
Showing posts from September, 2010

ios - i want show different images continuously without user touch the button -

When touching a button, show the image to the code below. I can say "without a bear, cat, cow, dog" Anyone can touch the user's touch button NSMutableArray * dashBoy = [NSMutableArray array]; For (i = 1; i & lt; = 12; i ++) {butterfly = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "bear_% d.png", i]; If ((image = [UIImage imageNamed: butterfly])) [dashBoy addObject: image]; } [StgImageView Set Animation Images: DashBoy]; [StgImageView Set Animation Duration: 4.0F]; [Set the StgImageView animation annotation: 2]; [StgImageView start-up]; You can do this as: - First of all, create a UIImageView property below, @property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet UIImageView * imageView; // Also connect it with Storyboard or EXib Then you can type the IBAction given below: - - (IBAction) startTap: (ID) Sender {{self.imageView Set Animation Duration: 1.0f]; // You can change the duration of the intensity or slow-making animation [Self.imageView Set Animation Images: Im...

android - ID of top divider in AlertDialog -

I am using the following code on my Alert Deals topic. resource resources = dialog .getContext () getResources () .; Int color = resources.getColor (R.color.green_theme); // Your Color Here EntourTitid = resources.getIdentifier ("alertTitle", "id", "android"); TextView AlertTitle = (TextView) dialog.GetVindo (). GetDecorView (). FindViewById (WarningTilayed); AlertTitle.setTextColor (color); // Change title text color int titlesdividerID = resources.getIdentifier ("titledivider", "id", "android"); View Title + Divider = Dialog.GetWondo (). GetDecorView (). FindViewById (titleDividerId); TitleDivider.setBackgroundColor (color); // change split color This works well, except for the case where I have an alert dialog with no message but no title, it appears that a third Is the scene which is only displayed in this case, which also requires its color set. I do not know what the id's ID is. Does anyone know this? The...

mysql - Delete Composite unique key [ applied on 3 fields combinely ] -

In MySQL, I have created a unique composite key based on 3 columns. How can I remove this unique key barrier without removing the entire table? I got an answer and it worked show index table_name Then check the "key_name" barrier that you want to leave. This will be "key_name" for the combined parenthesis in the form of " arbitrary_index_name ". then use this DROP query drop indexes arbitrary_index_name on table_name

html - How to hide label on radio checked using css -

मेरे पास इस तरह लेबल टैग में एक चेकबॉक्स है। & lt; label class = " बतख डक 1 "& gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "चेकबॉक्स" & gt; & Lt; / लेबल & gt; मुझे लगता है कि अगर मैं चेकबॉक्स, लेबल और चेकबॉक्स पर क्लिक करता हूं तो दोनों डिस्प्ले: कोई भी बिना jquery होना चाहिए। मैंने इसे करने की कोशिश की। .duck इनपुट [प्रकार = चेकबॉक्स]: चेक + लेबल। चेकबॉक्स {प्रदर्शन: कोई नहीं;} आप उस के आसपास काम कर सकते हैं हालांकि। निम्न कोड पर एक नज़र डालें: यदि आप अपने एचटीएमएल को चेकबॉक्स के बाद लेबल रखने के लिए फिर से संगठित करते हैं, और एनिमेटेड क्लास को चेकबॉक्स में भी जोड़ें, तो इसे लेबल के साथ संरेखित करें: & lt; div वर्ग = "मुख्य" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "चेकबॉक्स" वर्ग = "बतख डक 1 सीबी_1" & gt; & lt; / input & gt; & Lt; लेबल वर्ग = "बतख डक 1" & gt; & lt; / लेबल & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; आप निम्न तरीके से दोनों का चयन करने में सक्षम होंगे: ...

android - Store and Get Application's Shared Preferences In Activities -

I want to save MainActivity in the shared preferences And get it from MenuException I tried to do this: Main Activity : ISharedPreferences _prefs; ISharedPreferencesEditor Editor = _prefs.Edit (); Editor. Patstrings ("user", type); Editor.Apply (); MenuActivity : ISharedPreferences _prefs = Application.Context.GetSharedPreferences ("user", FileCreationMode.Private); I think I'm not caching main activity in the shared preferences at the application level Therefore, any ideas on how to store shared preferences globally? OK, this has changed it: ISharedPreferences _prefs = Application.Context.GetSharedPreferences ("User", FileCreationMode.Private); To do this: ISharedPreferences _prefs = PreferenceManager.GetDefaultSharedPreferences (application.Context);

c# - Add an aspx page with code-behind to a compiled ASP.Net site -

We have an ASP. The net application is done by a third party, which uses third-party controls The problem is that some of these controls do not work with anything more than IE8. I have been asked to know about this and an attempt has been made to remove them (the company is upgrading to IE 11). Unfortunately, the source code is not available; There is no code behind which I can work. And controls are no longer supported. A solution that I can think of is adding a new .aspx page and using inline code / javascript / code-behind to return those functionality which are not working. This is my question: is this possible? Or is there any other way that I can solve it, lack of change of application with new ones? Thank you. I ran into a similar problem some time ago and it was nit through a decompiler tool Decompiling the controls by making necessary changes such as reflectors, recompiling and uploading to the server.

php - Rewrite a secondary domain to a subfolder -

I bought two domains: and I want to Like to link my hosting subfolder: and new domains to be displayed as new domains. So if I surf on, I would like to see: and not However, if I rewrite the sub-folder and redirect it to the new domain, I get one: "too many redirections" error as it goes to where an .htaccess is found which is available at www.juridsichehulponline Will redirect to .nl And if I proxy domain, my new domain is being displayed, even though simple blogging systems, such as Katnews, will not work because they have the entire path to www. Zuidveste.e U / juridisch. But due to .htaccess, that part will be rewritten and given the path of; Which does not exist. I have removed .htaccess in the juridisch folder, but I do not know how...

c# - How do i dynamically cast a child class from its parent class? -

What I'm trying to do here is that I have a class with the parentform one of its essentials Form has been added to the class with 2 things. Then every and form I get it near ParentForm so I like class f1 : Parentform class F2: ParentForm class f3: ParentForm etc ... Now I say that I have both F1 and F2 A button is F3 and the F3 form constructor looks like this: public parent (parent parent parent) I use the variables back to the original form (in this case either F1 or F2 ) to add data to lists or everything else Now here's my problem. I'm talking like this for now: if (parent.GetType () == typeof (f1)) {((f1) parent) .list.Add ("A"); } And if (Parents getType () == Type (f2)) {((2) parent) .list.Add ("a"); } So I am making a check for every parent, how can I do this dynamically? Some such (parent.GetType () parent) .list.Add ("a"); But most of it does not work Has anyone got the solution? ...

html - CSS Dropdown menu isn't shown even though absolutely positioned because of overflow: hidden -

I am trying to show a dropdown menu on the hover, but I have to apply the overflow too: hidden the original element has gone. As a result, my dropdown is complete, though it is fully deployed, it is not visible (due to overflow: hidden). I have reproduced the problem there: (you can edit the code to edit the full source code / code) (small sample) # block-paddle-menu-display-first-level. Menuu_wrapper.level-2 {status: absolute; Visibility: hidden; } # Block-pedal-menu-display-first-level Hass-kids: Hover menu. Level -2 {visibility: visible; Padding: 15px 0; Background: black; Width: 300px; Under the list item "hover here -...", there is a nested ul that should be shown on the hover. Needs Overflow: The arrow is required to slip the effect to work / hide on the parent (this test does not work perfectly on the case, but now it is We need the menu background color to expand on the whole page Related questions, lake Not 100% equal: block-paddle-men...

c# - Read from one table and insert into another - one row at a time -

I am working with a huge database with millions of rows. I would like to run a SQL statement through C #, which selects 1.2 million rows from a database, and incorporates them after parsing and modifying some data. I wanted to do this by running the selection first, parsing the statement and data would include data through the MySqlDataReader object, it would be a memory overhead, so I have decided to select a line, parse it and put it in another database, and then proceed to the next line How can this be done? I have tried the SELECT .... INTO syntax for a MySQL query, although it still selects all the data, and then it includes.

java - Is Hibernate also use connection pool as JDBC? -

I use the JBOSS 7.1 web server for my application. I configured the JBOSS connection pool and used it for a JDBC connection Used. I also want to use Hibernate in my application and I want to know whether to use Hibernate or this connection pool, or do I need to configure another connection pool (for example c3p0) to be hibernate? hibernate.cfg.xml & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt ;! DOCTYPE Hibernate-Configuration PUBLIC "- // Hibernate / Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0 / N" ""> & Lt; Hibernate-configuration & gt; & Lt; Session-Factory & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "hibernate.connection.driver_class" & gt; Oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver & lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; Property name = "hibernate.conction.url" & gt; JDBC: Oracle: thin: @ localhost: 1521: schema & lt; / Prope...

null - Swift 'NilLiteralConvertible' error: Optional class type -

StoryViewController.swift में: var कहानी: कहानी? अगर कहानी = शून्य {...} // त्रुटि:! प्रकार UInt8 कर्ता प्रोटोकॉल 'NilLiteralConvertible' के अनुरूप नहीं Story.swift में: क्लास स्टोरी {var शीर्षक: स्ट्रिंग वर् सामग्री: स्ट्रिंग इनिट (शीर्षक: स्ट्रिंग, कंटेंट: स्ट्रिंग) {self.title = title self.content = content} func description () - & gt; स्ट्रिंग {वापसी शीर्षक} वर्ग समारोह loadStories (पूरा होने: ((सरणी के & lt; स्टोरी & gt;, NSErrorPointer) - & gt; शून्य)?!) {Dispatch_async (dispatch_get_global_queue (DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), {var त्रुटि: NSErrorPointer = शून्य जाने पथ = NSBundle। । mainBundle () जाने bundlePath प्रबंधक = NSFileManager.defaultManager () वर कहानियों = [कहानी] () करता है, तो सामग्री = manager.contentsOfDirectoryAtPath करते हैं: सामग्री में (पथ, त्रुटि त्रुटि) फ़ाइल के लिए {error = nil {यदि file.hasSuffix ( " .grm ") {जाने filePath = path.stringByAppendingPathComponent (स्ट्रिंग के रूप में फ़ाइल) जाने title = fi...

postgresql - PHP Session Variable not Available -

I have a PHP file (approvals.php) that executes only on an AJAX call. It has a postgrascape query that searches for a table and uses a customer ID, which is set as a session variable. The problem is that I do not use this session variable in this file can. My query is like: $ query = "SELECT merchant_id FROM ndovu_merchant_users WHERE customer_id = {$ _ session ['customer_id']}"; $ Result = pg_query ($ query); I have tried to resonate the session variable $ _ session ['customer_id'] but nothing. Although given a certain value on the query, it returns a result. In your case, I have checked that the session has been set to the first place. // This page should be placed at the top of session_start (); If (isset ($ _ session ['customer_id']) & amp; empty! ($ _ Session ['customer_id'])) {$ _SESSION ['customer_id']; } And {Echo session is not set '; }

Find the index of an xml element in text C# -

I am creating a WPF app that displays XML in the flow document, and the user has the element or element in this XML XPath can choose. I want to be able to highlight the value of the element that is opting in XPath Flo document. I am currently highlighting the use. The problem is that when the flow document displays a string, then I need to find the pointer to any element (sipad) that xpath shows in this string - i can not simply search it as text because it Can I Produce False Matches Any Suggestion How Can I Do It? If you are happy to use LINQ instead of XML (this is a generally good API) And if you know the position of the line within the line and the situation is enough in the line, then you can use it: using the system; Using System.Xml; Using System.Xml.Linq; Using System.Xml.XPath; Class Program {Static Wide Men (String [] AGRs) {var xml = XDocument.Load ("test.xml", Loadedoptions.SetLineInfo); Var xpath = "/ root / child"; Var result = xml.XPathSe...

can't print correctly a long double in C -

I'm trying a simple long double print, but it does not work I Which tried: long double LD = 5.32; Printf ("Take with LD =% \ n", LD); Printf ("LF with LD =% LF \ n", LD); Printf ("ld with lg =% lg \ n", ld); Output: with LD = -3.209071e-105 ld LF = -0.000000 LD with LG = -3.20907e-105 with a new value: ld = 6.72; Output: LD with LDP = -1972024235903379200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.000000 LD with LD = 111 LD with L = Lk972024e = -lk97202e + 111 There is a similar problem with minidized under Windows if this is not what you use If so, this answer probably does not apply. The problem is that the compiler (GCC) and runtime library (Microsoft) is implemented by different groups that are different, considering how the type represents a long double . (GCC uses 128 bit for long dua...

jquery - How do you use typeahead on live elements? -

. Normally you have it $ (element) .typeahead ({...}) , but how do you use it on "live" elements? $ (parent) .on ('typeahead', element, function () {? ??}); I type it for "code" typeahead element then i pageload on this After using the function and adding a new element. function addTypeaheadToInput (input) {$ (input) .typeahead (...); } This is running on pageload: var inputs = form.querySelectorAll ('[name * = "[search]"]'); (Var i = 0; i & lt; inputs.length; ++ i) {addTypeaheadToInput (input [i]); } Every time I add a new element, call that function: form.querySelector ('# add_new_row'). Onclick = function () {var tr = newrow (); // To create a new table row containing our input elements, addTypeaheadToInput (tr.querySelector ('[name * = "[search]"]')); }

Should I use hash or btree for a foreign key index in postgresql 9.3? -

Which index would perform better for the foreign key of type integer in postgresql 9.3? I have a hash index because foreign key comparison is always made Or does a BTRE compare faster as a hash in use for Johns on foreign keys? Because using the PostGracekey primary key, Btree suggests that they are even better for foreign keys. From: Caution Hash Index Operation Currently Val-Log , The hash index may have to be recreated with REINDEX after the database crashes, if unwritten changes occur, in addition to that, changes in the hash index are not repeated on the streaming or file-based replication after the initial base backup , So they give wrong answers to those questions which Not use them. For these reasons, use of hash index is currently discouraged. There is no evidence that there is a benefit on BT ree in a hash index.

"svn add myFolder" command don't add binary files -

मेरे पास एक अजीब लेकिन शायद सामान्य व्यवहार है। जब मैं एक " svn MyFolder "जोड़ें, यह फ़ोल्डर को अपेक्षित बाइनरी फ़ाइलों के अंदर सभी फाइलों के साथ जोड़ता है। मुझे" svn add myFolder / * "लापता जोड़ने के लिए दूसरी कमांड के रूप में करना होगा बायनेरिज़, लेकिन यह अन्य पहले से ही जोड़े गए फाइलों के बारे में त्रुटि पैदा करता है। क्या यह सामान्य है या दो आदेश को एक के रूप में करने का एक तरीका है? इसे ध्यान में रखते हुए, और तथ्य यह है कि मुझे ऐसा कोई भी समस्या याद नहीं है, मुझे लगता है कि आपके रिपॉजिटरी में कुछ svn-ignore गुण हैं सेट करें कि कुछ फ़ाइल प्रकारों को फ़िल्टर करें। साथ ही, svn add xxx / * मैचों का व्यवहार, क्योंकि यह स्पष्ट रूप से सभी फाइलों को एक के बाद एक को लक्षित करता है, और जहां तक ​​मुझे याद है svn-ignore को बाईपास होगा। इसलिए .. मैं कहूंगा, अपने एसवीएन-अनगॉक्सेस की जाँच करें इसके अलावा, याद रखें कि उन्हें प्रत्येक निर्देशिका पर अलग से परिभाषित किया जा सकता है, न केवल रिपॉजिटरी के रूट फ़ोल्डर में, इसलिए बेहतर और वर्तमान और सभी अभिभावक...

Git push: Insufficient permission for adding an object to repository ./objects -

I tried pushing my branch in the remote repository but this is uncommon for my unpack object: Unpack error for 777 Folder permissions have changed and users: GRP to user: Root to user then: Route but I am still not able to push my master branch into the repository. Can i help you Did you setup the SSH ? If you do not donate, you can press the code in other words, pushing the code will ask for the username and password. Check once

numerical methods - Automatically return derivative from ode solver at each solution point in Matlab? -

मानक Matlab ode45 कॉल है: [T, Y] = solver (odefun) , tspan, Y0, विकल्प); लेकिन मैं भी प्रत्येक राज्य वेक्टर वाई पर odefun का मान चाहता हूं। ऐसा लगता है कि जैसे कुछ वापस करने का विकल्प होना चाहिए [T, Y, DYDT] = solver (odefun, tspan, y0, विकल्प); क्योंकि यह सबसे कारगर तरीका होगा, क्योंकि दिनचर्या पहले से ही आंतरिक रूप से प्रत्येक बिंदु पर व्युत्पन्न का मूल्यांकन करता है स्पष्ट रूप से काम करना है DYDT = odefun (टी, वाई); फिर भी मुझे odefun का एक संशोधित संस्करण लिखना होगा क्योंकि आप सॉल्वर से गुजरने वाले एक कॉलम वेक्टर होना चाहिए एक ही राज्य को दर्शाता है यहां स्पष्ट रूप से मैं yydt सभी राज्यों y पर solver द्वारा लौटाना चाहता हूं। कोई सुझाव? मुझे विश्वास नहीं है कि व्युत्पन्न सीधे प्राप्त करने के लिए दूर है। हो सकता है आप ऐसा कुछ करने की कोशिश कर सकते हैं: tspan = 0: 0.001: 5; % एक समय-अंतराल x0 = 5% और एक प्रारंभिक स्थिति को चलाने ode45 कोड [~, xt_solution चुनें ] = ode45 ( 'odefun', tspan, x0); और उसके बाद अपने समाधान को ...

xcode - Different results for SecTrustEvaluate for one certificate for different policies -

I do not understand what's going on in the situation (AFSAcurity Policy. M, AFPOLICKEY FOR CERTIFICATE FUNCTION, AFNetwork Framework): Policy = SecPolicyCreateBasicX509 (); AF_Require_noErr (SecTrustCreateWithCertificates (tempCertificates, Policy, and Allowed Trust), _out); AF_Require_noErr (SecTrustEvaluate (Allowed Trust, and Results), _out); // result = 5 (KSCTRRRRR reserveable refreshfileer) // different policy policy = secolicy ssl (true, (__brry CF stringerf) @ ""); AF_Require_noErr (SecTrustCreateWithCertificates (tempCertificates, Policy, and Allowed Trust), _out); AF_Require_noErr (SecTrustEvaluate (Allowed Trust, and Results), _out); // result = 4 (KSECTRRUURU) is specified The certificate is valid and the deadline is not signed. Signature algorithm SHA-1 Why returned kSecTrustResultRecoverableTrustFailure and Do not return kSecTrustResultUnspecified for SecPolicyCreateBasicX509 . please read SecTrustEvaluate function certifi...

mysql - Data redundancy while using IN clause -

एक IN खंड का उपयोग करते समय मुझे बेमानी डेटा क्यों प्राप्त होता है: चुनें * से तालिका 1 जहां एबी में (तालिका 2 से एक्स चुनें) यह एक अनुमान है क्योंकि आपका प्रश्न बहुत स्पष्ट नहीं है। DISTINCT का उपयोग करके निम्न प्रकार का प्रयोग करें: चुनें तालिका 1 से * जहां से अब तक (तालिका 2 से अलग X का चयन करें) यह होगा X के डुप्लिकेट मानों को समाप्त करें, जो आपके परिणामों में डुप्लिकेट पंक्तियों को हटाने में मदद कर सकता है।

javascript - Change transition time on onmouseover and onmouseout? -

यह मेरा HTML है & lt; img class = "logo" src = "css /images/logo.png "align =" center "onmouseover =" this.src = 'css / images / logohov.png' "onmouseout =" this.src = 'सीएसएस / चित्र / लोगो.png' "& gt; & Lt; / img & gt; क्या कोई तरीका है कि मैं संक्रमण के समय को बदल सकता हूँ? मैंने संक्रमण जोड़ा है: सभी 0.3s आसानी; क्लास लोगो पर लेकिन यह कुछ भी नहीं करता है। धन्यवाद आप बदल रहे हैं स्रोत विशेषता जो कि संक्रमण की संपत्ति के साथ प्रयोग नहीं की जा सकती, भले ही आपने सीएसएस की सामग्री की संपत्ति का इस्तेमाल किया हो, फिर भी इसे संक्रमण के साथ प्रयोग नहीं किया जा सकता, इसके बजाय दो आईएमजी टैग की कोशिश करें, और एक को छिपाने के लिए और एक दूसरे को हॉवर पर संक्रमण के साथ दिखाएं। कुछ उदाहरण हैं

python - Django testing model with ImageField -

I need to test the photo model of my Django app. How can I duplicate ImageField with a test image file? Class PhotoTestCase (TestCase): def test_add_photo (auto): NewPhoto = Photo () newPhoto.image = #? Formula () self.assertEqual (Photo.objects.count (), 1) For future users, I have solved the problem You can copy an ImageField with SimpleUploadedFile example. Import django.core.files.uploadedfile from SimpleUploadedFile newPhoto.image = SimpleUploadedFile (name = 'test_image.jpg ', Content = open (image_path,' rb '). Read (), content_type =' image / jpeg ')

excel - Issue with Copying Data From One Sheet to Another -

I have developed a script by looping the method to copy data from one sheet to another and then refreshed the first field The script works well except for a problem. Within the second sheet, it is going to find the last non-empty cell in column A (i.e. 'x') and the problem before the data from the next line is that it is' x + 11 Sticking data in line '. Why do I need help to recognize this? Note that here I = 11, because the row 10 in the data is a header and the required data starts with the 11th line Here's the macro I have done: option to clear sub copy paste () I have long integer dim as long as x squared as long range i = 11 while cell (i, 1). Value & lt; & Gt; "ActiveSheet.CopyPast x = iy = 0" for each C for worksheets ("CDS") Range (cell (x, 1), cell (x, 11) worksheets ("databank") Category ("A0000") (X, y) = offset (x, y) = cy = y + 1x = 0 next c application. Kootchopymode = false i = i + 1 loop (...

javascript - Regex for number between 0.0 to 0.999 onkeyup -

I am trying to validate a decimal number from 0.0 to 0.9 99 or .0 to .999. I'm trying below $ ('# num'). On ("keyup", function () {var value = $ (this) .val (); var regex_cell = / 0 (\\\\ [0-9] {3})? /; If (! Value.match (Regex_cell)} {this.value = this.value.replace (this.value.slice (-1), "");}}); Instead of using Regex, you can convert to float and validate it. var s = "0.999"; Var n = number Parallel (s); If (n> = 0 & amp; amp; amp; amp; n & lt; = 0.999) // 3 decimal position only? S.length & lt; = 4 {// valid}

regex - Applescript to combine part of URL and clipboard contents - possible? -

I have a lot of information about ApplesScript, so I'm wondering what I want, this is also possible. Ideally, what I would like to do, is a script that can return the last part of the active Chrome window URL, top-most tabs, and combine with the contents of the clipboard. Something like this: URL: "" clipboard content: "I want the lesson Desired result: "Number_ I_want - I want to show the text" I think some regex is required, but it Is it also possible? I'm hoping to make this part of a big Alfred workflow ... Thanks in advance! Enter the active tab set of window 1 {TID, the text item Delimiter} to set the URL to "Text Chrome"} To set MyNumber, set the text item -1 of myUrl set text item delimiter and set your number to newString to myNumber & amp; "-" & amp; (Clipboard as text)

java - Why cant we have multiple compareTo functions in a class like we can have multiple compare functions? -

आयात करें java.util.Comparator; कक्षा के छात्रों के लिए तुलनात्मक & lt; छात्र & gt; {प्राइवेट इंट आरएन; प्राइवेट फ्लोट सीजी; निजी स्ट्रिंग का नाम; सार्वजनिक विद्यार्थी (पूर्णांक संख्या, फ्लैग सीजीपीए, स्ट्रिंग एनएम) {rn = num; सीजी = सीजीपीए; नाम = एनएम; } सार्वजनिक int getrn () {वापसी आरएन; } सार्वजनिक फ्लोट getcg () {वापसी सीजी; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग getname () {वापसी का नाम; } सार्वजनिक स्टेटिक क्लास ऑर्डर इनरिन लागू करता है Comparator & lt; Student & gt; {@ ओवरराइड पब्लिक इंट की तुलना (विद्यार्थी obj1, छात्र obj2) {obj1.rn & gt; obj2.rn वापसी} 1: (obj1.rn & lt; obj2.rn? -1: 0); }} सार्वजनिक स्टेटिक क्लास ऑर्डर बाय सीजीएम कॉम्पेरेटर & lt; Student & gt; {@ ओवरराइड पब्लिक इंट की तुलना (विद्यार्थी obj1, छात्र obj2) { लौटें} 1: ( & lt; -1: 0); }} / * ध्यान दें यह विफल करने के लिए! सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक वर्ग परीक्षण करने योग्य उपकरण तुलनात्मक & lt; छात्र & gt; {@ ओवरराइड पब्लिक इंट की तुलना करें (विद्यार्थी obj) {...

ruby on rails - Belongs_to association in ActiveModel::Serializer removes root from JSON -

I currently write an API with rail. After seeing RailsCast about ActiveModel :: Serializer I wanted to try them out. A brief overview on my current models: class clubs & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base has_many: User and Class User & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base is valid: Username, Attendance: TrueSat_to: Club End The following JSON returns from the user: {"id": 1, "username": "test", "first name": "test", "last name": "test", "created_at": "2014-10- 10T12: 42: 12.186Z", "updated_at": "Test", "Mail": "Test", "Club_ID": 1} As an example, I have implemented UserSerializer as the following from the ActiveModel :: Serializer page: class UserSerializer & lt; ActiveModel :: Serializer Features: ID ,: Username ,: First Name, Last Name :: Mail ,: Street,: City,: club_id end This "user" adds: the root As my JSON format. In...

Change SessionState in cookieless ASP.NET app as to drop session id redirect -

Our company uses an ASP.NET webapp, which I need to integrate with an external identifier. For this, authentication traffic redirects the handler in some cases, which refers to some external libraries for the interpretation of authentication requests from the identity provider. Therefore, in cases where handler code should be used for communication with the identity provider, it is done in the Redirectional Global Application_BeginRequest, slightly like this: Feedback. Redirect (tempUrl & amp; "/ auth /" & Company name & amp; "/login.ashx") The problem is that the position of the session is to capsize in the root web Is set as. Configure this way: & lt; SessionState mode = "InProc" [snip] cookieless = "true" /> This means that the redirects are themselves caught and re-scheduled with the session ID has been redirected. A request from the login.ashx handler is sent to the external identification provider on a U...

php - Yii - Behaivor chekcbox -

I have the following problem that appears to be original: I have some HTML in some checkboxes, this: & lt;? Php $ form & gt; Checkbox ($ certificate, 'a', array ('id' = & gt; 'a')); ? & Gt; When sending a post, the checkbox is not with the check, then send 0, and if the checkbox 1 sends, then I have this one in the same HTML: & lt; Php $ form & gt; Checkbox ($ certificate, 'head', array ('id' => gt; 'head')); ? & Gt; With this last time, if checkbox is not sent to checkbox 0, but when to check, do not send anything. So far, I can not understand this behavior, can anyone help me? Property types of your "certificate" model (whether they are strings or integers), I only Guess that you have not got anything to choose the "Head" checkbox that its type is not compatible with Booleans. If your "head" type is set to string, try setting it in an integer.

unit testing - How to test for thrown exceptions in Clojure? -

When I want to cover the failed status of the test code I am new in closure, but is it possible to test for exception in any way? I want to test the following sample code: (ns com.stackoverflow.clojure.tests) (XXtat [x] (Case X "A" "A A "" B "" ABC "(-> (Closor.core / format" expression '% s' is not defined. X) (invalid record exception))))) with the following test methods: (ns com.stackoverflow.clojure.tests-test (: [Clojure.test: reference: all] [com.stackoverflow.clojure .tests: reference: all]) (dazzling casetest-tests (are (= "a" (casetest "a")) (is (= "ace" (kestet "b"))) - Exposition invalid agreement exception. (Kestet "C"); Ideal Code (Run-Test) My project.clj looks like: (Defproject com.stackoverflow.clojure/ tests "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT": Description "Closer test-framework test.": Url "http: //": license {: n...

regex - Regular Expression Notepad++ replace -

I am trying to change only the 'Remove' string in the code for this block: & lt; Table asldkjf & gt; Remove Remove Remove & lt; Tr & gt; The problem table is keeping the string 'asldkjf' inside the tag. I & lt; Have tried to replace table [^ & gt;] *> [^ & Lt;] * & lt; TR & gt; with & lt; Table [^ & gt;] * & gt; & Lt; Tr & gt; and I found This is incorrect because 'asldkjf' has been replaced with '[^ & gt;] *' & Lt; Table [^ & gt;] * & gt; [^ & Lt;] * & lt; TR & gt; with & lt; Table $ 1 & gt; & Lt; Tr & gt; and I found This is also wrong. Use the capturing group and the pattern around, whose text you want to use in the replacement. You can refer to them with $ n , where n is the number of capturing group. For more information about how the capturing group works, What to Search: (& lt; Ta...

javascript - jQuery .css background-image preload -

I'm sorry that the title is very ambiguous, I was not sure it was the best way to describe it in a short title. is. My friend is helping me develop this simple site for myself, it is the sound of nature's rest. This is a code made by my friend, now I will ask him, but he is on a bike ride across the UK and will last for some time. $ (function () {var one = document. GetElementById ("one"); var dusk = document.getElementById ("dusk"); var water = document.getElementById ("water" ); Var storm = document.getElementById ("storm"); var game = ""; var mute = false; $ ('# mute'). ('Click', function (e) {$ ('. Icon '). Toggleclass ("Closed"); e.preventDefault ();}); $ ("#mute") Click (function () {if (mute) {forest.volume = 0; dusk.volume = 0 ; Water volume = 0; storm; volume = 0; silence = true;} and (forest.valm = 1; dusk.volume = 1; water Valmu = 1; storm; volume = 1; silence = fal...

mongodb - In Mongo, how to match documents based with ranges? -

मेरे पास निम्न विशेषताओं के साथ दस्तावेज़ों का एक संग्रह है: {name: "Acme ", minEmployees: 11, maxEmployees: 15, कीमत: 20, priceMultiplierEmployees: 1.5} {नाम:" एक्मे ", minEmployees: 0, maxEmployees: 10, मूल्य: 10 priceMultiplierEmployees: 1.2} {नाम:" एक्मे ", minEmployees: 16 Maxemployees: 20 मूल्य: 50, मूल्यमल्टीप्लियर कर्मचारी: 1.6} इसलिए यदि मेरे एक उपयोगकर्ता इनपुट minEmployees = 12 और maxEmployees = 14 क्योंकि 11 & lt; = 12 & lt; = 15 और 11 & Lt; = 14 & lt; = 15 लेकिन मुझे मोंगो में मिलान करने वाली स्थिति बनाने में समस्या हो रही है (मैं काफी नया हूं)। मैंने दस्तावेज़ीकरण को और अधिक पढ़ा है, लेकिन मुझे ऐसे नतीजे मिलते हैं जिनसे कुछ दस्तावेजों से मेल नहीं होना चाहिए। सूत्र से ऊपर है documentMinEmployees & lt; = userInputMinEmployees & lt; = documentMaxEmployees और documentMinEmployees & lt; = userInputMaxEmployees & lt; = documentMaxEmployees यह मांगो क्वेरी का वर्तमान चलन है जो मैं उ...

c++ - Is it safe to swap an instance of map with a temporary map? -

using std :: map; Map & lt; String, int & gt; MapStrToInt; {Map & lieutenant; String, int & gt; MapStrToInt2; MapStrToInt2 ["h1"] = 100; MapStrToInt2 ["h2"] = 200; MapStrToInt2 ["h3"] = 300; MapStrToInt2 ["h4"] = 400; MapStrToInt.insert (mapStrToInt2.begin (), mapStrToInt2.end ()); MapStrToInt.swap (mapStrToInt2); // Is this code safe? } // MapStrToInt2 has been deleted at this point. Question & gt; I have tested this code with VS2013 and the content of mapStrToInt has been replaced with mapStrToInt2 . However, I still want to make sure that the contents of a floating object are safe to swap & amp; Legal. Thanks Both of these are safe and legal to swap the contents of two containers Time, the ownership of content changes from one to the other, therefore the temporary ownership of the old content of mapStrToInt is inherently in existence while leaving the realm, while the old content of the temporary ...

python - pip broken after upgrading -

I have installed PIP - U easy installation, and then PIP installation - UP to upgrade my PP though, me This error occurs when trying to use PP: root @ d8fb98fc3a66: / # that pip / usr / local / bin / pip root @ d8fb98fc3a66: / # pip bash : / Usr / bin / pip: There is no such file or directory This is an Ubuntu 12.04 in a Docker Image. One reason location can be missed. You can clear the cached locations by issuing the following command: hash -r SIDENOTE: its Instead of using which , using type , you can see the hashed locations: $ type pip pip / usr / local / Bin / pip $ pip -v pip / usr / local / lib / python2 to 1.5.6. 7 / Dist-package (Python 2.7) $ Type Pip PIP Hash (/ usr / local / bin / pp)

android - Adding multiple AdViews onto a ListView -

I want to create a news app (Google SDK) with ads in the ListView. I do not know how many ads are, because I got the content from the rest of the API. There is also a separate AdUnitID in each ad. I have already tried this solution: On Android I can only set ViewTypeCount once (not in iOS, where we can do this Dynamically). So I tried to set ViewTypeCount to a higher number (manual according to the code) and I was typing a new view for each ad. This is the best solution, but requires very high CPU usage, when almost no ads are loaded. Tried to use only a single view-type for AdView, but then I can not change AdUnitID, because a limit on AdView, this parameter can only be set once. So I need to create a new view for each ad. Do anyone have any solutions to how I can solve this issue? Thank you What I usually do is a base class list is itam ListItemInterface applies when I have all my ListView items (both in your case news and your ad cover), expand ListItem. Items t...

Google chrome connects multiple times to java HttpServer -

मेरे पास यह छोटा जावा http सर्वर है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग HttpServer {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग एल्ग्स []) {int port; सर्वरसॉकेट सर्वर_सॉकेट; {Port = Integer.parseInt (आर्ग्स [0]) का प्रयास करें; } पकड़ (अपवाद ई) {port = 8080; } {Server_socket = नया सर्वरसॉकेट (पोर्ट, 0, इनैटएड्डर.टेटेबाइनाम ("स्थानीयहोस्ट")) का प्रयास करें; System.out.println ("पोर्ट पर चलने वाला httpServer" + server_socket.getLocalPort () + "पता" + server_socket.getInetAddress ()); } पकड़ (IOException ई) {System.out.println (e); }}} जब मैं स्थानीय क्रोम को स्थानीय होस्ट IDE कंसोल के साथ जुड़ता हूं तो निम्न लिखा जाता है: पोर्ट 8080 पते स्थानीयहोस्ट / पर चलने वाला httpServer नया कनेक्शन स्वीकार किया गया / 4839 नया कनेक्शन स्वीकार किया गया / 4840 ऐसा लगता है कि Google क्रोम सर्वर से दो बार जोड़ता है, लेकिन इसकी पोर्ट बदलती है ऐसा क्यों हो सकता है? चूंकि आपके क्लाइंट पर पोर्ट 8080 पहले से ही लिया गया है, ग्राहक का ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम क्लाइ...

web services - SAS Webservice: wrong response to a SOAP request -

I have a registered registered process that combines two numbers. % sum =% SYSEVALF (and NUM1 + and NUM2); Data_null_; File _webout; Put "End SUM"; Run; The stored procedure is registered to give a stream, both input variables are registered as numeric, _webout the output parameter is registered as a string (Registration of this parameter does not change anything Nothing is included in it I am using SOAPUI to create a SOAP envelope based on the automatically created WSDL file. Soap Request: & lt; Soapenv: envelope xmlns: soap = "" xmlns: biw = " .com / xml / namespace / biwebservices" & gt; & Lt; Soapenv: header / & gt; & Lt; Soapenv: body & gt; & Lt; BIW: wSDL_Test & gt; & Lt; BIW: Parameters & gt; & Lt; - Optional: - & gt; & Lt; BIW: NUM1 & gt; 1 & lt; / BIW: NUM1 & gt; & Lt; - Optional: - & gt; & Lt; BIW: NUM...

graph - Plotting with a For loop in Matlab -

I have created a code that uses a loop to define values ​​of TI and T when I change the variable I plot all my points as a scatter plot and I want to plot a line of the best fit in the linear data. However, the data is being portrayed as everything, as they set their data. Code>% Heat Transfer% I is passing through current conductor I = 475; % H Vascular Heat Transferrer [W / M ^ 2 * Transfer] H = 10; Diameter of% D conductor is [m] d = 0.02364; % O Stephen-boltzmann constant is [w / m ^ 2 * k ^ 4] o = 5.67 * (10 ^ -8); % E is the emissivity coeffcient of conductor E = 0.2; % U is the absorption partner of the conductor = 0.5; % G solar block G = 1200; The resistance of% R conductor is R = 0.0000864 per meter; % Cue conductor% q = u * d * g has solar radiation; % Kg is the black loss produced internally Qg = i ^ 2 * r; % QC conductor% QC = H * Pi * D * (T-Ti) is vascular energy; % QR conductor% is the energy coming out of Q = o * E * D * (T ^ 4 - Ti 4 ^ 4); Ti = 213: 1: 3...

Array implementation of Stack in C -

#include & lt; stdio.h & gt; # अधिकतम MAXSIZE 101 int A [MAXSIZE]; Int top = -1; इंट डेटा; शून्य पुश () {printf ("एक संख्या दर्ज करें \ n"); Scanf ("% d", और डेटा); अगर (शीर्ष == MAXSIZE-1) {printf ("ओवरफ्लो.अरे आकार की सीमा तक पहुंच गई है \ n"); वापसी; } ए [+ + शीर्ष] = डेटा; } शून्य पॉप () (यदि (शीर्ष == - 1) {printf ("खाली ढेर! \ N"); वापसी; } शीर्ष-; } Int isEmpty () {if (top == - 1) {printf ("खाली हाँ \ n"); वापसी 0; }} Int first () {वापसी ए [शीर्ष]; } Int printstack () {int i = 0; के लिए (i = 0; i & lt; = शीर्ष; i ++) {printf ("% d \ n", ए [i]); } वापसी 0; } Int main (int argc, char const * argv []) {int choice; इंट फ्लैग = 1; करना {printf ("विकल्प हैं \ n"); Printf ("1 \ t \ t पुश \ n2 \ t \ t पॉप \ n3 \ t \ t खाली \ n4 \ t \ t शीर्ष \ n5 \ t \ t प्रिंट \ n \ n"); Scanf ("विकल्प% d दर्ज करें", & amp; पसंद); स्विच (पसंद) {मामला 1: पुश (); टूटना; मामला 2: पॉप (); टूटना; म...

regex - selecting all pairs of words in a string in bash -

How can you select all the pairs of later words in a text in the bash? For example, for the string test test test test tet test test tezt Should be changed in I have tried to use regular expressions, but it adds half the pairs only after the start of the maitter, where it is omitted, eg echo "Test Test Test Tzat". Grep -Po '[a-zA-Z] + [a-zA-Z] +' does not produce only the first and third output, not the second. Please note: the original string is guaranteed to include only spaces and letters EDIT: I need a solution that I will later get pipeline in another program I can do You can use awk : s = 'test test test tezt' awk -v RS = '' 'NR & gt; 1 {Print P, $ 1} {p = $ 1} '& lt; & Lt; & Lt; "$ S" Exam Test Test Test Test

jquery - How to replace text -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 12 उत्तरों मैं पाठ को बदलना चाहता हूं ("मेरा पाठ") जो कि और टैग के अंदर है यह मेरा कोड है: & lt; a id = "myID" href = "#" & gt; मेरा पाठ & lt; img src = "/ layout / images / blank.gif" & gt; & Lt; / a & gt; मैंने कोशिश की: $ ("#myID") .text ("नया पाठ"); लेकिन मैं यह त्रुटि देता है: प्रकार त्रुटि: स्ट्रिंग एक फ़ंक्शन नहीं है / संदेश: "स्ट्रिंग एक फ़ंक्शन नहीं है" स्टैक: (। ..) स्टैक प्राप्त करें: फ़ंक्शन () {[देशी कोड]} सेट स्टैक: फ़ंक्शन () {[देशी कोड]} प्रोटोटो : त्रुटि और: $ ("#myID")। HTML ("नया पाठ"); प्रकार त्रुटि: अपरिभाषित कोई फंक्शन नहीं है - संदेश: "अपरिभाषित कोई फ़ंक्शन नहीं है" स्टैक: (...) स्टैक प्राप्त करें: फ़ंक्शन () { [मूल कोड]} सेट स्टैक: फ़ंक्शन () {[देशी कोड]} प्रोटोटो : त्रुटि आप कॉलबैक फ़ंक्शन के साथ $ ("# myID")। Html (फ़ंक्शन (I, v) {रि...

binding - FieldBinding and weak reference -

मैं INC & lt; T & gt; गुणसूत्र परिवर्तन मेकेनिज्म के संस्करण का उपयोग करने के लिए तैयार था, जो संपत्ति + क्षेत्र + RaisePropertyChanged संस्करण से अधिक संक्षिप्त है। लेकिन, कहें कि मैं यह ViewModel है: सार्वजनिक अमूर्त वर्ग PageViewModel: MvxViewModel {/// & lt ; सारांश & gt; /// यह लोड हो रहा है /// & lt; / सारांश & gt; सार्वजनिक रीडोनली इंक & lt; bool & gt; आईएसओलोडिंग = नेशनल एनसी एंड लेफ्टिनेंट; बॉयल & gt; (); /// & lt; सारांश & gt; /// उपशीर्षक /// & lt; / सारांश & gt; सार्वजनिक रीडॉनली इंक & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; उपशीर्षक = नया एनसी & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; (); /// & lt; सारांश & gt; /// शीर्षक /// & lt; / सारांश & gt; सार्वजनिक रीडॉनली इंक & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; शीर्षक = नया एनसी & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; (); अब, मान लें कि मैं अपनी एंड्रॉइड गतिविधि में हूं, और मैं इन गुणों की सदस्यता लेना चाहता हूं: सार्वजनिक आंशिक वर्ग मुख्य दृश्य: IFragmentHost {निजी शून्य सदस्यता लें (PageV...

python - Writing Array to txt file with requested name -

The following is a problem with writing an array for the file whose name is entered by the user: Diff main (): #file opens #fh = open "A5Nums.txt", "r") array = [] # reads the number in an array in fh.readlines () for line: in line.split () I: array.append (int (i)) # print The array prints ( Rni) # array reverse the array. Reverse () reverses the array (array) # Close the input file fh.close () Main () After reversing the array, I want the user to output the file A name will be requested and then the file will be saved according to what they have recorded, any help would be appreciated! Thanks! You can get the user in Python 3.x Outfile = input ("Please name your output file") or python 2.x outfile = raw_input ("Please enter your name Outfile, as "W +"): strArray = list (with map (str, array) write )) FotWitLines (Strawley)

libspotify - How can obtain SpotifyLookUpAPI.lib as a Premium Spotify user? -

I know that it dislikes and everyone (or I think this is), but I want to do some tinkering , And source code I need this library According to the project's Geithabad website (), you have to ask about this library. I am a Premium Spotify user. How do I get this library? Thank you. You should already get the library through mail. When I gitbobbed the miniplayer project, the library was still working a lot in progress - and it still is - that is why I did not want to include it. It would not be good to provide this to me, possibly with a buggy / crashed library public, so I chose the "Contact me to get it" approach, where my And there will be a straight line of communication between those libraries. For anyone else, the contact information is on the Zythub page and in the Library header file.

sql server 2008 - SQL multi level joins -

I need to be involved in at least 4 tables. Table A is an association table in which Table B and C, ParentGuide (B), Childguide (C). . Table D just includes information for table C. I need to see the result like this B -. C - D Monitor - Computer Name - Active So the main thing is B's table, only the table is connected to the B, and only development is associated with this C. To show all of the table is I think I'll need sub () I'm still a newbie, it makes sense in my head, but I seem to be working code can not be done. I have played with joining for the last two days. HPDesktop Monitor Mound - [Symantec MMDB2] [DBO]. [DOO]. [Resources] to associate resource RM are mon._ResourceGuid = RM.ParentResourceGuid full external RM.ChildResourceGuid = comp.Guid join vAsset joining full external vComputer comp RM.ChildResourceGuid = vAsset._ResourceGuid "itemprop =" text "> If I understand you correctly you should do any of these" - the ...

ruby on rails - Griddler - Clean all body to get only user text -

I'm building an app to reply directly to the email I reply to. Everything is working fine and My question is: How can I get the text on which the user has written There are so many images in my email and I want to cut unnecessary text I'm using reply_delimiter , but the email timestamp still shows something like this: "This is my own text that matters! \ N \ N2014-10-10 14:27 GMT-03: 00 The company's store: \ n " How can I remove it after \ n E-mail May be different in the client. Right now, I only responded with Gmail. Jithub has written a horrible Ruby Man, which you have been trying to do whatever you want (and that Geithab uses himself) to parse the email). With email-with email_reply_parser and Griddler you will do something similar to the email body to achieve. / Code>, and you would like to select one or the other Finally, parsing the user-generated content from the rest of the e-mail is incredib...

java - Monty Hall Game -

I'm currently a new programmer in the Java learning process. I found a game based on this game. Let's get a deal Do & amp; Monty Hall (problem) and I have been having issues with the logic for this code. Everything is working fine except that I can not seem to get the user_door to switch to the other door and to determine whether they are a winner if someone can help me understand that I Thank you for knowing this opportunity, thank you! import java.util.Random; Import java.util.Scanner; Public square gameshow {public static zero main (string [] args) {scanner scan = new scanner (; Random generator = new random (); // Start variable variable user_door, open_door, other_door, prize_door; // Generate random value 1-3 prize_door = generator.nextInt (3) +1; Open_door = prize_door; Whereas (open_door == prize_door) {open_door = generator.nextInt (3) +1; } Other_door = open_door; While (other_door == open_door || other_door == prize_door) {other_door = generator....

php - Encoding issue with MySQLi -

I have a MySQL table that I have set to use encoding utf8_swedish_ci . Two example values ​​are 2 kung and 1. NN - Note the Swedish character I have to find these internationalization strings from within a PHP script. My PHP file is encoded in UTF-8 . My code, with error coding stripped for clarity, looks like this: $ db = new mysqli ($ host, $ user, $ password, $ user); $ Db- & gt; Set_charset ('UTF-8'); $ Stm = $ db- & gt; Prepare ('Select' id 'myTable' Where is' Buck 'like?'); The echo is searching for "$ value" ...; $ stm- & gt; dam_pram ('s', $ value); $ stm- & gt; executed ($); $ stm- & gt; bind_result ($ result ); $ Stm- & gt; pass (); resonant "received result". '; Now if I set the $ value to the first example value, then I get a matching row with another example value I do not get a line to work in PHPMyAdmin The query is examined that I consider this error lie with the inte...

Wordpress Multisite shared menu -

I have a website () I manually create a subdomain using WordPress Multisite which creates separate sites I is a sample subdomain: I would like to do the following: Include a default menu / navigation bar (currently on primary site but all other sites require rebuilding ?) Thanks for any help! I got a solution that works - there were not any such other plugins, The network allows creating a wide menu and applying it to all sites in the network

css - how to add line break sass compact output -

यह प्रश्न एक सटीक डुप्लिकेट है: 1 उत्तर मुझे अतिरिक्त लाइन जोड़ने की आवश्यकता है Sass कॉम्पैक्ट आउटपुट उत्पन्न करते समय ब्रेक करें। SASS CODE: @ मीडिया स्क्रीन और (अधिकतम-चौड़ाई: 420 पीएक्स) {#header {width: 100%; ऊंचाई: 250px; }} सीएसएस बाहर रखें: @ मीडिया स्क्रीन और (अधिकतम-चौड़ाई: 420px) {#header {width: 100%; ऊंचाई: 250px; }} लेकिन मुझे मीडिया क्वेरी लाइन में लाइन ब्रेक sass कॉम्पैक्ट जोड़ने की आवश्यकता है I नीचे कोड की तरह @ मीडिया स्क्रीन और (अधिकतम-चौड़ाई: 420 पीएक्स) {// मेरी लाइन ब्रेक # हेडर {चौड़ाई: 100%; ऊंचाई: 250px; यदि आप वास्तव में सचमुच की आवश्यकता है कि आप नियमित अभिव्यक्ति के साथ मज़ेदार हो और ऑन_ स्टाइलशीट_सवरित कम्पास हुक।

Can we write to (target) a Text file using Scribe Workbench? -

I already sent Sage ERP MAS to transfer data to Scribe Workbench to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 . I am trying to do something new now, if I want to write in the text file using Skybank, my question is whether we use Scribe Workbench Can the job be in the form of text file or excel sheet or XRM target? is free online but I want to know whether Scribe Workbench or Scribe Insight ?] Yes, the SkyInsset supports writing files (text, excel etc.). Just setup a connection and take steps like if the target was CRM. Mike

jquery - Animate a div as slide changes -

I'm trying to create something like the ones in the first site [site-1] [1] [and] -2] [2]. Now what I want to do now is that when I am working on the site, then every time Div must make the Div revapi2.bind ("revolution.slide.onloaded", function ( E) Alert ("slider load");}); Revapi2.bind ("Revolution slide.onchange", function (e, data) {// alert ("Slide changed in:" + data.slideIndex); //data.slideIndex This slider contains an index of Lee Container //data.slide The current slide is the jQuery object (li element)}); Revapi2.bind ("Revolution slide.onpause", function (e, data) {// warning ("timer paused");}); Revapi2.bind ("Revolution slide.onresume", Function (E, Data) {/ Warning ("Timer Resume");}); Revapi2.bind ("Revolution slide.onvideoplay", function (e, data) {// alert ("video play");}); Revapi2.bind ("Revolution slide.onvideostop", function (e, data) / warning...

javascript - position() being treated as a function -

I am working on a slider, here is the code for it: $ (Document) .ready (function () {// the width of the slider for all slides, parallels width, integer = 0; $ ('slide'). (Function () {totalWidth = totalWidth + $ (this). Oterwidth ( True (; target);}); var maxScrollPosition = totalWidth - $ (".l slider_wp"). External Wide (); Function Slide Mow ($ target slide) {if ($ targetSlide.length) {var newPosition = $ targetSlide.position () $ ("Slide - active" $ ("slider"). $ ("Slider"). $ ("Left - Active"); $ (". Next_post") Click ({Left: - MaxScrollPoos}};};};}; $ ("Slide") Width (total width); $ (" Function () {var $ targetItem = $ ("slide - active"). Prev (); slideMove ('.slide');}); $ (".prev_post") click (function () {var $ targetItem = $ ("Slide - active"). Next (); slideMove ('Slide');});}); I expect to do this work, Getting an error that says: TypeE...

css - targeting and centering twitter bootstrap fields in form -

I have a form that I want to center the fields in the middle of the page. Currently this form is centered, but there are no fields. Here is the picture of the scene. You can see that the word "start" is centered, but there is no form. required form fields Be like the concentrated Tumor layout. I think this is my markup. & lt; H1 class = "center" & gt; Start & lt; / H1> & Lt; Form class = "create_account" id = "login" verb = "{{URL :: route ('account-creation-post')}}" method = "post" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "input-group input-group-LG" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "form-group" & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; input class = "form-control input-lg" type = 'text' name = 'first_name' required placeholder = "First Name" {{(Input :: old ( 'first_name'))? 'Values' '. E (Input :: old ('first_name'...

java - JavaParser visit method arg parameter clarification -

Can someone give clarification on the use of the second logic of visit arg / Code> As shown in the following code? I can not find any information on the internet. Public class vacuum throws public key (string [] args) Exception {// file to InputStream = new file inputstream ("test") .java ") creates an input stream for parsing; CollectionUnit CU; Try {// parse the file cu = JavaParser.parse (in); } Finally {in.close (); } // Enter the new MethodWit () name to travel and print methods. (Travel, walking); } / ** * Implementation of Simple Visitors for Visiting Disclosure Nodes * / Private Static Class Methods Vector VoidVisitorAdapter {@Override Public Zero Travel (MethodDeclaration n, Object arg) {// Here you can use the properties of the method. // This method will be called for all the methods in this method // CompilationUnit, which contains the internal class methods System.out.println (n.getName ()); }}}} It is very simple. When you call the a...

requirejs - How can I use the require-js text-plugin with karma -

मैं की आवश्यकता-जे एस टेक्स्ट प्लगइन प्राप्त करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं कर्म-परीक्षणकर्ता के साथ काम करें मैंने दोनों npm के साथ डाउनलोड किया है। मैं requirejs के साथ काम कर कर्म मिल गया है, यह केवल पाठ प्लगइन है कि मुझे कुछ परेशानी हो रही है है जब मैं जोड़ने text.js फ़ाइलों कि कर्म में कार्य करता है मैं इसके लिए एक बेमेल त्रुटि प्राप्त करने के लिए फ़ाइल।: अनचाहे त्रुटि: बेमेल गुमनाम परिभाषित () मॉड्यूल: फ़ंक्शन (मॉड्यूल) {// पाठ प्लगइन से कोड अगर मैं फ़ाइल की सेवा नहीं करता पाठ प्लगइन के साथ या karma.conf में को बाहर यह मैं requirejs से एक स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि (और एक कर्म चेतावनी: 404 / आधार / text.js) मिलता है Uncaught त्रुटि: के लिए स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: पाठ मैंने अपनी फ़ाइल को कॉन्फ़िग फ़ाइल की आवश्यकता के अनुसार जोड़ा है: required.config ({पथ: {text: './text.js' / लेकिन यह कुछ भी बदलने में प्रतीत नहीं होता मेरे पास पाठ प्लगइन पर निर्भरता है और टेम्पलेट इस तरह घोषित है: परिभाषित करें (['text! Views / viewtemplate.html'], फ़ंक्शन (टेम्पलेट) {...