ios - App works on Simulator but not on device.Https web service issue -

I am bringing data to my app via post web service. The app works fine when I run it on the simulator but fails on device Service starts with https .. So do you think that this could be the reason? When I run on the device the data is empty and therefore the app crashes .... Here my code is to be brought to bring web service and data ..

Any help It is appreciated how to consume the services of Https

  + (NSDictionary *) checkWithServer: (NSString *) urlname jsonString: (NSString *) jsonInputString {NSURL * url1 = [NSURL URLWithString: urlname]; // NSMutableURLRequest * Request = [NSMutableURL request request with url: url1]; NSMutableURLRequest * Request = [NSMutableURL request request with url: url1 cache policy: NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalAndRemoteCacheData timeout interval: 60.0]; [Set http system: @ "post"]; [Request Set Value: @ "App / JSN" HTTP Headerfield: @ "Acceptor"]; [Request Set Value: @ "App / Jason; Charset = UTF-8" forHTTPHeaderField: @ "Content-Type"]; [Request Setttbbb: [JasonInputString Data Wrapping Encoding: NSUFF 8 String Encoding]]; NSURLResponse * response; NSError * err; NSDT * responseData = [synchronous request to send NSUr connection: Response returning request: Response error: & amp; Err]; // NSString * responseDataString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: responseData encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; // NSLog (@ "responseDataString% @", feedbackdata string); Id jsonResponseData = [NSJSNR JSONObjectWithData: responseData option: kNilOptions error: zero]; NSDictionary * jsonResponseDict; If ([Jason Response Data is hacked: [NSSEA class]]) {jsonResponseDict = jsonResponseData; } Else {} if (jsonResponseData == blue) {id jsonExceptioTypeData = [JasonRPSPointDict objectFor: @ "exception type"]; If (jsonExceptioTypeData! = Zero) {NSLog (@ "% s error: server returned an exception", __func__); NSLog (@ "% s Error: Server Error Details =% @", __func__, jsonResponseDict); }} And {} returns jsonResponseData; }    

Do you have authentication challenges per copy ... < P>


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