
Showing posts from July, 2013

windows - How to replace a character into a linefeed delimeter using batch file -

उदाहरण के लिए, मेरे पास एक पंक्ति है 2054721111 * 2054721111 * 2054721111 * 2054721111 अब, मैं "*" चरित्र को एक नई पंक्ति के रूप में बदलना चाहता हूं। क्या होगा अगर मैं अपना आउटपुट बैच फ़ाइल का उपयोग करने के लिए करना चाहता हूं? 2054721111 * 2054721111 * 2054721111 * 2054721111 दोनों कोड एक ही विचार दिखाते हैं: * को एक सीमांकक के रूप में उपयोग करें के लिए / एफ लूप, आउटपुट को पहली टोकन और इनपुट लाइन के रूप में शेष रेखा को बचाने के लिए। सभी टोकनों को प्रतिलिपि होने तक संसाधन जारी रखें। कोड का पहला ब्लॉक डेटा में विस्मयादिबोधक के साथ कोई समस्या नहीं है (यदि वे मौजूद हो सकते हैं), लेकिन दूसरा कोई भी विफल हो सकता है

ORACLE SQL Joining tables based on different time based events -

मेरे पास 2 टेबल हैं: PROCESSOR_EVENT (आईडी, समय, मशीन, नाम, राज्य COMM_EVENT (आईडी, समय, मशीन, नाम, प्रकार) मैं उस समय के समय में PROCESSOR_EVENT.Time और अगले COMM_EVENT के बीच का अंतर प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं अगले PROCESSOR_EVENT समय। यानी एक PROCESSOR_EVENT कि अगले PROCESSOR_EVENT से पहले होता है के बाद सबसे पहले COMM_EVENT घटना उदाहरण डेटा:। PROCESSOR_EVENT (आईडी, समय, मशीन, नाम, राज्य) 1, 01:00:00, टीआरएक्स 4, इग्निशन, गर्मी 2, 01:00:03, टीआरएक्स 1, मूवमेंट, त्रिभुजिंग 3, 01:00:23, टीआरएक्स 4, मूवमेंट, गर्मी 4, 01:00:32, टीआरएक्स 4 , दिशा परिवर्तन, स्थिर 5, 01:00:56, TRX4, रोकना, गर्म COMM_EVENT (आईडी, समय, मशीन, नाम, प्रकार) 1, 01:00:02, TRX4, दिशा अनुरोध, अनुरोध 2, 01:00: 15, टीआरएक्स 4, दिशा स्वीकृति, पावती 3, 01:00:16, TRX1, स्थिति परिवर्तन, कमांड 4, 01:00:34, टीआरएक्स 4, दिशा अनुरोध, अनुरोध 5, 01:01:02, TRX4, स्थिति परिवर्तन, कमांड अपेक्षित वापसी: PROCESSOR_EVENT.Time, PROCESSOR_EVENT.Machine, PROCESSOR_EVENT.Name, COMM_EVENT.Time, COMM_EVENT.Type , ...

ios - Change image of UIButton on select or unselect -

I can select some fields to click on UIButton in my iOS app user. I want to be able to open my MMPickerView by changing the button's button when the user selects the field on the click of the UIButton and when the user again UIButton should be unchecked and the previous image should be displayed in the UIButton and do not open MMPickerview at this time. This is my code: - (IBAction) showPickerViewButtonPressed: (ID) Sender {if ((_button.selected =! _button.selected)} {UIImage * bimage = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "play.jpg"]; [_button setImage: bimage forState: UIControlStateNormal]; } {{MMPickerView showPickerViewInView: self.view withStrings: _stringsArray withOptions: @ {MMbackgroundColor: [UIColor blackColor], MMtextColor: [UIColor whiteColor], MMtoolbarColor: [UIColor blackColor], MMbuttonColor: [UIColor whiteColor], MMfont: [UIFont systemFontOfSize : 18], MMvalueY: @ 3, MMselectedObject: _selectedString} Closing: ^ (NSString * selectedString) {_la...

hadoop - Filtering in pig by concatenating two column -

मेरे पास निम्न तालिका में दो तालिकाएं हैं तालिका 1: com_Data # सीसी बीबी मिमी # 41 22 2563 42 24 3562 तालिका 2: #name cid # sasi 41-22-2563 सोमान 42-47-2562 मैं तालिका 1 से तीन कॉलम सीसी बीबी मिमी को जोड़ना चाहता हूं और सभी कॉलम को फ़िल्टर करने की आवश्यकता है तालिका 2 से जो संयुक्त मानों से मेल खाता है इसे सुअर में कैसे फ़िल्टर करें जब सुअर का उपयोग करके तीन-स्तंभ अलग-अलग कॉलम को सम्मिलित करने का प्रयास करते हैं तो नीचे दिया गया त्रुटि कोड जो मैंने इस्तेमाल किया a = LOAD 'default.com_data' का उपयोग करना org.apache.hcatalog.pig.HCatLoader (); बी = एक उत्पन्न कॉन्टैक्ट (सीसी, '-', बीबी, '-', मिमी); तालिका को कैसे फ़िल्टर करें? उसकी तरह दिखें सीसी, बीबी और एमएम के डेटाटाइप संख्याएं हैं। क्या आप डेटैट टाइप को चार्ररा या बायटेयर बदल सकते हैं, ताकि कंसल्ट काम करे कृपया नीचे दिए गए उदाहरण देखें input.txt 41 22 2563 42 24 3562 43 46 1234 इनपुट 1.txt sasi 41-22-2563 सोमान 42-47-2562 परीक्षण 43-46-1234 पईजीस्क्रिप्ट: ए = लोड 'in...

jquery - JavaScript reading cookie not working -

I've been searching cookies for the last several hours and posted questions in this site but there is no luck yet . I just have to set a cookie on one page and read the cookie on other pages. I tried to escape and unsecope, but no results. This is the first code where I am setting cookies document.cookie = 'province =' + window save ($ (elem) .text ()) + '; Expiry of = Fri, 3 December 2014 20:47:11 UTC; Path = / '; And here I am reading function then () {var a = get_cookie ("province"); Warning (a); Window.location = "lp.aspx?" + A; } Get_cookie (cookie_name) function {var results = document.cookie.match ('(| | | |)?' + Cookie_name + '= ([^;] *) (| | $)'); If (results) return (window.unescape (result [1])); And tap return; } I have tried all the replies on the stack overflow but still looking for solution. Then I have to set a cookie on a page and read it on the second page. / P> Try using the followin...

java - Diamond operator for return value -

Does it work with Java 7 ? (I just have Java 6 installed.) list & lt; & Gt; Customers = service.getCustomers (); // gives the list & lt; Customers & gt; Thanks. No, the boilerplate code is used to avoid the diamond, twice by the generics: Java 6: list & lt; List & lt; String & gt; & Gt; MyList = new array list & lt; List & lt; String & gt; & Gt; () Java 7 equivalent: list & lt; List & lt; String & gt; & Gt; MyList = new ArrayList & lt; & Gt; () // means that the generic is the same one which is on the left of the declared declaration but in your example Diamond Operator declares to accept the "original generic" type correctly, So it will not be compiled.

jquery - Detect the height auto using javascript -

I have a div with a certain height (ex: 500px). This div contains some HTML block elements. What I would like to achieve is using javascript to find out at which height my devices will be, if I set the height of that fixed height automatically. : 500px; "& Gt; & lt; p & gt; My Paragraphs & lt; / p & gt; & lt; h1 & gt; My Title & lt; / h1 & gt; & lt; / div & gt; In the second order of words, I want to get the height of the div without considering the white space from the bottom. Is there any way I can do that? How can you calculate and add height of children? Something like this: & lt; div id = "# someId" style = "height: 500px;" & gt; & lt; p & gt; my paragraph & lt; / p & gt; & lt; h1 & gt; my title & Lt; / h1 & then in jQuery var height = $ ('# someId & gt; p'). () + $ ('# SomeId & gt; h1'). Height (); Edit: Or if you want to...

Spotify Developer Application logo -

I want to set my application logo for Spotify I do not have anywhere to upload a logo for my application Can see How do I upload my logo for the Spotify application? If this is for web API and is part of "My Apps", then your app It is not possible to upload a logo for us to be able to do this, it is in our backlog, but I can not give a date for it.

jquery - Opening a modal dialog upon success of ajax post in another modal MVC -

IM stuck in MVC modal dialogue, when I click on a button inside a modal dialog, I want to open a modal dialog. Ajax gives a new dialog that for posting data for an action, the problem is that the call is sent in the action but it never gives the dialog box any more way to do this. Some code: function LoadRightsDialog () {// $ ("# form0"). Close (); Var list = []; Var elems = document.getElementById ('Fate'). Children; (I = 0; i & lt; elems.length; i ++) {if (ames [i] .toString () == "[object HTMLDivElement]") {list.push (ames [i] .id); }} //alert(list.length) var json = JSON.stringify (list) //$.post(_/DistributionList/SaveMyData/ ", {jsonData: jlst} var templateId =" & lt;%: TempData [" ProjectID "]%: // alert (template id) $ .ajax ({type:" GET ", url:" / temporary / ADSID lock save ", data: {jsonUser: json, template id: template}, Success: Work (Window.location.href = data; // alert (data.Result);}, da...

output - MSBuild task silent execution -

I have an MS Word script which is working perfectly but when this task is executed, Then I am looking at all the production progress. What is the only way to write: Building project ... okay. Instead of 1000 lines of text? Use to set logs at the level you want, such as: msbuild myScript.proj / verbosity: quiet Run your work using Exec Task (see for details) Implement and filter messages by the task name.

sublimetext2 - Twig syntax highlighting sublime text 2 -

I want to know how I can highlight syntax for signatures Sublime Text 2 In. Actually when I open a TWIG file, all the fonts and conditions are the same (white on black): documentation signallax highlighting and auto -Full is possible with white text in 2: PHP-Twig.tmbundle Double dock "IDEs integration": Bundle's Github: Bundle's Documents: Download You Clone This Project on This Can be: git clone https: / / jithub / anomerheh / php-t vigatabundal.git or directly it Master Edition ): Installation To set this bundle in sublime text, some additional steps are necessary. Click Browse Packages in the Open S Sublime Text and Preferences menu. In the directory that was opened now, create a new directory PHP-twig / . Copy the contents of this repo into the directory that you created. Delete the code of PHP-Twig / Syntaxes / PHP-twig / Restart the subtitle text. Apply Toggle HTML Files to Apply Syntax Highlighti...

reporting services - SSRS Export to Excel issue -

I am getting two cells in merge with a cell in SSRS while exporting to extract this report, it Instead of merge, I show two separate cells, the first cell is going to be priced, while the other is empty Please suggest solutions to this issue. What you can do with other report elements above or below your merged cell . Be sure to line up with the starting / stop points of your column on the table, along with the merged cells in any other tables or text fields on the page. For example, if you have another table or text that does not line up with any one of your columns, Excel forces an extra blank column in case you temporarily As well as removing anything other than your table, you can see that it works suddenly. While pointing to another trick width and height, use the points in the form of a unit of measurement when you export to Excel, any measurement in the inches is converted into points. Sometimes it ends with a partial number, which causes unexpected behavior. For de... - Umbraco 7 Tiny MCE: More control over images -

width, height, border, CSS class ... like set of options Bella without source code. The slide-out menu that they appear after clicking on the Media Picker button they can be integrated? How can this be achieved in Umbreaux 7? Alex, you can create a new datatype with its control 'developer of administrator Umbraco' section Go to the 'Data Types' folder.

database - mySql error connecting DB -

When I'm trying to put in the database, I keep getting this error. "Mysqli_select_db () expects that 2 parameters, 1" $ host = "localhost"; // hostname $ username = "root"; // MySQL username $ password = ""; // MySQL password $ db_name = "# test"; // Database Name $ tbl_name = "Deploy"; // Connect the name of the table to the // server and select the database. $ Con = mysqli_connect ("$ host", "$ username", "$ password") or die ("can not connect"); If (! $ Con) {dead ('Could not connect:' Mysql_error ()); } $ Customer = $ _ POST ['name']; $ Help = $ _ post ['assisstant']; $ Service = $ _ post ['service']; $ Date = $ _ post ['date']; $ Time = $ _ post ['time']; Include $ Sql ​​= "$ tbl_name (cus_name, emp_name, date, time, service) values ​​('$ customer', '$ help', '$ date', '$ time', '$ se...

perl - Error code 302 from HTTP POST operation -

I have a Perl script which posts data to a web service that I wrote in PHP ... This code is: used LWP :: UserAgent; My $ ua = LWP: UserAgeent-> New; My $ server_endpoint = ""; My $ req = HTTP :: Request-> New (post = & gt; $ server_endpoint); $ Req-> Header ('content-type' = & gt; 'app / jason'); $ Req-> Header ('x-auth-token' = & gt; 'kfksj48sdfj4jd9d'); # HTTP request body my Post_data $ = '{ "" Name ":" Dan "," address ":" NY "} Add post data'; $ Req- & gt; materials ($ post_data); my $ resp = $ Ua- & gt; Request ($ req); if ($ resp-> is_success) {my $ message = $ resp-> decode_ content; print "received answer: $ message \ n";} other { Print "HTTP POST error code:", $ resp-> code, "\ n"; print "HTTP POST error message:", $ resp-> message, "\ n";} When I send a reques...

excel vba - How to enable events so Workbook_BeforeSave gets called -

मेरा कार्यपुस्तिका पूर्वशोध घटना सहेजने से पहले नहीं कहा जाता है यह मेरा कोड है : विकल्प स्पष्ट निजी उप कार्यपुस्तिका पूर्ववर्ती (सहेजाएव्यूएव्यू बूलियन के रूप में, बूलियन के रूप में रद्द करें) a = msgBox ("क्या आप वास्तव में कार्यपुस्तिका को सहेजना चाहते हैं?", VbYesNo) अगर a = vbNo तब रद्द करें = सच अंत उप यह शायद सामान्य है, क्योंकि संभवतया घटनाएं सक्षम नहीं हैं। अब मैंने application.Events = true को ऐसा करने की कोशिश की: विकल्प स्पष्ट अनुप्रयोग। एवेन्ट्स = यह सही निजी उप कार्यपुस्तिकाबैवस्वेव (बाय व्हल सेवएएसयूआई बूलियन के रूप में, बूलियन के रूप में रद्द करें) ए = एमएसबीबीक्स ("क्या आप वास्तव में कार्यपुस्तिका को सहेजना चाहते हैं?", VbYesNo) यदि एक = वीबीएनओ फिर रद्द करें = ट्रू एंड सब यह कुछ भी नहीं बदलता है, कार्यपुस्तिका पहले सेवव बचत पर बुलाया लेकिन जब मैं Excel फ़ाइल बंद करता हूं, तो त्रुटि संदेश प्रदर्शित होता है: अंग्रेजी अनुवाद है "संकलन त्रुटि: किसी प्रक्रिया के बाहर गलत निर्देश।" जाहिर है Application.Events = tru...

xaml - Add blur background in Windows Phone applications -

How can I add a blur background to my Windows Phone application with some transparency? I first two alpha number can create transparent'm using opacity property background or hexa color code # Air Ffffff but I have no way to add blur to any panel I can find Is there a way or work around? The blur effect is not supported from the box on Silverlight. It is possible with this upon loading your image into a writeable bitmap wb , you can get the blurred version like this Are: var Wb2 = writeable bitmap extension. Convolt (wb, writeable bitmap extension. Kernellogianblur3x3);

java ee - How to do fast deployment of multiple module EAR project using weblogic 12c? -

We are developing a product that uses many components of Eclipse to get it from the local GIT repository to import Is done and we are creating using EAR files. Ant script build.xml (which creates each command command called build.xml) and anti-script EAR after 1000 lines. But I'm working in one component, but after every edit of the .java file Weblogic server needs to be stopped (no more time) Need to go to the repository folder Weblogic Server (8++ min) Need to start and here the IR file location is every time I over my work Because of all the places of the ant do not decide to run , Then decide. Is there any way to deploy immediately after each edit? ? Hi, we have come up with the ant script which have come up with * .eear redeploy, but it is taking 14 minutes through the ant script. What do I mean ant running the script manually? : Deployment is slower than I & Lt; Property Name = "wls.username" value = "weblogic" /> & ...

c# - There was no endpoint listening -

I am trying to host my own WCF and stay out of the app.config file. My wcf service is part of my wpf project host code. host = new service host (Typef (Service1), new URI ("http: //" + System.Net.Dns.GetHostName () + ": 8733 / databaseTransfer WcfServiceLibaryMethod / Service1 / ")); ServiceMetadataBehavior smb = host.Description.Behaviors.Find & lt; ServiceMetadataBehavior & gt; (); If (SMB == tap) {smb = new service data (;); } BasicHttpBinding q = New BasicHttpBinding (BasicHttpSecurityMode.None); Q.CloseTimeout = New TimeSpain (1, 1, 0); Q.OpenTimeout = New TimeSpain (1, 1, 0); Q.ReceiveTimeout = New TimeSpain (1, 1, 0); Q.SendTimeout = New TimeSpain (1, 1, 0); Q.AllowCookies = false; Q.BypassProxyOnLocal = false; Q.MaxBufferSize = 2147483646; Q.MaxBufferPoolSize = 2147483646; Q.MaxReceivedMessageSize = 2147483646; Q.ReaderQuotas.MaxArrayLength = 2147483646; Q.ReaderQuotas.MaxBytesPerRead = 2147483646; Q.ReaderQuotas.MaxDepth = 2147483646; Q.Reade... - Ask in a web form for the path of a file accessed from a user's computer -

In a web form (ASPX) I want to ask the user the path of the file that should be used for one Of our team At first it was a simple text box but many people sent us the wrong way (copy / paste seemed very difficult for them). So I tried to use an input file to make sure that the path exists but it was seen that the file has been sent with the form. Files may lose hundreds of MB, which was not acceptable. Then I used to find a way with junkery to use an input file to send it without any files: it works fine on IE but translate the path into Chrome "False Path" I understand I am sure it is for security reasons. So I'm looking for a solution again, working on all browsers, to write a wrong path to the user without any file path (with specific detail). I hope someone will have a great idea that I am unable to find: -). To ensure the path point in a valid file, some kilobytes of file data from the stream rather than the entire file About receiving - RowSpan and alternate row color at the same time using c# -

I am trying to use line duration on 1 column (if the value of the next line is the same) and optional Color row above position The way I wanted I am working, but can not alternate the rows Batch Nano: line 3694217 should also be blue. Here's the current output: ASP and ATP: gridview id = "visualization" runat = "server" autostart column columns = "ftl" ondata = "OnDataBound" OnItemDataBound = "Item_Bound" cellpadding = "15" cell spacing = "15" header style-backlar = "dark olive green" gridline = "both" & gt; & Lt; Columns & gt; & Lt; ASP: BoundfieldDefined = "Batcho" header text = "batch no" header style-width = "15%" /> & Lt; ASP: Boundfield Dated Field = "Type" Header Text = "Type" Header Style-width = "15%" /> & Lt; Asp: ImageField DataImageUrlField = "Dataloaded" header text ...

ruby on rails - show records from two different models using pagination -

I have two models .. video and youtube_video .. There is a index page to show both videos in .i. Therefore, I am pointing the page on both the resultet to the add-on .... array of two in the array to show on the index page. For the total pages that I am doing wrong, I know that this is a work, as it works on ActiveRecord Relationships and does not occur on ActiveRecord . I also tried the model. Where ... but does not work ... any work on this will be appreciated :) My Controller .. @ Videos = Video.includes (: user,: reputations, tags, comments) .paginate (: page => params [: page],: per_page => 10). Order ("created_at DESC") @ youtube_videos = YoutubeVideo.includes (: user, tag). Paginated (: page = & gt; parameter [: page],: per_page => 10) .order ("created_at DESC") @ All_videos = @ video + @youtube_videos My view file looping at ### @all_videos .... and lieutenant; Div class = "page_info text-center" style = ...

html - On hover li change li link color -

I am struggling to change the font color of that particular li when hover occurs. Text hyperlink is currently changing the color of the font when you hover over the link. But I want it to be on hover over the whole li. This is my code & lt; Nav class = "top_menu" & gt; & Lt; Ul class = "black_high" & gt; & Lt; Li class = "before" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Home & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; News & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Neo & gt; Demo: I'm not sure if I want to use any kind of JS / JQUIRE to achieve it? Please suggest. Thanks in advance. You do not need any scripts or plugins, just the right css. In your CSS, change the line: .top_menu ul li: hover to: .top_menu ul Lee: Hover A Object:

java - Spring Integration : int-http:inbound-gateway with url Path Variables -

I'm trying to test the inbound http gateway using Spring Integration int-http: inbound-gateway: & lt; int-http: inbound-gateway id = "correlateOutgoingMessage" aided method = "post" request-channel = "ToOutCorrelator" North-channel = "must apply Korerletr" view-name = "/ correlate Autgrejing" path = "/ CorrelateOut / { Origin} / {msgtype} / {preference} "reply-timeout =" 50000 "& gt; & Lt; Int-http: header name = "orig" expression = "# pathVariables.origin" /> & Lt; Int-http: header name = "msgtype" expression = "# path variables. MMSI type" / & gt; & Lt; Int-http: header name = "priority" expression = "#password priority" /> & Lt; / Integer - http: inner gateway & gt; My Web.xml: & lt; Servlet & gt; & Lt; Servlet-name & gt; CorrelateOut & lt; / Servlet-name & gt; & Lt; Servle...

java - Save Checkbox state in a Panel/Dialog -

I am new to swings and I have a doubt: I have a dialog box, There is a dialog, a check box, OK and Cancel button. Assume that the user selects the checkbox and click on the OK button, when the user re-opens that dialog box, the check box should be selected. Anyone can give ideas, how it can be applied. I know that I can do this using set-selected (true) and I can set selected (false) ways. But how the status of the check box can be saved. You will JOptionPane and they will be displayed properly. For example, if you make JCheckBox and send it after the code to JOptionPane is closed, you can check the status of the check box And can store it anywhere. The next time you want to display the dialog before passing the check box, set your position previously stored. For example (for display purposes only): last JFrame f = new JFrame ("checkbox test"); F.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); F.addWindowListener (New WindowAdapter () {// I ...

javascript - convert html tags to string -

My Ajax call returns a string where my first string will be code like this Feedback [0] = 2 and Feedback [1] = Enter the reason for returning the application, & lt; Br> & Lt; Br> & Lt; Duration style = "color: red; font-weight: bold;" & Gt; * Caution! The text of this message will be included in the notice sent to the applicant * & lt; / Span & gt; And I'm specifying this ID of my input tag like this document.getElementById ('messageHint'). Value = response [1]; But it is in these & lt; Br> and & lt; Span & gt; does not provide the tag in HTML, instead it only shows them the same format. I need to fix this problem. I have tried like parse.Html () and $ html.prop ('external HTML'). ; Neither I was shown desired out. I think you need to use document.getElementById ('messageHint') . InnerHTML instead.

Swift: Cannot Store Unsafe Pointers in Array -

I created a small struct to capture the version number. Now I've discovered compact ways to parse the numbers directly into the stream of straight and I tried to apply it this way: struct version {var major : Int = 0 var minor: int = 0 var revision: int = 0 init (string: string) {let components = string .componentsSeparatedByString (".") If 1 ... 3 ~ = components.count {var target = [ & Amp; Key, and short, and revision] for index 0 ... 2 {var scanner = NSScanner (string: element [index]) if (! Scanner.scanInteger (target [index]) {major = 0 minor = 0 revision = 0 return}}}}} But I get the error message: The type of '[inout int]' variable is not possible I do not have this error. What is the method of implementing this kind of use in a member variable using such signals? Update Finally I did not use insecure pointers. This was my last implementation: init (string: string) {component = string .componentsSeparatedByString ("....

android - Getting uknown error when using mupdf -

I have tried importing mupdf in my app, but when I open it, I get some strange error and It closes. Why? I really do not understand this is my logcat:. 10-10 15: 34: 17.802 8657-8657 / com.tproductions.Openit E / AndroidRuntimeï¹? ? Fatal exception: Main process: com.tproductions.Openit, PID: 8657 java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: The original method was not found: com.artifex.mupdfdemo.muPDFCore.openFile: (Ljava / Lang / string;) at j com.artifex Com.artifex.mupdfdemo.muPDFActivity.openFile at com.artifex.mupdfdemo.MuPDFCore on & amp; Lt; Init & gt; ( mupdfdemo.muPDFCore.openFile at com.artifex (original method) .mupdfdemo.MuPDFActivity.onCreate ( ( On Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate ( at at. PerformLaunchActivity ( at (ActivityThre...

database design - Need help modeling a fact table -

I'm taking my first step to datawirehousing. I am Kimball & amp; Has bought the excellent book "Data Warehouse Toolkit - Third Edition"; Ross, who explained to me how to understand the fundamental concepts. Today I have started preparing my second data mart, but I'm already struggling with a (maybe stupid) problem, suppose I'm modeling a simple selling event: a small fact sheet Will be: DATE_ID | CUSTOMER_ID | PRODUCT_ID | QUANTITY Each dimension has many relationships with others, as explained on the book and the web. Next I want to add some more dimension, like the carrier: DATE_ID | CUSTOMER_ID | PRODUCT_ID | CARRIER_ID | Quantity Dimensions are still in many-to-many relationships. Now, I have been asked to add detailed information about the delivery (maybe a dozen or more), a bunch of dates, the number of routing, boxes and palettes, different flags etc., so I have the delivery dimension table Was thinking about. My first attempt was: ...

directx 11 - Get ID3DXMesh from CDXUTSDKMesh -

In a DirectX 11 demo application, I use CDXUTSDKMesh for my static geometry Is loaded and has already been displayed. I am using something related to precompressed radians transfer in this application. ID3DXPRTEngine Will be a very handy tool for the job Unfortunately, the D3X and DXUT seem to be very consistent. ID3DXPRTEngine requires a single ID3DXMesh (multiple mash D3DXConcatenateMeshes no problem). What is an easy way to 'convert' for one or more ID3DXMesh examples? This can be done, but it is necessary that you can read raw top data, convert it to Direct3D 9. Basically what you are trying to do is inter-operate with two different versions of the Direct3D API: version 9.0 and version 11.0 To do this, you need to do the following: Your honor Confirm the variants which do not have any custom semantics (i.e., D3d 11 allows a code like RANDOM_EYE_VEC ) Confirm that you have the ability to read your top and face information in a byte buffer (i...

angularjs - Assign value to the Factory variable through http -

I have two controllers and one factory. I am making an angular plan for the module for authentication. UserFactory.js myApp.factory ('Userfactory', function (at, $ location) {var Userfactory = {} Userfactory.user = [] = False Userfactory.isLogged = function (if (! [0]) {return Auth.currentUser (). Then (function (user) {Userfactory.user.push (user) = angular.copy UserController.js myApp.controller ("userController"); , Function ($ scope, Userfactory) {Userfactory.isLogged (). Then (function () {$ =;}}} NavController.js myApp.controller ("navController", function navController (Userfactory) {this.user = Userfactory.user; = U;}) User controller NAV controller is not updated, when the update is updated, because the value is reset (which binding breaks), where as the user controls the form Mana is promised, so it is getting ...

c# - dbContext.SaveChanges() not saving and not outputting an error -

I am trying to update the user-object in my MVC-project, but it seems to save new values I do not have the input. Is there a place where I am doing something wrong? This is the way I am saving, I know that I db Save Changes (); By running my debug. Type () . Public Bull Edit User (String Email, User Inn User) {var db = new PastaContext (); Try {User editUser = db.Users.Find (email); EditUser.Firstname = innUser.Firstname; Debug.WriteLine (innUser.Firstname); Debug.WriteLine (editUser.Firstname); EditUser.Surname = innUser.Surname; EditUser.Address = innUser.Address; EditUser.Phonenr = innUser.Ponenr; Var newUser = new dbUser (); Byte [] passwordDb = createHash (innUser.Password); NewUser.Password = passwordDb; NewUser.Email = Email; If (editUser.Postcode! = InnUser.Postcode) {Debug.WriteLine ("Inside in Postcode"); // changed the postcode. First check that the new postcob is already present in the city. City = Existing = db.Cities.Find (innUser.Postcode); If (ex...

apache - Trac Upgrade to 1.0.1 Wiki Attachment Issue -

I have recently tried to update my Trac from version 0.12.2 to version 1.0.1 in the Trac website in Removal of attachment folder for tickets and wikis is mentioned as the folder has been changed from / path / per / project / attachment / path / to / project / files / attachments. So I have backed up the attachment folder and after the upgrade I put it back in my project folder under file / attachment. When I try to use attachments in a new trek environment, there is a problem finding it. Attempting to view the attachment in the folder and file names / path / to / project / files / attachments / fad / fadece229cc1ef23ce5f467cec5f4675cec7ace5ad7c148c Codes like are in b10a69f289e6ae408878d2286758a3121be4759.txt. Instead of its actual name, any file uploaded after the upgrade will go to this folder instead of the corresponding wiki or ticket folder as it was done before my upgrade. Has someone experienced this issue while upgrading Trac? Upgrade to 1.x, including a fi...

c# - Send virtual mouse clicks that are ignored by GetAsyncKeyState()? -

I'm experimenting and searching all day, and can not figure out how to do this for my life. Actually what I am doing: // while physically holding the left mouse button ... while (GetAsyncKeyState (0x01)! = 0) { // left mouse button literally down (obviously the first loop is already below) mouse_event (2, 0, 0, 0, 0); Thread.Sleep (100); // Left mouse button works-up mouse_Event (4, 0, 0, 0, 0); } Now, while-loop stops, because I actually pick up the button, so what I am asking is the mouse_events / gateSyncCestat (or optional for some parameters). , So I can manipulate major states without affecting the real states. For example, I'm able to do this in AutoHot using Send {LButton up} GetKeyState ("LButton", "P") . Any thoughts? contains the LLMHF_INJECTED and LLMHF_LOWER_IL_INJECTED flags Perhaps you should take a look at this. The code given below is an empty form with timer, configured to be "on" and calls "TimerO...

ios8 - Location services not updating in background -

For iOS 8, I've added the following key in my plist: NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription I also said: // Check for iOS 8 if ([_locationManager responds to Tselectulator: @selector (requestAlwaysAuthorization)]) { [_locationManager requestAlwaysAuthorization]; } I deleted the app from my phone, when I launch, I get an indication of whether it is expected to fix location services in the background. I'm clicking the app, the app is running, I'm getting the location and the location is active icon in the status bar. However, if I leave the app, the location active icon disappears quickly from the status bar and I do not get the space anymore. Does the app enter the background? Do I need to reset the Location Manager? Should the location manager property / variable definition be defined in AppDelegate as if it never goes away? You also need to set location updates in the background mode of your abilities.

vim - autoindent don't work in php file -

When I edit the php file, the independent setting does not just work. It works in JS css and other files. In a php file only, I have to manually turn myself on. Here's mine. After running my code I found: source ~ /. The Vimrc Auto Indent is on. I'm confused. Indented scripts for PHP files, which are provided by default in vim installation, Disables autoindent as it also defines the GetPhpIndent () function, which it uses for indentation ( indentexpr See). That function, in return, to determine how many shiftwidth will be added to indentation and is 0 by default. Using the b: PHP_default_indenting variable. If you enter your .vimrc , indentation should start working. Give b: PHP_default_indenting = 1 / P>

php - Change values in array by forms values send -

I have 2 arrays. The first array in the text contains table names for ordinary db Each table has the value of the second array. When I send my form from the form and the value of the table table is equal, send the value to the form. Script: & lt ;? Php if (send $ _ POST == "OK") {/// Structure This is fixed in that, array_1 and 2 /// $ table = "name, phone, surname"; $ Values ​​= "John, 55543232, johny25"; /// Explosion values ​​in each case /// $ exp_tables = explosion (",", $ table); $ Exp_values ​​= explosion (",", $ value); /// To get value for each field array /// $ i = 0; Foreign exchange ($ exp_tables $ exp_table as) {$ {$ exp_table} [] = "". $ Exp_values ​​[$ i] ""; $ I ++; } /// To get the BQL results, if the Verses send from the equivalent form of other wars and send the changes by the new value then form /// foreach ($ exp_tables $ as table) {foreach ($ _ POST as $ Key = & gt; $ valu...

javascript - How to keep a Google API Active without Having to Log In Every Time? -

I am using the Google Calendar API and I have access to all my calendar events and information. However, when I click the Connect button, and login through a Google login screen, then I can only use this information. Every time I leave the page, how can I display information about my calendar event? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> You need to activate the Calendar API and create an app key in the Google Developer Console. You can use the app key in your API query without logging in. You will get more details here:

c - How to compare the strings of two linked lists? -

While programming in C, I was able to store words (in the form of forms) in two linked lists which are only one, four nodes are stored, but it is linked to its other characters and thus To make words, I also put a number in the middle to separate words. But I do not know how to get words from linked lists and compare it with all the words (the characters in the other linked list), to see the number of the total number of that word from the previously linked list, the other linked list In . This is my first time using stack overflow, please accept my apologetic if I have done something wrong. Thanks for your help Here's a way. In the first linked list (call this "List A") in which the word (I 'is called "word w"), for which you are searching, one for the first letter in word w Keep the indicator. At the beginning of the second list (call this "list B"). Declare a counter (this is called "counter x") which tracks the number of wo...

ios - Prevent UISearchController from hiding the navigation bar -

When a search bar of a UISearchController is activated, it hides the navigation bar of the view. I see active search at the bottom of the navigation bar Want bar In iOS 7 there was a good way to do this for UISearchDisplayController : But now with IIS 8, I can not understand that with UISearchController How to do. This is probably something to hide with the UISearchController , in which the downgrade current presentation property.

java - dice effect - how to display fake results and the real one in the end (JavaScript) -

My JavaScript is getting a dice result from my Java servlet. I have a label to show the result of a dice in my HTML page. I'm using, but I want to make a cheap impression that will display the changing number on the screen before showing the actual results. Because this is what happens after pressing a "Ajax call" button that is called "Roll Dice" button, the actual result is shown first, and people are shown after random selection in Javascript page ... (I have tried that With setInterval ()). Can you help me find a better way to "effect"? Thank you! Here is my JS code: follan onRollDiceClick () {ajaxGetDiceResult (gameName); } Function ajaxGetDiceResult {gameName} {jQuery.ajax ({url: "rollDice gameName =?" + GameName, datatype: 'json', expired: TIMEOUT_RATE, success: function (data) {var diceResult = data.diceResult; setIntervalXTimes ( ShowRandomNumbers, 200, 20); $ ("# dice-results"). Text (bandit result);}, error:...

excel - Count instances of string and quantity of those instances -

I am trying to find a way to create my Excel sheet, which gives me the result of data. I have a list of string items and the amount of that string is and I want to get the total amount of that string. Example below. [ROW] [NAME] [QTY] [result] 1 PEN 1 [PEN] [6] 2 pen 2 [pencil] [5] 3 penile 5 [marker] [5] 4 marker 5 5 pen 3 With this Excel sheet, I want to produce results directly from the data on the left. You can use an inherent feature of Excel that is

string - Last Instance of Character -

I want to find the last example of a character in a string. Looking at Swift deals differently with the strings (ranges), I was hoping someone has not been able to figure out the best way to deal with this as it has ended before. The paragraph string I was parallel was "like". Let me know the last "_" and the last "." There is a need to parse the section between the number 380 so that each link has been formatted in such a manner, but the substrings functioning for Swift is still a bit foreign to me, with the inclusion of different byte lengths. Thanks in advance! "text" itemprop = "text"> // expression to find the last middle-string "_" and "previous". " SourceStr = "" go regex = go to NSRegularExpression (pattern: "_ ([^ _] *) \\ [^ \\.] * $.", Option: zero, error: zero); If going to matchResult = regex .firstMatchInString? (SourceStr, option: zero, li...

sql server - Connection string. Cannot implicitly convert 'String' to 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection' -

I find that error in the title. My cmd.connection = conn; I have it public string Conn = connection.getConnection (); I am using a Windows application, how can I fix it? This is my complete code using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.ComponentModel; Using System.Data; Using System.Drawing; Using System.Linq; Using System.Text; Using System.Windows.Forms; Using System.Data.SqlClient; Name Location WindowsFormsApplication3 {Public Partial Classroom Room: Form {Public SqlDataReader Re; Public string Conn = connection.getConnection (); Public Cell () {InitializeComponent (); } Private Zero Room_Load (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {.. ..} Private Zero btnAdd_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {try (if textbox1.Text.Length! = 0 & TextBox2.Text Length! = 0) {SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand (); Cmd.Connection = Conn; Cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; Cmd.CommandText = "insertToRoom"; Cmd.Parameters.AddWithVal...

Defining tuple methods -

This is a swap function for two-element tuple: FN Swap & lt; A, B & gt; (OBJ: (A, B)) - & gt; (B, A) {Let (A, B) = Ob; (B, a)} example usage: main () {obj = (10i, 20i); Println! ("{}", Swap (obj)); } Is there a way to define swap as a method on two-element toplevel? To wit. So that it can be called in such a way: (10i, 20i) .swap () Yes, there is simply defining a new property and applying it immediately, something like this: attribute swap & lt; U & gt; {FN Swap (Self) - & gt; U; } Impl & lt; A, B & gt; Swap & lt; (B, A)> For (A, B) {# [inline] FN swap (self) - & gt; (B, A) {Give (A, B) = Self; (B, A)}} FN main () {T = (1 U, 2 U); Println! ("{}", T.swap ()); } Note that in order to use this method, you need to import the swap property in each module where you want to call the method.

How is the menu for the Vaadin 7 sampler done? -

The Sampler demo for Wadia 7 is powered by a menu that the user clicks on a hamburger button. Although there are some source code for examples of sample demo, but it does not provide the source of the demo itself. I am trying to figure out how to recreate that menu. Any ideas? I think this can only be done using CSS and can change some class attributes on the button click. Here's a very simple example: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Style Type = Text / CSS & gt; Box {status: absolute; Width: 400px; Height: 60%; Background color: green; Correct: -200px; -M-Infection: All 1s ease; Webkit-Infection: All 1s ease; Transition: All 1s ease; } .box_t {top: 0} .box_b {top: 40%}. Box2_t {-ms-transform: rotateY (-90deg) skewY (-20deg); -WebKit-transform: rotate (-90 degrees) skewY (-20 degrees); Convulsively rotate (-90 degrees) skewY (-20deg); } .box2_b {-ms-transform: rotateY (-90deg) skewY (20deg); Webkit-Conversion: Rotate (-90 degrees) skewY (20...

How do I view logs for a failed cron job in App Engine? -

One of the daily cron jobs defined in cron.yaml failed on my live webapp2 app. Is there any way to see common error output, stack trace or logs from app engine cron jobs? With a consolidated log, you should be able to see the time when your job should have been run. The accident must be in the log, but you have to hook up logging to show it.

c - Is there a difference between using `PostQuitMessage` and just processing all messages? -

I wonder if there is a difference between those snippets: one: void main () {// ... while (GetMessage (& msg, NULL, 0, 0)) {translationMessage (& msg); DispatchMessage (& amp; msg); } Exit Process (0); } // ... leaving zero () {PostQuitMessage (0); } two: bool quit = false; Zero main () {// ... while (GetMessage (& msg, NULL, 0, 0)) {TranslateMessage (& amp; msg); DispatchMessage (& amp; msg); If (left) {while (peakmasase (& msg, NULL, 0, 0, PMIMOV)) {translateMessage (& amp; msg); DispatchMessage (& amp; _msg); } Exit Process (0); }} // should not quit here. Process (1); } // ... leave zero () {quit = true; PostTrust Message (GetCurrentThreadId (), WM_NULL, 0, 0); } Sorry, but I can not come up with small snippets. The issue of my question is that to call PostQuitMessage and process everybody with GetMessage with the message PeekMessage This is equivalent to processing all messages, as long as it FALSE . , WM_QUIT return...

android - cloudBackend.setCredential not setting createdBy/updatedBy/owner properties of CloudEntity -

I am using the mobile backend starter and when trying to update an entity while using safe by id settings I am here. I'm getting the error 401 Unauthorized {"code": 401, "Errors": [{"domain": " Global "," location ":" authorization "," location type ":" header "," message ":" irreversible permission to update cloud entity: CE: 123456: USER: 123456 "," reason ":" required "} ], "Message": "Irreversible Permission to Update CloudEntity: CE: 123456 By: USER: 123456"} Documents () states Code below, come backend client Allows to call in safe by ED ???? Mode It automatically sets the / updateB / owner properties created by CloudEntity GoogleAccountCredential credentials = GoogleAccountCredential.usingAudience (this, "& lt; Web Client IDs & Gt; "); C...

python - Sort numpy array by row and order matching values based on original array -

I have a 2D number and I want to sort the rows based on the first column values. The problem is that it has been formatted: I'm sorting by column: 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2 , 3, 4, etc. - & gt; You can see that it repeats itself Actually I want to group 1s, then 2s, then 3s, then 4s. Importance of the order of mailing value: I need to have the first '1' row in the first one, which is displayed without any sort of array, after which there is one etc. I use this command: sortedData = myData [myData [,, 0] .argsort ()] Unfortunately, it does not appear in the order of matching columns based on the original order of the array is. Are there some options that I can turn on to enable it? Thank you! You can change the sorting algorithm being used by the argument . Use (An stable sorting algorithm.)