - the device shows the full size of the image. The problem I have is focusing on that div on the screen. Each picture has different dimensions. How to do this with Javascript / jQuery? JSFiddle: HTML: & lt; Div id = "pic1" class = "white_content" & gt; & Lt; img src = " / v / t1.0-9 / 1378748_520568708029338_926300946_n.jpg Oh = d092e1f660360c84033f6144010052f9 & amp ;? i = 54F4B302" / & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "pic2" class = "white_content" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "Https://skantent-a-frakshshkfbkdnknet/ःfotos-sfl/w/l/tlk0-9 /53942l_4l892236l527307_l534426043_nkjpg?oh=006a46697258683be3423d378cf40feb∓oa=54ABD335"/>&lt ; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "fade...

haskell - How to get output of function returning Maybe? -

This is a newbie question. I am having trouble understanding the output of the StripProfix function which might be [ A] gives. What I am doing, I am passing two strings for strip syntax so that it returns back In the first case, my print operation ( putStrLn b ) with error "" [four] '' with [code] perhaps [character] / P> From the comment on the question: In GHCI, if you can a to probably a you have some options first, if you are sure that this is a Sessions will succeed with some , you can & gt; Just a = just 1> Print 1 However, this may be due to your problems if your operation is not successful & gt; Let's just do a = nothing: maybe int> Print a *** Exception & lt; Interactive & gt; 12: 5-20: Incompatible patterns for patterns fail. Maybe. Just a All this is saying that the patterns used by you have failed. How do we avoid this? The statements of the case are: & gt; - Enable multiline input (I...

ios - Project upgraded from Xcode 5 to 6 won't compile -

I upgraded from 5 to 6 Xcode and now my code will not be compiled. I've got some similar issues from 3 to 4 but none for the latest version. Here I am getting the error. ld: Building for IOS simulator, but link to MacOSX file for MacOSX file '/ applications / / content / developer / library / framworks / extests. Framework / extests' Linked xial_64 claig against dialab made: error: failed with linker command failure code 1) Is this a common fix for this? Thanks for any help. I had a similar problem that was fixed (under the product / clean in the menu)

delphi - Sending messages to TApplication -

I have an application that can send messages to other applications. Under Pre-Win 8 system, which works fine. You give it a square or title, it uses the nimvindooundo and finds the target window. With Win8, you can only calculate top-level windows, which means the TApplication class. The sender is happy with that, but the receiver is not. To capture this message, I am using this code inside my target form ... function Tmain.AppMsgHookFunc (var wmsg: TMessage): Boolean; Start the result: = False; If wmsg.msg = WM_COPYDATA starts then / sent the message sent back to this form. Postmessage (handle, wmsg.msg, wmsg.WParam, wmsg.LParam); End; End; ... and then activate it with application.hookmainwindow etc. It never fire. I think if I send a message to send my message then it fires, but if I use postmags that do not work, even on XP Any suggestions? WM_COPYDATA is a message sent to system martial data cross-process For this, the system should know that the message has b...

javascript - WebRTC issue when using RecordRTC -

We use RecordRTC libraries to record user audio in our system. But a user found this error: Unwanted sample rate should be between 22050 and 96000 and I'm not sure What does that mean, as far as I can get it to do something with Google's hardware (mic or headphone) is it right? I hope the user uses an audio card with a sample rate of more than 96000. I had yesterday's bug report using the 192K sound card.

python - How can I get ref text when I have many refs in kivy label? -

Please help my labels have many referees and when the user clicks on the first ref, How can i get I need python method which can get this referee text. [Ref = sec referee] Second referee [/ ref] [/ ref] "on_ref_press: # here I need to refract All the logic given to the event handler are available in the KV in the args variable, there are logic for the on_ref_press handler example, refvalue Therefore, for example: label: markup: true text: "[ref = first ref] first ref (referee), [ref = second ref) second ref [/ Ref] "on_ref_press: print Due to the print of the rugs [1] first ref , the "first ref" text will be clicked on, and the second ref printed When the "second ref" text is clicked.

Alternate more than 2 background colors with CSS or JS -

I currently have several & lt; Section and gt; Elements that repeat themselves and I want to allocate a 5 different alternative background colors. Right now I am : nth-of-type (#n) / strong> But I am almost positive that I am not using it right and there is some strange behavior where a color wheel Does not repeat through. This is an example code: HTML & lt; Section & gt; & Lt; Articles & gt; This is A1 & lt; / Article & gt; & Lt; / Section & gt; & Lt; Section & gt; & Lt; Article & gt; This is A2 & lt; / Article & gt; & Lt; / Section & gt; & Lt; Section & gt; & Lt; Articles & gt; This is A3 & lt; / Article & gt; & Lt; / Section & gt; & Lt; Section & gt; & Lt; Articles & gt; This is A4 & lt; / Article & gt; & Lt; / Section & gt; & Lt; Section & gt; & Lt; Articles & gt; This is A5 & lt; / Article & gt; & Lt; / ...

windows - How to execute a PostGre exe file with silent mode? -

हाय, मैं एक Windows Server 2012 पर PostGreSQL 9.1 स्थापित करूँगा। मैं एक PowerShell स्क्रिप्ट। मेरी जेडीके निष्पादन योग्य फाइल के साथ, मैं आरंभ-प्रक्रिया "मायफ़ाइल" का प्रयोग करता हूं -अगरमोगल सूची "/ s" -वाइट लेकिन तर्क \ s मेरे पोस्टग्रे निष्पादनयोग्य फाइल के साथ काम नहीं करता । आप एक विचार है? आप उपयोग कर सकते हैं Install-Postgres Powershell मॉड्यूल , चालू है । Install-PostgreSQL PowerShell मॉड्यूल निम्न करता है: एक स्थानीय विंडोज़ उपयोगकर्ता बनाता है जो कि PostgreSQL का प्रयोग करेगा एंटरप्राइज़डीबी द्वारा प्रदान किए गए PostgreSQL इंस्टॉलर को डाउनलोड करता है पोस्टग्रेस को पोस्टग्रेस फाइलों और फोल्डरों के मालिक के रूप में सेट करता है / Li> AppData में pgpass.conf फ़ाइल बनाता है डेटा निर्देशिका में कॉन्फ़िगरेशन फ़ाइलों की प्रतिलिपि बनाता है आपूर्ति की गई पोर्ट को खोलता है जो PostgreSQL Windows फ़ायरवॉल में उपयोग करेगा उपयोग आयात-मॉड्यूल इंस्टॉल करें- पोस्टग्रेस इंस्टॉलेशन-पोस्टग्रेस -उपयोगकर्ता "पोस्टग्रेज़" -पासव...

matlab - Non causal zero-phase FIR with the windowing method -

I am trying to create a zero phase non-causal FIR filter with windowing method in MATLAB. It seems that I can only get a linear phase FIR filter. Also the impulse response is always the reason, I can use fvtool to analyze filters, maybe this is not the right tool for this? I see that I get different results with freqzplot (now obsolete). I Edit: I need to react to the impulse of the zero phase filter which is in the form of the input of a function Another fir produces a linear phase with I 2n + 1 coefficient is a continuous delay of FIR filter N samples, so that you can. Just implement such a filter and make changes in the time of N specimens and it will be necessary when necessary, any non-cause, zero phase filter.

web services - A message body writer for Java type, class bookInfoListType, and MIME media type application/xml was not found -

I've been browsing stackoverflow recently for this error and I'm unable to find a solution on almost all threads . This is the reason why I am posting this question here. The problem is that I am saying the error in answering. My XSD definition is: & lt; Xs: element name = "bookInfoList" & gt; & Lt; XS: complexType & gt; & Lt; XS: Sequence & gt; & Lt; Xs: element name = "bookInfo" type = "bookInfoType" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded" /> & Lt; / XS: sequence & gt; & Lt; / XS: complexType & gt; & Lt; / XS: element & gt; & Lt; Xs: element name = "bookInfo" type = "bookInfoType" /> & Lt; Xs: complex type name = "bookInfoListType" & gt; & Lt; XS: Sequence & gt; & Lt; Xs: element name = "bookInfo" type = "bookInfoType" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded" /> ...

javascript - Find, Change multiple instances of text on page is Slow and Unresponsive, but Works -

EDIT: StackOverFlow is changing Japanese characters with the translation when saving my question. It looks like I'm replacing the same text with the same text. The first item (of the dupes below) should be Japanese text. Using the script described here: I Yahoo Japan auction pages (Yes, I have a translation engine, but I have reason to Have been gone about trying to translate ...) Example Page: Some scripts have tried and when If the script works, I have to wait and click on "unresponsive script" shortly before the change (10-20 seconds) Anki I believe that my implementation is very small, uncertain how to proceed. The script may include more than 200 change items. These are killed down for space considerations. Version 1 script: function newTheOlds (node) {node = node || Document.body; If (node.Nodtip == 3) {// Text node node. NodeValue = node.nodeValue.split ('car, bike'). Join ('car, bike'); Node NodeValue = node.nodeValue.s...

excel - How to read data from Google Sheets into PHP -

OK, so I've been stumped for a few days, which can not be found decisive. I have a spreadsheet here: Headings 1 and below are in column A It works as a type of grid, so that you can set a certain number, for example, Atrix X Aheri is 100, which is in C2. I understand that I have to pull CSV and have to work with it in PHP, but I'm not really sure how. I do not know how to clear this spreadsheet without overhead and messy code, nor do I know how to actually get a specific score for the column . If I'm not clear, please tell me and I will try to clarify. I am really in a pause until I understand how to handle it. You need Google API specific API in Google: Use it To be able to, you need access to its authorized access: The Google API takes a while to learn, so sit down, clear your head and give time to read the documentation. Also, for PHP, you can see this library: See this example how they use the API's drive service to upload files Drive se...

php - how to access a variable inside the function from another class -

How can I use the variable inside a function in a square from another class Below east .. I want to use $ asdf in another category. For example class abc {public function foo1 () {$ asdf = 'YEAHHHHH'; }} Class xyz {private qw; Public event foo2 () {$ this- & gt; Qw = new foo1 (); $ This- & gt; Qw- & gt; Foo1 () - & gt; Asdf; // asdf has not been found .. echo $ this- & gt; Firstly make sure the function returns the value as needed, that is: return $ asdf; Then you can reference and assign a value to a variable: $ value = $ this-> qw- & gt; Foo1 (); Then your code will look something like this: class abc {public function foo1 () {$ asdf = 'YehahHHH'; Return $ Asdf; }} Class xyz {private qw; Public event foo2 () {$ this- & gt; Qw = new foo1 (); $ Value = $ this- & gt; Qw- & gt; Foo1 (); Echo $ value; }}

java - What Intent is used to send a multi task list from the Action Memo app to the S Planner app? -

What is the intent to send a multi task list to the S Planner app from the Action Memo app on Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (And other related note devices)? On the Note 3 device, if you open the action memo, write a list of items on several lines, then press the Action button link, then select the task, then send the data to the S Planner. , Which convert each line to a different function. What is the effect of using the Action Memo app to pass this information to the S Planner app? Answer briefly: I do not believe it is in this case Intent is using. Long answer: I intend to pin each one in ActionMemo in the link-to-action menu, with the intention of every other option, the following code snippet provides such intent filters, each of which Can be used in the manifest file to capture: & Lt; Category android: name = "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> & Lt; Data Android: scheme = "tele" /> & Lt; / Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt ;! - ...

c++ - Compiling with -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ still results in dynamic dependency on -

I am trying to make an executable which is probably portable, after removing some dependency, During binary running, the following came in: / lib / x86_64-linux-gnu / libm so much .6: version 'GLIBC_2. 15 'not found (required by FOB) /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version' GLIBC_2.15 'not found (required by phob) / lib / x86_64- Linux-gnu / 6: version 'GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by FOB) I like my binary that the user does not need to upgrade their version libc , so I want to remove this dependency equally I am Linkar flags which used to produce the above binary already include -static-libgcc -static-libstdc ++ . How does binary still need to share ? I also tried to add the -static flag, but when I try that is very strange to run binary: $ ls -l foob -rwxr-xr-x 1 claudiu claudiu 13278191 10 October 13:03 foob $ ./foob bash: ./foob: such What should a file or directory do? Edit: $ file foob foob: ELF 64-bit...

BASH printf array with field separator and newline on last entry -

How can I print an array with a field separator between each value and a new line in BASH. The closest I can get with a single printf is printf '% s |' "$ {AR1 [@]}" where | Field separator. The problem with this is that there is no line break at the end \ NI try to enter any combination or any line breaks on every entry or none! Is there a way to do it on one line or me printf '% s' | "$ {Arr1 [@]}"; Printf "\ n" thanks, gerrant Yes, for this you need two commands. Print '% s' | "$ {Array {@}}"; Resonance is completely conventional. Alternatively, if you are sequential | , you can temporarily modify IFS , select the separator as your first letter, and "$ {array [*]}" : Use IFS = "| $ IFS"; Printf '% s \ n' "$ {array [*]}"; IFS = "$ {IFS: 1}"

node.js - Fetch posts by category with bookshelf.js -

I am using bookshelf.js as my ORM for node. I have 2 models post = bookshelf. Model Extension ({tableName: 'posts', categories: function ()} This return.belongsToMany ('category');}}); Category = bookshelf.model.extend ({tableName: 'Categories', Post: Function ()} Return to it. Belgstman ('Post');}}); They are related to the categories_pause table, so it's many of the many relationships. Now I want the user to be able to see all the positions in certain categories. But I just do not want to post all, I should put a score on the page. But I am unable to get the overall posts under the specific category, it always returns the total positions present in the system. I have tried this code.forge ({id: id}) (). () () () () () () () () () () () ();} But unlike the post table = id Total posts under category identified by this is also possible, or should I make a supporting method which is directly categories_posts table thanks c...

python - limiting characters printed for loop -

This is quite a "biz talk" thing, although I want to print it 10 words or numbers per line, and also one In the same program, the user is allowed to input the range, and set the amount of words or numbers to print per line for the i category (1,121): if i% 3 = = 0 and I% 5 == 0 and I% 7 == 0: Print ("zipzapzop") Alief I% 3 == 0 and I% 5 == 0: Print ("zippap") Alif I% 3 == 0 and I% 7 == 0: print ("zipzop") elif i% 3 == 0: print ("zip") elif i% 5 == 0: print ("zap") elif i% 7 == 0: Print ("Zop") Other: Print (i) Output: 1 2 zip 4 zap zip zop 8 zip zap 11 Zip 13 zop zipzap 16 17 zip 19 zap zipzop 22 23 zip zap 26 zip zop 29 zipzap 31 32 zip 34 zap zip 37 38 zip zap 41 zipzop 43 44 zipzap 46 47 zip zop zap 52 jip zap zop zip 58 59 zipzap 61 62 zipzop 64 zap zip 67 68 zip zap 71 zip 73 74 zippop 76 zop zip 79 jap zip 82 83 zip zop zap 86 zip 88 89 zip zap zip 92 zip 94 zap zip 97 zop zip zap 101 zip 103 104 z...

function - How do I do "map" in octave/matlab? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 7 जवाब यहाँ थोड़ा सा अष्टक कोड है & gt; & gt; [4,5] ([1,2,1]) ans = 4 5 4 मैं उस मैपिंग को फ़ंक्शन 1- & gt; 4, 2-> 5 ओवर कॉल करता हूं वेक्टर [1,2,1]। लेकिन जो नक्शा मैं करना चाहता हूँ वह 0- & gt; 1,25- & gt; 2,40- & gt; 9, नाएन- & gt; 0 बहुत अधिक लंबा है वेक्टर। मैं भी इसे बम करने के लिए चाहूँगा अगर 0,25,240, सदिश में NaN के अलावा कोई भी मान है। मैं यह करने के लिए विभिन्न तरीकों को देख सकता हूं, कोई नहीं उनमें से खूबसूरत और आश्चर्यजनक है कि क्या यह व्यक्त करने का एक मुहावरेदार तरीका था। यह आसानी से किया जा सकता है तार्किक अनुक्रमण के माध्यम से हंटज के शुरुआती वैक्टरों का प्रयोग: अनुमत = [0, 25, 240]; V = [0; 25; 240; NaN; 0; 25; 240; NaN]; मान्य नहीं = नहीं (कोई भी (बीएसएक्सफ़न (@ इक्, वी, अनुमति), 2)); NotNaN = नहीं (अदनान (वी)); यदि कोई है (न कि & amp; न्नएनएएन) त्रुटि ('अवैध प्रविष्टि'); अंत वी (वी == 0) = 1; वी (वी == 25) = 2; वी (वी == 240) = 9; वी (अदनान (वी)) = 0; क...

jquery - What's the difference between [attribute~=value] and [attribute*=value]? -

What is the difference between these two jQuery selectors? These definitions are from [attribute ~ = value] selector with each specific attribute Chooses a value that has a specific string value. [attribute * = value] selector selects each element with a specific attribute, which contains a string value. Update: Here are the definitions from This answers my question: [attribute ~ = value] - A word is given by selecting elements with the specified element, in which the space - Selects the elements that have the specified attribution that are given a given substring value is. * = Select the attribute selector , from: Selects the elements that have the given attribution given the value of the substrings given. ~ = is attributeContainsWord selector , from: Selects the elements that have the specified attribution, in which there is a word that is delimited by an empty space. and The attribute conten...

python - Receiving "KeyError" after decoding json result from url -

I am new to Python I am trying to parse JSON result from a URL. Basically, I was using the following: response = urllib.request.urlopen (url) json_obj = json.load (response) It should be a stroke "str 'not' bytes' in the lines of a given" JSON object, so after searching on the StackoverView Flo, I decode the response in this way: F = urllib.request.urlopen (Url) charset = (). Get_param ('charset', 'utf8') data = () decoded = json.loads (data.decode (charset)) If I print "decode" I is as follows: { 'link': { 'summary data': 'https: // localhost / piwebapi / streams / p0_7qHaW4UHU-RlCaz8tpasAAQAAAAU0hJTExNQU42NDIwXFNJTlVTT0lE / summary' 'value': 'https: // localhost / Piwebapi / streams / P0_7qHaW4UHU-RlCaz8tpasAAQAAAAU0hJTExNQU42NDIwXFNJTlVTT0lE / price ',' InterpolatedData ':' https: // localhost / Piwebapi / streams / P0_7qHaW4UHU-RlCaz8tpasAAQAAAAU0hJTE...

android - OutOfMemoryError in getView() with progressbar -

मेरे पास एक ListView है जिसमें प्रत्येक आइटम वाले ProgressBar और एक ImageButton । लेकिन कुछ उपकरणों में, OutOfMemoryError getView () सूची के एडेप्टर के कार्यान्वयन में होता है। यहां बताया गया है। जिस रेखा में त्रुटि होती है वह नीचे दी गई है: @ ओवरराइड सार्वजनिक देखें getView (अंतिम इंट की स्थिति, कन्वर्टव्यू देखें, व्यू समूह मूल) {अंतिम दृश्यहोल्डर धारक ; If (convertView! = Null) {धारक = (देखेंहोल्डर) कनवर्टव्यू.गेटटैग (); } और {यदि (mDrawable == शून्य) mDrawable = mContext.getResources ()। GetDrawable (R.drawable.progress); लेआउटइफलटर इन्फ्लेटर = ((गतिविधि) mContext) .getLayoutInflater (); कन्वर्टव्यू = इन्फ़्लिएरइनफ्लैट (आर.लेआउट। टेस्ट_लिस्ट_आइटम, अभिभावक, गलत); // दुर्घटना यहाँ होती है धारक = नया देखेंहोल्डर (कन्वर्टव्यू); holder.progressBarEpisodes.setProgressDrawable (mDrawable); } // सत्र का नाम दिखाएं रिफ्रेश प्रगति (स्थिति, धारक); ...} निजी शून्य रिफ्रेश प्रगति (इंट की स्थिति, देखेंहोल्डर धारक) {धारक। प्रोपरबियर एपिसोड्ससेट मैक्स (पूर्णांक.पर्सिएन्ट (आइटम। प्रा...

javascript - Why is CORS without credentials forbidden? -

I am trying to understand why cross domain requests are not allowed without credentials (by default, Em > Access-control-permission-origin header). All are very straightforward in case of a request with credentials - you can complete some malicious actions on any other site, for example on Facebook, if you have logged in on it for example This request for: xhr = new XMLHttpRequest (); ('GET', ''); Xhr.send (); Generates an error (I used to execute it from this site in Chrome's console): XMLHttpRequest can not be loaded. No 'access-control-permission-generation' header is available on the requested resource, hence "origin" is not allowed. Therefore, the server may need to send an appropriate header (such as access-control-permission-origin: * ) for this request. This is just a simple request and no cookie is sent. What does this restriction mean? If such a CORS is allowed, then can there be secu...

Python changes an empty list to an integer -

So I had to write my problem function statement (), which would list the temporary point numbers as positive input The number that draws from a bank account and represents the number of negative numbers your function should return two floating-point number-beer lists; The first deposit will be the amount, and the second (a negative number) will be the sum of withdrawals. And what I wrote, it looks like changing the blank list to return 0, thus the append function is not allowed to work. I was wondering if a reason the dragon is doing this, or if this is just a strange error? The code for reference is: def statement (lst): "" "returns a list of two numbers; positive numbers (deposit) The sum of the sum is, and the other is the sum of the negative numbers (withdrawals) deposits, withdrawals, the last = []. For the [], [] in L: print (L) if L & LT; 0: print (' Expiry (withdrawal), withdrawal), Examination (L) Print ('clearance', clearance) # Exami...

Cannot create XML Schema collection for xml version 1.1 in SQL Server 2008 R2 -

I can create schema with XML version 1.0, but this project needs to use XML version 1.1 Because some of the 1.1 features required (Extensibility, Kebber, Accession) do anyone know that XML version 1.1 is compatible with SQL Server 2008 R2? While searching online I can not find any specific answer to this question. Only the XML schema 1.1 processor is available, I believe, Saxon, Zersus and Altowa. XSD 1.1 only came in 2013 because SQL Server 2008 XSD 1.1 is supported. But Microsoft implemented the new W3C XML specifications over the years: You have to go to third parties if you are locked in SQL Server, then this is not easy.

dataframe - Multiply a data frame column with a single row in another data frame, R -

One more value to multiply each element of a column with each value in the row of another data.frame What's the way ? I want to multiply df2 [1,] with df1 [, 1] and df3 dimension 5 lines X 5 column df1 & lt; - data.frame (v1 = c (10, 20, 30, 40, 50), v2 = c (5, 10, 15, 20, 25)). Df1 V1 V2 1 10 5 2 20 10 3 30 15 4 40 20 5 50 25 DF 2 & lt; - Data. Frame (Albany = 0.5, Birmingham = 1.0, Tuscany = 1.5, New York = 2, Atlanta = 2.5, Alabama = 3) & gt; Df2 Albany Birmingham Tuscany New York Atlanta Alabama 1 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Each of the output should have a column for each row and five lines of this type: Albany Birmingham Tuscany New York Atlanta Alabama 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 2 10 20 30 40 50 60 3 15 30 45 60 75 90 4 20 40 60 80 100 120 5 25 50 75 100 125 150 In my real data set, there are 9500 rows in DF1 and DF2 has 210 columns. Therefore, output data frame I want to subscribe the rows of Nero (9500) x nacl (210) Returns the data.frame of frame. ...

Tizen: Permit all applications install not working -

Does anyone have this problem? I followed the process of obtaining the certificate author.crt and device-profile.xml. Related profiles. By adding P12 files, this profile is correctly created in the Security Profiles section. Then when I right-click on the device and select "All application installation permits", then it says that the certificate is not registered! Is this IDE bug? Add the device to the distributor certificate. The reason for this error is that the device has not yet been added to the distributor certificate. The links below will guide you how to add the device to the distributor certificate. (under Distributor Certificate section).

ios - UIImagePickerController, custom UIButton and AutoLayout -

I'm trying to put a custom button in the UIImagePickerController using the lack of auto-layout; - (zero) createTimerButtonFor: (UIImagePickerController *) picker {UIButton * button = [UIButton buttonWithType: UIButtonTypeCustom]; [Button Settital: @ State for "Timer": UControllStateAnimal]; NSLayoutConstraint * constraint1 = [NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem: picker.view feature: NSLayoutAttributeCenterX relatedBy: NSLayoutRelationEqual toItem: Button feature: NSLayoutAttributeCenterX multiplier: 1 constant: 0]; NSLayoutConstraint * constraint2 = [NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem: picker.view feature: NSLayoutAttributeTop relatedBy: NSLayoutRelationEqual toItem: Button feature: NSLayoutAttributeTop multiplier: 1 constant: 0]; NSLayoutConstraint * heightConstraint = [NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem: Button feature: NSLayoutAttributeHeight relatedBy: NSLayoutRelationEqual toItem: nil attribute: NSLayoutAttributeNotAnAttribute multiplier: 1.0 constant:...

c++ - Check if a dialog/widget/window still open to prevent the duplication -

एक विंडो को कई बार खोलने से कैसे रोकें निम्न चित्र देखें: मुझे क्या चाहिए अगर खिड़की अभी भी खुली खिड़की को एक बार फिर खुली खिड़की बंद करने के बाद छोड़कर नहीं खुलती है। अंत में, कोड: शून्य विजेट :: on_search_btn_clicked () {searchItem * searchBox = new searchItem; searchBox- & gt; setModal (गलत); // & lt; --- मैं यह चाहता हूं क्योंकि यह खोज बॉक्स- & gt; शो (); searchBox- & gt; activateWindow (); } एक समाधान है: अपने वर्ग के सदस्य के रूप में searchItem * searchBox जोड़ें। निजी: खोजइटम * m_searchBox; कंस्ट्रक्टर में नया खोजइटम () आरंभ करें। विजेट :: विजेट ) {... m_searchbox = नया खोज आईटम (); } कॉल कॉल करें :: on_search_btn_clicked () और m_searchbox पर फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करें ( परिणामस्वरूप यह केवल एक खिड़की है जो खोला जाएगा, भले ही यह पहले से ही खोला गया हो) शून्य विजेट :: on_search_btn_clicked () {m_searchbox-> gt; setModal (false); m_searchBox- & gt; शो (); m_searchBox- & gt; activateWindow (); } ड...

c++ - How to avoid strcpy_s buffer too small -

I have to copy the std :: string data into four arrays. The length of my string is variable, but the length of my four array is fixed. const int = 5; Four names [size]; Std :: string data = "1234567890"; Strcpy_s (name, 5, data.c_str ()); // buffer causes buffer too small claims strcpy_s (name, 11, data.c_str ()); // copies fine (data length and zero) strcpy_s (name, size (data), data.c_str ()); // copy is ok How can I always copy the length of the array safely? Should I like this every time? std :: string to copy = data.substr (0, size-1); Strcpy_s (name, toCopy.c_str ()); _TRUNCATE strncpy_s (name, data.c_str (), _TRUNCATE); Anyone can copy it to fill the name buffer while still keeping in mind the termination termination (unlike conventional struncup ).