plot - Jagged outline using Matlab 2014b -

I am plotting some maps using Matlab to plot a country border with a size file which is Mapshow then I export them both in PDF and EPS format using the export_fig package. It works perfectly fine using Matlab 2014a, but I have just improved some, and now my country's border has upgraded to Matlab 2014b to take advantage of all jagged. The border only appears to be jagged on saved versions of the file. If I zoom in on the figure window, then it's not like the outline.

Here are the snippets of code that are important. It is a custom size file, so I do not know how to put it here so that people can repeat it.

It reads in the size of the bit size and plots it. The display type is 'polygon' if it is released, so getting rid of the 'faceclosure' , I can see that I am portraying the pictures below (green bits in the background of the images, Code> pcolor ).

  thabdar = shaped ('Thailandborder'); Mapshow (thaiborder, 'FaceColor', 'any');   

This is a bit how I am exporting the figure.

  export_fig test.eps -r600-painters export_fig test.pdf -r600-painters   

This matlab is a version with a smooth range from 2014: Img src = "" alt = "2014a version">

This is roughly the same area of ​​the image, which is dent from Metlab 2014b The limit is with: Enter image details here

Does anyone know that Why are the differences arising? I would like that the border is in the first image, but I need "better" functionality for the second thing in the same image. Why do I need to change?

Edit to add: I'm in touch with the creator of export_fig and he feels that this Matlab is now using monsters instead of monsters Obviously I have to write MathWorks to complain. I did not keep it in the form of an answer because someone else could provide a solution for me.

Matlab admitted that this is a known bug that worked best for me at first.

While exporting in vector format, the issue of jagged lines on the data is a known bug in MATLAB R2014b. This is linked to the combination of lines and metering used in vector form.

To resolve this problem, use the attached function fix to post the EPS file.

Fixes ('Input' APS ',' Output.APS ',' LJ ') You will change the rows to round

Correction (' input.eps ',' Output.eps', 'mL')% mvarlimit

  function fixeps (inname, outname, fixmode) would be correct if nargin == 2 fixedmode = 'lj'; And fi = fopen (inm, 'r'); Fo = fopen (outname, 'w'); Tline = fgets (fi); While changing the SSPR (TLEN) (SRCMP (TLEN, ['10.0 ML '10])% 10.0 MERRMIT switch (FICsmod) case' LJ 'Eighlight (FO, [' 1 LJ '10]); Round Linejoin Case' ML ' Filtrate with% (FO, [2.5 mL '10]); with small miterlimit end and fwrite (fo, tline); end tline = fgets (fi); end fclose (fo); fclose (internet);    


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