javascript - Object expect in in java-script -
I am getting a constant error which is expecting an object.
I call a function on-in:
& lt; Select name = & lt ;? Php echo $ dagen [$ i] "1"; ? & Gt; Id = & lt ;? Php echo $ dagen [$ i] "1"; ? & Gt; Onchange = "week-round (this, Here is my javascript function:
function week-round (selected, week key) {var samen; Var id = weekkeuze; Var week = selected.value; Samen = "id =" + id + "and week =" + week; Warning (Samen); Submit_javascript ("GET", "capaciteitberekening.php?" + Samen, "", "true"); // row 13} In this function, I get the data from the Achnen properly because it shows the correct value in the alert (summary), with last sentence should send this data to me Capaciteitberekening To .php I'm not sure what's going on here. At Capaciteitberekening.php I use this code to capture the value:
$ filt ['week'] = $ _GET ['week']; $ Filt ['id'] = $ _GET ['id']; Echo $ id, $ week; But as you can expect, I did not find anything, instead I get an error on my browser that it is expecting an object in line 13.
I hope
Some issues with your php code can be on line 13 .
To verify this, posting the values correctly, try this at the beginning of capaciteitberekening.php.
If this works, then there may be some other problem with your php code in capaciteitberekening.php, make sure that it is, But the request is working fine.
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