button - Android alignment horizontal and vertical -

Hello Me button, how to align the text view and other things,

For example I bt when I horizontal I add a button along the bottom to turn the screen it means the same I want to be in place.that screen I want to be at the edge of the bottom of the screen with the same bottom cushion.

How can I

this button code

  & lt; Button android: id = "" @ + id / btnEnter Android: Layout_width = "Wrap_content" Android: Layout_height = "Wrap_content" android: text = "@ string / btn_enter" Android: layout_marginTop = "300dp" Android: layout_marginLeft = "60dp" Android: textSize = "45sp" Android: textcolor = "# 000" Android: fontFamily = "serif" />     

div class = "post-text" Itemprop = "text">

If button use these properties within a RelativeLayout,


  Android: layout_alignParentBottom = "true" Android: layout_alignParentRight = "true"   

If button use layout_gravity to within a LinearLayout,


  Android: Leaut_graviti = "Right"   

Hope this helps.


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