inline assembly - Unable to execute command 'tasm.exe' with Borland -

I am using Borland 4.52 to create an old project and I am running on this issue.

When my build script enters a module that contains assembly code, I have:

  INFO: root.compile: ======= ================================================== ====== Rootpile: Building module information: ================================== Cleaning ================ Information: root.compile: Thread handler said: 1 was created DEBUG: root.compile: Thread -100: module_path c: \ make.exe: *** [c_des.obj] error 1 error: root.compile: when Module_pout ran, error: 2 error: root.compile: stop thread: thread-100 flags and options: -1- -d -ml -w -f- -x- -v -R- -vi-rt- -p -dcad generating OPT C option file generating OPT ASM option file compiling ../../../../source/lrc.c "C: \ BC 45 \ bin \ bcc" + c.opt -c -olrc. Obj .. /../../../source/lrc.c Borland C ++ 4.52 Copyright (c) 1987, 1994 Borland International .. ......... / Source / L RCC: Compili ng ../../../../source/c_des.c "C: \ Bc45 \ bin \ bcc" + c.opt -c -oc_des.obj ../../../ ../ Source / c_des.c Borland C ++ 4.52 Copyright (C) 1987, 1994 Borland International .. .......... Command Unable to execute 'Task.exa' Warning: Route. Compiled: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Warning: root.compile: module failed warning: root.compile: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   

I have already checked:

  • if tasm
  • All of my environment variables,
  • Right to folders (full control)
  • When I sign in:
  • TASM in CAMD, with the help of this correctly TASM
  • when I execute it within Burrland and directly with ASM files It's ok

      Flag & Options: - 1- -d -ml -w -f- -x- -v -R- -vi -P -RT- -DMAGIC510 -DCADHEX -D4WIRES -DCAD1 -DAGP_2 -DTERM_TYPE = 1 Generating Opt CC Option File Generating Opt ASM Options File Assembling File .. ../../../../source/bcpp31.asm Turbo Assembler Version 4.1 Copyright (c) 1988, 1996 Borlon D. International Assembling File: .. \. .. \. \\ source \ bcpp31.asm Parading for Large Memory Model ParadeLocation Borland C ++ 3.10 Startup Support * Warning * .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Source \ bcpp31.asm (657) module is dependent on - Com Pabil T was passed error message: any warning message: 1 Pass: 2 Remaining Memory: 391 Compiling ../../.../source/bcpprtl ASM Turbo Assembler Version 4.1 Copyright (C) 1 9 88, 1991 Bourland International Assembling file: .. \. \ .. \ .. \. \ SUPPORT \ BCPPrintl.So gather for big memory models * .. * .. .. .. \. Source \ bcpprtl.asm (142) module is dependent - compati bility was passed error message: any warning message: 1 pass: 2 remaining memory: 398k build full bcpp31.obj are up to bcpprtl.obj       

    If you

    If the path to Borland in the first E. path is within the first few (128) characters, if it does not move in the beginning, check whether your path is compared to Borland. There is no other tasm.exe


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