exception - SonarRunner failed - Analysis is already running -

Hi, I'm making Jenkins with Sonarrenner (in Gradle) and during this sonarRunner work, it has failed with the following error:

messages. any idea! How to fix it?

 09: 57: 21.410 Error - It seems that the analysis of 'MyPosite' is already running (started less than a minute ago). : **** Runner failure failed: failed with build exception. * What was wrong: Failed to perform performance: '**** runner' & Gt; Organization. **** Api.utils.SonarException: The project is already being analyzed. * Try: To get stack trace, run with the --stacktrace option. To get more log output, run with the --info or --debug option.  

OK, it was fast.

I went away from the code and the error went away.


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