java - MySQLNonTransientConnectionException from ColdFusion application -

We have an ancient Debian 7 on the virtual server connected to a local Mycakul 5.5 installation with Tomcat 7 OpenJDK 1.7.0_65. When a badge application to install ColdFusion core (Razuna, a MAM) throws this exception:

  com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Could not create a connection to the database server . Reconnected 3 times surrender.   

As far as looking at this exception, there are many reasons for exception, so the message is important after the exception type.

We ColdFusion threw database connection object, and it looks like this:

  struct connectionretries 0 connectiontimeout 120 connectstring zeroDateTimeBehavior = convertToNull databasename razuna description [empty string] DisplayName mysql Drivername com.mysql.jdbc.Driver hoststring jdbc: mysql: // localhost: 3306 / razuna? CacheResultSetMetadata = false & autoReconnect = true & amp; Use encoding = true & amp; Character Encoding = UTF-8 & amp; Zero Dinanktitwyvharkrta = Knhwarttobl Initstring [empty string] Logintaimaut 120 maximum connections 3 named mysql password [thecorrectpassword] perrequestconnections false port 3306 server localhost sqldelete really sqlinsert really sqlselect really sqlstoredprocedures really SQLUpdate really username razuna   

It looks good. So we have tried to diagnose the problem on the MySQL side, after switching to the normal logging, we can see that there is no entry in the normal log. The last thing we thought was that the Tomcat7 user had to give an interactive shell, then manually try to log in to MySQL using the same parameters (host, port, user, password) and it works like a charm Does Debian version, Java version and taste, tomcat-version

:. Apart from this, (compared with the same provider) compared to the software of any other server where the same application works under one condition, everything seems to be the same. We have no real idea how to move from here is. Any help appreciated

Edit 1:. We have already tried her with the root MySQL user, just to dismiss the possibility of having some strange permissions problem with the user dedicated to the application. The error message was the same.

Try these offers, one can help you:

  1. You have enabled IPv6 on your system, try instead of local host .

  2. Provide Password option 'MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS * All Praiwars passwords with 0 by' 52819c504481470a '' localhost '@ *;


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