javascript - position() being treated as a function -
I am working on a slider, here is the code for it:
$ (Document) .ready (function () {// the width of the slider for all slides, parallels width, integer = 0; $ ('slide'). (Function () {totalWidth = totalWidth + $ (this). Oterwidth ( True (; target);}); var maxScrollPosition = totalWidth - $ (".l slider_wp"). External Wide (); Function Slide Mow ($ target slide) {if ($ targetSlide.length) {var newPosition = $ targetSlide.position () $ ("Slide - active" $ ("slider"). $ ("Slider"). $ ("Left - Active"); $ (". Next_post") Click ({Left: - MaxScrollPoos}};};};}; $ ("Slide") Width (total width); $ (" Function () {var $ targetItem = $ ("slide - active"). Prev (); slideMove ('.slide');}); $ (".prev_post") click (function () {var $ targetItem = $ ("Slide - active"). Next (); slideMove ('Slide');});}); I expect to do this work, Getting an error that says: TypeError: $ targetSlide.position is undefined function in Slide Iove if this statement works out why The o? I am still learning that Jehovah is very sad if this is a clear answer.
change it
slideMove ('slide.'); this
slideMove ($ ('. Slide')); In your method, slideMove you are expecting a JQUERY DOM element, where you are only giving it a STRING, which is the class of the specific DOM element Name is
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