
Showing posts from February, 2011

python - What is the difference between r'' and r'^$' in regex for Django URLs? -

I have a file that has a line like this: urlpatterns = Why is it that when I change the middle line url (r '^ $', include ('my_module.urls')) this job does not do? Is not this reged for the (empty) value? whenever the Django is included () ( django Conf.urls.include () ), it matches any part of that UPS to that point and sends the remaining string to the remaining URL for further processing. But $ means that the URL has ended here, so there is no thing to cut in and send it after $ . Click for more information

objective c - Xtify with Worklight 6.2 - sample app does not receive any push notification -

We have successfully tried the original iOS version of Xtify right now, we want to try integrating Xtify with Vertical 6.2 Are there. We have followed the following steps from this link: We have downloaded the SDK below: So far, we have successfully launched the application and Xtify can locate its device with its XID. However, when we tried to make push point, the application could not get any information from Xtify. Have we lost a step? Note: We are using Exode 6 for the project. The sample app of WL 6.2 already includes the SDK. You do not need to download additional SDKs . In addition, WL 6.2 does not use the main SDK option, although you can use an optional SDK. If your sample app is registered with Xtify, and you get an XID, then you should see your registration (with a normal token) and you can try to send simple information from that page. . If you still do not get a simple push, then you can check the frequently asked questions

button - Android alignment horizontal and vertical -

Hello Me button, how to align the text view and other things, For example I bt when I horizontal I add a button along the bottom to turn the screen it means the same I want to be in place.that screen I want to be at the edge of the bottom of the screen with the same bottom cushion. How can I this button code & lt; Button android: id = "" @ + id / btnEnter Android: Layout_width = "Wrap_content" Android: Layout_height = "Wrap_content" android: text = "@ string / btn_enter" Android: layout_marginTop = "300dp" Android: layout_marginLeft = "60dp" Android: textSize = "45sp" Android: textcolor = "# 000" Android: fontFamily = "serif" /> div class = "post-text" Itemprop = "text"> If button use these properties within a RelativeLayout, button: Android: layout_alignParentBottom = "true" Android: layout_alignParentRight = "true" ...

python 2.7 - How to maximize QWidget at startup -

How to start a widget in fullscreen by default? Tried to add the set windstate but failed. Here is the code: class main (QtGui.QWidget): def __init __ (self): QtGui.QWidget .__ init __ (self) Self.ui = Ui_Form () self.ui.setupUi (self) self.ui.setWindowState (QtCore.Qt.WindowMaximized) #error: 'Ui_Form' object has no attribute 'setWindowState' self.ui.btn1.clicked.connect (self. btn1_clicked) self.ui.btn2.clicked.connect (self.btn2_clicked) def btn1_clicked (self): global value 1 value 1 + = 1 self.ui.num1.setText ( "% d"% value1) def Bitian 2_sked (self ): Global value 2 value 2 + = 1 self. 2.Set Text ("% d"% value2) to maximize the window For parents use the QWidget :: showMaximized () widget.

How do I print a character variable within quotes using php function -

I need to get this output. The result is "random" safdsaf I am using this piece of code but I am receiving it the result israndomsafdsaf I have to define random before printing it . i.e. I do not want to change this piece of code & lt ;? Php $ x = "random"; What should I change to get the desired output? If you are using similar type of quotation marks, in this way, Delimiter: Resonance is "result \". $ X. "\" Safdsaf "; Or just use two sets of different quotes: resonance results ''. $ X '' 'safdsaf' ; Output of any line of code: The result is "random"

.net - How to handle switch user in c#? -

I want to do a set of work in my windows work when user switching from one account to another using the option of user switches Switches provided by Windows 7. So do we have some system events to handle this switch user case? I think what you need you can hear a new user logging and the form of a user switch You can count in, because your app is still active (otherwise your lawoff will be first). occurs when the user is currently logged in has changed the user. I think the argument for a user switch is: The current session is still alive (not logged off); Login or unlock another session. Both incidents can be controlled by this incident.

html - Distribute element Horizontally equal using CSS -

I have eleven dots using CSS, horizontally Organize. My question is, how can I distribute / evenly distribute the difference between the content of the width of the browser (evenly SPAN ) ? Can I do some math in CSS? Here is my sample code: HTML & lt; Span id = "first" class = "border-change circle" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span id = "second" class = "circle" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span id = "third" square = "circle" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span id = "fourth" square = "circle" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span id = "five" square = "circle" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span id = "six" class = "circle" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span id = "seven" class = "circle" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; ...

ios - App works on Simulator but not on device.Https web service issue -

I am bringing data to my app via post web service. The app works fine when I run it on the simulator but fails on device Service starts with https .. So do you think that this could be the reason? When I run on the device the data is empty and therefore the app crashes .... Here my code is to be brought to bring web service and data .. Any help It is appreciated how to consume the services of Https + (NSDictionary *) checkWithServer: (NSString *) urlname jsonString: (NSString *) jsonInputString {NSURL * url1 = [NSURL URLWithString: urlname]; // NSMutableURLRequest * Request = [NSMutableURL request request with url: url1]; NSMutableURLRequest * Request = [NSMutableURL request request with url: url1 cache policy: NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalAndRemoteCacheData timeout interval: 60.0]; [Set http system: @ "post"]; [Request Set Value: @ "App / JSN" HTTP Headerfield: @ "Acceptor"]; [Request Set Value: @ "App / Jason; Charset = UTF-8" forHTT...

java - How to save some content into a column and read it back to an object -

I have string arrays that I need to save this string array as a single string in a text column, separated by commas . But when I read and write Hibernate, I just set and list the list & lt; String & gt; . I want to know a sample and how can I do it with hibernate annotations. You Hibernate Users

node.js - npm express not installing command -

I have a Mac and I'm running the following code to install Express as Global: sudo npm install -g express This is giving the following output New-host: admin $ sudo npm install -g express एक्सप्रेस@4.9 .6 / sterile / local / lib / Nod_modls / express â ???? One ???? ??? Merge-descriptors@0.0.2 a "????" Line Utils-merge@1.0.0 a ???? Line Line Cookie @ 0.1.2 a '????' Fresh @ 0.2.2 sel Escape-html@1.0.1 A "????" Line Range-Perce @ 1.0.2 A '????' Line Cookie- Signature @ 1.0.5 a "????" Line Last Hendlr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vary@1.0.0 a ???? Line Line Line Media -typer@0.3.0 a "????" Line Parseurl@1.3.0 a "????" Line Methods@1.1.0 A "????" Line Service-Static @ 1 6 .4AUTA ???? Path-to-regexp@0.1.3 A "????" Line Depd@0.4.5 A "????" Line QS @ 2.4.4-Fourteen years ago on -finished@2.1.0 (ee-first@1.0.5) a "????" Line Etag@1.4.0 (crc@3.0.0) A "????" Line Debug @ 02.0.0 (...

ios - UISearchBar Scope Bar Position? -

"postprint" itemprop = "text"> I'm here on an iPad application and I want to know that it is possible to transpose the circle by right to my UISearchBar Want to be in the second place? Is it possible to have my scope bar under? Thanks in advance. OK that's my solution to that. . Ill apply control that is divided into my own segments to create a possibility for a search field go categories = ["Scope1", "Scope2", "Scope3"] segmentedControl.addTarget (self action: "changeScope:", forControlEvents: .ValueChanged) segmentedControl.frame = CGRectMake (8, 5, 800, 30) segmentedControl.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor () segmentedControl.tintColor = UIColor.darkGrayColor () // a scrollview To add this, because there are a lot of sick classes found here You need just that it: scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake (segmentedControl.frame.size.width + 16, segmentedControl.frame.size.height -1)

How to compile multiple files in cobol online? -

I am using I have written a program that reads from a file and writes the data in another file. There is only one tab in the online compiler called I can run this program with two files using this online compiler. Thinking what you want is an input file and an output file, Perhaps it can be expected that the webpage allows you to write files on your machine in this manner. There is no indication that you can do this. Go to the same COBOL compiler (can download an up-to-date version of Open Cobol), now GnuCOBOL) and install it on your machine and keep as many input and output files as you want. There is also complete and active support for your issues for Downloaded GNKBol.

php - Deleting files after download -

I am creating an application that allows a user to download a file. After downloading I want to delete the file. The end of my code is like this: Return response :: Download (public_path). '/ Upload / _tmp /'. Urldecode ($ filename)); Which means that the end of the function ends and I am not able to delete the file. I have tried to call the 'later' filter on the path but then the file is removed quickly. Any thoughts? I personally use the following; $ response = response :: create (file_get_contents ($ path_to_file), $ status_code, $ header); The status code is clearly the code that you want to return. Within $ header parameters, you indexed content-type and content-displacement. Then you can just unlink $ path_to_file and return a $ response. There is a very easy way to delete files, which must be used by Jon's answer for the versions of Lernwell and GT; 4.0. You deleteFileAfterSend return response () - & gt; Download ($ fi...

r - Change file name when using write.table() according to the name of the third column in data frame -

I have written a script in R, which merges and modifies some CSV data and then using the writing table Result the data saved by the frame. When the file is saved, it adds the current date of the file. The third column of the resulting data frame is always country-specific, so I was thinking that there is no way to include the name of the country using the writeable name in the name of the country (based on the name of the third column). For example, if the third column's name is "this", then I want to add "Italy" to the name of the CSV file. Import the list of country names and codes in R: ( it's the top of your script But it would be wise to do this: You should not read more into the data in each data set written on .csv in your processing loop, the rest of the code will be your current write.table order Library (RQRL) csv_src & lt; - getURL (" Country...

mongodb - Use $push and $max in aggregate -

Why can not I use the maximum $ push and $ max in the same operation? ... total ... {$ group: {_id: "$ id", op: {$ push: {"max": {$ max: "$ value"}} }} ... . "errmsg": "Exception: Invalid operator '$ max'", Because $ max is a group operator , it must adhere to the syntax: Field: Group operator group operator in code> expression , such as $ push, $ max, $ min, ...

actionscript 3 - as3 Air Uploading .ipa IOS using Application Loader ERROR ITMS-9000; -

I am using Flash CC IDE and AS3 with air to create my iOS app. I am trying to upload it through an application loader and I am getting these errors in the image below. I do not know how to fix it. It says something about some-568 image which should follow such an impression. And it does not make any sense. Thanks for any input or help I found the answer here: while using the Flash IDE All you have to do is add the image to the original folder. In addition to this, you must use the latest Adobe AIR from or if this version will be higher. - Thanks Anton Vladimirovich on October 12, 20:58

css3 animation is not working in Safari -

CSS3 animation in Safari (works fine in other browsers) is not working for me, I tried to separate each property from Macintosh, which is declared separately eg: -webkit-animation-name: glow; -webkit-animation-duration: 2s; ...... But still does not work any thoughts? . Light: after {content: ''; Display area; Z-index: 1; Limit-Radius: 50%; Width: 15px; Height: 15px; Status: Completed; Cursor: indicator; Background: RGBA (64, 61, 51, 1); -Widk-Infection: All 500ms ease-in-out 0s; -Mozy-infection: all 500ms ease-in-out; -O-Infection: All the 500ms easily out-0s; Transition: All these 500ms comfortably these 0s; }. Light.turned-on: after {Content: ''; Display area; Z-index: 1; Background: RGBA (255, 242, 204, 1); -Widk-Infection: All 500ms ease-in-out 0s; -Mozy-infection: all 500ms intuitive in-out 0s; -O-Infection: All the 500ms easily out-0s; Transition: All these 500ms comfortably these 0s; } .game-area.won. Lighting: {-webkit-animation-name: glow; -webkit-an...

dynamics crm 2013 - issue with"saveandclose") -

When I open an opportunity form and from there I have opened an opportunity product, but when I come back to the project And click Save on and Close I have returned to the Opportunity Product Page (which I have previously opened) instead of the chance list page. Therefore, I have created a custom function to save the button and to write the code as the following: Save and close the function () {Xrm. ("saveandclose")} But the problem remains the same. I have fixed the problem with the following code: function save and close () { (); If (parent.opener! = Undefined) {window.parent.close (); } And Xrm.Page.ui.close (); } Hope this help !!!!

html - Element visible only if there are no siblings through CSS -

मेरा वर्तमान कोड ऐसा कुछ दिखता है: यदि list.isEmpty () {आउटपुट सूची ऑप्टपुट ("& lt; div & gt; + + item +" & lt; / div & gt; "}} में प्रत्येक आइटम के लिए (" & lt; div & gt; कोई आइटम नहीं & quot; / div & gt; " हालांकि, पूरे "कोई आइटम नहीं" तर्क दृश्य के अंतर्गत आता है और तर्क से अलग होना चाहिए आदर्श रूप से, मैं सूची में प्रत्येक आइटम के लिए बस करना चाहता हूं ("& lt; div & gt;" + + item + "& lt; / div & gt;") और उसके बाद एचटीएमएल टेम्प्लेट को कुछ ऐसा दिखता है: & lt; div id = "container" & gt; & Lt; div शैली = "केवल कोई भाई बहन नहीं दिखाई" & gt; कोई वस्तु नहीं & gt; / div & gt; & Lt; div & gt; आइटम 1 & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div & gt; आइटम 2 & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div & gt; समस्या यह है कि मैं यह समझ नहीं पा रहा कि कैसे कैसे करना है "यदि केवल कोई भाई बहन नहीं दिखाई देता है...

How can I generation sine function faster in c -

Is there any way in which I can calculate fast in sign function. When I produce a sine wave with 16,384 samples, I want to be 3. 9 6 seconds and I want to reduce it to 1 second. The logic below is used for the sine wave and it is taking about 4 seconds for calculation. I also tried to optimize the code but its number help. Help me out int i; For float F, temp = (2 * M_PI) / 16384 (i = 0; i & lt; 16384; i ++) {f = sin (temp * i); } There is no reason that you should not f More often, ever if the display is very important, the value of the values ​​in the source is hardcoded.

pdf - Make for doxygen enum inside group fail error -

I have some code that uses it for documentation. If I believe and document the values ​​ but produces errors in PDF General purpose indexer has stopped working With the option to close the program or debug it. Selecting nearby allows to continue until next, where the same error occurs again, currently it uses around 3 passes. Although PDF produces, does contian enum documentation and so far, with my small C project, PDF looks ok to appear. With enum outside the group, the error disappears ... All my documentation has been tested till date of documentation (Doksijen, Miktex, GPL Bhuprascript). Has anyone seen this like this or is there a solution to this issue? Please see the git version of Doxygen, here Bugs 733323 - Oxygen Generation Latex Generic Purpose Pointer Crash () Has been integrated.

html - Cannot change Primefaces p:commandButton font properties -

I need some customized buttons on my site that look different than the other. Class is made but it behaves weird This square is: .regCommandButton {color: #ffffff; Background: # 29b6a; Border color: # 23 A38F; Width: 100%; Height: 25px; Font-family: 'pluto_sansthin'; Font-size: 1.4em; } Import the font into a single CSS file: @ font-face {font-family: 'pluto_sansthin'; Src: url (# {resource ['fonts / plutosansthin-webfont.eot']}); Src: url (# {resource ['fonts / plutosansthin-webfont.eot? #iefix']}) format ('embedded-opentype'), url (# {resource ['fonts / plutosansthin-webfont.woff']}) Format ('woff'), url (# {resource ['fonts / plutosansthin-webfont.ttf']}) format ('truetype'); Font weight: normal; Font style: normal; } HTML implementation: & lt; P: OutputPanel & gt; & Lt; P: command button style class = "regCommandButton" value = "save" action = "# {URBea...

jquery - How to select all next classes until last class and hide? -

निम्नलिखित आंशिक तालिका संरचना पर विचार करें: & lt; tr id = "TEAM00349" वर्ग = "Trheader गहरा हैडर" डेटा-खुले = "गलत" & gt; & Lt; td rowspan = "6" & gt; & LT; h5 & gt; & Lt; p & gt; & Lt; / h5 & gt; & Lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & Lt; tr class = "org" शैली = "प्रदर्शन: तालिका-पंक्ति;" & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; 288 & lt; / टीडी & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; 193 & lt; / टीडी & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; & lt; / टीडी & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; & lt; / टीडी & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; 137 & lt; / टीडी & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; 71 & lt; / टीडी & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; 55 & lt; / टीडी & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; 12 & lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & Lt; tr class = "org" शैली = "प्रदर्शन: तालिका-पंक्ति;"...

assembly - Why GCC compiled C program needs .eh_frame section? -

टेस्ट 32 बिट x86 लिनक्स पर जीसीसी 4.6.3 पर है सी प्रोग्राम को संकलित करने के लिए जीसीसी का उपयोग करते समय और अनुभाग जानकारी को देखने के लिए readelf का उपयोग करते हुए, मैं .eh_frame अनुभाग और .eh_frame_hdr अंदर अनुभाग। उदाहरण के लिए, यहां द्विआधारी प्रोग्राम Perlbench का अनुभाग जानकारी है। readelf -S perlbench ओफ़्सेट 0x102e48 से शुरू होने वाले 28 अनुभाग हेडर हैं: अनुभाग शीर्षकों: [एनआर] नाम प्रकार शख्सियत बंद आकार ईएसए फ्लैग एलके इंफ अल [0] शून्य 00000000 000000 000000 00 0 0 0 [1] .interp PROGBITS 08048154 000154 000013 00 ए 0 0 1 [2]। नोट। एबीआई-टैग नोट 08048168 000168 000020 00 ए 0 4 4 [3] नोट 08048188 000188 000024 00 ए 0 4 4 [4]। gnu.hash GNU_HASH 080481ac 0001ac 000,044 04 ए 5 0 4 [5] .dynsym DYNSYM 080481f0 0001f0 0007b0 10 ए 6 1 से 4 [6] .dynstr STRTAB 080489a0 0009a0 0003d6 00 ए 0 0 1 [7] .gnu.version VERSYM 08048d76 000d760000f6 02 5 0 2 [8] .gnu.version_r VERNEED 08048e6c 000e6c 0000a0 00 एक 6 2 से 4 [9] .rel.dyn REL 08048f0c 000f0c...

NSURLCredential cant compile in Swift -

I have some compilation problems with the latest XCode 6.1 (6A1046a) this line will be compiled: var newCredential = NSURLCredential (user: "test", password: "test", firmly NSURLCredentialPersistence.None); But it throws an "extra logic" identity into the call: var identity: SecIdentity = self.getClientCertificate (); Var newCredential2 = NSURLCredential (Identity: Identity, Certificate: Zero, Persistence: NSURLCredentialPersistence.None); But I do not know why it should work according to the manual: Any thoughts? Error swift that you are misleading (a common issue if a function is incorrectly Is one of the passing arguments). The problem is that the certificate is defined as [AnyObject] , but you are passing it to zero . Since certificate is not an option, it can not take any zero value. The documentation also says: One or more of the certificate for identity certificates of SecCertificateRef object. So, you must pas...

Cannot add platform for ios and android (Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory) -

I was trying to get started on this demo for eonics on Mac OSX and I The point where I wanted to add the platform, I entered this terminal in my terminal: add eonike platform android but then me Errors found: Error: ENOENT, such a file or directory '/Users/adeyo/todo/ionic-app-base-master/plugins/android.json' error in Object.fs ( Give O) .openSync (fs.js: 455: 18) at Object.fs.writeFileSync (fs.js: 1001: 15) at Object.save_platform_json (/ usr / local / etc / lib / node_modules / Cordoba / node_modules / Cordoba -lib / src / plugman / util / config-changes.js: 476: 8) Process as [on] PlatformMunger_process (/ usr / local / etc / lib / node_modules / Cordoba / node_modules / Cordoba-lib / src / plugman / Util / config-changes.js: 401: 13) at Object.exports.process (/usr/local/etc/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/src/plugman/util/config-changes.js : 80: 12) at object.handlePrepare (/ usr / local / etc / lib / node_module / cordoba / node_modules /...

json - How to extract result content from play.mvc.Result object in play application? -

Actually, I'm redirecting to another play application with the application of a play, after all I responded as a result object I get the action in two applications below. I'm redirecting from apllication1 to application2. The app will return 2 JSON string, I need to remove. Application1: public static result redirectTest () {/ p> result result = redirect ("http: // ipaddress : 9000 / certify "); / *** Here I want to remove JSON string from result *** / return result; } Application2: @SecuredAction Public Static Results Index () {Map & lt; String, string & gt; Feedback = New Hashmap & lt; String, string & gt; (); Demo user user = (demoizer) CTX (). Args.get (SecureSocial.USER_KEY); (Basic Profile BasicProfile: User ID) {response.put ("name", basicProfile.firstName (). Get ()); Response.put ("emailId", (). Get ()); Response.put ("providerId", basicProfile.providerId ()); Response.put...

android - Can accessibility service be stopped or killed? -

I have written an accessibility service and after receiving a service I want to stop / kill the service (i.e. onAccessibilityEvent ). Can it be done? I have tried to kill the process below but it is not working. unbindService (mSvcConn); android.os.process.killProcess (android.os.Process.myPid ()); I have an Android manifest. Xml I have given the following permission. I know that the accessibility service can not be started in the program but it stops? An accessibility service can not remove itself from the list of competent services or without its own process Can be able to automatically restart the service, but you can call AccessibilityService.setServiceInfo (New Accessibility Service Manager ()) to shut down your service effectively. The calling accessibility manager .isEnabled () will still come true, but your service will not receive the event.

php - Using javascript variable in mysql query and populate listview -

I have a Google Map / Marker app where I want to use the marker id in a mysql query to extract data When the marker is clicked on the marker related to the marker. Variables are assigned when the marker is clicked and I am using AJAX to transfer the value to a php file for the variable. Mysql query JS function bindInfoWindow (marker, map, infoWindow, html) {google.maps.event.addListener (marker, 'click' , Function () {infoWindow.setContent (html); (map, marker); var site_id = marker.get ("id"); $ .ajax ({url: 'getoffer.php', type: "post ", Data: {site: site_id}, success: recipient});}); } On the success, I've called the Guesthocker function, which populates the list view with database values. var output1 = ''; Function getoffers ($ {. .post ("getoffer.php? Getjson", function (data) {var data = JSON.parse (data); console.log (data); $ .each (data, function (index, value) ) {Output1 + = '...

sql - Row over partition for totaling data by month -

I have some data that I need to do for each month and I'm having trouble finding out That is 12 example: Data is as follows: Claim GrossMitt Claims 49764.00 2014- 08-21 00: 00: 00.000 1382.43 2014-08-27 00: 00: 00.000 602.77 2014-09-02 00: 00: 00.000 497.04 2014-09-02 00: 00: 00.000 Desired Results: GrossMit claim date 51146.43 August 10 99. 88 September Actual desired result: July-August September 0 Sorry, I did not include it before! I'm sure that this is the most basic example of using line on partition, maybe it's a lack of programming. Background but this is a concept that I can not wrap my head around This is what I have done so far, but I'm not sure how to go to the next Qin. with CTE ([GrossAmt], ClaimMonth) (Select Top 10000 Addition ([GrossAmt]) TotalClaimAmt, is the case when the month ([ClaimDate]) = 1 again January 'when Month ([ClaimDate]) = 2 then 'February' when month ([ClaimDate]) = 3 then 'March' when m...

biztalk - File Name in Send Port with PGP Encryption -

The name of the file in the Send port should be set with a mask like ABC.txt.pgp. Since I have used PGP encryption component, this file name like ABC.pp.tttppp Is generating. But what I need is just abct.ttpppppp How can this be done? What you are looking for is expected. Behavior If you are referring to: Or one of its derivatives, it will modify the FILE.ReceivedFileName internally. The PPG will be added if it sets the property is. Therefore, if you only use% SourceFileName%, you will get the desired result. Otherwise, you must explicitly set the file. Get ABC.txt somewhere before the PGP component. You can also modify the source code to delete this behavior. (One Response)

java - rosjava (android_core) pub sub example nodes isolated -

I am trying to add Android Pub tutorial to android_core with a master core in my server. In fact, the example runs fine and I am capable of receiving messages in an activity listening to an Android subscriber, which is sent from the spoken node written in Roshwaw. And when I run an additional listener node, it subscribes properly: Rostopic information / nonsense type: std_msgs / string publisher: * / rosjava_tutorial_pubsub / talker (Http:// Members: * / listener_6323_1412952506377 (http: // laptop: 37300 /) * / android_gingerbread / ros_text_view ( The graph should look like this: | / Listener_6323_1412952506377 | ------- & gt; | / Rosjava_tutorial_pubsub / talker | | / Android_gingerbread / ros_text_view | - & gt; | --------------------------------- | So, the problem is that even if it is subscribed, it will not show anything, the emulator send the message to the listener in the emulator, but the external audience doe...

r - Comparing the difference in values between two data frames -

I have two different frames, each 3 columns: 'name' 'amount' 'year' ' I want to be able to identify common ???? Name ?? Calculate the difference between two data amount of the variable frame and each For example: name years ago by James 2010 934706 -2340 Rory 2010 869691 240576 Suzanne 2010 651 674 37 765 Felicity 2010 386 115 -512,275 Olivier 2010 382388-278,410 So far I have: common_order & lt; - Common variables among colonames (D1), colnames (D2)) two dataframes d2 = d2 [, common_order] #variables #finds D2D1D1 = D1 [, Common_Edder] D3 = 2 data frames together in D2 in the same order as RBID (D1, D2) D4 = Integrated (D3 [, 1: 3], list (D3 $ name), (D 2-d1)) This line of code is not working because the data frames are not of the same size Is there any way to do this? Structure (list (year = C (1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950), 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950), name = C...

plot - Jagged outline using Matlab 2014b -

I am plotting some maps using Matlab to plot a country border with a size file which is Mapshow then I export them both in PDF and EPS format using the export_fig package. It works perfectly fine using Matlab 2014a, but I have just improved some, and now my country's border has upgraded to Matlab 2014b to take advantage of all jagged. The border only appears to be jagged on saved versions of the file. If I zoom in on the figure window, then it's not like the outline. Here are the snippets of code that are important. It is a custom size file, so I do not know how to put it here so that people can repeat it. It reads in the size of the bit size and plots it. The display type is 'polygon' if it is released, so getting rid of the 'faceclosure' , I can see that I am portraying the pictures below (green bits in the background of the images, Code> pcolor ). thabdar = shaped ('Thailandborder'); Mapshow (thaiborder, 'FaceColor', 'an...

c# - Alternating Row Colors in Xamarin Forms ListView IOS -

I am trying to write a custom renderer which can allow a list view to rotate in row colors I have gone into an issue and I am not sure whether this may be a bug or I am not implementing the renderer properly: My expectations for the following code are that each custom view The cell should be color based, however, on this condition, it Is restricted to those that do it, I believe the code tv.IndexPathForCell (cell). Row should return the index of the cell but it is not working as expected, it is currently returning a blank value (if it is not in the cell part), but I believe that cell The table is part of the view and thus my problem is if I exclude var index = tv.IndexPathForCell (cell). and then set the background color constant value and see that it works correctly. Apart from this, an exception is thrown due to zero value and the cell is set on the base and shows the scene with a default background. Am I doing something wrong, I have tried many other things but I believe...

css - jquery ui accordion header height issue when used with google sidebar -

I'm just trying to use the default jQuery UI Aroundion in the sidebar. It works but the height of the header is higher than the demo site, and I like to shorten it I looked through the jquery-ui.css file and I could not find where the height of the header was set To do. How can I fix the height of the header? Is there a problem with Google Sidebar and Arounderran height? Adding this style announcement to / in the sidebar HTLM will fix the problem / p> : & lt; Style & gt; Caja-v-body {font-size: 62.5%;} & lt; / Style & gt; In this test, make the height of the demo 13px as the demo.

html - take 5 numbers one at a time from a form in a jsp page and calculate the average with a java class? -

I have a form, I want these input numbers at the same time. I pass an object and getParameter () values, & Lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "hidden control" value = "" /> & Lt;% string input = request.getParameter ("input"); String hidden quarters = request.GetPamator ("hidden quarter"); Control. Main program main = new control Main program (input, hidden control); & Gt%; & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "submit number" /> & Lt;% out.println (main .getResult ()); & Gt%; & Lt; / Form & gt; In the Java class, the constructor valves the value and sets the variable public keyprogram (string input, string hidden control) {try {number = Integer.parseInt (input); Counter = integer Parseint (hidden control); } Hold (NumberFormatException e) {}} Public int getResult () {Return Number; } How can I add numbers to each number presented? The problem every time the cons...

c# - cookie secure failing on localhost -

I am trying to protect the cookie like response. Cookies ["user name"]. Safe = true . For some reason these are failing, I mean I am setting this up after login, new page is showing error, "page can not be inappropriate" . Feedback Cookies ["user name"]. HttpOnly = true is not working for all cookies safe Is it because I am using a local host? Is it needed https: // ? The property of HTQQK means that the cookie is only broadcasted on SSL, so you have to check the certificate You must prepare and answer https requests on your site too.

android - how to store key-value pair data in program without using any DBMS? -

I want to make a dictionary in C ++ and QT and later for Android, in which a word and meaning.the The easy choice would be to use DBMSs like SBLight or ISSSL, but I do not want to use them because SQLite is not secure (anyone can open that SQLite database to copy that word to that word) and mysql installer Posted with A large installer file is required to go. Is there any way in which I can store my word-sense pair in the program? Or can I store word-sense pain in that string array? There are 120000 words and there are approximately 360000 meaning, if I create string string [360000] [2]? Or is it a viable solution to use a password protected zip? Please recommend any other safer and better method As MSalters say, there is no way to guarantee this unwavering guarantee, but you can do it very difficult and if you make it difficult to break your security so that it is not worth the effort You're safe enough. You have a business between programming complexity and secur...

Pulling out player's position per second in game maker -

coordinates or sheet excellence per second text file I'm making a game gamemaker, I have to get out of the player's position Or CSV file is new to gamemaker and I do not have much information about how to draw information from the game. I appreciate any help in this matter. Thank you. The game maker's file I / O is not the best. However, since there are 30 steps per second (by default, you can make the room & gt; settings), you can create a script to record the object. X and Object. Every 30 steps (or even for each stage, that case). I'm not sure if you want to input or output from the file, so if you explain more then maybe I can extend it on. Edit # 1 to create the code for your first room, put it: global Pleyrsteps; Playersteps = 0; Then the player object, while a code snippet stage event ( replace objectname with the name of the object code ): var file; File = file_text_open_write (working_directory + "\ log.txt") if (players...

php - Form not submitting more than 1000 Fields in Moodle -

I have developed a custom form that is actually a Marcusat report in Moodle, in which the number of students increased and the number Columns can increase the volume volume above 1000 and above. When the form input field goes above 1000, the form does not submit the 404 Not Found page. I have updated the price of Max_input_vars to 3000 and restart my apache, even then it is not working. Any clues or suggestions? Try the HTML version of that form here: It is an attempt to submit the load on AJAX through load but fails. Although the description of the HTTP protocol does not specify any maximum length, then the web browser and server software Practical limitations are imposed by Check this answer:

javascript - sorting a string number, angularjs -

$ scope.units मुझे जैसे डेटा देता है [["नाम": " यूनिट 1: एसीएक्स "," आईडी ":" एडीसी "," आईडी ":" के 0 9 ए "}, {" नाम ":" यूनिट 4: एक्सवायज़ "," आईडी ":" सी 9 जे 5 "}, {" नाम ":" ":" X4C8 "}, {" नाम ":" इकाई 4: Kxc "," id ":" W230 "}, .....] मैं उपयोग करता हूं एनजी-दोहराना में नामों को कॉल करने के लिए एक फिल्टर एनजी-दोहराने = "यूनिटों में इकाइयां | आदेशबी: 'नाम'" लेकिन यह मुझे यूनिट 1, 10, 11, 12, 2, 3, 4, 5, का आदेश देता है .. I लगता है मुझे पार्स या कुछ चीज़ों की ज़रूरत है लेकिन मैं इस समस्या को हल करने में असमर्थ हूं। आप इसे पूर्णांक के आदेश में प्राप्त करने के लिए क्या बदलाव कर सकते हैं। आपको एक प्राप्तकर्ता बनाने की आवश्यकता होगी $ scope.unitOrder = function (यूनिट) फ़ंक्शन के लिए order By फ़िल्टर, जैसे: {Return parseInt ( ('') [1]);} ...

javascript - copy PDF from server to client sources -

I am currently working on a system where I want to copy the PDF file from my server to the customer's sources Opening in a embed tag So far, I have the following server code ... [HttpGet ("printpdf") ] Public HttpResponse getPDF () {System.Web.HttpResponse response = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response; Response.ClearContent (); Response.Clear (); reaction. Contact type = "application / pdf"; Response.AddHeader ("content-dispute", "attachment; file name = preview pdf;"); Response.TransmitFile ("preview.pdf"); Response.Flush (); Response.End (); Return feedback; } and it is called by the customer with extJS Ext.define ('RibbonMenu View. Dialogues.Print ', expand:' Ext. Window. ', Mixes: {Control Disilator:' Ribbon menu .VibrationRibon.ControlControllDisbuser}}, Title: 'print preview', height: 800, width: 800 Layout: 'fit', constrained: right: item: [{xtype: 'component...

javascript - Height of div after appending elements via ajax -

I call an AJAX call to recover some json and this data has been added to div #example, and I Want to get it to the height of #example ($) using the $ example ('# instance') If I get the height now, then all the items can not be added yet, I am trying to achieve the height within the segment of the success of AJAX calls at the end of the enzending loops, but the aping action is not yet complete Because because I'm getting less than expected, what is the most favorable way of action to get the height of the #example? Do you try to achieve the height of success of AJAX calls? $ Ajax ({url: '/ example', datatype: 'jason', success: work (data) {$ ('height ();}, complete: function (data) {$ (' # example '). ;}}); If it still does not work, then make sure to use a settime of 500 milliseconds for $ ('# example') populated Try it. I have also heard about "full" Ultimate for Ajax.

matlab - Drawing a pentagon using a decagon -

I'm new to matlab and I'm stuck on one of my work, I have to draw a pentagram from a decimal , I am using a function called 'circle' which gives me all the coordinates of the desired circle, the function takes the coordinates of the center of the circle (cx, xi) and radius (r) and the number of vectors (n). Here I would like to: And how far away have I found it? Here The 'circle' function code is: function [xx, yy] = circle (cx, cy, r, n) t = linspace (0, 2 * pi, n +1); X = r * because (t); Y = r * sin (t); Xx = x + cx; Yy = y + cy; End Here is the pentagram code: [x, y] = circle (0,0,5,5); [X1, y1] = circle (0,04,10); Px = [0 x (1) x1 (2) x (2) x1 (4) x (3) x1 (6) x (4) x1 (8) x (5) x1 (10)]; Py = [0 y (1) y1 (2) y (2) y1 (4) y (3) y1 (6) y (4) y1 (8) y (5) y1 (10)]; Plot (x, y, x1, y1, px, py); Axis ([- 11-11-11 11]); Axis is equal to; function [xx, yy] = circle (cx, cy, r , N, phase) if nargin & lt; 5% check when phase logic ...

Using active directory from command prompt - dsquery user - how to get everyone except x? -

उदाहरण से dsquery user OU = test, DC = Microsoft, DC = कॉम -नाम जोन मुझे जो चाहिए वह सब है लेकिन जोन निम्नलिखित काम नहीं किया: dsquery उपयोगकर्ता ओयू = टेस्ट, डीसी = माइक्रोसॉफ्ट, डीसी = कॉम -नाम! जोन क्या यह सीएमडी से संभव है? मैंने एक I बयान के साथ लूप को जोड़कर समस्या हल की है। ऐसा कोई जवाब नहीं है, लेकिन यह काम करता है।

How to set a compiler in Qt? -

I'm completely new to QT and I have the offline version "Windows 64-bit (VS 2013, OpenGL, 573 MB ) " I am unable to compile my project. I have: Qt 5.3.2 (MSUVC 2010, 32bit) based on Qt Creator 3.2.1 (opensource) In my build & Amp; Run, I have, for kit: desktop QT 5.3 for Qt version MSVC2013 OpenGL 64 bit: QT 5.3 MSVC 2013 OpenGL 64 bit and there is nothing for compilers tab I do not know that segment What should I remember? I found the following error message while trying to compile my project: 14:44:12: The configuration is faulty. P> Blockquote> and Configure a compiler in the kit options that require a compiler set up to create a Qt constructor. Go to Tools-> Option-> Build & amp; You can also manage the kits on the kit tab, to add a new compiler to the Play and Compilers tab. Do not forget to setup qmake on the qt version tab. In addition, if you have MSVC code> QT to Microsoft Visual Studio...

How to reference Polymer icons in CSS -

I was wondering if the polymer core-icons to display an icon in CSS as a background-image . . I want to reference an icon in my stylesheet like this: # arrow-forward {background-image: url (path to polymer icon / arrow-forward.svg); } So far, I've tried it without success: I want to do this so that I can easily create more customized controls for image sliders / other plugins You can use core-icon (or iron-icon for use in the upcoming CSS) because they are file / base 64 data are not present in the form. If you look in the source code for core-icons.html , you will see why your reference does not work; Icon SVG paths are: & lt; g id =" accessibility "& gt; & lt; ; Path d = "M12 2c 1.1 0 9 9" 2 2-9 2 2-2 -2-2-9-2-2 .9-2 ​​2-2zm9 7h-6v13h-2 v-6-2 v6H9V9H3V7h18v2z "/> & lt; / g & gt; ; ... I want to do this so that I can easily create more customized controls for image sliders / other plugins. The wor...

pickle - Python multiprocessing: object identifier unique across processes -

Let's say that you want to run several processes in parallel (using multiprocusing, possibly on many different machines, such as in a cluster), where each process creates a list of new examples of a particular class, then you All these lists are sent back to the original process, and you want to add them. Now, can we index these examples from their object ID? Can I expect that the object can be identified specifically to the ID, because each object is generated on a different process (possibly a different machine)? In other words, do data between the process of picking required to send the ID of an item, or whether interpreters provide fresh and exclusive IDs to the objects when they are unplickant? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> You asked, the object ID avoids snacking? There is no answer. The object is cooked and sent to another process, and a new object is created in that process with a new ID. The results are sent back to the original process. ID not...

Count After Skip MongoDb -

I have such a collection {"_id": ObjectId ("54368d9125c3dc7c1f43295f") "Nome": "John", "Eta": 30, "Data": ISOAD ("2014-10-09T10: 30: 00.000Z"}} {"_id": ObjectID ("54368d9c25c3dc7c1f432960"), "Nom" "Paul", "Eta": 31} and I do this query db.coll.find ({eta: {$ gt: 30}}) My result is a document (Paul) db.coll.find ({eta: {$ gt: 30}}) .count () // 1 If I do db.coll.find ({eta: {$ gt: 30}}). Skip (1) I do not have the results, and it's okay. But if I do this db.coll.find ({eta: {$ gt: 30}}. Skip (1) .count () My result is 1 From the document for: By default, the Count () method ignores the effects of the cursor. Skip () and cursor.Limit (). Set the SQL Limit to consider the effect of these methods. then you can supply an alternative parameter called applySkipLimit to apply (code). They are, if you want to effect it (): ( ...

javascript - Run two separate jQuery simultaneously -

I'm trying to get two different jquery to run at the same time. One thing (the design is JQuery that how I will see it) is related to a carousel and smooth scrolling, and automatically highlights the current area in Navbar. The second is a Konami code script which I would like to implement as an easter egg. When I remove the jQuery design, the Konami code works as much in the browser as much as should. However, when it is added to the site, the Konami code is unable to work. Is there any way for both of them to have both at the same time? If you are not already doing this, then design jQuery and Konami code script Define each and every $ (document) .ready (varName);

ember.js Ember.Select throws error "Cannot read property 'selectedIndex' of undefined" -

Then, I have this code: {{# if ifclient}} { {See Amber. Choose value = country content = prompt = 'please select country'}} {{/ if}} which works great on load because isClient Default to true, however, when I set the isCLient false, I get this error: Mandatory Property 'selectedIndex' can not be read Anyone with better understanding of the underlying code has any ideas? OK, so I found out the problem was. I was using Amber-Animate Library and calling: Ember.View.reopen ({willAnimateIn: function () {this. $ (). ( );}, Anime in: function (done) {this. $ (). FadeIn (250, done);}, animate out function (done) {this. $ (). FadeOut (250, done); },}); from Amber Selection is a scene, animation features were being called when it was visible and disappeared. Therefore, I have changed it from the top: Amber Animatedview = amber View. Extension ({ And all is well.

C++ Array Type Not Assignable in Copy Constructor -

I have a simple class that represents the triangle, which consists of three arrays square triangle {public: double x [3]; Double y [3]; Unsigned four colors [3]; }; I want to create objects in this square on the heap, then pass on those functions which will use the value from the array. Since I am in these items, I need to make a deep copy to make a copy. Triangle (const triangle and obj) {X = new double [3]; Y = new double [3]; Color = new unsigned char [3]; For (int i = 0; i I keep the following error: "Error: array type 'double [3]' is not assignable for each of the three arrays. I am taking the same view as discussion, and I do not know why I am unable to create a new array. The answer is also the same approach. Does anyone have any insights? Looks like I'm really stupid. I'm taking the same approach as discussed in this video. In the video, you can see that he started the array Read on the member-preliminary list and how it is dif...

ide - What's a convenient environment for edit-run-repeat with short Clojure programs? -

I'm hacking on the problem set and am very happy. I have done a few dozen of primary and easy level problems However, for this purpose there are some leaves to be desired in my "development" environment Basically, I am writing a liner, or So for writing, I'm writing in Leifing REPL or Sublime Text "Sublimer RPRL". I want to be able to open those one-liners as I work (some solutions need to be longer than some lines which I have seen so far but less A line is too low for my lines.) My desired workflow is, as I have placed in the title, to put a single file for each solution, and to hit it Be able to survive it Move it, run it and see the output. I'm on OS X and Ubuntu; My primary editor is a sublime text, but I also use Amax. CIDRE probably? With Imac, as Charles suggests, either config or AMACS prelude (or). Open a file to start a closing replay via cedar (nrepl's replacement), stay away, and Ctrl-c Alt-J Open ...

How can I simply remove the .php extension using .htaccess only for a specific file? -

I have seen a lot of answers regarding redirecting a lot of URLs so that any .php extensions should be removed, but Due to some difficulties for this struggle for me Rev.Reuters ^ citation / ([a-zA-Z0- 9] +) / $ index.php? Id = $ 1 rewrite rule / quote / ([A-GA-Z0- 9] +) $ Index.php? Id = $ 1 I already have / quotation / 1 / quotation / 2 etc /index.php? Id = 1 and /index.php?id=2 etc. But what I really want to do is just match the / random / and point it to /random.php and none of the current replies seem so specific . Thank you. "text-post" itemprop = "text" to remove .php extension with .htaccess > Use it: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f Rewrite Convert% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -D Rivetrium ^ ([^.] +) $ $ 1.php [NC, L]

javascript - Are there any security concerns storing HTTP Basic authorization header in localStorage? -

I am creating a web application that accesses a private API. The API I am using uses HTTP Basic Authentication on TLS. My client has requested the "Remember Me" functionality for the web app so that users can maintain consistent authentication on a given device. My quick and dirty solution is valid after localStorage in authorization header. Of course, to reach a user's device without any limit, whatever salt is worth to its weight, it can copy the athther header from localStorage and the user's login / password combo Can be decoded to retrieve it. In addition to the Total Device Agreement, are there any other security implications for storing such sensitive data in localStorage ? Is local storage as a store for sensitive data as a password acceptable? If not, how would you continue to perform such data on a user's device beyond a personal browser session? (I want all people to use their private key ... passwords are such a 90's) edit to...

python - TypeError: float() argument required to be a string or a number -

I am in grade 11 computer science in my high school, and I am just starting in Python. I should do a function called computepay that will ask the user for their name, their wages, and the hours of that week and automatically calculates the total including any overtime, and there will be no wrong input Includes. I have created different functions for all inputs, but when I plug it in my computepay function it tells me: Type error: The float () argument must be string or a number def mainloop (): # This error is not to create a loop response = input ('do another calculate? [Y / n] ') Input # input ==' n '# In response: #Using input to return Give Feedback == 'y': computepay () else: print ("N") print ("wrong input.") Mainlope () def getname (): name = input ("what is your name?") #dip Input of input (input) = wage = input ("hello there! Money are you per hour?") Try the # input: float (wage) # This error is no...