reporting services - SSRS Export to Excel issue -

I am getting two cells in merge with a cell in SSRS while exporting to extract this report, it Instead of merge, I show two separate cells, the first cell is going to be priced, while the other is empty Please suggest solutions to this issue.

What you can do with other report elements above or below your merged cell . Be sure to line up with the starting / stop points of your column on the table, along with the merged cells in any other tables or text fields on the page.

For example, if you have another table or text that does not line up with any one of your columns, Excel forces an extra blank column in case you temporarily As well as removing anything other than your table, you can see that it works suddenly.

While pointing to another trick width and height, use the points in the form of a unit of measurement when you export to Excel, any measurement in the inches is converted into points. Sometimes it ends with a partial number, which causes unexpected behavior. For details about digit measurement, see -


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