vim - autoindent don't work in php file -
When I edit the php file, the independent setting does not just work. It works in JS css and other files. In a php file only, I have to manually turn myself on. Here's mine.
After running my code I found: source ~ /. The Vimrc Auto Indent is on. I'm confused.
Indented scripts for PHP files, which are provided by default in vim installation, Disables If you enter your / P> autoindent as it also defines the
GetPhpIndent () function, which it uses for indentation (
indentexpr See). That function, in return, to determine how many
shiftwidth will be added to indentation and is 0 by default. Using the
b: PHP_default_indenting variable.
.vimrc , indentation should start working.
Give b: PHP_default_indenting = 1
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