active directory - How can I get information about the RootDSE with Powershell locally on a Windows 2008 R2 Domain Controller -

I am trying to run Windows Server 2008 R2 on a domain controller to access the Get-ADRootDSE command in PowerShell But I get the following error message:

The word 'Get-ADRootDSE' was not recognized as the name of a CMDlet (...)

me It is surprising that this command can run locally, and what are the prerequisites for using it within Parscheld.

use of control panel

on domain controller , Log in as an administrator:

  control panel \ system and security \ administrative tool   

on the shortcut "Active Directory Module for PowerShell" Choose the right click "Run as administrator"

A PowerShell prompt will pop up with pop-loaded relevant modules.

To run the PowerShell prompt: Get-ADRootDSE

Use of PowerShow Command Domain Controller,

  Import-module Active Directory Gate-AdRootDSE    


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