sql - Postgresql - return results if field value exists in another table -
I have the following postgrascape query that selects some fields from the statement field, which is called statement_bank:
Selection statement_it, Statement_love statement from statement_bank WHERE category_id = 6 and level = 7 I have another table called the statement_recordus, and the fields for that table are:
date | User_id | Statement_id Once a statement for a particular user_id is used, then statement_id is entered in the statement_records table. This can be recorded a few times for different users.
I'm looking to run the first query so that it can only return from the statement_bank table of statement_id if it exists between the statement_records table between a specific date 01-01-2013 and 01- Between 01-2014
How can I get it?
I think you want an existing section . Based on the information you provided, it will look something like this:
select statement_id, statement_value from statement_bank sr where range_ id = 6 and level = 7 and exist (choose 1 from statement_record sr , Where between sr.user_id = Sb.user_id and sr.statement_id = sb.statement_id and sr.date between '2013-01-01' and '2013-12-31'); Note: I'm assuming that you do not really want a match for the 2014-01-01, but only by the end of 2013.
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