
Showing posts from August, 2012

extjs - Mark custom chart bar color to legend in EXT JS 5 -

EXTJS 5 I have a problem when using custom legend color in the chart I can apply custom color for chart legend , But I can not apply to that legend's item in EXT JS 4, I can use an override function in the series to control it. Like getLegendColor: function (index) {var proSpeciality = ["# EFD07B", "# 0082AD"]; Return ProspectiI [Index]; } but it is not available in EXT JS 5. Sample code. Ext.create ( 'Ext.Container', 'RenderTo: ext.getBody (), width: 600, height: 400, layout:' fit ', item: {xtype:' Carteshian ',' Store ': Store: {field: [' name ',' value ',' value2 '], data: [{name:' metric one ', value: 10, value 2: 15}, {name:' metric two ' (Name: 'metric four', value: 2, value 2: 15}, {name: 'value'}, value: 7, value 2: 15}, {name: 'metric three', value: 5, value 2: 15} 'Text:' 'numeric', position: 'left', title: {text: ...

ios - How to populate UIPickerView with -

I'm stuck I have called PfQL and I NSG to my "categories" and all of this comes right in the Debugger area. is. I'm having trouble using this data to populate my UIPickerView from Here is what I came up with. Note that I already have the necessary methods for the picker, I need to use the data to parse it. _ Piccardia is a NSARR which popers the picker and I thought that I could be equal to things to populate but this does not work. Edit: What have I done so far ... - (zero) viewDidoadload {[Super Viewedload]; // Setup an additional after loading the footage PFQuery * query = [PFQuery query worldname: @ "Categories"]; [Query whereKeyExists: @ "category"]; [Query commandbay-ordering: @ "created"]; [Query findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock: ^ (NSArray * object, NSError * error) {if (error!) {_pickerData = objects; NSLog (@ "% @", objects); } And {nslog (@ "error"); }}]; Self.categoryPicker.dat...

datatable - DataRow ArrayItem's DataType for NULL Values -

I am passing through a scenario where I have dataable and there are many types of columns, I have to filter the data The type of null value column, so I can provide some default value to it, now there is nothing to trap it in. There is a code for testing below. Public Class form 1 private sub form 1_load (as a sub-sender, object and system in system form. Avent ARG) are MyBase. Datatyll = GetTable () 'as Lead Dim Table' 'We can instantiate a new object array and add it as a line', as the line line = Detorau = table. RAW (1) for each item in the form of the item in the row. ItemArray If TypeOf object is integer, then the console WrightLine ("Int: {0}", item) ElseIf TypeOf item is string then console WriteLine ("string: {0}", item) Alsef typewrite item is the TimeTime Time Console.Vitalline ("Datetime: {0}", item) Alsef typeoff item is system. Debnail then consoles ("dbnl {0}") if the end-end sub-private shared function GetTa...

akka - What is the correct way to implement Producer Consumer in scala -

I try to apply a Producer Consumer Program in Scala without any queue. Because I think the actor has already implemented "mail queue" or something else, it would be useless to write the code again. I tried to write the program purely in Actor. Below is a multiple manufacturer multiple consumer programs. The manufacturer sleeps a little while to do something that the consumer does not slept at all. However, I do not know how to close the program if I do not add supervisor to the actor to monitor the consumers, as well as using the "wait" (supervisor) class in the promise code) Do not have any way to get rid of them? import = 10) {println ("% s is full "format name) context. Stop the self supervisor!}}} Supervisor (P: Promise [String]) enhances the actor {var r = 3 def = {case_ = & gt; R = 1 if (0 == R) {println ( "All users are closed" context.stop (self) P success ("good")}}} object Try3 {def work (): unit = {val system... - get a URL as variable and display different div dipending on the URL -

It is possible to get the URL as a variable and depending on the value of the variable, different div (in the same page) Display URL). More in the details: If I have a webform / popup (DIV) page, then I want to change the HTML inside this DIV, which is based on the feedback I received from the server. The easiest way to create those differences and to use CSS as a default behavior is false visibility Must have to set. Ajax success-callback, depending on the reaction, visibility from a div-container, can overwrite. The code will clearly depend on the framework used on the client (jQuery, plain JS, angular).

sql - How to get a name of a foreign id -

I'm trying to get the name of my sub-id my table looks like this Is id Sub_id | Title 1 0 | Home 2 | 0 | About 3 | 2 | About sub 4 3 | Third sub So I will need the title of sub-id2 which will be about about so far I am only able to get the ID and not the title This selection statement is $ id current page, which I am about, which will be about sub. Choose sub-id from the menu where id = '. $ Id. ' An auto-insert: join the same table twice select t1. *, Your2table t1 to t2.title t1.sub_id = is included in your_table t2

sql - Postgresql - return results if field value exists in another table -

I have the following postgrascape query that selects some fields from the statement field, which is called statement_bank: Selection statement_it, Statement_love statement from statement_bank WHERE category_id = 6 and level = 7 I have another table called the statement_recordus, and the fields for that table are: date | User_id | Statement_id Once a statement for a particular user_id is used, then statement_id is entered in the statement_records table. This can be recorded a few times for different users. I'm looking to run the first query so that it can only return from the statement_bank table of statement_id if it exists between the statement_records table between a specific date 01-01-2013 and 01- Between 01-2014 How can I get it? Thanks I think you want an existing section . Based on the information you provided, it will look something like this: select statement_id, statement_value from statement_bank sr where range_ id = 6 and level = 7 and exis...

c++ - having object file symbols become dynamic symbols in executable -

I have several object files (from C ++) that get out of the build system. They have many extern "C" linkage symbols I want to use in a program and accessible somewhere through dlopen / dlsym Are there. When compiled in executable with GCC, these symbols are used by nm -D & lt; Executable-here & gt; (i.e., afaik they are not dynamic symbols) have been used. How can I expose them as dynamic symbols within compiled executables? I can change the build flags to make objects executable and executable, but how to eliminate C ++ files (GCC 4.8, LD 2.24) EDIT: I came to the question that may or may not be what I am asking, but I am not completely sure. You may want to take a look at - export-dynamic ld : -E --export-dynamic --no-export-dynamic When dynamically connected executables make use of the -E option or the --export-dynamic option, Add all the icons in the dynamic symbol table The dynamic symbol table is a group of symbols that appear on t...

non-standard / non-POSIX getcwd() not calling malloc -

getcwd man-page से इस उद्धरण का क्या हिस्सा मैं गलतफहमी में हूं? char * Getcwd (चार * buf, size_t आकार); ... POSIX.1-2001 मानक के लिए एक एक्सटेंशन के रूप में, लिनक्स (libc4, libc5, glibc) getcwd () बफर गतिशील रूप से malloc (3) का उपयोग करके आवंटित करता है अगर buf नल है इस मामले में, आवंटित बफर की लंबाई का आकार जब तक आकार शून्य नहीं होता है, जब buf को आवश्यकतानुसार बड़ा आवंटित किया जाता है कॉलर को मुक्त करना चाहिए (3) लौट बफर क्योंकि 21 char * बफर = नल; 22 size_t बफर साइज = 0; 23 getcwd (बफर, बफर साइज़); 24 प्रिंटफ़ ("% s \ n", बफ़र); लाइन 24 पर एक सेग-फॉल्ट पैदा कर रहा है और जीडीबी का बैकस्ट्रैक मुझे बफर = 0x0 बताता है? संपादित करें: getcwd (बफर, बफ़र साइज़); अभी भी जो भी कारणों से काम नहीं करता है, लेकिन बफर = getcwd (शून्य, 0); करता आपको याद आती है कि सी केवल मूल्य से कॉल करता है ; संदर्भ से कॉल नहीं: getcwd (बफर, बफर साइज़); संकेतक बफ़र को बदल सकता है (केवल बफ़र को इंगित करता है, लेकिन जब से यह शून्य ...)। यही कारण है कि आपक...

javascript - How to get relative cursor position to clicked element when appears click event in JQuery? -

I want to read the position relative to the clicked element instead of the eventObject I am PageX and eventObject.pageY . var eventObject = null; $ (Document). Click (function (e) {eventObject = e; // How to get position regarding ??}); Have you tried:? var posx = $ (this). composition (). Left, pause = $ (this). composition (). Top; Warning ((e.pageX - posX) + ',' + (E.P.G.I. - Possi));

javascript - avoiding setting a cookie based on a specific URL string -

I am setting a cookie based on user, before visiting any website. So every time a new user goes to the website, I am redirecting them to the landing page or else the user will see the index page directly (since the cookie is already in the user's browser). Now what I am trying to achieve is that I would like to leave the landing page redirect on a specific URL (for both new users and existing users). In this way I am checking new visits and setting up a redirect cookie. $ (document) .ready (function () {landingPageOnFirstVisit (); createCookie ('landingRedirect', 'true', '60');}); Function LandingPageOnFirstVille () {var Set CookiesFor Landing = Redduck ('Landing Redirect'); If (! SetCookieForLanding) {window.location = "/ en / landing"; }} Creating a cookie cookie (name, value, day) {if (day) {var date = new date (); Date.setTime (date.getTime () + (Days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); End of var = "; has expired" = "+ d...

CSS3 Issue about transform animation -

I am learning CSS3 features during these days. I try to apply the effect (jsfiddle) Here is the code. html, body {margin: 0; Padding: 0; Background color: #ccc; }. Container {status: relative; Width: 300px; Height: 500px; Margins: 5% auto; Perspective: 500px; } # Card {width: 100%; Height: 100%; Background color: # 567890; Webkit-Animation: Flip 1S; Conversion-style: protection-3d; Status: Relative; } @ -WebKit-keyframe flip {0% {transforms: rotate Y (0 degree); } 100% {conversion: rotate (180 degrees); }} .Front, .back {status: absolute; Backfirst-visibility: hidden; Width: 100%; Height: 100%; Top: 0; Left: 0; } #card .front {background: red; } #card .back {background: blue; Convulsually rotate (180 degrees); } and HTML. & lt; Div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "card" & gt; & Lt; Figure class = "front" & gt; 1 & lt; / Statistic & gt; & Lt; Data class = "back" & gt; 2 & lt; / St...

javascript - change radio button color when not selected -

I have radio buttons + photos but the problem is that if the page is loaded, then all the radio buttons got color: None (this is good) If I click on the button before the color then the gray and the button gets selected: But if I click on the second button then change the button color and: is selected but the first button color is now It is also gray. How to deselect the colors on the first button. & lt; Div id = "my_div" & gt; Input type = "radio" name = "site" id = "like" & gt; & Lt; Label = "like" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "/ icons / disp.jpg" & gt; & Lt; Br> Title1 & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; Input type = "radio" name = "site" id = "sf" & gt; For label = "sf" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "/ icons / metal.jpg" & gt; & Lt; Br> MetTitle2 & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; jquery $ ('...

sql - Maintaining the order by in union of two ordered by queries -

I am trying to run the question below but it seems that I am doing something wrong. (Sample query modified for clarity only) select name, total, rate by trade bit rate & gt; SEC Now I want to meet the union of these two questions and the result as a result. In the first line, the output should come from the first query and then output from the second query in the same sequential order, although the single was giving the actual query. Let me know if it is still unclear, I will try to explain some more deeper level. It's really simple: Use UNION ALL instead of unions . SELECT * (SELECT name, total, rate at the rate of trade rate at the rate> 100 ORDER by total DESC) x Select Union All * (selection name, total, rate) Trade rate of business b & lt; = 100 rate ASC rate) Y UNION reserves all coded as Unions remove duplicates and do not guarantee the order Most databases actually sort out the output to make duplicate identification easier.

Sequence save of .dat files in matlab -

I try to save each stage results in sequence format. I.e. cm_clusters_2_00001.dat cm_clusters_2_00002.dat cm_clusters_2_00003.dat . "Particles_file_name" shows the required filename in the correct format, but when he saves that file, he writes "particles_file_name" and that is why I have my own results I am writing under the name of the name. Part of the code that generates the sequence name: for KK = 1:20 (kk> = 10 & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp;; 1,0 & amp; nbsp; 100) file_number = ['000' int2str (kk)]; Ethef (K> = 100 & amp; amp; amp; amp; kk; lt; 1000) file_number = [ '00' int2str (kk)]; Athiff (KK> = 1000 & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; nbsp; amp; amp; nbsp; -0000) File_number = ['0' int2str (kk)]; End particle_file_name = ['cm_clusters_2_' file_number '.dat']; Save ('particles_file_name'); Any body has suggested to me how t...

Modifying string on java -

I modify the string type xpathes should do the actual exposure by java; For example; This type of exemption _HTML_1__BODY_1__FORM_1__INPUT_3 _ should be turned on / html [1] / body [1] / form [1] / INPUT [3] I do not know, please help me please As the sides said, the string is irreversible, so you can not change them. However, after saying this, you can use the Replace to replace the modified version of the string, for example, in this case: string Input = "_HTML_1__BODY_1__FORM_1__INPUT_3_"; String output = input.replaceAll ("_ (\\ d +) _", "[$ 1]"). all ("_", "/"); // output = / html [1] / body [1] / form [1] / INPUT [3] edit To explain the rages used in this case: This method uses two different regular expressions to return a modified string. First, " _ (\\ d +) _ ", appears for numbers encircled by two underscores characters _ , \\ d A regex is short for any number of points to ho...

php - the most accurate way to calucate date periods using the date object -

I am working on an access site, paying members are 3 month access period will get the site Therefore, this issue is to calculate a precise date of 3 months. i.e, a few months are 28 days, the other is 31 days; Normal year is 365 but Moon year is 354 days. I was thinking of changing the date to Unix timestamps and then calculating 3 months seconds. But I'm not sure that this is the most effective and accurate way to do this. Below is my proposal, I would like some advice about this; Timestamp when the clocks start $ UNIXtimeStampNow = new \ date time ("now")) - & gt; Calculation of 3 months from the date: $ numberDaysInMonth = 30.41 = 365/12 / (3) of the format ('U') / Number of days in months $ numberSecondsInDay = 86400; // 3 months new \ date time ("$ secondsIn3Months") one day $ secondsIn3Months = ($ numberDaysInMonth * $ numberSecondsInDay) * 3 // Number seconds in seconds; // As I said, as I said, this is the best thin...

ios - create ipa dynamically on server -

I want to crimp an app with the following requirement: On the website, the user has a PDF Will upload On uploading, ipa should be dynamically generated on the server and the user should be provided with the download IPA link. I have seen such sites to be created APK Dynamically Is there a way to dynamically create ipa ? If so, how to make it dynamically? The xCode plug-in for Jenkins is not up-to-date. Its final version was with iOS 6 (as far as I know). But with "Jenkins" can be a good idea in "Shenzhen" ("Execute Shell"). Link Shenzhen (you can see it in the terminal without Jenkins)

unity3d - NGUI UIToggle how to toggle / deactivate one -

itemprop = "text"> I have two UIToggle objects, so when I click on, for example, toggle 1 is automatically enabled and Toggle 2 is disabled but I'm trying to turn them on in script I like UIToggle 1:. UIToggle toggleOn = ToogleParen.transform.FindChild ("ButtonOn"). GetComponent & LT; UIToggle & gt; (); And activate it by doing so: toggleOn.value = true; The problem occurs when I try to disable it: toggleOn.value = false; & Lt; --- Nothing, the toggle button is not inactive !! Do anyone know how to toggle the two UITogal objects program? Thank you! You have to refresh the control so that NGi can redress it on the screen. After adding some things, you have to do the grid. Bonus: As you have said, I think that you have a radio button (only one selection is possible at a time). If yes, then you should use the checkbox UICheckbox to use as a radio button, as ngùi offers features and I will not have to uncheck this case ...

sql - Selecting from mulitple tables, then joining to both, in MySQL -

Say I have a database structure like: create table person (iderson The name of the ETT nail atangram primaries, named VARCHAR (50)); Type the table description (type INT not pure AUTO_INCREMENT primary key, field VARCHAR (50)); Create table details (IDPerson not INT, idDetailType is not INT, value VARCHAR (50)); with this data: | ---------- | --------- | | IDPerson | Name | | ---------- | --------- | | 1 | Tom | | 2 | Dick | | 3 | Harry | | ---------- | --------- | | ---------- | ---------- | | Type | Field | | ---------- | ---------- | | 1 | Diet | 2 | Cap size | ---------- | ---------- | | ---------- | ------ | ------------ | | IDPerson | Type | Price | | ---------- | ------ | ------------ | | 1 | 1 | Vegetarian | | 1 | 2 | Medium | | 2 | 2 | Short | | ---------- | ------ | ------------ | And I want a result that looks like this: | ---------- | ------- --- | ------------ | | Name | Field | Price | | ---------- | ---------- | ------------ | | Tom | Diet Vegetarian |...

android - SQLlite like statement replace space with special char -

I have a SQLlite database with a list of cities. My free full text visit is associated with this database but I have a there is a problem. There are so many cities in my database like this: Sint-Truinyen Sint-Peter-Road Sint-Rikkers etc. ... But many users will not type Sint Truden or get results. This is what I have done so far: string sql = ""; Sql + Select "+ +" + TABLE_CITIES; Sql + = "WHERE" + KEY_NAME + "Preferred"% "+ SearchTerm +"% '"; To achieve your goal How can I adjust my SQL for? search term for a solution and Database content is normalized For example, you can add a column named normalized name to the table. Some common examples: Any type of separator with a location (D Sh, point, change multiple locations) Convert to lowercase

Removing carriage returns from a text file using a DOS batch file -

एक पाठ फ़ाइल में मुझे ये रेखाएं हैं: 2014-10-09 00: 00: 00.000; 1663; 2014-10-09 12: 38: 46.000; ए; ""; 0; 0; ई / 272, 2014-10-09 00: 00: 00.000; 1663; 2014-10-09 12:38 : 46,000; ए; ""; 0; 0; डी / 275 मुझे यह नया आउटपुट डॉस बैच फ़ाइल का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता है: 2014-10 -0 9 00: 00: 00,000; 1663; 2014-10-09 12: 38: 46.000; ए; ""; 0; 0; ई / 272 2014-10-09 00: 00: 00.000; 1663; 2014-10- 09 12: 38: 46.000; ए; "0; 0; डी / 275 और मैंने इस समाधान की कोशिश की है: के लिए / f "Delims =" %% a in (oldfile.txt) करना (गूंज / | सेट / पी = "%% एक%") & gt; newfile.txt लेकिन आउटपुट गलत है, मेरे पास टेस्ट न्यूफ़ाइल में दो पंक्ति नहीं है लेकिन केवल एक पंक्ति: 2014-10-09 00: 00: 00.000; 1663; 2014-10-09 12:38: 46,000; ए; ""; 0; 0; ई / 2722014-10-09 00: 00: 00,000; 1663; 2014-10-09 12: 38: 46.000; ए; ""; 0; 0; डी / 275 मुझे क्या याद आ रहा है? इस कोड में क्या गलत है? धन्यवाद अग्रिम में। क्यो...

ios - Xcode IB: UIButton hidden but have still buttons space -

I have the following problem in my iPhone app. In my IB, I have 4 buttons that are my UIViewController ( IBOutlet ), for example when I want to hide the second button AfwalSoorten Then it disappears, I want to, but whenever I debug an app on the simulator, I still got the position of the button. How can I get rid of that? An example example is Is there a choice on the storyboard for the button? To clip together? You should use autolayet or otherwise it is a nightmare with new screen sizes. You can ask the program automatically: set the button with some obstacles, and then when you decide to hide the button, remove the obstacles that are not needed. It's flexible and powerful, but it's not the easiest way to get started. An easy way to do this is with additional constraints. For example, if you have buttons 1, 2 and 3 (see screenshot), and you are planning to delete button 2 You can add an extra barrier between 3 and 1: This hurdle should be le...

f# - Can I improve the way to implement simple / trivial interfaces for a record type? -

कहें, मेरे पास इंटरफ़ेस है टाइप IAB = abstract A: स्ट्रिंग सार बी: स्ट्रिंग टाइप करें आईसीडी = सार सी: स्ट्रिंग सार डी: स्ट्रिंग मैं एक ऐसा कोड बनाना चाहूंगा जो कि IAB और आईसीडी को लागू करता है। / P> तो सबसे आसान प्रकार है: प्रकार MyType = {ए: स्ट्रिंग; बी: स्ट्रिंग; सी स्ट्रिंग; डी: स्ट्रिंग} इंटरफ़ेस IAB सदस्य के साथ यह.ए = यह.एक सदस्य यह.बी = यह.बी सदस्य के साथ इंटरफ़ेस आईसीडी। सी = यह.इस सदस्य सदस्य.डी = यह.डी यह कोड बहुत दोहराव दिखाता है निश्चित रूप से मैं उन इंटरफेस को लागू करने वाला एक सामान्य वर्ग बना सकता हूं, लेकिन मुझे लगा कि रिकॉर्ड एक बेहतर फिट है, है ना? क्या कोई वैसे भी मैं इसे सुधार सकता हूं? MyType की परिभाषा थोड़ा दूर है यह होना चाहिए: प्रकार MyType = {ए: स्ट्रिंग; बी: स्ट्रिंग; सी स्ट्रिंग; डी: स्ट्रिंग} इंटरफ़ेस IAB के साथ सदस्य xA = xA सदस्य xB = xB इंटरफ़ेस आईसीडी सदस्य के साथ xC = xC सदस्य xD = xD यदि आपने कभी भी इंटरफ़ेस में जा रहा है , आप निम्न के साथ दूर हो सकते हैं: प्रकार MyType (A: स्ट्रिंग, बी: स्ट्रिंग, सी: स्ट्रि...

SQL filetype commands not working in vim (filetype detected correctly) -

There are several features for the SQL file type plugin which do not seem to work for me. I have installed the following files in the right places (all are called sql.vim) Syntax - ftplugin - Was it also necessary? Syntax highlighting is now correct, but by default, needing something to download plug-ins to assist files? However, for example, [[,]], [] and] [do not work as described, and: SQLSetType is not a recognized command, do I enable it and do Need? Thank you in advance for any help SQL syntax by David Fishburn The file type plugins are actually distributed with the Win Runtime; If you need a newer version compared to your existing Vime version, you need to install them in your ~ / .vim / directory. (So ​​usually, no.) If syntax is working but there are no definitions of file type, then you are probably missing : filetype plugin indent on In your ~ / .vimrc You : script name output and : verbose nmap]] .

unity3d - How to Detect Collision or Trigger event in unity When both object is kinematic? -

I have two objects in my game, both objects have 2D physics content. Both object static means that no physics is applicable to it. Now when I move an object practically, then it should be called a collisionist event or enter the trigger, but none of them is said to be said that everything is fine if I Removes Connamatic Property from Object Overview on a complete collision combination. To worry about your case: Triggers If you want to receive trigger messages between 2 objects, this It is possible, but at least one of them should be RigidBody (kinematic or non kinematic). Collision If you want to get confrontation messages between objects, then at least one of them non-cinematic RigidBody .

multithreading - VB.NET RaiseEvent in thread -

When I increase an incident in my thread, the thread is no longer running in the loop. NetworkTream = Me.client.GetStream () byte () = New byte (20000) {} Try slowing down as netstream as a net substrate. {} Netstream.Read (inStream, 0, CInt ()) Console.WriteLine ("Some Received") RaiseEvent rsh (I, New ReceiveStreamEvent (System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString (inStream)) Console .WriteLine ("I'm still alive") Exception Console ("ReadStream Error:" and formerly. Message: Toastring ()) and Trude Thread. Sleep (100) Loop and all You can see that "I'm still alive" never happens .. I did the same code in C #, I have with it This is not an issue, so when the RaiseEvent is called, the thread will not continue. I have no errors, no messages. Here's the full square: Import system. Selection. GENERAL IMPORT SYSTEM Link Import Systems Text import system met. Sockets Import Systems Public Delayat All Receive StrielHandler (Receive Obj...

javascript - Object expect in in java-script -

I am getting a constant error which is expecting an object. I call a function on-in: & lt; Select name = & lt ;? Php echo $ dagen [$ i] "1"; ? & Gt; Id = & lt ;? Php echo $ dagen [$ i] "1"; ? & Gt; Onchange = "week-round (this, Here is my javascript function: function week-round (selected, week key) {var samen; Var id = weekkeuze; Var week = selected.value; Samen = "id =" + id + "and week =" + week; Warning (Samen); Submit_javascript ("GET", "capaciteitberekening.php?" + Samen, "", "true"); // row 13} In this function, I get the data from the Achnen properly because it shows the correct value in the alert (summary), with last sentence should send this data to me Capaciteitberekening To .php I'm not sure what's going on here. At Capaciteitberekening.php I use this code to capture the value: $ filt ['week'] = $ _GET ['week']; $ Filt ['...

spring - Mock controller with an object parameter -

I am trying to test a method with this signature: @RequestMapping (value @ "/ employee / {id}", method = RequestMethod.PUT, consumes = "application / json") @ Transactional Public @ Responseboard Map Update (@PathVerify Integer ID, @RestestBodyHashmap & lt; string, Object> information] {} The problem is that MockMvc param properties only accept string parameters, there is a hashmap or A Examples of how to have RequestBody as parameter class object? When I try to pass a hashm as a string, I get a mismatch exception. You have to use Jackson for this. This idea is to destariate your objects (it does not matter if this hashmap) is in JSON string and passes it to MockMvc. Just search for the test class there and see how it is used. Skip unit tests of GET requests.

aptana3 - Smarty support for Aptana Studio 3 -

Is there any support for Vitality in Aptana Studio 3? I saw some questions here, but they are quite old. I searched the websites but found nothing useful. There was a plugin for Aptana 2, but I have never received it to work in Aptana 3. 3. from What can I collect (and I searched for a long time before being selected wisely) There is no functional plugin for this time.

lamp - how do I run php 5.4 code or earlier on php 5.5 server -

I've just upgraded my Ubuntu server from 12.x to 14.04, which has upgraded PHP to 5.5.9 - And now my Core Lamp application does not work To serve legacy PHP code, is there a way to zoom in my server's PHP settings? I think this is the Zend Framework I am not a PHP developer. Try adding a line your .htaccess file It is supported by most servers AddType x-httpd-php54 .

postgresql - SQL dynamic group by varying number of columns -

I need to change the clause rule dynamically by group for grouping. I always return the same number and column names is. For example in the table: CREATE TABLE employee (employee_ID number no.l.l, department_id integer, changing status character (50), / * active / idle * / value Numeric, Revenue (Numerical), First_name Characters Variant (50), Last_Name Characters Separate (50)) I need to do some queries like this: How do I run this query? It depends, what you want to achieve: you not only on the column You can use GROUP BY . If you want to isolate the disabled employees and use the following types of employees from each other to each other: - ... group In the case of case when = 'active' then the department_id when the position = 'idle' then the tap end, employee_id but the above solution will deposit passive staff with all those other employees Which departments do not specify If ( department_id IS NULL ). If you do not have any worries, ...

winrt xaml - CameraCaptureUI presents window with cropping box how can I control the initialize size of it -

I am using camera capture UI and it presents a window to the user with a resizeable crop box embedded in the window, How can I control the initial size of the crop box? After getting the question here I got the answer very soon, of course, to affect the size of the crop window Need to change the aspect ratio on this line of code: aspect factor RITIO = new size (16, 9);

css - CSS3 media query doesn't seem to be working -

I have a problem with the media query that does not work properly. .cl-home h1 {font-family: Raleway; Status: Completed; Top: 20%; Left: 10%; Font-size: 150px; White color; Border: 1.5px solid white; Padding: 10px; @media screen and (max-width: 640px) {font-size: 80px; }} I thought that the width of the font for 640px on the inferior device, automatically change the font size to 80px Will go But nothing changes, am I doing something wrong or do not I understand how the media query works? Media queries include selectors, not all around: .cl-home h1 {font-family: Raleway; Status: Completed; Top: 20%; Left: 10%; Font-size: 150px; White color; Border: 1.5px solid white; Padding: 10px; } @ Media screen and (max-width: 640 px) {.cl-home h1 {font-size: 80px; }}

c# - Get SelectedItem's Id in dynamically generated Menu -

I've created a menu dynamically. Here is the structure of my table: MenuItemId integer PrimaryKey MenuItemName nvarchar (50) ParentId integer NavigateURL nvarchar (500) Here is the C # code to get that data in the heirarchical structure: Private Zero GetMenuItems () {string cs = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings ["DBCS"]. ConnectionString; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection (CS); SqlDataAdapter da = New SqlDataAdapter ("spGetMenuData", con); Dataset ds = new dataset (); Da.Fill (DS); Forwarding (Datarov DR in Dtibles [0] .rao) {If (Dr. ["paradidied"]. Tostrings (). Trim () == "") {menu item = new menu item (); Item.Text = dr ["MenuItemName"] ToString (); Item.NavigateUrl = dr ["navigateUrl"] ToString (); ([Ds, drChild, item]] [GetChildItems (). ; }} Menu1.Items.Add (item); }}} Private Static Zero GetChildItems (DataSet DS, DataRow Dr, MenuItem Item) {MenuItem childItem = new MenuItem (); ChildItem.Te...

java - An internal error occurred during: "AppXray Indexing..." -

I have installed Oracle weblogic tool for eclipse and now I get an error in the title at startup. I have attached the eclipse log below. eg.eclipse at org.eclipse.m2e.jdt.internal.MavenClasspathContainerInitializer.initialize ( java.lang.NullPointerException. Jdt.internal.core.JavaModelManager.initializeContainer ( June 0902) org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaModelManager.getClasspathContainer (JavaModelManager.java1937) at org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore.getClasspathContainer (JavaCore. java: 3247) org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaProject.resolveClasspath ( .eclipse on) organization org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaProject.resolveClasspath ( on .jdt.internal.core.JavaProject.getResolvedClasspath org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaProject.buildStructure ( ( .Openable on org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core .generateInfos on org.eclipse.jdt....

How do I check what user agent curl is using? -

I'm trying to use curl to monitor the contents of the page provided by a remote HTTP server (which is my There is very little control over the over), and for some reason the server is returning different results, depending on which machine I'm running I suspect that this user may be curl on each machine due to the difference in string Is being used. How do I check (not set) User Agent String Curl Remote server is sending in your HTTP request Use the option to see all the headers sent by curl, in which user-agent : '& gt; Which means "Header data" sent by curl For example: $ curl --verbose ' / '& Gt; GET / HTTP / 1.1 & gt; User-agent: Curl / 7.37.0 & gt; Host: & gt; Accept: * / *

ruby on rails - simple_form & Bootstrap styles not being applied -

I have started using simple_form in my app because I am using Bootstrap I want to connect two Was there. I installed the gem and the rail generated simple_size: install --bootstrap In my form file, I & lt;% = simple_form_for (@ projector, html: {class: 'form-horizontal'}) do | F | & Gt%; & Lt;% = f.error_notification% & gt; & Lt;% = f.input: name% & gt; & Lt;% = f.submit "Submit", Category: "Button"%> & Lt;% end% & gt; But none of the bootstrap styles are being implemented. It's just showing the basic element I have done this to ensure that I am correcting it. I have 'code' gem 'bootstrap-saas',' ~ & gt; 3.2.0 ' installed and inside of my application.css.scss I have this line @import "bootstrap-sprockets"; @import "bootstrap"; Can someone recommend another? Or tell me where am I wrong? Highly appreciated. Do you read this? I'm not s...

sql server - Check constraint using function -

मेरे पास इन कॉलमों वाले उपयोगकर्ता नामक एक टेबल है: UserID (int) UserName (nvarchar), पासवर्ड (nvarchar), isActive ( बिट - सच / गलत) मैं क्या करना चाहता हूं डुप्लिकेट उपयोगकर्ता नाम डालने की इजाजत देता है, यदि इस उपयोगकर्ता नाम वाले अन्य सभी उपयोगकर्ता अक्षम हैं मैंने इस फ़ंक्शन को बनाया है: वैकल्पिक फ़ंक्शन [dbo]। [IsActiveUsername] (@ उपयोगकर्ता नाम nvarchar (15)) उदाहरण के रूप में वापस आती है (उपयोगकर्ताओं से चुनें जहां सक्रिय है = 1 और उपयोगकर्ता नाम = @ उपयोगकर्ता नाम) रिटर्न 1 रिटर्न 0 END यह फ़ंक्शन सही होगा यदि इस उपयोगकर्ता नाम के साथ सक्रिय उपयोगकर्ता है, अन्यथा गलत है। उसके बाद, मैंने इस फ़ंक्शन से लौटा मूल्य के आधार पर चेक बाधा बनाई: वैकल्पिक तालिका [dbo]। [उपयोगकर्ता] नॉकैक के साथ चेक जोड़ें (([dbo ] [IsActiveUsername] ([UserName]) = (0)) अगर इस उपयोगकर्ता नाम के साथ कोई सक्रिय उपयोगकर्ता नहीं है, तो सम्मिलित करें की अनुमति दें ... लेकिन किसी कारण के लिए जब मैं सम्मिलित करने का प्रयास करता हूं एक नया उपयोगकर्ता, जो उपयोगकर्ता नाम के लिए मैं कोशिश करता...

javascript - How do I use orthogonal data in DataTables to sort when using HTML in a render function? -

Here's a basic example to deal with this problem: If you use the "Total" column You will see that the sorting is not working properly. Something is happening with this problem that I have some HTML there (the span tag that is called "current"). This is a watery example; In reality, the number pulls from an AJAX request, but the concept is the same, and as you can see, I am using functions to render them. Simply adding commas does not seem to be negatively affected, but as soon as I & lt; Span & gt; tag, then when my sorting breaks (my _formatStuff function in this example). $ ('# test_sort'). DataTable ({Column: [{}, {rendere: _formatStuff}], column def: [{target: 1, classname: 'right'}], paging: wrong, search: incorrect, info: wrong}); I was reading in the datable docs, but I am not clear how I will use it. Can I add some other properties apart from this so that the original value should be used as the sort value? It se...

java - How do I allow for infinite object instantiation? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मैं वर्तमान में अटक गया हूं एक जावा प्रोग्राम मेरा कार्यक्रम, एक शहर-बिल्डर गेम, उपयोगकर्ता की तरफ के आधार पर किसी भी समय ऑब्जेक्ट्स को इन्स्टिट करने की क्षमता की आवश्यकता होती है, और ऑब्जेक्ट की संख्या को असीम होने की आवश्यकता होती है। इस कार्यक्रम में एक बिल्डिंग टाइप वस्तु। (मुझे पता है कि कैसे नई वस्तुओं को इन्स्तांत करना है, जैसे ... भवन निर्माण 1 = नया भवन (); ...) हालांकि, यह पद्धति मेरे कार्यक्रम के लिए स्वीकार्य नहीं है। मेरे कार्यक्रम को मक्खी पर नई बिल्डिंग ऑब्जेक्ट्स को इन्स्तांत करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए। कल्पना कीजिए कि उपयोगकर्ता को उस बटन पर क्लिक करने का विकल्प होता है जो दुनिया में एक नई इमारत रखता है। वे दुनिया में शून्य समय में एक नई इमारत बनाने के लिए क्लिक कर सकते हैं, या वे 5,000 बार क्लिक कर सकते हैं, परिणामस्वरूप 5,000 इमारतें दुनिया में डाल सकती हैं। मैं जाहिर तौर पर 5,000 वस्तुओं को इन्स्तांत करना नहीं चाहता, जैसे इसलिए: भवन भवन 1 = नया भवन (); भवन निर्माण 2 = नया भवन (); ... बिल्डिंग ब...

php - Update TTL in existing Route53 Resource Record set -

I have some records in the routing 53 account. I want bulk to update TTL for all of them. The argument I am using is that I get all the records using the "ListResourceRecordSets" operation. I create the following change object for each record. The array ('action' = & gt; 'UPSER', 'resource recordset' => array ('name' = & gt; OLD_CNAME, 'type' = & gt; A ',' ttl '= & gt; NEW_TTL,' resource record '= & gt; array (array (' value '= & gt; OLD_IP)),);) Then I send the "ChangeResourceRecordSets" request with the changes objects created in the last step. Router 53 is returning to this error Validation Errors: [ChangeBatch] [changes] [changes] [verb] "make" or "delete" [ChangeBatch] should be one of [change [1] [change] [verb] should be one of "create" or "delete") PS ChangeResourceRecordSets call A later version that su...

Weierstrass Function in Python-List index out of range error -

I am trying to plot the code and the Weierstrass function in Python. F (x) = a ± sin (Ï ?? k ^ (a) x) / (Ï ?? k ^ (a)) from k = 1? ??? I'm having some difficulty because I'm out of the "list index" in line = yar = yer = wer (a, (xl [i]), e) I am not sure where I am being wrong, or if my thought process is wrong, any help would be very commendable! Thanks! Here is the code: import math, pialab x0 = float (input (Enter the beginning of 'interval:')) #interval xf = float start (input (Enter the end point of the interval: ')) #interval = a = float (Enter a value for' (input ':)) #x = float (input (' Enter a value for x: ')) = Float (Enter the desired error tolerance: ')) n = int (input (' enter the number of iterations: ')) def wer (a, x, e): # is a givin number, e error Mutation is Sum1 = 0 Sum2 = 0 k = 1 while (True): #sine for PE Times of PE Times, an equation for pi times = math.sin (math.pi) * P (K, A) * (X)) /...

webserver - nginx configuration for / only -

This is my current configuration in nginx: (folder 1 2 3 4 are just shortcuts for example) place / folder1 {localfolder.conf; } Places / Folder 2 {include localfolder.conf; } Place / Folder 3 {include localfolder.conf; } Places / Folder 4 {include localfolder.conf; } Location / {proxy_pass; } You can see that I / we redirect all calls to calls except columns 1 2 3 and 4. When I just call, it redirects to other webservers too. It works great until the other webserver is running. My problem is, NGNX is not only running its local document (/ usr / share / nginx / www) / when another webserver is running. I've read the docs but I do not have any idea how to get it ... Thanks for your thoughts and help. Edit: I have added the following location to the configuration inside the "place /" bracket: error_page 502 = http: / / ANYDOMAIN /; Redirects now work if the server is unreachable. It looks like a job for: upstream Fishin...

c - Repeating timerfd event works with epoll and not with poll -

I am implementing a timer using timerfd. This is a relative timer that I need to repeat it at a rate forever. I want to vote on this incident and basically tried to use voting. When I did this, I used to watch the timer incident for the first time and never again. However, when I changed to use Impol (how timerfold was installed it did not change at all) it works as expected. Here's the code with a poll: # include & lt; Sys / timerfd.h & gt; # Include & lt; Sys / poll.h & gt; # Include & lt; Sys / epoll.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; # Include & lt; Strings.h & gt; # Include & lt; Unistd.h & gt; Int main (int ac, char * av []) {struct pollfd p; Int Timfred; Struct itimerspec timerValue; / * Clear pollfd * / berboo (& amp; amp; amp; amp; nbsp;; p; sizeof (P)); / * Set timerified * / timerfood = timerfade_create (CLOCK_REALTIME, 0); If (timerfunds & lt; 0) {printf ("Fai...

java - Spring Property Injection with Play2 Framework -

I like many features of Play Framework 2 (I'm using it with Java), but the dependency injection fan As a matter of fact, I especially love the spring and in particular, injecting the configuration into objects using @Value annotations. Therefore, I would love to know how the value of the property, using the built-in property resolution mechanism of a frequency variable play something like this: @Component public class SpringBeanWithinAPlay2Application { @Value ("$ {application.timeout: 10}") Private int timeout; } Anyone have any clues? Many thanks in advance. I had the same problem even a while back and this was the way to do this: First of all, when you promote your spring application context (I use annotation based configuration, but it should work for XML based), you have to add a custom , Which enables the way in which other than the new way to solve spring properties. Received some: public static void start () {ctx = new Antateshn Config Apl...

windows - remove user from local administrators group via cmd line when username has space -

I'm trying to execute a seemingly simple order, though I'm having problems because in the username A place. The user is: ad \ Local Workstation Admin (under Local Administrator Group) The command is: Net Locallog Administrator ad \ Local Workstation Admin / Delete Returns: There is no such global user or group: ad \ Local is not a global user or group: Workstation. There are no global users or groups: Administrators. I have tried to make a different number of variations using quotes and brackets. Just protect the user in quotes nets philanthrop administrator "ad \ Local Workstation Admin "/ Delete

jQuery change event not working for input:radio buttons in Handlebars.js template -

I'm using handlebars.js for a series of questions / answers forms. There is only 1 reply per question, so I & lt; Input type = "radio" & gt; I'm using . The code below generates the desired result, but when a radio button is checked, the jQuery change does not fire the event To specify your event handler. Should be used - try your dynamically generated radio button: $ ("#quo"). ("Changes", "Input: Radio", Function (Events) {// Consuming questions are already part of DOM Warning 'change'); }); This question here gives some good information to the event operators adding dynamically generated elements

android - Python Debug Execution Mode -

I have compiled Python 2.7.2 (4.4.4) for Android using Android NDK 9D. After loading the compiled objects to the target, I'm running on an issue where the executable works, but returns error code 1 for all the tasks except the version or the help menu. I have copied the entire contents /system/usr/bin/python2.7 /system/usr/lib/ system / usr / Lib / python2.7 / * PYTHONHOME = / system / usr / PATH = / system / usr / bin: / sbin: / vendor / bin: / system / sbin: / system / bin: / system / xbin PYTHONPATH = / system / Usr / lib / python2.7 / lib-Dynload: /system/usr/lib/python2.7 LD_LIBRARY_PATH = / vendor / lib: / system / lib: / system / usr / lib: / system / usr / lib: / system /usr/lib/python2.7: / Python2.7 / lib-dynload Does a dragon respond to error messages and refuses to work (such as interactive mode) then I Can I know that this kind of cone Greshn to understand the code itself is the problem or what I would add that what is happening? shell @ ...

c# - How do I select correct DbSet in DbContext based on table name -

मेरे पास निम्न DbSets के साथ एक DbContext है वर्ग अमीरात: DbContext {सार्वजनिक DbSet & lt ; कुत्ता & gt; कुत्तों {प्राप्त; सेट; } सार्वजनिक डीबीसेट & lt; कैट & gt; बिल्लियों {प्राप्त करें; सेट; }} प्रत्येक EntityTypeConfiguration के अंदर मैं प्रत्येक DbSet जैसे टेबल के लिए परिभाषित कर रहा हूँ class DogConfig: EntityTypeConfiguration {public DogConfig () {this.ToTable ( "DOG_TABLE"); ...}} अब, अगर मेरे पास टेबल का नाम है और डीबीसीटीएक्सटेक्स्ट है, तो मैं सही डब्सैट कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? void foo () {String tableName = this.GetTableName (); (पशु संदर्भ = नया जानवर ()) का उपयोग कर {/ * मेड समाधान * / डीबीसेट पशु कान्टेक्सेट = संदर्भ। कहाँ (सी = & gt; c.TableName == टेबलनाम); ... / * DbSet * / ...}} के साथ कुछ करो DbContext से प्रकार द्वारा विधि DbContext.Set (प्रकार एंटाइटाइप) का उपयोग करके डीबीसेट प्राप्त कर सकते हैं । इसलिए यदि आपके पास मॉडल वर्ग के नाम को स्ट्रिंग के रूप में है, तो आपको वास्तविक क्लाआर प्रकार के कुछ मैपिंग क...

jquery - Appending to HTML a content of a Javascript object -

I'm trying to solve this small problem. Recover data using for and I have a JSON object, I want to attach an HTML var tempObject = Parse.Object.extend ("Dev") I am trying to recover a part of; Var query = new pars; tempObject; Query.notEqualTo ("objectId", "Dan Stemkoski"); (Var i = 0; i & lt; results.length; i ++) {var object = results} {search_find} ({success: function) {alert ("successfully recovered" + results.length + "receipts" ); I]; $ ("Receipts"). Html (object.get ('receipt_title')); console.log (object) //alert( + '-' + object.get ('receipt_title' )); The result I Unfortunately for some reason, I'm getting only one row instead of 10, which I should get. I know that I get results in any way There should be a loop for me, but all my efforts have failed me till now. Thanks in advance for help! You have to add the result to HTML, as you can...

python - Pygame word wrap -

I am working on the text that appears in my pygme, I am making. I have drawn it from a good place between the text, but wrapping the text overlaps the word just one child, here I wrap my text. Def reOrderChat (nText, nColor): '' Chat text reactions on the screen and new lines' '#' Reorganize the first lines. They are right for C category (1 9, 0, -1): Drawnatat [C + 1] .text = Ductat [C] .cttct DrawnIight [C + 1] .cllor = Draft Chart [C] .roll drone cut [C + 1]. Y = Dave Chatch [C]. -8 # Check "+ + (C + 1) + + +" on "Text" + "is" + Draw [C + 1]. Check # Check whether testLength is more than the length of chat list textLength = g ChatFont.size (nText) [0] if textLength & gt; 459: #todo: Allow custom size chat list (459 gets with GIMP) # todo: Optimize loop lines [[']] word = nText.split () curLine = 0 curLineLength = 0 in the category (Lenan (word)): word = words [i] # if the new line is too long to add a new word, then put i...

c# - WinForms data binding to a custom property throws an exception -

I'm sorry if this is a duplicate, but I searched the net and I could not find any answer enabled (or ReadOnly for Textbox ) of control: this TbProj.DataBindings.Add (new binding ("enabled", this, "CanEdit", incorrect, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged, false)); This.btnSave.DataBindings.Add (new binding ("enabled", this, "dirty", false, datasource, updated. For the following properties: get public dirty {get; Set; } Get back to CanEdit Private Bool {Receive} }} I get . System.ArgumentException: Can not bind property or column CanEdit to DataSource. when the ShowDialog () > form. If I bind to enabled or read only to dirty , then everything is fine. I tried to get {return true; } and even a setter were added: set {bool bummy = value; } , same error I have also changed the CanEdit to an automatically applied property, same as dirty (only get; set; In the declaration) No benefit ... Please help. ...