Tizen Native Application Unable to create -
I'm trying to make the Tizen original app, but I'm unable to create the app, see my picture below, no samples Not available in the original app, my Tizen SDK version is 2.1.1
I can tell you how this is using TeasyNative (WYSIWYG). If you are seeking a code-based answer, then ignore it. However, those who are trying to learn and navigate in TeZan Studios, this is very useful!
Start Tezanne Studio
File / NewTeazan Project
Template / Next
Mobile / Next
Basic Application / Next
UI Builder Single View (bottom left) / Next
Project Explorer (top layout / layout.xm (double click to open layout) Open
Choose Design Tab (Center)
In the Palette, UI Container (Only Right
Drag "Grid" from Palette to your Screen
Change the color count to 720 and line number to 1280
in the Properties tab (so far right or on: Fix window / view / other / properties)
Drag the bar from your screen to "Grid"
Now you should see more (22) UI components
Drag the palette onto your screen If the "background" does not change automatically (hello bug) then do the following: drag a little laser, then resize your screen (HD , I think it is required by Tizen Store).
Highlighted with background, then go to the Properties tab, create variation properties below: Left 0, Top 0, Width 720, Height 1280 The first few times you will be in trouble until you know that BG can not change the shape of the window above the blue top and should be bigger on the window bottom, as long as you are shown in the right size as a manual Type from
Now go to your Resource tab (or just drag and drop files from Windows Explorer) and find your background image which you have already saved properly in Adobe PS and
Drag on the background "layer" on the screen.
For a button you can: drag "background" from UI components or drag "IMAGE" from the UI components to the background that is better in the background ...
Then drag and drop the tab from the resource manager (pre-made button with the ED-PS) image on the empty image location holder. You will have to manually change it again in the Properties tab to get the correct ratio.
Repeat for maximum images and buttons and text because the text "label" is awesome to say the least built. You can always create any of these button actions.
As far as I have come, I need to know how to program the buttons and actions.
Wow! This will save you several weeks! I wish I had received a step by step in this way!
Now where to post it? Io
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