
Showing posts from August, 2010

c++ - Function with one input behaving different after first call -

C ++ "post-text" itemprop = "text"> I need help with a problem with exponential lubricant in C ++ Smoothing follows this equation: newValue = inputSignal * smoothFactor + (1-smoothFactor) * oldValue My function is only an input parameter Is considered, which can be declared within the inputSignal parameter ( smoothFactor function and is not the subject of the problem) and an output parameter, which is the NewValue is . The issue I am arriving now is that the old value is missing before the calculation, because old value first newValue Function call. Therefore old value is the first value in the call to the first inputSignal . This means that my function needs to be different in my first call compared to each of the following calls if I declare a global i = 0 parameter and first call I count after i ++ , then I can solve it. It is not independent of external circumstances, however, it should be. I was able to solve this problem...

linux - Set a Bash function on the environment -

I need to define the Bash function in the Bash environment with the C / C ++ program I shellshock Before the bug, I can define a function like this: my_func = '() {echo "this is my work";}' or equivalent to C program: setenv ("my_func", "() {echo" This is my work ";)", 1); or putenv ("my_func = () {echo" This is my work ";);); But using a Bash version with shellshock , I can not manage to define my actions in the environment. The strange thing is that if I run env , then I can define my work in the environment, but if I call it, then Bash says that it does not exist. thanks advance If you type bash Starting with code> execv> > (so that you are only implementing it once), you can (use execl for clarification): execl ("/ bin / bash", "Bash", "file_to_run", "arg1", "arg2", 0); execl ("/ bin / bash", "bash...

joomla2.5 - How to Get my own Page after Login in joomla User Registration form -

I am using the Joomla user registration form. After successfully login to the login user information page, but how do I change that link to show my own page? If you are using the login component, you can set the Login Redirects page : Menu - & gt; * Menu - & gt; * Login menu item - & gt; Options - & gt; Login Redirection If you are using the login module, then you can set: Extension - & gt; Module manager - & gt; * Login Module - & gt; Login redirection page Hope this helps

c++ - How to get the pixel points of the contours? -

How do I get pixel points in contour? Suppose I have an image in which there are 5 configurations after findContours , I know that we can wipe the shape with the drawContour function, but I can use pixel points Know that the contour form For example: cv :: medianBlur (img1, img1,7); Cannie (src1, img1,250,350,3); Imshow ("abc", img1); Of vector & lt; Of vector & lt; Point & gt; & Gt; Figure; FindContours (IMG1, Profile, CV_O.T.F.A.T.NL, CV_CHAN_APPRX_NON); For (int i = 0; i I did this and got this image, now I want to contour the pixel number, for example (x1, y1) , (X2, y2) , ... How do I get those information? , Contour is a 2D code dot dot . Therefore, to reach each point you can use 2 for loops (the code displays the xy co-direction of each point with the contour ID), as shown below - (Int j = 0; i & lt; contours.size; j ++) for (for int i = 0; i & lt; contours.size; i ++) Cout & lt; & Lt; "Id =" ...

wordpress - PHP - Targeting every 5th and 9th element in the loop -

I have an unlimited loop which is a loop for the wordpress post page. I have explored a simple loop, which is the element in the loop Counts and varies with 5th and 9th element featured post . My idea is to target every 5th and 9th element, but now it is targeting only the first 5 and 9th element Here is my loop: & lt; Div class = "loop" & gt; & Lt ;? Start Php / * Loop /? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php $ i = 1; While (is_pause ()): the_post (); If ($ i == 5) {? & Gt; & Lt; Articles & gt; & Lt; / Article & gt; & Lt ;! - Featured-post-end-here - & gt; & Lt ;? Php get_template_part ('content', $ post- & gt; post_type); ? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php} and if ($ i == 9) {? & Gt; & Lt; Articles & gt; & Lt; / Article & gt; & Lt ;! - Featured-post-end-here - & gt; & Lt ;? Php get_template_part ('content', $ post- & gt; post_type); ? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php} and {get_template...

php - how to validate form field in cakephp using model and controller -

I have created a form that I need to use the model and controller. This is my form Index.ctp & lt ;? Php echo $ this- & gt; Form- & gt; Create ('Contact', Array ('url' = & gt; Array ('Controller' = & gt; 'Contacts',' Action '=> Add'))); Transcript $ this- & gt; Form- & gt; Text ('name'); Model: Contact.php Category contact AppModel extended {var $ name = 'contact'; Var $ useTable = false; Public $ valid = array ('name' = & gt; array ('alpha numeric' = & gt; array ('rule' = & gt; alpha numeric ',' required '= & gt; wrong,' message '= & Gt; 'letters and numbers only'), 'middle' = & gt; array ('rule' = & gt; array ('middle', 5, 15), 'message' => 5 to 15 characters Between) '));} Controller: ContactsController.php Add Public Function () {$ this-> Contact-> ...

sql - How to update the records in a table based on comparing with the id column from another table? -

दोनों तालिकाओं ( Table1 , Table2 ) में आईडी कॉलम ( T1id , T2id ) Table1 से, मैं शर्त के आधार पर कुछ रिकॉर्ड का चयन कर रहा हूं ( जहां खंड)। अब, मेरे पास कुछ रिकॉर्ड होंगे जो कि आईडी होंगे। मेरा लक्ष्य अपडेट के लिए है आईडी के लिए चयनित रिकॉर्ड > ( T1id कॉलम में Table1 ) जो id ( T2id कॉलम में Table2 में मौजूद नहीं हैं) ) मैंने निम्नलिखित क्वेरी की कोशिश की। UPDATE [dbo]। [तालिका 1] SET संख्या = '', प्रारंभ करें = NULL WHERE T1id IN (SELECT T1id FROM [dbo]। [तालिका 1] जहां DATEDIFF (घंटा, प्रारंभ, DATEADD (मिनट, 330, GETUTCDATE ())) 7) कैसे T1id कॉलम के साथ तुलना करने के लिए Table1 और केवल रिकॉर्ड को अपडेट करने के लिए T2id कॉलम का Table2 शामिल करें तालिका 1 का यदि T1id उपरोक्त query में T2id में मौजूद नहीं है? धन्यवाद। आप एक अद्यतन कथन में शामिल होने का उपयोग कर सकते हैं, ताकि आप ऐसा कुछ कर सकें: अद्यतन T1 SET संख्या = '', प्रारंभ दिनांक = से नम्बर [डीबीओ]। [तालिका 1] टी 1 बाएं ओवर कनेक्ट करें टेबल 2 टी 2 ऑन ट...

ios - Cordova plugin Datepicker popup, displayed in wrong position on iPad -

We have found the Cordova project (3.6.3), and (for various reasons I do not want to discuss here) we Here's how to include the date picker plugin: All are fine on iPhones, but the iPad brings strange behavior to the table First of all - this does not remove the original date picker, when I click on the label of the input input field (this removes it When I click on the input). Second - This displays the plugin date picker with the wrong location of the viewport (top-left corner, instead of just one input input field, as the original one). Does anyone go into such problems, maybe you know what is the strange behavior of the plugin? Cheer About this problem you can display the iPhone's date picker (zero) show: (CDVInvokedUrlCommand *) command {_command =} See this code in the first code, command; NSMutableDictionary * option = [command logicindexx: 0]; // if (iiPhone) {[self-shophron: option]; //} other {// [self-described: option]; Do not forget to remo...

core data - populate a button from coredata -

let me know I am spending a lot of time thinking about this and I am not saying. I have a unit with NSDate attribute, which successfully saves. How can I get NSDT from the shop (Year-only section) on the earth and to populate the text on a button so the button can be pressed later and it can be suppressed by other view controller / The table can be moved to the view controller. I have spent hours trying to find out, I can not completely stop any example. Is it time to help someone with this help please use Swift (hopefully I have made this question correctly, here is a bit of a knot) Thanks Thanks for watching // year button @electionfunt btn-ear (sender: anyObject) {// APP DEL REFERENCE Var APPEAL: APP DELEGET = (UIApplication.sharedApplication (). Representative as AppDelegate) Var Reference: NSManagedObjectContext = appdel.managedObjectContext! Let ent = NSEntityDescription.entityForName ("ObjectInfo", managed object contex: references)! // Request Request v...

Better way for memory sanitization in C++ to void data leakage? -

While working in "C", I am using hygiene techniques to avoid data leakages directed by CITT: memset (mem_name, '\ 0', mem_size); What does delete do in C ++ ? If not, then delete () What is the best way to do this in C ++ , div> delete (), it Automatically in C ++? no If not, what is the better way to do it in C ++ using the delete ()? In general it would be wrong in C ++: foo * p = new fu (); Memeset (p, 0, saiff (fo)); Remove p; The problem is that the delete p will call the destroyer of the class, and if the destroyer is non-trivial then he may need to reach members of class Free related resources, but those members have been overwritten by memset . The equivalent destructor must explicitly invite, call , then use delete operator to clear the memory : foo * p = new Foo (); P-> ~ Foo (); Memeset (p, 0, saiff (fo)); :: Remove operator (P); But the compiler is allowed to optimize the memset, if it can see ...

sql - WHERE statement with one to many option -

मेरे पास कोई क्वेरी है अद्यतन टीबीएल $ टेम्पलेट नाउपर सेट NAME = 'new_name' NAME जहां = 'Old_name' और FIXED_VALUE = 'कुछ_मान' '; मैं इसे और अधिक WHERE अभिव्यक्ति के साथ सुधारना चाहता हूं: AND BEAN_NAME = 'बीन' लेकिन BEAN_NAME अन्य तालिका से एक पंक्ति है टीबीएल $ खाका । इसकी एक से कई (एक टेम्पलेट - कई टेम्पलेट पैरामीटर)। TBL $ TEMPLATE_PARAM स्टोर TEMPLATE_ID और इसकी टेम्प्लेट की आईडी की एक विदेशी कुंजी। WHERE NAME = लिखने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है? Old_name 'और FIXED_VALUE =' some_value 'और टीबीएल $ TEMPLATE.BEAN_NAME =' बीन ' ? आप एक subquery का उपयोग कर सकते हैं: अद्यतन टीबीएल $ टेम्पलेट नाउपर सेट करें नाम = 'new_name' जहां नाम = 'old_name' और FIXED_VALUE = 'कुछ_value' और टीबीएल $ टेम्पलेट नाउपैम। टीबीएल $ TEMPLATE से WHERE BEAN_NAME = 'बीन')

javascript - Generic link to open latest version of document wiki pages -

Hi, I'm completely new to Sharepoint and Wiki pages. I manage to make some changes to this wiki pages, So that it can be experienced. I have noticed that every time I make a document a link, then by changing the version I need to manually update the link and update it. Is there any way to automate this process? Example: Docv1.0.doc has been updated to Docv2.0 Thanks When you change a document, you do not need to rename the file. Creating a version in SharePoint, so that you can keep the filename equal. This is actually the only solution, does not change the file name Enable versioning on the library to be able to see the previous version.

PHP Associative Arrays Intersection returns two elements instead of one -

मेरे पास दो एसोसिएटिव एरेज़ हैं जैसे Array ([0] = & gt; Array ([विवरण] = & gt; aaaaaa [value] = & gt; 11111 [आईडी] = & gt; 14) [1] = & gt; अरे ([विवरण] = & gt; dddddd [value] = & gt; 44444 [आईडी] = & gt ; 0)) अर्रे ([0] = & gt; अर्रे ([आईडी] = & gt; 14 [मूल्य] => 11111 [विवरण] = & gt; आहाअआ) [1] = & gt; सरणी ([आईडी] = & gt; 15 [मान] = & gt; 222222 [विवरण] = & gt; बीबीबीबीबीबी) [2] = & gt; ऐरे ([आईडी] = & gt; 16 [मान] => 333333 [विवरण] = & gt; cccccc)) मैं परिणाम प्राप्त कर रहा हूं सरणी ([0] = & gt; अर्रे ([विवरण] = & gt; आहा [तन] => 11111 [आईडी ] = & Gt; 14) [1] = & gt; अरे ([विवरण] = & gt; dddddd [value] = & gt; 44444 [आईडी] = & gt; 0)) dddd प्रथम एरे में उपलब्ध है लेकिन दूसरा नहीं। मैं array_intersect_assoc ($ array1, $ array2) फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। कृपया मदद करे। नीचे दिए गए कोड का उपयोग करें $ Intersect = array_uintersect ($ arr1, $ arr2,...

javascript - Passing jQuery paramenter between pages -

I am trying to exceed the variable between php pages with jQuery. My code: I am using it at fullcalendar.js API: First page: EventMain.php : Function (start , End) {$ .ajax ({url: '/ dev / Event /Event.php', type: 'post', data: {name: 'john'}}); Popup Center (URL, 'Event', 1000, 450)} Then pop open with a second page: Event.php. Name variable required var name = & lt;? Php echo $ _POST ['name']; ? & Gt ;; Warning (name); The alert is empty .. Why do not I think? I know that I can send variables on the URL as a parameter and then GetUrlParameter to get the variable on Event.php: function getUrlParameter (sParam ) {Var sPageURL = (1); Var sURLVariables = sPageURL.split ('& amp;'); (Var i = 0; i sURLVariables.length; i ++) {var sPameterName = sURLVariables [i] .split ('='); If (sParameterName [0] == Aspirum) {return SP ram name [1]; }}} but I do not want to send va...

applet - Java: Parallel moving balls -

I have created a program in Java that is considered to be 10 balls appearing and running randomly, ball-threads Is considered to run in parallel, unfortunately the program does not compile. Does anyone know why? I get the following error for each thread: package movement; Import java.applet.Applet; Import java.awt. *; Import java.util.ArrayList; Import java.util.Iterator; Import java.util.Random; Public class ball {int x; Int y; Int radius = 10; Public graphics; Int DX, DI, N = 0; Ball (int x, int y) {this.x = x; this. Y = y; } Public Zero Step () {Random randomX = New Random (); Random random Y = new random (); Random randomN = new random (); Colour(); Try {Thread.sleep (10); } Grip (Interrupted E) E. {// TODO Auto-Generated Catch Block e.printStackTrace (); } X = x + dx; Y = y + dy; Dx = (int) (Math.pow (-1, n) * randomX.nextInt (5)); Dy = (int) (Math.pow (-1, n) * randomY.nextInt (5)); N = randomN.nextInt (10) + 1; } Public zero color () {g.setColor (; Gifil (x + ...

ios - how to pass jsonData to other ViewController in Swift? -

I am trying to log the user's json data as soon as the next view controller and some details. But I am unable to pass that JSData. If I declare a global variable in the first ViewController, then I can pass it in another viewer. But I am declaring JSDTDa to go inside a condition and I am unable to send it. I tried to retrieve all the details of Jasonson at the global level and shared it in another viewer. But I can not because it can only be achieved within the situation. Any help is appreciated jsonData: NSDictionary = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData (urlData !, Option: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers, Error: and Error) Come on NSDictionary jsonArray: AnyObject! = JsonData.valueForKey ("user") NSLog ("jsonddata = \ (jsonArray)") if (segue.identifier == "login_success") {var svc = segue.destinationViewController welcome view controller; Svc.userNameText = userNameText.text svc.jsonArray = jsonArray Try this way override ...

Finding out watch duration of videos in Facebook feed -

One way to remove the video ID and see Watched video duration on Facebook is graph A specific user via API? With the normal video object, I do not know any method Open Graph Action videos. For watches, it may be possible: View

jquery plugins - settings to change jqplot metergauge plot size -

I am trying to put a jqplot meter gauge in a table column, I am able to place it in place but the size is big Is it possible to shorten it compared to other columns, so that it fits properly in the table. JSfield Link for this // Tell me how This problem has been solved Jqplot has an attribute gridpadding that we need to align to the row correctly in the table

java - Canvas not update even I called invalidate()? -

I want to create a custom view that animates some lines, so I created a class that is view Enhances the class I OnDraw () & amp; Taken to the canvas, even some of the codes have been given that I have contacted so far. @Override Safe void onDraw (canvas canvas) {super.onDraw (canvas); P + = 10; Canvas Draaline (5, 5, P, 5, M.P.); Invalid (); } Note that P & The MPent is immediately translated on the container. However, I have also called the invalid () method, it does not update the canvas, that does not animate the line. So, how to solve it? Are you sure this is not a drawing? What is the color of your paint object? I created an empty 4.4 Android application, added this class: package ca.kieve.playground; Import android.content.Context; Import Canvas; Import; Import; Import android.util.AttributeSet; Import android.view.View; Expansion of the public class AnimView [private int p = 0; ...

php - Function returns lots of notices -

First of all, my skill level is the best, a hobbit - I'm new at all, if not all of you. I am trying to create a function that is a & lt; Br / & gt; will return if no parameter / value is returned, many & lt; Br / & gt; tag is equal to $ num I am trying to create this function: a) How to create a function b) I & lt; Br / & gt; C) I hate to type, this is the idea of ​​the function that came with interest to me. So, ideally, in my code, if type getBrT () , this is a single return the tag, if I type getBrT (1) , it also has a single & gt; return the tag, but if type getBrT (5) this five & lt; Br / & gt; return the tag. This is not working because I hope that when I type getBrT () . Do I always have a price to flatten? Am I trying to not be possible within PHP's obligations? Here is the function I have created: function getBrT2 ($ num) {// If the number is equal to 'nothing', 1 break - repeatedl...

if statements that also use .include? and && in ruby -

I'm new to Ruby and I'm trying to create a little zoric game. I'm having trouble in the following lines of code: action action "get action" = get.chomp if action.include? 'Look' and amp; Amp; 'Bed' puts "you look at the bed" Elsph action.include? 'Pickup' & amp; Amp; For some reasons when I first type it in a new file it will work. If I change the code in any way, it only gives me the first time. You can do monkey patch string to do something contains class string DRF? (* Args) {| Arg | then call action = "Look at a dog bed for sale" Action.include_all? ("Watch", "bed") # => True action.include_all? ("Watch", "bed", "fish") # => False It takes many of the arguments you provide and keeps them using a array by splat * . To see if every one is included in a string , then it reduces a single value by using the and operato...

java - How to get the outputs from console to an excel sheet -

I wrote a code that takes all the rows and columns from the excel sheet and I see it in the console. Now I want this output as an input for another Excel sheet. Can anyone guide me in the right way? I am using Java and Apache POI You can access this tutorial You can work together to find out how to create and write Excel from Java. You can set the argument for to get console input.

sitecore - Web form for marketers is not supporting multiple language -

I am using Sitcom WFFM to render a form. It's working fine in the default language but in case of many languages ​​like I am changing the language, the form is not rendering. So my question is whether WFFM support is in multiple language status? Yes, in the case of WFFM, you can only create a new language version of your form and then Need to fill in the field name in the required language, it will start showing in the current language. Please do not forget to change the language in the query string :)

c# - Discovery Interface not found -

डिस्कवरी क्लाइंट कोड। var dc = new DiscoveryClient (नया उदपडीस्क्रीन्दपॉइंट ()) ; FindCriteria fc = नया FindCriteria (typeof (IService1)); Fc.Duration = टाइमस्पेन। फोमसेकंड्स (20); FindResponse fr = dc.find (एफसी); मैं डब्लूसीएफ की मेजबानी कर रहा हूं और मैं इसे खोज के अपने स्वयं के कार्यान्वयन का उपयोग कर जांच कर देख रहा हूं, लेकिन मुझे यह सूचित किया गया है कि यह तेज और अधिक सुरक्षित है मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि मुझे निम्न त्रुटि संदेश मिलता है। System.ArgumentException हुआ संदेश: प्रकार 'System.ArgumentException' का एक पहला मौका अपवाद mscorlib.dll में हुआ अतिरिक्त जानकारी: इंटरफ़ेस नहीं मिला। मैं यह कैसे तय कर सकता हूं पर कोई भी विचार? यह पता चला है कि मैं कोड चला सकता हूं और यह .exe से काम करता है, लेकिन यह तब काम नहीं करता जब मैं दृश्य स्टूडियो डिबगर में चलाएं। यह पता चला है कि जब मैं डिबग मोड में था तब प्रतीकों को लोड नहीं किया जा रहा

sql server - Adding a float default value in stored procedure but it says that it expect parameter -

After I'm trying to input a duplicate of the room here My code for making proc spInsertToRoom @room_name varchar (50), @room_status varchar (50) = 'tblRoom (ROOM_NAME, room_status, room_rate) @ ROOM_NAME, @ room_status, @ room_rate select the end as' available' Code> start @room_rate / former> I want to be automatically available. Then when I input one value it just says executive [spInsertToRoom] 'A102', 3500 Process or function 'spInsertToRoom' The expected parameter is '@room_rate', which was not supplied. But when I try this executive [spInsertToRoom] 'A103', @ room_rate = 4000 Worked! The reason I'm just wondering is that it needs to input @ room_rate = 4000 while a person just looked at what I saw on YouTube just like your pre-code Having a variable? In this case you have to give the names of parameters in your call. What is going on with your code will turn this indirect varchar (50) into...

pointers - Explanation of specific part in a diagram -

मैं अंतिम पंक्ति के अलावा सब कुछ समझता हूँ अधिक विशेष रूप से (: x y) भाग 10 की ओर इशारा करते हुए क्यों? इसके अलावा, यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए भी ... क्या पहला तत्व है, जो कि संपूर्ण चीज़ (10 और 20) या सिर्फ 20 की ओर इशारा करता है? धन्यवाद! क्लोज़र में, के साथ प्रतीकों: एक उपसर्ग के रूप में । फ़ंक्शन के रूप में उपयोग किए जाने वाले कीवर्ड के लगभग समान व्यवहार हैं। तो (: xy) का इरादा (get y: x) । अगर हम मानते हैं कि एक (deftype double [ Xy]) जो इस छवि में प्रकट नहीं होता है, यह आपके अंतिम रूप में आपके ट्रिपल प्रकार का दूसरा तत्व फ़ील्ड है : x या .x डबल y , केवल मान होने वाला (डबल 10, 20) । यदि आप चाहें तो आप इसे REPL पर परीक्षण कर सकते हैं ... उपयोगकर्ता & gt; (Defrecord MyDouble [x y]) user.MyDouble उपयोगकर्ता & gt; (Defrecord MyTripple [x y z]) user.MyTripple उपयोगकर्ता & gt; (Def x (MyDouble10 20)) # 'उपयोगकर्ता / एक्स उपयोगकर्ता & gt; (Def y (MyDouble x 40)) # 'उपयोगकर्ता / यू उपयोगकर्ता & gt; (डीफ़ जेड (मैटिप्पेल। X (: x y) y)) ...

php - Storing CSS in Database -

I am looking to store CSS in my SQL database (LAMP setup). I want to input field with the following: body {background: url ("") No-repeat; Orange color; } #someDiv {width: 50%;} ... you get this idea how can I secure this data best to allow it in the database? Thanks for the help, I can not seem to find a good solution yet on & Style style = "text / css" & gt; @import '/yourcssgenerator.php; & Lt; / Style & gt; yourcssgenerator.php You can serve CSS with draggable components like it, be it a database or scrap it from Keeping CSS in your own resources does not require you to worry about injection of malicious things. Anyone near stylesheets There is no CSS extension. You can also create your CSS templing layer in this way, and make your own version of CSS to individual users, co-branded clients, etc. Check for the implementation details.

android - How to get MimeType from Camera? -

I am going with my surface visual camera activation from which I want to get the file MimeTye While calling the Uri gallery of the local route, the material can get the mime type from Uri, but the MimeType can not be used to convert the locuspath into the content URI for loading the camera, because it is tried below Was: the public A stable Uri getImageContentUri (REFERENCES, file imageFile) {string filePath = imageFile.getAbsolutePath (); Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver (). Query (, New String [] {MediaStore.Images.Media._ID}, MediaStore.Media.DATA + "=?", New String [] {FilePath}, Faucet); If (cursor! = Null & amp; cursor.metotfest ()) {int id = cursor.getInt (cursor .getColumnIndex (MediaStore.MediaColumns._ID)); // URI baseURI = Uriper's (string Yuri); Return Uri.withAppendedPath (uploadImageURI, "+ id);} Else {if (imageFile.exists ()) {ContentValues ​​value = new ContentValues ​​(); Values.put (MediaS...

c# - Displayed image in UI locks the source file -

मेरे पास एक डेटाटामप्लेट है जो यहां से बनाया गया था: & lt; UserControl.Resources & gt; & Lt; डेटाटामप्लेट एक्स: कुंजी = "इमेजइस्टम टेम्पलेट" & gt; & Lt; स्टैकपैनेल ओरिएंटेशन = "क्षैतिज" & gt; & Lt; छवि ऊँचाई = "44" स्रोत = "{बाध्यकारी पथ}" / & gt; & Lt; लेबल सामग्री = "{बाध्यकारी नाम}" वर्टिकलएलिन्मेंट = "केंद्र" / & gt; & Lt; / StackPanel & gt; & Lt; / DataTemplate & gt; & LT; /UserControl.Resources> & Lt; कॉम्बोबॉक्स x: नाम = "छवि 1" आइटमटैम्प्लेट = "{स्टेटिक रिसोर्स इमेजमटेमप्लेट}" / & gt; कोड: सार्वजनिक पर्यवेक्षणसंपादित करें & lt; ImageItem & gt; छवियों = नया निरीक्षणीय संकलन & lt; छविइटम & gt; (); जेनरिक.इंपोर्टग्राफ़क्स (टैबआईडी, छवि 1, चित्र); सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक शून्य आयात गृहीत (स्ट्रिंग टैबआईडी, कॉम्बो बॉक्स कॉम्बो, ऑब्सववेबल कलेक्शन & lt; ImageItem & gt; आइटम) {items.Clear (); कोशिश {string ...

javascript - Duplicate array -

I need to duplicate and manipulate an array variable, but for some reason when I created a new value array I'll put values ​​in the original array pushing the value. function test (point) {var newArray = currentChain; NewArray.push (dot); } In this situation, the point is being added to the current chain variable. Note that somewhere I am not setting currentChain as equal to newArray and there is no other variable in the script named newArray . Why is this being done? To fix this, you need to clone your array. For example using the method: var newArray = currentChain.slice (); This happens because your newer currentChain is an indicator for the array.

binary search tree - from where we need to start in max-heapify algorithm? -

I do not have a requirement that we have no way of implementing Max-Hippiflier algorithms? Do we have to apply it from top to bottom or down from the top? Or do we apply those places that heap up the property? When we are going to maintain heap property in a tree. > Does any body Can help? I am unable to get your question of course, but I think that you doubt whether we Moving from top to bottom or up to the top Actually we go up from the node (i) to below (lead nodes), and try to keep the heap as property we move forward. A : An array where I left and right of the root pile, i : An array index - Take a look at this resource. See this PDF for more information. Hope this clears your suspicions.

How to add already built rust library into cargo build? -

I have a project, let's call this project master. These master projects depend on other libraries which I have already written and which have separated into separate projects, let's call this project library. Adding GIT dependencies or adding project dependencies in the battle is very simple but if I want to choose the library I already created, then using the cargo to compile it while compiling master (output master.x) For this, I can ship the entire program with hierarchy in this way: - Master - Library --- Library.Libras --Master.exe Is this carriage Can be used with, or with I-L parameter to use rustc? If so, how exactly? Thanks for any useful ideas. Cargo usually puts the main src folder src , so I will believe where it is. Your Cargo.toml file will appear in the master folder (this will be at root / src): [package] name = "master" version = "0.0" .1 "Writers = [" You "] [Dependencies. You can get source code for y...

scala - Activator UI ,java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: -

I am trying to create the original Scala project in intellij using the Implementator UI I am importing the project to ide and This collection is well but when im trying to run the code getting simple exception in the formula "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Scala / archive / GenTraversableOnce $ Akka.util.Collections $ $ EmptyImmutableSeq $ & LT; Init & gt; (Collections.scala: 15) .. Akka.util.Collections $ EmptyImmutableSeq $ & lt; Clinit & gt; Akka.japi.Util $ .immutableSeq (Collections.scala) (JavaAPI .scala: 209) at $ setting & lt; Init & gt; (ActorSystem.scala:. 150) at & lt; Init & gt; (ActorSystem.scala: 470) in $ .apply (ActorSystem.scala: 111) $ .apply (ActorSystem.scala: 104) in reactivemongo.api.MongoDriver $ .reactivemongo $ API $ MongoDriver $$ defaultSystem on (api.scala: 378) at reactivemongo .api.MongoDriver $$ unexpecte...

nosql - Not able to store data in original riak bucket -

I have installed riak 2.0.1 on my machine. I'm trying to store an object with a key in the Reek Bucket. But I'm stuck in a strange problem. The name of my actual bucket is " abc-client ". When I try to save data in this bucket, I'm getting the error on the console below: [Error]! Step error [error] RiakRetryFailedException: com.basho.riak.client.http.response.RiakResponseRuntimeException: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; 500 internal server error & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; Internal server error & lt; / H1> The server encountered an error while processing this request: & lt; Br> Pre & gt; {Error, error, error}, error, [error] [[Erong, iolist_to_binary, error] [[hooked, {recycle_search_kiv_hook, precomit, error, altruistic}}, [error] []}, [error] {wrq , Append_to_process_boice, 2, [{file, "src / wrq.erl"}, {lin...

c++ - Converting a stream to bool doesn't work on another compiler -

Why does this work but fails with it? It also works on GCC: bool b = std :: cin; You should add the language standard and the compiler that you compile. By C ++11, std :: basic_ios had operator zero * , because instead of explicit operator in C + 11 Boole is The second one is obvious, which means that an underlying conversion like your example can not use it. operator zero * () const {return this -> (unsuccessful)? 0: const_cast & lt; Basic_ios * & gt; (this); } The bug has been resolved from 2014-09-24, so the next release should be corrected.

javascript - How to onclick outside an input element which is inside a div? -

It is probably easy, but the way I click outside the text box to make some alert in JavaScript, it I can not think of anything to find when I click to do nothing inside the text. The input text is inside the div element. So, suppose my html is like bellow: How to change it? Thank you very much! You shoud using this condition. It is often useful to compare to determine whether the event is being triggered by event bubbling. is. Use this in your click function like this and see it in action: $ ('. Divver'). ('Click', function (e) {if (! == this) return; thefunc ();}); Var thefunc = function myfunc () {warning ('OK'); } .divover {padding: 20px; Background: yellow; } Period {background: blue; White color; Padding: 8px; } & lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Div class = 'divover' & g...

java - Load properties selectively from properties file based on key value -

मेरी एक प्रॉपर्टी फाइल है जिसमें xxx.key1 = value1 xxx जैसे मान हैं I Key2 = value2 yyy.key3 = मान 3 yyy.key4 = value4 'xxx' और 'yyy' को 2 के रूप में माना जा सकता है अलग नाम स्थान मैं संपत्ति फ़ाइल को कैसे लोड कर सकता हूं ताकि मैं केवल 'xxx' या 'yyy' की बस फ़ाइल की प्रत्येक पंक्ति को पढ़ें और केवल उस नाम स्थान से मेल खाने वाले मानों को वापस खींचें। स्कैनर स्कैन = नया स्कैनर ( नई फ़ाइल ("yourfilepath")); मानचित्र के & lt; स्ट्रिंग, स्ट्रिंग & gt; नक्शा = नया हैशमैप & lt; स्ट्रिंग, स्ट्रिंग & gt; (); स्ट्रिंग मान = ""; जबकि (scan.hasNext ()) {value = scan.nextLine (); यदि (value.indexOf ("xxx")! = -1) {map.put (value.split ("=") [0], value.split ("=") [1]); }} // अब मैप में आपकी मुख्य वैल्यू युग्म है यदि आपके गुण इस तरह से हैं xxx.key1 = मूल्य तब विभाजन में ("=") ( कोई स्थान नहीं)

angularjs - How to bind the Id of a select box selection -

I have a select box that displays GeoAreaName, to populate the input field I have selected GeoAreaId the wanted. I have done something similar with type Ahead input but I am unable to apply it here & lt; Label & gt; Geographic & amp; Nbsp; Region: & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; Ng-Select Controller = "JobMiscCtrl" ng-model = "currentItem.GeoAreaName" ng-option = "Job. GeoAreaArray for Job GeoAreaName" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "" & gt; & Lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; Input type = "number" ng-model = "present itam.goariaid" /> I have edited your plunker You had two problems. Your input field was outside the scope of your NG-controller declaration Your nG-option expression should be slightly different & lt; Select ng-model = "currentItem" ng-option = "job.GeoAreaId jobs. GeoAreaNrame for job in GeoAreaArray" ...

javascript - ng-change doesn't trigger on number input type -

I am using angularJS, and if the input value is not the number then I get an error to pop up I am trying to Number value: & lt; Input type = "number" ng-model = "mydata.number" ng-change = "check number ()" /> & Lt; P style = "color: red" ng-show = "number error" & gt; {{NumberError}} & lt; / P & gt; and then inside $ scope.checkNumber I check to see if this is invalid: if (! $ Scope.mydata .number || isNaN ($ scope.mydata.number)) {$ scope.numberError = "This should be a number"; } It appears that when I initially does not enter an error popup in a string like "fff", and we do not enter the checknumber function, but if i "1fff "Entering the function enters the function and shows an error as it should If the input type is the number and the initial letter number is not, then does the NG-model change not ? About using an angular built-in verification like this...

ios - What is the hexadecimal part in the Documents folder's path? -

I have a file in my app's document folder. When the app is finished, I save the url of the file in the applicationWillTerminate method of the appadailate: // archiver init code [archiver encodeObject: file.URL forKey: kFileURL]; To complete the file encoding and write the data but the file manager file was not detected when trying to restore the file Can: After Calling NSURL * fileURL = [Without Rectangle Decoded ObjectFor: kFileURL]; NSString * filePath = fileURL.path; method [[NSFileManager defaultManager] filesyxist: filepath]; Returns no . I tried to find the reason for this and I came to know that the document code> changes the folder changes with each app launch which is the hexadecimal folder in the middle. Here are two examples Given: / personal / var / mobile / application / 04083 A4A-87 ACC-4E3C-8Ba1-F002B97AE304 / document /. .. / private / var / mobile / applications / 65 D1 36BA-42C3-887A-B947-7FE396978153 / document / ... I alw... web api - Ninject OWIN extensions break CreatePerOwinContext for Web API -

In an attempt to use Nig with a new web API 2 project, which uses ASP.NET identification I have some weird behavior I can not pass the callback to CreatePerOwinContext () to fire for requests of web API controllers They work fine for MVC controllers. Steps to recreate: File - & gt; New vs 2013 ASP.NET Web Application MVC & amp; WebAPI Select individual under authentication Ninject, ninject.Web.Common.OwinHost, Ninject.Web.WebApi.OwinHost & amp; Add Nougat package for To configure ninject for your Owin enabled app Place a breakpop in your ApplicationUserManager.Create () and then F5 debug Your Home Controller Work OK - Breakpoint Hit. Request an intelligence for the API controller - say, API / account / register and callback are sometimes not called I'm not a ninja above so I am unsure If it's doing something wrong or a bug in the Ninject OWIN extension, I'm leaning except OwinContext and using only Ninject perHttpRequest scoping, but I am...

Create a bash script that runs and updates a log whenever a file is deleted -

I am new to sharing scripting and I have to create a script that will work on all the computers in my group at work (This is not just checking a computer). We have a spreadsheet that holds some file information, and I am working to automate the update of that spreadsheet. I already have an existing dragon script that gathers the required information and writes in the spreadsheet. I need a script (cron job, maybe?) That gets activated at any time, a certain extension within the specified file path. The script must be placed on the filename before it is completely deleted. I do not need any information other than the name. Do anyone have any suggestions where I should start with this? I have searched a little but have not found anything useful yet. This will be something like this: for folders and files in path: if the file ends in .txt and is being deleted: save the file name To delete each file .txt in some directories path or to run any of its subdirectories: ...

javascript - Default styling for a Bootstrap Grid -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर सबसे पहले मैं एक तालिका का उपयोग कर रहा था & lt; table & gt; & lt; thead & gt; आदि के साथ मेरे पृष्ठ के कुछ तत्वों को ले जाने के लिए। फिर मैंने पाया कि बूटस्ट्रैप में ग्रिड सिस्टम है, और मैं इसे अपने तत्वों को बिछाने के लिए उपयोग करना चाहता हूं। & lt; div class = "row" & gt; प्रत्येक & lt; tr & gt; टैग और & lt; div class = "col -एमडी -12 "& gt; प्रत्येक & lt; td & gt; टैग के लिए हालांकि मैं बूटस्ट्रैप द्वारा प्रदान की गई कुछ स्टाइलिंग का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं, जैसे कि इस पर तालिका के लिए उपलब्ध है। क्या यह संभव है या उपलब्ध है? अभी मैं सिर्फ लेआउट लेता हूं, लेकिन तालिका उदाहरण के साथ पंक्तियों के बीच कोई जुदाई (जैसे सीमाएं) नहीं। क्या मैं इस पर गलत तरीके से जा रहा हूँ, या वास्तव में इस तरह की ग्रिड को फैशन की तरह एक मेज पर रखने का एक तरीका है, और मैं यह कैसे करूँ? यदि आप अपनी स्टार्टअप में और स्टाइल जोड़ना चाहते हैं, तो अपने HTML में एक अतिरिक्त...

c - parsing input and adding to struct array -

I have some code that is trying to get data from a file. The format is as follows: 9/2 D1/1 S file can be many of those people, but I have to take the first number and add it as an index. Then I have to save the next number and the character as different values. I have some code but it does not work very well. structure matrix token [nbrState] [12]; Int * num = 0; Int index = 0; Whereas ((ptr = fgets (buf, 256, fp)) = = null) {ptrToken = strtok (buf, "/"); Int count = 0; (Calculation> = 3) {ptrToken = strtok (NULL, ""); index = etoi (PTT token); token [index] for index (int r r = 0; r & lt; 12; r ++) ] [R] .state = index;} calculation ++;}} This is my updated code. It works better. structure Matrix token [nbrtte] [12]; four * torque; ind index = 0; int state = 0; while ((ptr = fgets (buf, 256, fp)) = = null {ptrToken = strtok (buf, "" ); Tok = ptrToken; // index = Strokecock (for "," / "); for (int r = 0; r you can ...

mysql - PHP Fatal error: Class 'mysqli' not found after building PHP 5.6 from source -

I have compiled PHP 5.6 from the source and received the following error on the runtime because mysqli did not get found PHP Fatal error: Class not found in 'mysqli' I have compiled with the following configuration .configure \ --with-mysqli = / usr / bin / mysql_config \ - with- libdir = lib64 \ --prefix = / usr / local \ --with - layout = PHP \ --with-pear \ --enable-calendar \ --enable-bcmath \ --with-gmp \ - Enable -exif \ --with-mcrypt \ --with-mhash \ --with-zlib \ --with-bz2 \ --enable-zip \ --enable-ftp \ --enable-mbstring \ --with- Iconv \ --enable-intl \ --with-icu-dir = / usr \ --with-gettext \ --with-pspell \ - -sing-sockets \ --with-openssl \ --with-curl \ - with-gd \ --enable-gd-native-ttf \ --with-jpeg-dir = / usr \ --with-png-dir = / Usr \ --with-zlib-dir = / usr \ with -xpm-dir = / usr \ --with-vpx-dir = / usr \ --with-freetype-dir = / usr \ --with- T1lib = / usr \ --with-libxml-dir = / usr \ -with-mysql = mysqlnd \ --with-mysqli = mysqlnd \ --with-pd...

java - Unable to access variables in different classes -

पैकेज penny_pinch_v2; सार्वजनिक वर्ग पुरस्कार {सार्वजनिक स्थिर स्ट्रिंग [] पुरस्कार = {"पहेली", "पोस्टर", "गेंद", "गेम", "गुड़िया"}; } =========== अलग क्लास फाइल ============ पैकेज पेनी_पिनच_ v2; सार्वजनिक वर्ग RunPennyPinch {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {System.out.print (पुरस्कार [1]); }} मैं एक अलग कक्षा में सरणी 'पुरस्कार' तक पहुंचने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, लेकिन यह कहता रहता है कि 'पुरस्कार' का समाधान नहीं किया जा सकता। यदि आप मुझे बता सकते हैं कि इसे कैसे ठीक किया जाए तो यह अच्छा होगा। आपको चर के साथ प्रीफ़िक्स करना होगा चर के रूप में वर्ग का नाम RunPennyPinch वर्ग के भीतर नहीं है। System.out.print (Prizes.prizes [1]); आपको अपने सेट-अप के आधार पर पुरस्कार वर्ग भी आयात करना पड़ सकता है।

php - Variables set in the constructor are forgotten? -

What I'm trying to do here is to create the variable $ sql_info and set it First is for a default value, then the constructor takes a logic, which will then be set to the $ sql_info variable if I type $ sql_info; I do it within the Constructor, then it all works fine, but if I try to do it in a different function, then nothing on the screen resonates, even the default value is not . Why is it like this? & lt ;? Php class connection {Private $ sql_info = "default"; Function __ conversion ($ info) {// $ sql_info $ sql_info = $ Set new value of information; } Function connect () {global $ sql_info; // echoing new set string echo $ sql_info; }}? & Gt; Thanks! You have to write $ this ! Try this: & lt ;? Php class connection {Private $ sql_info = "default"; Set the new value of the function __construct ($ info) {// $ sql_info $$-gt; Sql_info = $ info; } Function connect () {global $ sql_info; // resonate the new set string echo $...

Implementing JIRA Service Desk users -

I currently install an application that talks with GIRA to create a service desk case using Atlasian REST API. I am trying to do The problem I am facing is that the "user-user" and "service-desk-user" group can not create problems in the service desk project according to the new user set up API. I'm guessing they are not being logged in through the "Portal Access" security level. Is it possible in some way through the API, or are there any other recommendations for making problems for the service desk? As far as your interfaces should be aware, the way you want to interconnect the gap between the GERAS By making an issue through it, it would be like making any other ticket allowing users to create issues. How does the service manage the desk, if you have only given access to the customer portal, I do not believe that they will be allowed to create problems through any other interface. Jirya Service Desk is a favorable way for you to accept a...

jQuery selecting a selector based on two data attributes -

मेरे पास जेएस में 2 वैरिएबल हैं var meeting_id = 3; Var guest_id = 44; & Lt; tr डेटा-अतिथि-आईडी = "44" डेटा-बैठक- id = "3" & gt; मैं jQuery में चयनकर्ता का अनुसरण कैसे करूं? आप चयनकर्ता का उपयोग कर सकते हैं: var selector = 'tr [data-meeting-id = "' + meeting_id + '"] [डेटा-अतिथि- id = "' + guest_id + '' ']'; $ (चयनकर्ता) .foo ();

How do you print in swift only the even numbers from 1-10 in a range of 1...100? -

Create another range from 1 to 100. Use it to print numbers between only 1 and 10. You will need to have a joint statement used to close it for loop for you. Think about the hours in this office: try it: In Number 1 ... 100 {if number is% 2 == 0 & amp; Amp; Number & lt; 11 {println (number)}}

android sqlite - How to Add table in SQliteDatabase -

I want to add a table to the database and add a column and save the information and click it on the second button. To do this, if the table already exists, it is the only code I use, but it will insert information only after giving an error. button insert_info = (Button) searching for Vivibiaiaidi (Arkdkbtn 1); insert_info.setOnClickListener (New OnClickListener () {@Override public void onClick (View v) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub SQLiteDatabase db; try {final EditText txt_field1 = (EditText) findViewById (; string Per_Name = txt_field1.getText () putting toString () ;. db = openOrCreateDatabase ( "sez.db", SQLiteDatabase.CREATE_IF_NECESSARY, null); string Query_createTable = "Create table sezInformation (name VARCHAR (100))", string Query_insert = " SezInformation (name) values ​​( "+ Per_Name +") ", db.execSQL (Query_insert);} catch (exception e) {Toast.makeText (WelomePerson.this," error "+ e.toString (...

javascript - where to store html strings on client for later DOM insertion? -

In a single-page-application, there are some views (i.e. the section of HTML code) that are not initially shown, But can be shown later. I can add these views to the dome when necessary, but I do not have to load them dynamically from the server. Instead, I want to load them from the server when the rest of the page loads. Where is the best place to keep such multi-line HTML segments, so that they can be easily accessed from Javascript and can be added to the DOM? Are there special HTML tags for this type of thing? you width display: any ( A div html part), when needed, to show where necessary (by adding the DOM structure).

.net - Strange exception "does not support style 'regular'" on GDI+ -

I'm running a test about fonts on Windows8.1 x64. Using NET Framework 4.0 Then the problem arises ... After installing 1000-1500 fonts in the system, I try to get all the fonts using the following code and test my render size. static void test3 () {var bitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap (500, 500, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb) ; Var g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage (bitmap); Forchha (Family Family in FanFamily) {Try {console.light ("test [" + F. name + "] ..."); Var fn = new system Drawing Font (f, 16.0 f, system. Drawing.fontcetyl .regular); G.MeasureString ("test test æμ ?? e ?? æμ ?? e ?? æŬà© · æ · à© · ç¹ ?? é« ?? ° C ¡é «?? æ ¥ · is« ?? ç¹ ?? ½ half ?? ç®? ½ ¥ ¥ · ä½ ?? ", fn); Console.WriteLine ("[OK]"); } Catch (Exception Pre) {Console.WriteLine ("[ERR]" + pre-message); }}} But unfortunately, this piece of code can not run normally, so many types of ERR will appear: Notice t... - TSQL query to result in a very time-consuming, it automatically work every morning, I want the results to be stored -

I have a TSQL query for a very long time consumer. I execute it every morning. I want the results to be stored But it is very time consuming. I just need a query result. It can be 100 rows. I think SSRS grains for me are new about SSRs. I have MS vs2013 and sqlserver 2012, MS winnserver 2012 environment. What is the best way or the effective way to do this? Ta guys but it does not cure my job. I do not want to send mail, I just set the query for the result which takes a lot of time. I'll use the result set on my ASP.NET pages as a report. Many different report styles but the results always make the same set. When the button 1_ click, then set the stored procedure to fire, it will take about 50 minutes. I just need a table generated with automatic query or I do not know anything. Click in the press button 1_ aspxgridview1 reslut set. 100 rows have got the highest result set. But the owner and managers would have clicked this button on an average 50 times per day. How can I s...

map - Google API not returning Latitude and Longitude -

. This link is not returning the required data. I am trying to attract the path between the 2 points in the iOS app. This link assumes me to return the latitude and longitude parameters between 2 digits. Is there any idea about any body? Try specifying the result format: json / xml But latitude and longitude do not have comma-separated 2 numbers inside the saddrs tag? saddr = 28.597693,77.374106 Latitude: 28.5 9 7693 Longitude: 77.374106

java - Export JAR File and include Dependencies -

I have a project in Eclipse and I want to use a library. When I debug this project, it works. But when I export it, the jar does not get involved, and I get a classNotFoundException . How can I export a project, and I can include another (JR-) file. It is not a runable JAR file. I already try to copy the library in my project Eclipse to pack all your libraries into a jar file Want to use the plugin in, because your dependencies are a C exists in jar file.

Android's intent-filter matches files regardless of their extension -

I want my app to be able to open .src files with XML content . It works partially; There is a problem that I can not solve: It seems that Android has not done the android: pathPattern when the account matches. My Intent-Filter looks like this: & lt; Intro-filter & gt; & Lt; Action Android: name = "" /> & Lt; Action Android: name = "android.intent.action.VIEW" /> & Lt; Category android: name = "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> & Lt; Data Android: Host = "*" Android: Mimetype = "Text / XML" Android: Pathparents = ". * \\. Src" /> & Lt ;! - Path pattern does not match dots correctly: - & gt; & Lt; Data Android: pathPattern = ". * \\ .. * \\ .. * \\. Src" /> & Lt; Data Android: Pathpad tern = ". * \\ .. * \\ .. * \\ .. * \\. Src" /> & Lt; Data Android: Pa...

java - Enforce subclass to declare a enum -

Can I apply child classes to create a NAM in them? class document & lt; T Enum & lt; T & gt; & Gt; {Map & lt; T, String & gt; Farm; } Class text document document & lt; TextDocument.Field & gt; Expands {public enum field {...}} How can I apply any implementation of the document to an enum named field? In the above example, text documents can increase the document with some other enum (like GraphDocument.Field) which should not be allowed. How can I make this restriction? I need to apply this rule in subclasses - "You should have your own enumeration" Is this also possible? Some hack way? any idea? In short, you can not, however, you return it to an array of values ​​of a particular calculation Can be bound to You can also force the calculation to implement the interface. Public Interface Some interfaces {// Any method that you want to be able to perform on enums} Public Essentials Class SomeSuperClass & lt; T some interfac...

Background url() in CSS does not display image but in html makes it appear? -

I have an HTML document with an inline style: here: When I try to apply the image using the background url (), the image is not visible. Even if I try to add '../' before the 'Pictures' folder of the path or when I insert the '' '' at the beginning and end of the path inside the oval bracket. The folder structure is as follows: index.html Two other folders reside with stylesheets and 'image'. The contents of the 'Stylesheet' folder is the default folder that comes with the skeleton html5 boilerplate and its stylesheet inline HTML document St Inside the 'images' folder there is only one file called 'logo.jpg' when I try to add a 'logo' class background and add the image as background: url () then the image is Mozilla Firefox and other browsers. However, when I add the 'src' attribute to tag inside 'html' and specify the path in the same way as the CSS style, the image appears Can anyone exp...