node.js - npm express not installing command -

I have a Mac and I'm running the following code to install Express as Global: < Pre> sudo npm install -g express

This is giving the following output

  New-host: admin $ sudo npm install -g express एक्सप्रेस@4.9 .6 / sterile / local / lib / Nod_modls / express â ???? One ???? ??? Merge-descriptors@0.0.2 a "????" Line Utils-merge@1.0.0 a ???? Line Line Cookie @ 0.1.2 a '????' Fresh @ 0.2.2 sel Escape-html@1.0.1 A "????" Line Range-Perce @ 1.0.2 A '????' Line Cookie- Signature @ 1.0.5 a "????" Line Last Hendlr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vary@1.0.0 a ???? Line Line Line Media -typer@0.3.0 a "????" Line Parseurl@1.3.0 a "????" Line Methods@1.1.0 A "????" Line Service-Static @ 1 6 .4AUTA ???? Path-to-regexp@0.1.3 A "????" Line Depd@0.4.5 A "????" Line QS @ 2.4.4-Fourteen years ago on -finished@2.1.0 (ee-first@1.0.5) a "????" Line Etag@1.4.0 (crc@3.0.0) A "????" Line Debug @ 02.0.0 (MS @ 06.6.2) An "F" Send@0.9.3 (Destroy.1.0.3, MS @ 06.6.2, MEEM.1.1.11) A '' A '???? Proxy-addr@1.0.3 (forwarded@0.1.0, ipaddr.js@0.1.3) A '' A '???? Accepts@1.1.1 (Talker @ 04.4, Mime-Type @ 02.0.2) A "????" Line Type-is@1.5.2 (mime-types@2.0.2) new-host: admin $$ /   

Although this command is not installing the module, I use the following command Can not:

  Express & lt; Project name & gt;   

This is when I try to use the Express command in any way:

  New-host: Admin $ Express Airline - Bash: Express: Command No new host was found: admin $$$   

Can anyone please help?

You must install to receive the express Was confused;)


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