
Showing posts from June, 2010

treeview - C# Cursor/ Caret Not display when Append text in Richtextbox -

I am new to programming, I am applying C # windows form, if you select tree node, Adds: Qs1: The carrot node for me has not been displayed after selecting. Q2: Create a display-like display, where the word beginning with // should be green (comment). Thanks if (treeView1.SelectedNode.Name == "node1") {this.richtextbox1. Selected text + = "My text for node 1" + Environment New Rich Textbox 1 Focus (); } And if (tree view 1. select node .name == "node 2") {this.richtextbox1.SelectedText + = "my text for node 2" + environment New Rich Textbox 1 Focus (); } You are asking two questions related to RichTextBox . The preferred form on stack overflow is that you will probably get more responses with more focused questions. It is being said: According to the documentation for the law: So you need to do this first. In addition, as a general rule, you should never modify the already existing or + = , because it will use any...

swift - Http request on iOS app starting -

I want to send http request to myapp-start how to do this? I try: class MainViewController: UITableViewController {func my_request () {url = NSURL (string: "") Request = NSURLRequest (URL: Url ()) / Lg = my_request ()} But I have an error: Missing argument for parameter # 1 in call How to fix it? Thank you! my_request () returns nothing, if you want to call function, only my_request () I suggest keeping it in the ViewDidLoad function (on your app's main view controller)

wso2esb - Compile error wso2 ESB 4.8.1. and kernel -

हमें कर्नेल wso2 esb और wso2 Jdk - & gt; Jdk1.7.0_60 त्रुटि wso2 esb 4.8.1 [त्रुटि] परियोजना org.wso2.esb.integration पर लक्ष्य निष्पादित करने में विफल .कोर: परियोजना org.wso2.esb के लिए निर्भरता हल नहीं किया जा सकता है: org.wso2.esb.integration.core: जार: 4.8.0: कलात्मकता नहीं मिल सका -Wso2v6 wso2-nexus में ( - & gt; [सहायता 1] org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: परियोजना org.wso2.esb.integration.core पर लक्ष्य निष्पादित करने में विफल: कोर परियोजना के लिए निर्भरता को हल नहीं किया जा सकता। Orso.exe:। Org.wso2.esb.integration। कोर: जार: 4.8.0: wer2-nexus ( में आर्टिफैक्ट वाओ 2 वी 6 नहीं मिल सका। Wso2-public /) त्रुटि wso2carbon-kernel 4.2.0 [INFO] ------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------- [त्रुटि] लक्ष्य org.apache.maven.plugins न...

mysql - Copy/ Update the primary keys value to another column of the same table -

मेरे पास एक MySQL डाटाबेस तालिका है सदस्य जैसा नीचे दिखाया गया है: सभी I need subscriber_id के रूप में ग्राहक बनती है। उदाहरण: अगर ग्राहक आईडी 261 है और ग्राहक संख्या 262 है, तो मुझे ग्राहक आईडी नंबर 261 के रूप में ग्राहक आईडी के समान ही बनाने की आवश्यकता है। क्या आप कृपया इसे सॉर्ट करने के लिए MySQL क्वेरी से सहायता कर सकते हैं? UPDATE 1: आप यहां विशेषज्ञों से MySQL क्वेरी प्राप्त करने के लिए देख रहे हैं मैंने जो कोशिश की, वह पंक्तियाँ प्राप्त करना था जहां आईडी और संख्या दोनों अलग-अलग हैं SELECT subscriber_id, ग्राहक से WHERE subscriber_id & lt; & gt; नमूना डेटा के साथ तालिका संरचना देखने के लिए कृपया नीचे कोड स्निपेट चलाएं "डेटा-लैंग =" जेएस "डेटा-छुपाएं =" झूठे "> & lt; तालिका & gt ; & LT; thead & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & Lt; td शैली = "सीमा-दायें: 1 पीएक्स ठोस # 000; सीमा नीचे: 1 पीएक्स ठोस # 000;" & gt; ग्राहक_आईडी & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; td शैली = "सीमा-दायें...

linux - Can we call or execute C# Source code from Bash Script? -

I need to answer only one question we *. You can use CS files or run * .exe files created by Microsoft Visual. Studio from Bash script or Linux command prompt? You at the command prompt with the following statement on Linux Mono: Mono microgram. XE Created with Visual Studio is not runable by the mono on the executable as @AOWSLC has suggested that you make it an order like alcohol If you are using alcohol, keep in mind that this is a compatibility at the top of Linux. Layer, so I would recommend Mono as a safe perspective. If you start with a .cs file, you can not run it with mono because obviously it is not an executable you can compile it with the following command: mcs myprogram.cs If the .cs code generated in Visual Studio is compatible with the Mono Framework, the compiler will generate an exe file which you can set up on the mono can run with the command.

How to Split String With double quotes in java -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर यह सवाल बहुत सरल है उदाहरण के लिए मैं स्ट्रिंग कर रहा हूँ "2014-09-16 05: 40: 00.0" मजबूत>, विभाजन के बाद, मुझे स्ट्रिंग की तरह ऐसा करें 2014-09-16 05: 40: 00.0, ऐसा करें कोई भी मदद कैसे प्राप्त करें यह? इस तरह से आप आंतरिक डबल उद्धरणों से बच सकते हैं स्ट्रिंग str = "इसे इस पर करें" 2014-09-16 05: 40: 00.0 \ ""; स्ट्रिंग [] splitterString = str.split ("\" "); के लिए (स्ट्रिंग s: splitterString) {System.out.println (s)}} आउटपुट इसे 2014-09-16 05: 40: 00.0 पर करें

Python: if arrived to end of list -

The program I wrote for my assignment is: Def code (list, cod): LST: [0: 4] for element in element = element = yyyy = element [4: 8] mm = element [8:10] dd = element [10:12] If in cccc cods : Lst1 + = [cccc, int (dd), int (mm), int (yyyy)] if not in cccc codes: lst1 + = [cccc + yyyy + mm + dd] return lst1 first = ['cara20130716', ' Print code (first, second) Tara 20080601, 'Pala19991231', 'Melo19601023'] second = ['Pala', 'Kara', 'Tara' The only problem is this That the teacher wants me to add / remove elements: I've written, he should take me OK right output, but it 'back', not lst1. So here's the solution that I was thinking (sorry for the pseudo code ..): If the codes in ccsc: lst1 + = [cccc, int (dd), int (mm) ) If the CCCC is not in the cod: lst1 + = [cccc + yyyy + mm + dd] If at the end of LST: Replace with lst1 P> return lst So when the program has checked all the elements of LST, t...

wordpress - Advanced Custom Fields on WPML translations not saving -

I can copy the translated page with the I content on any page / post, but when I edit the translated page It is always overwritten by advanced custom field content from the default language page. Trying to get: I need to copy the default language of content with custom fields in the post, in the translated language post, And then edit the contents of each language freely. It works fine on every other project. I have already tried: - No success - no success WPML completely disable ACF and all other plugins Removing from No Success Tried every possible combination of settings available in both plugins - No success Setting up Do nothing else for a translation area group after ???? For "field" WPML option I can now create free custom fields for translation with independent field_names. Saving here, but I can not copy the content from the default page to the translated page if it's a partial success Next step Above step ...

java - Croping camera intent in android 4.4 -

How can I crop camera intents in Android 4.4? I can crop camera intents below 4.4 with the intent picture acctantent = new intent (android.provir.mediastore.action_imunccct); Int, current API, VERSION = Android.OS.bld.VERSION.SDK_INT; If present (presenting and lieutenant; 19) {pictureActionIntent.putExtra ("crop", "true"); PicturesActionIntent InputXA ("OutputX", 100); PhotoActionIntent InputXA ("OutputWise", 120); PhotoActionIntent InputActa ("aspectxx", 1); PhotoActionIntent InputXA ("Aspect", 1); PhotoActionIntent InputX ("scale", true); PicturesActionIntent InputXA ("return-data" is true); } And {} startActivityForResult (Figure A1, 1); But in 4.4 this is not working on the second part. There are many open source libraries for the crop of images in Android, the action of the app that is any user Can not exist on the device. Here are some libraries to consider: (A decoction from abov...

Combine array in PHP with values -

निम्न बहु आयाम सरणी पर विचार करें: अर्रे ([सबमिट करें] = & gt; हाँ [आईडी] = & gt; [बुकिंग_आईड] = & gt; [बुकिंग_type_id] = & gt; ऐरे ([0] = & gt; 171 [1] = & gt; 58) [मूल्य] = & gt; अरे ([0] = & gt; 23 [1] = & gt; 46)) मैं इसे कैसे जोड़ूंगा ताकि बुकिंग_टाइप_आईडी और मान एरे समान मान वाले एक सरणी में हों: अर्रे ([new_values] = & gt; ऐरे ([171] = & gt; 23 [58] = & gt; 46)) मैंने array_merge और array_combine की कोशिश की है, लेकिन मैं ' चाबी रखने के लिए इसे प्राप्त नहीं? मैंने भी पाश के माध्यम से कोशिश की है और एक नई सरणी में जोड़ दिया है। आपने कैसे array_combine। यह आपको इच्छित ढांचे के लिए काम करना चाहिए। नीचे दिए गए उदाहरण: $ multi = array ('submit' = & gt; 'हाँ', 'आईडी' = & gt; '', 'booking_id' = & gt; '', 'booking_type_id' = & Gt; सरणी (171, 58), 'मान' = & gt; सरणी (23, 46),); $ संयुक्त = array_combine ($ multi ['booking_ty...

How to recover Go timer from web-server restart (or code refresh/upgrade)? -

Consider a web service, for example, where a user can request an API to start a task at certain times Work definition and fixed time is persisted in a database My first approach is to start the go timer and wait for the timer to end in the Gorotine (do not block the request). After the expiration of time, this Gourantine will also set fire to another API request to execute the task. Now this problem occurs when this service is deployed. For zero downtime deployment, I am using it with the reloaded code, obviously Göttingen dies in the timer goratinine and the timer expires. Is there a way to recover the go timer after reloading the code? I am struggling with another problem, which allows the user to get the timer (once started) timer to facilitate this feature. But since it is a stateless API, when the \ interrupt request arrives in the service, the timer is not a reference to the channel. And it seems that it is not possible to martial disc / db from channel (back). It is ...

sql - XML input into a temp table -

I am new to using XML inside SQL Server and for whatever I want it is a bit confusing I am doing I have tried to work some examples from around the site, but I need it, but there is no luck, any help my Quick XML will be appreciated: & Lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" & gt; & Lt; Service xmlns: xsi = "" xmlns: xsd = "" & gt; & Lt; MParentServiceServiceID & gt; 37,694 & lt; / MServiceID & gt; & Lt; MJourneyMessage & gt; Canceled & lt; / MJourneyMessage & gt; & Lt; MApplicableDate & gt; 2014-10-10 & lt; / MApplicableDate & gt; & Lt; Edits & gt; & Lt; MServiceID & gt; 14,466 & lt; / MServiceID & gt; & Lt; MStopSequenceOrdinal & gt; 2 & lt; / MStopSequenceOrdinal & gt; & Lt; / Edits & gt; & Lt; Edits & gt; & Lt; MServiceID & gt; 14,46...

regex - regular expression to match multiline text including delimiters -

I want to get data between delimiter and add delimiter to match. Example text: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Possible error due to segmentation error in providing detection report: & lt; Detect-report & gt; It is already in the report. Just one example report & lt; / Detection-reports & gt; --------------------------------------------- Have a good day My current code is: if ($ oopsmessage = ~ / (? & Lt; = & lt; address-report & gt;) (( . | | \ N | \ r | \ s) +) (? = & Lt; \ / detection-report & gt;) /) {$ this-> {'Detect_report'} = $ 1; } This receives the following: There is something already in the report. Just an example report. How can I include both detection-report delimiters? You can simplify regex in the following: My ($ Report) = $ oopsmessage = ~ m {(& lt; address-report & gt; *? & Lt; / trace-report & gt;)}; Information I used a different delimiter to avoid "tilt toothpic...

c# - How to close child and all step child windows -

I have an app that tracks the working time very basic I have a button on the Main Winfix which says the report when the Reports dialog is opened, there is a set of buttons that opens the other dialog boxes for the action. I am trying to quit the report dialog and close all the hair windows at the same time. If the report dialog stops, all the hair windows in the report dialog should be closed, but time tracking should be turned on. I believe that these are modelless windows, I can communicate with all the dialogues without closing the parents' communication. Private Zero StartForm_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {F1 = New Start (Start); F1 Honor = this; F1.Show (); } So basically I have: Mainform & gt; Balform & gt; Many Steps Kids (??) I have tried to stop the child and step children in this way. Private Zero Close_Click (Object Sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) {this.Dispose (); // it did not work. EXT (); // The whole application has crashed}} Can an...

extjs - Sencha Touch - Different path for resources files -

मेरे app.json में मैं resources को निम्न की तरह परिभाषित करता हूं: "संसाधन": ["संसाधन / चित्र", "संसाधन / चिह्न", "संसाधन / स्टार्टअप"], इसके बजाय बिल्ड फ़ोल्डर में निर्देशिका संसाधन और आंतरिक फ़ोल्डर्स (छवियां, आइकन, स्टार्टअप) की प्रतिलिपि बनाएँ ... निर्माण अन्य फ़ोल्डर संसाधन संसाधन फ़ोल्डर के अंदर , और पदानुक्रम इस तरह से होता है: संसाधन / संसाधन / छवि संसाधन / संसाधन / चिह्न संसाधन / संसाधन / स्टार्टअप समस्या कहां हो सकती है? क्या मैं बिल्ड के लिए एक कस्टम संसाधन फ़ोल्डर निर्दिष्ट कर सकता हूं? आपको संस्करण 5.0 में सेन्का सीएमडी अपग्रेड करने की आवश्यकता है। 2 या अधिक $ sencha upgrade (स्रोत)

c# - Caliburn Micro Action in ContextMenu with ControlTemplate -

I have a custom component with a context menu in a contact template. I have read some posts with those people who are upset about their work to work in the Contact menu. I have tried out workarounds there, but I can not get it to work. I did not find any target for the method to get the . None of these solutions uses a ControlTemplate, although I have tried to bind the model, for menus, to use the TargetWithoutContext property, but none works. & lt; Components2: ImageBlock background = "transparent" x: name = "share button" margin = "0,0,7,0" & gt; & Lt; Components2: ImageBlock.Style & gt; & Lt; Style TargetType = "{x: Type Components 2: ImageBlock}" & gt; & Lt; Setter Property = "ToolTipService.IsEnabled" Value = "False" /> & Lt; Setter property = "cursor" value = "arm" /> & Lt; Setter Property = "FocusVijual Style" Value = "{x: Faucet}"...

java - MySQLNonTransientConnectionException from ColdFusion application -

We have an ancient Debian 7 on the virtual server connected to a local Mycakul 5.5 installation with Tomcat 7 OpenJDK 1.7.0_65. When a badge application to install ColdFusion core (Razuna, a MAM) throws this exception: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Could not create a connection to the database server . Reconnected 3 times surrender. As far as looking at this exception, there are many reasons for exception, so the message is important after the exception type. We ColdFusion threw database connection object, and it looks like this: struct connectionretries 0 connectiontimeout 120 connectstring zeroDateTimeBehavior = convertToNull databasename razuna description [empty string] DisplayName mysql Drivername com.mysql.jdbc.Driver hoststring jdbc: mysql: // localhost: 3306 / razuna? CacheResultSetMetadata = false & autoReconnect = true & amp; Use encoding = true & amp; Character Encoding = UTF-8 & amp; Zero Dinanktitwyvhar...

active directory - How can I get information about the RootDSE with Powershell locally on a Windows 2008 R2 Domain Controller -

I am trying to run Windows Server 2008 R2 on a domain controller to access the Get-ADRootDSE command in PowerShell But I get the following error message: The word 'Get-ADRootDSE' was not recognized as the name of a CMDlet (...) me It is surprising that this command can run locally, and what are the prerequisites for using it within Parscheld. use of control panel on domain controller , Log in as an administrator: control panel \ system and security \ administrative tool on the shortcut "Active Directory Module for PowerShell" Choose the right click "Run as administrator" A PowerShell prompt will pop up with pop-loaded relevant modules. To run the PowerShell prompt: Get-ADRootDSE Use of PowerShow Command Domain Controller, Import-module Active Directory Gate-AdRootDSE

C: exec to my own exe file -

I am using linux for try and exec to run a different child process in the basic process. The I Ps can execute the child process to run the command. int x = fork (); If (x == 0) {execl ("/ bin / ps", "ps", NULL); } However, as soon as I try to run the .exe file which I have created from my C file in this way GCC-V test.c -o test. Exe . By running this code: int x = fork (); If (x == 0) {execl ("/ desktop / test", "test.exe", NULL); } Then nothing happens if I print the statement above execl then it gives -1. Will someone tell me what's going on? Some notes: The test.exe file (made from my source code) icon shows a window icon (why, and this is the problem?) The problem is: Is that your desktop folder is ~ / on the desktop / . Tild means your home folder.

javascript - Function outside of ng-view being called on ng-view change -

I have a task that is outside the scope of ng-view , but it's called Going every time when the ng-view is being modified. & lt; Div id = "header" ng-controller = "menu controller" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "menu" ng-if = "showmenu" & gt; & Lt; Ul id = "main menu" & gt; ... & lt; / Ul & gt; {{Menu ()}} & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div ng-controller = "bodyController" & gt; & Lt; Div ng-view & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; In this case, whenever I navigate, using an item in #mainmenu , which can be found in the ng-view Changes the template within, the () function is being called. Why is this happening? This can be due to the Digest cycle, which can start with many things. As soon as digest / cycles are applied, when triggered on your radius, you will see that the menu () function is...

Bootstrap 3.0 inline forms with validation -

I have tried to work inline forms but it appears that the width of the input does not spread to 100% call -MD-X Not only this, glyphicon does not work because the width does not spread to 100%. Here is the code: & lt; Div class = "form-line" role = "form" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-md-2 form-group" & gt; & Lt; Label class = "sr-only" & gt; & Lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Select class = "form-control" id = "add-assessment_questionType" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "slider" & gt; Slider & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "radio" & gt; Radio button & lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-md-5 form-group" & gt; & Lt; Label class = "sr-only" & gt; & Lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Textarea class = "form-control add-assessment_ne...

ada - gnatpp ceases working after a while -

I am on the Mac, and I format my files with "gnatpp -rnb * .ads * adb" and It denies that when I create a new file to format some files, it works, and after a while, when the file grows / age (I can not find a pattern), then stop this work. It gives the same file spit in the form of input, event when I try with -Pip. What's going on? Is there any limit that I will reach somewhere? I can not find anything related to the help and I do not have any errors related to the relevant error message. The file is less than 200 lines long. There is no error message: maquette: src nraynaud $ gnatpp -w -v -rnb-m150 * .ads mappap 4.9.0 copyright 2003-2014, adacore TMPDIR = "/ Private / var / folders / RB / 4gj 9qf4j4_765mm9dlfmd0k00000gn / T" [13] Button.Dad [12] driver. Pads [11] Last_Chess_Handler.Des [10] Aleds.Ads [9] Motor.EDS [8] Registers .ads [7] [6] [5] [ 4] [3...

php - Modify every value of specified key in array -

I have a database with several rows and columns, which are caught with the PDO. $ sql = "timestamp selection from table"; $ Stmt = $ dbh- & gt; Ready ($ sql); $ Result = $ stmt-> carry about; $ Result = $ stmt-> Get All (PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC); One of the database columns is timestamp which is a 10 digit unix timestamp. I want to convert this server side to a readable format before sending the browser. I want it to be formatted, but I know that it should be done on every line and this is where it travels me maybe a foreshop loop? $ result ['timestamp'] = date ('h: i, ljsf of y', $ result ['timestamp']); Directly in DB is very easy to do this, because DB is already saving you to "start looping" on exact same data, to restart the client-side code: SELECT DATE_FORMAT (timestamp, '% H:% i, etc ...') from the table

java - How do I run jar files online -

I have created a sophisticated software using Java, but most people use the internet application this day, Based application. Html / css / javascript It will take me months or years, I wanted to know whether it is possible to run my jar application online? Is it possible to run a jar file on mobile (Android, iOS, Blackberry OS), Converting C # application is possible, it is possible to change jar files? I suggest that I pay attention to this. This can save you a lot of time, if you need to develop a multi-platform application to separate your code into logic components.

c++ - Does C++11 allow dollar signs in identifiers? -

It includes that the dollar sign is not allowed in the identifier in C ++ 03. GCC provides a diagnosis in C ++ 03 mode and provides properly. However, in C ++ 11, int $ = 0 will compile without warning. This is because $ can not be allowed because no diagnostics is required for implementation define identifiers: The answer to this "Maybe" : According to § 2.1.1 , in the identifier digits and identifiers- nondigits , in the latter Starting with one. Identifier- nondigits general az , AZ and underscore, besides C ++ 11 they include universal character names (e.g. \ uBEAF , \ UC0FFEE32 ), and other implementation-defined characters . Therefore it is being defined that the permission to use $ in any identifier supports VC10 and above, maybe even the earlier version, too. Also one a ???? A single But: I will not use them. Make identifiers as readable and portable as possible. The implementation of $ is defined and thus is not portable. This ...

clojure - Can I look up a string key in a hashmap with convenient syntax? -

Being able to use the key (def my-hashmap {: 1}} is very convenient. Sometimes I have hashpes that are string values ​​I I define (def my-hashmap { "One"}} with syntax ("one" my-hashmap) . Obviously, I can not do my options either in the Use (my-hamspap "one") Get To change hashmap, there are symbols of keys for this, I would not want to, because I will pass the object to another function which can expect that it is in the original format. In the shortest way I How can I see a string key? Is there a single way or is there any magic? map can be used as a function (my-hashmap "one")

mysql error handling with signal/resignal -

I have to do a check for valid load types. If the load type in my process is invalid, then through signal I I want to throw an error message. I want a generic XIT handler for any other unexpected errors that will roll back any changes. The problem is that the generic XIT handler is taking preference on my custom signal and I'm getting 'faced with eclipsection' until I remove the generic extender handler, in that case I get 'wrong type typed' / P> code: wrong mistake_load_type condition for SQLSTATE '22012'; Wrong_load_type set refresh set MESSAGE_TEXT = exit handler = 'Load type is incorrect'; To remove the removal for SQL Exceptions, start SQLWARNING 'Select' SQLException occurred '; Rollback; End; If (v_load_type! = 'Right type') signals wrong_load_type; end if; try it wrong for SQLSTATE The wrong load type condition '22012'; Exit Hangler for Wrong Wrong_load_type type 'Select Load type is incorrect...

ios - AVAudioPlayer Object Sound Not Playing - Swift -

I created an object class of the audio player below to run noise: class music audio : NSobies, AviPro Player Delaygate {var bass audio: aviideo player! = AVAudioPlayer () Override init () {super.init () go bassAudioPath = NSBundle.mainBundle () pathForResource ("RAW", ofType: "MP3") Go fileURL = NSURL (fileURLWithPath: bassAudioPath) bassAudio = AVAudioPlayer (contentsOfURL: fileURL, error: zero) bassAudio.currentTime = 0 bassAudio.volume = 1.0 bassAudio.delegate = self} function adjustAudioLayerState (volumeOn: bool, layer: AudioLayerState) {if play layer == AudioLayerState.Bass {self.bassAudio.prepareToPlay () noise, I call through this class: @IBAction func testSound () {var sound: MusicAudio = the MusicAudio () sound.adjustAudioLayerState (true, layer: AudioLayerState.Bass)} is However, I do not get any audio played back, either with my implementation someone Msya can see? Edit: after the rdelmar reply var bass audio: aviideo player! = AVAudi...

android - Google Glass Broadcastreceiver across activities -

I have an activity where I am creating a Broadcast Reciver and with Bluetooth anyone I'm making connections on other devices. In my main activity there is a set of cards in CardScrollView . In this array, the cards are the devices that find my app that are able to establish the connection. When I connect to a device, I am opening another activity with another CardScrollView and the second set of cards, the Bluetooth connection remains, but I no longer exchange information Even if I return to main activity The question is, should I register BroadcastReiveriver separately? Or is not my best thing about another activity? Make your broadcast receiver independent of your activities, such as an event bus in a service or simply manifests With a mechanism as a separate class.

c# - Easier way of checking Int32.TryParse -

I'm looking at all these in a method in your code: int num1 = 0; If (four. Aisdigit (Maistret [2]) & amp; Int 32. Tryprs (Maistr [2]. Tustring (), out of 1 points) == false) {valid = false; } So are they making sure that the third letter gives us a score? It seems that doing so efficiently that you have code that is coded he knows myStr the structure of the string, sometimes a non-numerical symbols on the third place, which is why he third before having to pay for the conversion of the array of character strings Created this optimization to check the symbol. Chances are, it's customizable time: although temporary throw-not far string free, this optimization will only be in situations when you do it a lot in very tight loop. In other words, you only do when it appears at the top of the output of your display profiler. You can customize this check to avoid if : integer number 1 = 0; Legal & amp; =! Char.IsDigit (myStr [2]) || Int32.TryParse (myStr...

exception - SonarRunner failed - Analysis is already running -

Hi, I'm making Jenkins with Sonarrenner (in Gradle) and during this sonarRunner work, it has failed with the following error: messages. any idea! How to fix it? 09: 57: 21.410 Error - It seems that the analysis of 'MyPosite' is already running (started less than a minute ago). : **** Runner failure failed: failed with build exception. * What was wrong: Failed to perform performance: '**** runner' & Gt; Organization. **** Api.utils.SonarException: The project is already being analyzed. * Try: To get stack trace, run with the --stacktrace option. To get more log output, run with the --info or --debug option. OK, it was fast. I went away from the code and the error went away.

c# - Handle race condition -

मैं ASP.NET MVC और इकाई फ़्रेमवर्क (संस्करण 5) के साथ वित्तीय अनुप्रयोग विकसित कर रहा हूं। मेरे आवेदन में, उपयोगकर्ता लेनदेन को स्वीकार या अस्वीकार कर सकते हैं अगर कोई प्रयोक्ता स्वीकार करता है, तो धन हस्तांतरण होगा और अनुमोदन अधिसूचना ईमेल भेजा जाएगा, अन्यथा अधिसूचना ईमेल को अस्वीकार कर दिया जाएगा। मुझे चिंता है , अगर दो उपयोगकर्ता एक ही लेनदेन को एक साथ अनुमोदन करने के लिए आओ उपयोगकर्ता लेनदेन की स्थिति "WaitForApprove" प्राप्त करेगा और दोहरे स्थानान्तरण कर सकता है (यदि दोनों उपयोगकर्ता अनुमोदन करते हैं तो)। मैं इस स्थिति को कैसे प्रबंधित कर सकता हूँ , सबसे अच्छा समाधान क्या है भावना और amp; कम संसाधनों का उपभोग)। मैंने कुछ शोध किया है, मैंने पाया म्यूटक्स इसे संभाल सकता है। लेकिन मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि यह सबसे अच्छा समाधान है। यहां मेरा मूल कोड दिखता है (म्यूटक्स लागू नहीं है)। सार्वजनिक शून्य ट्रांजैक्शन एस्प्रॉवल (int sysTransferInfoID, स्ट्रिंग उपयोगकर्ता नाम, स्ट्रिंग कमांड) {// लेनदेन प्राप्त करें Var info = _transInfoRepo.GetSingle (i = & gt; i...

html within label elements -

Is it possible to include HTML elements - such as img, span, or div - within a label element? In my page, I have radio buttons that allow users to choose between different layouts, and I want to display the visible label instead of plain text. , the "inline element" can be included in the label element, Which does not include img and duration but div . Although it is very approbatory, and says: "Content is the phrase phrase, but no lineage is labeled with the elements until this element is labeled in control, and there is no descendant label element . " Here is a phrase word content ???? To a great extent, it is similar - inline elements. On the practical side, it is best to leave all interactive content, such as links, though they are well-defined in the effects principles, but the content is inefficient in different ways, e.g. So that clicking on a link inside a label can focus on the associated form field (and potentially toggling its setting...

c++ - Error about a class I don't even have -

यह मेरी त्रुटि है "/ पुस्तकालय / डेवलपर / कमांडलाइन टूल्स / usr / bin / बनाने के लिए "-f nbproject / QMAKE = SUBPROJECTS = .build-conf" / Library / Developer / CommandLineTools / usr / bin / make "-f nbproject / dist / डीबग / GNU-MacOSX / अभ्यास 3 बनाओ [2]: * लक्ष्य बनाने के लिए कोई नियम नहीं है newClass.cpp ', build / debug / GNU-MacOSX / newClass.o' द्वारा आवश्यक है। रूक जा। [1]: * [.build-conf] त्रुटि 2 बनाओ: *** [.build-impl] त्रुटि 2 इस प्रोग्राम को बनाने से कुछ मिनट पहले दुर्घटना के कारण, नए क्लास नामक वर्ग बना दिया, लेकिन तब मैंने इसे हटा दिया और मुझे अपने कंप्यूटर पर मैक नहीं मिला। यह मेरा कार्यक्रम है, अगर यह त्रुटि संदेश बिल्कुल भी ला रहा है, जो मुझे नहीं लगता कि इसे बिल्कुल भी करना चाहिए क्योंकि यह नये क्लास वर्ग को बिल्कुल भी कॉल नहीं करता है। main.cpp #include & lt; iostream & gt; # शामिल "Birthday.h" # नामस्थान std का उपयोग कर "People.h" शामिल करें; Int main ...

angularjs - Ng-grid search bar in the grid -

Currently I'm using NG-Grid and Grid options, showFilter: true It puts a triangle drop down in the upper right corner of the grid, which when a click is popped, a search bar pops up. What's the way with the ng-grid, from which the search bar appears directly in the grid without the need to click on the triangle? Sure, wherever you want to input the input, with your NG-grid in your view: & lt; Input type = "text" data-ng-model = "out_search_text" placeholder = "search" category = "form-control" data-ng-change = "search ()" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "grid style" data-ng-grid = "grid option" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; and then in your controller: $ scope.sortOptions = {field: ['id'], instructions: ['dess']}; $ Scope.totalServerItems = 0; $ Scope.gridOptions ['sortInfo'] = $ scope.sortOptions; $ Scope.gridOptions ['columnDefs'] = [[Field: ...

powershell - Export only the machines that meets criteria -

I have a script that works great, but I would like to export only those machines in foreach in three situations Let's complete one statement. Now it exports all the machines, which I have to manually clean in Excel. # Create an LDAP searcher object and pass it in the domain of the domain that we want to ask $ finder = new - object system. Directory Services ([ADSI] "LDAP: // DC = Ten, DC = Thomsonar Reuters, DC = Com") # We are searching for posts in Cetitia. # In this case, we are looking for computers that are capable and running Windows 7 $ explorers. Filters = "(and (ObjectCigra = Computer) (Object Class = Computer) (! UserAccent Control: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.803: = 2) (Operating System = Windows 7 *))" $ Search. PageSize = 100000 # Normal sheet (1) $ result = $ finder with general information F Fund () $ results | {$ _ For e-objects. GetDirectoryEntry ()} | Select @ {n = 'CN'; E = {($ _ cn)}}, @ {n = 'distinguishing' name '; E = {$ ...

mysql - PHP how do I count cells -

सफल कनेक्शन के बाद: mml मेरा डेटाबेस है, कहानी मेरी तालिका है $ sql = "चुनें 'से` एमएमएल` .`````; $ परिणाम = mysql_query ($ sql); $ रिकॉर्ड = mysql_num_rows ($ परिणाम); गूंज "& lt; तालिका सीमा = '1' कोशिकाएं = '0' सेलपैडिंग = '0' चौड़ाई = '100%' & gt;"; जबकि ($ पंक्ति = mysql_fetch_array ($ परिणाम, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {गूंजती "& lt; tr & gt;"; विदेशी मुद्रा ($ फ़ील्ड $ फ़ील्ड) {गूंज "& lt; टीडी & gt;" स्ट्रिप्सलाशस ($ फ़ील्ड)। "& Lt; / td & gt;"; } गूंजती है "& lt; / tr & gt;"; } गूंजती है "& lt; / table & gt;"; के रूप में मैं सभी क्षेत्रों populating हूँ, मैं संदर्भ है कि वर्तमान में इस क्षेत्र पर है चाहता हूँ: 0, 1, 2, 3, आदि। मैं गणना की कोशिश की है ($ क्षेत्र) , लेकिन यह सिर्फ खुद ही आउटपुट करता है, और गणना ($ पंक्ति) कुल संख्या को आउटपुट करता है ऐसा लगता है कि आपको फ़ील्ड नामों की आवश्यकता नहीं है, इसलिए बस $ sql = ...

I cannot post my required data to my PHP website using my android app -

This is my code as soon as my app crashes as a pressed send button Public class MainActivity Enhances ActionBarActivity { Send Public Zero (see V) {// Message Box String msg msg msg msg: textField.getText () ToString (); // Check whether the message is empty or not (msg.length ()> 0) {HttpClient httpclient = New DefaultHttpClient (); Http post httppost = new HTTP post (""); {List & lt; NameValuePair & gt; NameValuePairs = New ArrayList & lt; NameValuePair & gt; (2); NameValuePairs.add (New BasicNameValuePair ("id", "01")); NameValuePairs.add (New BasicNameValuePair ("message", msg)); Httppost.setEntity (new UrlEncodedFormEntity (nameValuePairs)); Httpclient.execute (httppost); MsgTextField.setText (""); // Message Text Field Toast.makeText (getBaseContext (), "Sent", Toast .LENGTH_SHORT). Show (); } Hold (Client Protocol E) e.printStackTrace (); } Hold (IOExcep...

javascript - send data from cakephp view to controller using $.ajax post -

I am using $ .jax for the first time in CakePhp2.4.5 - I read many posts on stack overflow and others Research on W3schools and jquery sites but I could not understand how to solve my problem. I want to send my first view to data controller from index.ctp $ .ajax ({type : 'POST', url: 'meers / client', datatype: 'jason', cache: incorrect, data: {myVal: 'success!'}, Success: work () {warning ('AjaX success')}, error : Action () {Warning (' AjaX failed ')}}). () {Warning ('AJX Done!');}); Public function client () (if ($$) - & gt; Request-> isAjax ()) {$ this- & gt; Set ('ajaxTest', 'success'); }} My second view is in client.ctp. if (isset ($ ajaxTest)) {echo $ ajaxTest; } Else {echo 'ajaxTest not set'. '; } The problem is that I always get the msg in my client. ACP View "The executor is not set" What am I doing wrong? Or how to do it? Thank you I think the p...

python - Can't login a just-created user, in a Django test -

एक Django परीक्षण वर्ग में, self.client.login (...) वापस आ रहा है गलत , और मुझे समझ में नहीं आता क्यों यह परीक्षण मॉड्यूल है "" विचारों के लिए टेस्ट "" "" django.contrib.auth.models से उपयोगकर्ता आयात करें। मॉडल्स से यूज़रप्रोफाइल आयात करें django.test आयात से TestCase TEST_USER = {" उपयोगकर्ता नाम ":" केर्मिट "," पासवर्ड ":" टाइमरक "," प्रथम_नाम ":" केर्मिट "," अंतिम_नाम ":" मेंढक "," जन्मदिन ": 1 9 55," ईमेल ":" "} "उपयोगकर्ता नाम = उपयोगकर्ता (उपयोगकर्ता नाम = TEST_USER ['उपयोगकर्ता नाम]], पासवर्ड = TEST_USER [' '' '' '' '' पासवर्ड '], first_name = TEST_USER [' first_name '], last_name = TEST_USER [' last_name '], ईमेल = TEST_USER [' ईमेल ']) () प्रोफ़ाइल = UserProfile (user_id =, birth_year = TEST_USER [ 'जन्मदिन']) pr...

JavaFX Line numbers doesn't work if there's no content on line -

I have tried to do a bit with the line number today but I have only one problem that I can not fix. It can be calculated that if there is any material in the line, but if there is no content in it, it only says 0. And I get text from Textaria in JavaFX. / P> This is my simple code GetArea (). SetOnKeyPressed (- of KeyEvent) -> {if (ke.getCode (.) Equals (KeyCode.ENTER)} {int m = GetArea (.) GetText (). Partition ("\ n"). Length; Out.println (m);}}); The method split searches for a string that matches The substrings are the regular expression, dividing the sentence at that point and leaving the matching substrings. Take a look at these examples: "This is a test string. \ N And this is another." As a result ["This is a test string.", "And it is another."] And count 2. "This is a test string \ N" result [[it is a test string.]] And therefore the result will be 1. If you want to get results, you can, for ex...

javascript - Reactjs - how to handle keys correctly in reused components -

I have recently started with Reactjs and I find it really interesting. The keys are about identity, so the way to identify each component through a unique key is correct, right? Suppose I have this example: var fruit = [['fruit id': 351421, 'fruit': 'ban'], {'fruit id': 254134, 'fruit': 'Apple'}, {'fruit id': 821553, 'fruit': 'orange'}]; reaction. DOM.ul (tap, fruit.mape (work (commodity) ( ({key: item.foot id}, item.fert));})); See the large ID number. Now, my question is, is it better to use numbers such as IDs or strings like IDs? Thank you! It really does not matter, the only thing is that the important thing is that the original parent Within the element is unique among the siblings. Usually for simple recycling on elements such as or & lt; Options & gt; This is OK to use the index inside your errator. EG: var option = []; (Var i = 0; i & lt; this.props.op...

javascript - Angular - Unknown Provider from Provider -

I have a strange issue, that somehow my own provider is not properly injection in my app. This is my provider: Angular. Module '1425 App'. Provider 'Odata', [() - & gt; @__bab URL = '' return {setBaseUrl: (value) - & gt; @_base url = get $ return value: ['$ http', '$ q', ($ http, $ q) - & gt; Return {getAll: (Resources) - & gt; Dfd = $ q.defer () $ http.get ("# {@_ baseUrl} / # {resource}"). Success (res) - & gt; console.log Race dfd.resolve () return back dfd.promise}]}] This is my app + config block: angular.module ( '1425App', [ 'ngCookies',' ngResource ',' ngSanitize ',' ui.router ',' angular loading-time ',' ngAnimate ',' toaster ',' ui.gravatar ',' ngFitText ',' google- map ',' ',' restangular ',' ui.select2 ',' ngTable ',' ngGrid ',' ngCsv ',' ...

jdbc - How to convert Java String to Teradata DATE and Timestamp -

मेरा जावा कोड दो स्ट्रिंग्स बनाता है: स्ट्रिंग मायडेट = "10/10/2013"; स्ट्रिंग myTimestamp = "2013-10-09 14:30:20"; मुझे इन मानों को तैयार कथन में खिलाए, ताकि मैं उन्हें jdbc से टेराटाटा यहां मैंने जो प्रयास किया है: स्ट्रिंग में = "INSERT" + myTab + "VALUES (?,?)"; तैयार स्थानबद्धता पूर्व = नल; प्रिस्ट = connection.prepareStatement (इन); // तिथि जोड़ने के पहले प्रस्त। तिथि (1, (दिनांक) नया सरलडेटफ़ॉर्मेट ("एमएम / डीडी / य्याय")। पार्स (मायडेट)); // टाइमस्टैम्प पहले जोड़ें .सेटडेट (2, (तिथि) नया सरलडेटफ़ॉर्मेट ("य्याय-एमएम-डीडी एच एच: मिमी: एसएस")। पार्स (माइटिमस्टैम्प)); उपरोक्त कोड को संकलित करता है लेकिन काम नहीं करता। मुझे एक खाली स्ट्रिंग त्रुटि मिलती है मैं स्ट्रिंग को Teradata प्रकारों को DATE, TIMESTAMP में तैयार कथन में जोड़ने के लिए कैसे कर सकता हूं? आप इसका इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं लंबे का उपयोग करके और बदलकर पहले प्रारम्भ (1, (दिनांक) नया सरलडेटफ़ॉर्मैट ("एमएम / डीडी / य्...

php - Unix Cron Not Executing -

I am executing a shell script every time such as a cron job: * * * * * / Bin / bash /var/www/html/ The script contains the following code: #! / Bin / sh if ps -ef | Grep -v grep | Grep get_tweets.php; Then exit 0 and nowhupp php /var/www/html/streaming/db/get_tweets.php> / Dev / null & amp; As a cron, I am also running another shell script, the only difference between the two "get_tweets" has been replaced by "parse_tweets_keyword" and the cron is executed like this: / P> * * * * * / bin / bash /var/www/html/ The problem is, while the subsequent cron is full Works fine, it does not seem to run successfully before, but when I run the command: newhope php / var / www / html / streaming / db / get_tweets .php & gt; / Dev / null & amp; The script runs completely, so I'm not completely sure that the permissions for all the files are correct and executable and I run crons as root under crontab. And the ...

linux - Segmentation fault in pthread_create -

I am using pthread_create to use the shared library function. I get a Segmentation error after the following code is executed: #include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Dlfcn.h & gt; #to & lt include, string.h & gt; #to & lt include, pthread.h & gt; # Include & lt; Unistd.h & gt; Zero (* GetVersion) (four * version); Zero * Draw (Zero * Arg) {Zero * Handle; Four * error; Handle = DLPN ("Lib OpenKellara.", RTDDLEGE); If (handle!) {Fputs (deller (), stderr); Exit (1); } GetVersion = dlsym (handle, "GetVersion"); If ((error = dlerror ())! = NULL {fputs (error, stderr); Exit (1); } Four editions [4]; KailleraGetVersion (version); Put (version); Dlclose (handle); Return tap; } Int main (zero) {pthread_t tid; Pthread_create (& amp; tap, tap, and draw, tap); Sleep (5000); Return 0; } Bakstrres command following said: in # 0 0xb68e7be0 ?? () In the # 1 0xb7fa 9d56 __nptl_deall...

vagrantfile - Vagrant Package Include Files are missing -

I did not know how to include files from packaged violet box. Package $ Hobby package --include mydirectory / --output Then the box is added > $ Haw init myPackageWithFiles $ Vaara But when I do SSH in the newly created Vengrate box, "My directory /" I do not see it on my local machine I: $ ls ~ / .vagrant.d / box / myPackageWithFiles / 0 / virtualbox / includes / mydi Rectory / How do I get this directory in my trash box? Do I have to add something in Vagrantfile? "itemprop =" lesson "> after adding the following to your Vagrant file, just before end Line: config.vm.synced_folder "~ / .vagrant.d / box / myPackageWithFiles / 0 / virtualbox / includes / mydirectory /" "~ / Mydirectory" The first parameter is local and the second is a remote path to the folder. In addition to this there is a lot of other parameters, which you can read. - SQL Server Connection to Drop Down List -

I have successfully created a connection to my SQL server and when I test the query in Visual Studio, the results set of all Finds the right result ... But when I examine the form to see if the result set looks at the drop down list properly then I get System.Data.DataRowView in the list, Not my results set Can someone advise me that when I test the query in my IDE, it works, but when I run the form, does it show results in the top drop-down list? It can be as simple as a setting, I do not know about it. I am developing the form in and logic in in the visual studio environment

How to make a java reflection program output look better? -

I have created a Java Reflection program similar to Java, everything works fine but I was wondering whether the output is displayed Better way to do What do I mean that I would like to take out Java method String which is in dispute of each method. Here's my method. Compare public static void (string) Public static zero performance methods (strings) throws ClassNotFoundException {class This is my output public boolean java.lang.String.equals (java.lang.Object) public java.lang.String java Lang .tring.toString () public int java.lang.String.hashCode () public int java.lang.String.compareto (java.lang.Object) public int java.lang.String.compareTo (java.lang.String) public Int java.lang.String.indexOf (java.lang.String, int) static int java.lang.String.indexOf (four [], int, int, java.lang.String, int) Fixed int java.lang. String.indexOf (four [], int, int, char [], int, int, int) Here's a quick and dirty solution: for (method method: clazz.getDeclaredMethods...

rest - How to create these URLs -

Recover list of seatnames / buses / busnumber / 12 / GET / Busnumber / 12 / SeatNews - SeatNumber / 5 - Basnambar # 12 Post / Basnumber / 12 / SeatBot # Seats for Recover - Basanambar makes a new seat in # 12 - Pete / Busanumber / 12 / SeatN Box / 5 .... ... ............... .. patch / busnumber / 12 / ctn box / 5 - ................... ... ........ DELETE / Passport / 12 / Citibank / 5 - .......................... .. Above in ASP.NET Web API2 How to create an appropriate type of URL? Should this be done through the router configuration? How to add new router without affecting the default router configuration? How can these methods be consumed within the controlling methods? Thank you, Eric In Web API 2, you can use the action route Can create attributes and something like this [Route ("buses / {busnumber} / seat number")] Public enimmereble & lt; Just & gt; GetSeatNumbersByBusNumber (int busNumber) {...} [Route ("buses / {busnumber} / seats / ...

big o - Calculating the Big O of this algorithm -

I wrote the following code to reverse the string: How do I calculate large o? This was an interview question for the status of a junior developer. public static zero reverse string (string stroke) {string reversed = ""; Int lastIndex = str.lastIndexOf (""); While (last indicator! = -1) {reverse = + str.substring (last index + 1) + ""; Str = str.substring (0, last index); Previousindex = str.lastIndexOf (""); } Reverse + = str; Println (reverse); } O (n) lastIndexOf .

uinavigationcontroller - iOS navigation views with both "back" and "save" buttons? -

I'm new to iOS programming and need some help on creating navigation. I have a top-level view shown on left when the user presses the "Create New" button, then the app must be brought up "A journal entry" view, which is right . I have applied two views with navigation using the Navigation Controller. The problem I am aware of is that There are now two ways to navigate away : (1) using the upper-back back button and (2) using the "save" button, which saves File. I think the back button should go back without saving, or maybe the "cancel" button instead, in this case I should not use the navigation controller. What is the standard UI approach of this type of problem? I think That is, you should not change the architecture of your thoughts, it is very good and easy by going back to the previous view controller and saving the button by using the upper-left button, which IBAction - (IBAction) doSaveStuff: (UIButton *) Sende...

primefaces - jsf cant get managedbean from session scope to another managedbean -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 जवाब मैं प्राप्त करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ इस तरह से एक सत्र स्कोप प्रबंधित किया गया है: @ManagedBean @ सत्रसॉक्ड @SuppressWarnings ("धारावाहिक") सार्वजनिक वर्ग लॉग इनबीन सीरियलज़ेबल लागू करता है {@} {@} मंडित बीन @ सत्रसैक्ड सार्वजनिक वर्ग मेनूबैन औजार सीरियलज़ेबल {@ManagedProperty (value = "# {loginBean}") निजी LoginBean login; सार्वजनिक शून्य सेट लॉगिन (लॉगिनबिन लॉगिन) {this.login = लॉगिन; } सार्वजनिक LoginBean getLogin () {वापसी लॉगिन; } ...} लेकिन मेन्यूबेन लॉगिन बीन हमेशा अशक्त है, मैं गलत क्या कर रहा हूं? क्या आप मेरी मदद कर सकते हैं? अग्रिम धन्यवाद। सादर। संसाधनों के इंजेक्शन तुरंत के बाद सफल निर्माण होता है और परिणामस्वरूप, आप सेम के निर्माण से पहले या उसके दौरान इंजेक्शन वाले क्षेत्रों का उपयोग करने में सक्षम नहीं होंगे। इसलिए, के लिए की आवश्यकता इंजेक्शन गुणों का उपयोग @PostConstruct पद्धति में उपलब्ध है (जो निर्माण के तुरंत बाद निष्पादित होता है, पोस्ट में @PostConstruct ) संबंधित...

ASP.NET C# error: Operator * cannot be applied to operands of type 'int' and 'string' -

Forgive me, I'm starting a new one, but I'm making a basic "change from Fahrenheit to Celsius" program I can not understand the above error, my code looks like this: & lt;% @ page language = "c #"%> & Lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Script runat = "server" & gt; Protected Zero Button 1_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {Double Fahrenheit = Double. Purse (farTemp.Text); LblCelsius.Text = (5/9) * (Fahrenheit-32). Ostring (); } & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Html xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Head id = "head1" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Convert temperature & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Form id = "form1" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; Enter the temperature in the Fahrenheit degree: & amp; Nbsp; & Amp; Nbsp; & Lt; ASP: Tex...