php - Change values in array by forms values send -
I have 2 arrays.
The first array in the text contains table names for ordinary db
Each table has the value of the second array.
When I send my form from the form and the value of the table table is equal, send the value to the form.
Script: HTML Forms In the form I have "Name" in the first field and in the array tables, I also have a field named. When I send the form, I will have to get it: The problem repeats the values of all times and the results are not correct. My question is:: To change the way I send values, and other values are the names in array tables, but no work is very good. First, enter your variable An array looks or In your case, Then, if you want to produce only the name and check whether the name is different from that array, then you just do it:
& lt ;? Php if (send $ _ POST == "OK") {/// Structure This is fixed in that, array_1 and 2 /// $ table = "name, phone, surname"; $ Values = "John, 55543232, johny25"; /// Explosion values in each case /// $ exp_tables = explosion (",", $ table); $ Exp_values = explosion (",", $ value); /// To get value for each field array /// $ i = 0; Foreign exchange ($ exp_tables $ exp_table as) {$ {$ exp_table} [] = "". $ Exp_values [$ i] ""; $ I ++; } /// To get the BQL results, if the Verses send from the equivalent form of other wars and send the changes by the new value then form /// foreach ($ exp_tables $ as table) {foreach ($ _ POST as $ Key = & gt; $ value) {if ($ table == "." $ Key "") {print "" $ _ POST [$ table] ""; } Else {print "". $ {$ Table} {0} ""}}}}}? & Gt;
& amp; Ltd. & Lt; Input type = "submit" name = "submit" value "send" /> & Lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "send" value = "ok" /> & Lt; / Form & gt;
zone (value change by value), 55543232, JOI 25
$ table a
$ value
array (value, value, value)
$ tables = array (Array => value, key = & gt; value, key value) 'Name', 'phone', 'alias'); $ Values = array ('john', '55, 543,232 ',' johny25 '); // or even simple $ value = array ('name' = & gt; 'Jhon', 'phone' = & gt; '55543232', 'alias' = & gt; JOI 2525) for;
If ($ _POST ['name'] == $ value ['name']) {print "". $ _ POST ['name'] ""; } Other {print "". $ Value ['name']. ""; }
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