jquery - Animate a div as slide changes -
I'm trying to create something like the ones in the first site [site-1] [1] [and] -2] [2]. Now what I want to do now is that when I am working on the site, then every time Div must make the Div
revapi2.bind ("revolution.slide.onloaded", function ( E) Alert ("slider load");}); Revapi2.bind ("Revolution slide.onchange", function (e, data) {// alert ("Slide changed in:" + data.slideIndex); //data.slideIndex This slider contains an index of Lee Container //data.slide The current slide is the jQuery object (li element)}); Revapi2.bind ("Revolution slide.onpause", function (e, data) {// warning ("timer paused");}); Revapi2.bind ("Revolution slide.onresume", Function (E, Data) {/ Warning ("Timer Resume");}); Revapi2.bind ("Revolution slide.onvideoplay", function (e, data) {// alert ("video play");}); Revapi2.bind ("Revolution slide.onvideostop", function (e, data) / warning ("video turned off");); Revapi2.bind ("Revolution slide.onstop", function (e, data) {/ warning ("slider stopped");}); Revapi2.bind ("revolution. slide.onbeforeswap", function (e) {// warning ("before swap");}); Revapi2.bind ("Revolution slide.onafterswap", function (e) {// alert ("after swap");}); Revapi2.bind ("Revolution slide.slideatend", function (e) {/ warning ("slide at the end";}); The API for the slider I hope that This can help
In this way I am running an animation, I want animation to be turned on every slide
revapi2.bind ("Revolution. Onloaded ", function (e) {jQuery ('# scrollBottom'). CSS ('webkit-animation', 'bounce 1s2');});
So in the end I was able to solve my problem here How do I restart the animation after every slide
var scrollbottom = jQuery ('# scrollBottom');
revapi2.bind ("revolution. slide.onbeforeswap", function ( E) {scrollbottom.removeClass ('bounceanimate') .with ();
revapi2.bind ("revolution. slide.onafterswap", function (e) { Scrollbottom.addClass ('bounceanimate');
And here is a good read with CSS moves
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