tumblr - ruby SimpleOAuth error -
I am very new to Ruby and there are some problems using the Ruby Tumbler API.
Very easy test case when executing it:
#! / Usr / bin / env ruby is required 'tumblr_client' Tumblr.configure do | Config | Config.consumer_key = "XXXXXXXXXX" config.consumer_secret = "XXXXXXXXXX" config.oauth_token = "XXXXXXXXXX" config.oauth_token_secret = "XXXXXXXXXX" End Client = Tumblr :: Client.new puts client.posts ("test.tumblr.com" ) I get this error message:
/ library / rabbi / games / 2 / 2.0 / gm / simple_auth 0 0/0/0 / lib / Simple_Auth Header.rb: 88: In 'attributes': SimpleAuth: ATTRIBUTUKESS does not match keys with additional options: (runtime error) [: API_host,: consumer_sect,: tokens_cent] to / from Ebriury / Rabby / Games / 2 / 2.0 / Gmys / Simple_Auth- 0.3.0 / lib / simple_oauth / header.rb: 74: In / 'Library / Ruby / Games / 2.0' / 'From' signed 'Authorization' / Pseudo / Simple_Aud -1.3.0 / Lib / Simple_Auth / External RB: 80: / Celebration / Rabbi / Games / 2 / 2.0.0 / Games / From 'to_s' / Celibration / Rubber / Games / 2 / 2.0 / Village / Simple_Aut -1.0.0 / Leib / Simple_Auth / Fordi_EmailWorld-0.9 .1 / Leib / Farda_ Milleware / Request / oauth.rb: 41: `Call 'in / Library / Rabbi / Games / 2.0 / Village / Faradi- 1.9.0 / Leib / Fredai / / rack_ Builder. RB: 1: 39: `build_response '/ library / Rabbi / games / 2 / 3.0 / / / federade -0.9.0 / Lib / Farde / Connection. RB 377: In 'Run_Request' / Library / Ruby / Games -2.0 0 / Gemstones / Farida -0.9.0 / Leib / Farday / Connection. Receive RB: 140: `library / ruby / gamz-2.0.0 / gems / tumblr_client-0.8.4 / lib / tumblr / request. RB: 8: 'Get' from Library / Ruby / Gem / Library / Libraries / Library / Ruby / Games / 2.0 / Article / Tumblr_click 0.8.4 / Lib / 2.0.0 / Gem / Tumblr_client-0.8.4 / Lib / tumblr / blog.rb: 40: in 'posts' from awd_tumblr.rb: 13: `& lt; Main & gt; I know that I had some problems with FORADA versions and some files could have been edited to solve them, but it was a long time ago, and I do not know that I What did there?
I set my app to use simple_oauth-0.2.0 < / Div>
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