
Showing posts from September, 2015

algorithm - Graph cut with python: How to set up the graph correctly? -

I want to use graph cut algorithm on images in my project, I use Python 2.7 I found, but the documentation does not seem so obvious. I'm making an example, this is my 5 * 5 matrix: gt; & Gt; An array ([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12, 13, 14], [15, 16, 17, 18, 1] 9 virtual terminal node, S (source) and T , [20, 21, 22, 23, 24]] (sync) matrix The infinite weight for all pixels of the lowest columns on the left and right should be linked to the arcs. Here's what I want to get: This is my code to get it, but it does not work left_most = concatenate ((1, ashp [0]), N.P. Ranges (ashp [0]). Reshape (1, ashp [0])). Unstable (npuit 64 ) left_most = np.ravel_multi_index (Bayan_ most, Asp) right_most = concatenate ((np. that ((1, Asp [0])) size (A, 1) - 1, NP Krenj (Asp [0]). The new size to (1, Ashaip [0])). volatile (Np.uint64) right_most = np.ravel_multi_index (right_most, A.shape) g.add_grid_tedges (Bayan_ most, Anpikons (Bayan_ most. Shaip) *...

regex - PatternSyntaxException: while using String.ReplaceAll function in java? -

When I'm trying to do a string, I get a patterninetex exception. ReplaceAll Below is my string Number of testcases: 39? Test case execution: testCreateDAta? Class has completed its performance: Execution of test case ended: testCreateDAta? Test case execution: testUpdate? What I was trying to do: junitReportString.replaceAll ("?", "\ N"); The above code brought me an exception to: java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Dangling meta character '?' After this I tried again with the code below: junitReportString.replaceAll ("\\?", "\ N"); The code above received me the same string as I mentioned above. My complete code: string junitReportString = new string (); MyApp = New URL ("http: // localhost: port / testWeb / TestJunit.jsp"); URL connection yc = myApp.openConnection (); Yc.connect (); JunitReportString = yc.getHeaderField ("finalJUNITR...

php - String Replace Date & Time -

A line of my XML looks like this: $ ob_time = $ xml- & gt; Observation_time_rfc 822; Echo $ ob_time; Output looks like this: Thursday, 09 October 2014 22:59:16 +0200 But what should I look like 2014-10-09 + 22 % 3A 59 % 3a 16 I think it can do the place of the string, someone can help me find me! Thanks! edit : use a ghost solution, it must be correctly Handles offset timezone First you need to reformat your date. You do this by parsing it with strtotime and formatting it with the date function. They are "URL instead of the funny% 3A" actually are URL-encoded characters: $ date = date ('y-m-d h: i: s', strotom ($ ob_time)); $ Date = urlencode ($ date); // 2014-10-09 + 20% 3A 59% 3A 16

data binding - Set isActive in view model then checkbox is checked -

I need a true or false set for each in the model of the view, check box is checked in the client table or Not checked. I can not apply data-bind with changes. Disabled value Typecript View Model: Class ModelViewModel {products: KnockoutObservableArray & lt; Products & gt ;; Manufacturer () {products = ko.observableArray & lt; Product [] & gt; (); }} Typuscript Model: Product of the Category {Name: Knockout Observe & lt; String & gt; IActive: Knockout Observeable & lt; Boolean & gt ;; } Constructor () { = ko.observable & lt; String & gt; (); This.isActive = ko.observable & lt; Boolean & gt; (); } HTML: & lt; Table class = "table-table-range" & gt; & Lt; Tbody data-bind = "foreach: vm.products" & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; Input type = "checkbox" id = "chekBx" data-bind = "value: active" & gt; & Lt; / Td> ...

objective c - how Set autolayout for multiple dynamic buttons and labells in iOS? -

I am creating 83 dynamic buttons in my app and setting the label for it. Now, I want to set auto layout for that. How can I set up the automatic layout for this? This is the code that I have implemented to create buttons and labels dynamically: - (void ) Dynamic Button {// Reading data from database NSMutableArray * objectName = [[NSMutableArray alloc] in this]; NSArray * docPaths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains (NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES); NSString * documentDir = [docPathsObjectAttex: 0]; Self.databasePath = [documentDir stringbappingSpaceContent: @ "SMS.sqlite"]; FMDatabase * Database = [FMDatabase database path: self.databasePath]; [Database logs error: TRUE]; [Database open]; // FMResultSet * Result = [Database Execution: @ "Select from SMS Card"]; NSString * anQuery = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat: @ "SELECT * FROM SMSCategory"]; FMResultSet * Result = [Database Execution: anQuery]; While ([result next]) {SMSCat1...

simple html dom - Issue in Passing Url in PHP -

I am doing some operations in the URL below. $ paginationPages = array (); $ ProductCount = intval ($ htmlProductPage- & gt; Search ('div.paging span.itemcount', 0) -> plain text); If ($ ProductCount / 16 & gt; 1) {$ pagecount = ceil ($ ProductCount / 16); For ($ i = 2; $ i & lt; = $ PageCount; $ i ++) {$ urlSplitArray = Explosion ('.', $ ProductUrl); $ UrlSplitCount = Count ($ urlSplitArray); $ UrlSplitArray [$ urlSplitCount-2] = "[" $ i .. "]". $ Endorsement page [] = intestine ('.', $ UrlSplitArray). "& Lt; br & gt;"; } #print_r ($ paging page); } and I'm getting all the links in the foreach to proceed foreach ($ paginationPages page $ next URL) {# $ nextUrl = " Http: //[2].htm "; $ HtmlProductPage = file_get_html ($ nextUrl); Foreach ($ htmlProductPage- & gt; Find ("div.Item") as $ element) {// error is here...

graphics - Conditional Background of a plot in R -

I want to know how to make such a conditional background background This time this can be calculated by series or any other For example, for example, I have two series when the value of the first is positive, the background value on the second plot is green, otherwise it is red. Here's a way to do this. x

java - Creating dynamic xml tree based on the xpath value -

I want to create a dynamic xml tree base on xpath. Assume that my xpath value is product / organization / registered / something and I want to put the value in the following format. pre & lt; & Lt; Organization & gt; & Lt; RegisteredDetail & gt; & Lt; Some & gt; ValueOfSomething & lt; / Some & gt; & Lt; / RegisterDetail & gt; & Lt; / Organization & gt; & Lt; Products & gt; In short I want to make a treeview / tree table by reading xpath. I want to value most children in the interior and show the place of value in the structure of a tree or just the location of the child as a tree. The value of the xpath will be different. Any suggestions for using java or jquery will be valuable to me. I tried to apply the suggestion given by @hhw I made some amendments: var dom = document.implementation.createDocument ("", "" , tap); Var node = dom; New code: var pathmap = new object (); Var Path...

incron - Sub directory not getting copied to remote server using Rsync Linux -

The I tried to copy the directories and files in a remote Linux machine using Risinik and Inkrantab. This copy is working properly files on the remote server Incrontab / data / AMOS_SHARE / CHV_BE / IN_MODIFY, IN_CREATE, IN_DELETE, IN_CLOSE_WRITE, IN_MOVE / data / AMOS / jboss / Rsync #! / Bin / bash chmod-R 775 / data / AMOS_SHARE / CHV_BE rsync -avuzh / data / AMOS_SHARE / CHV_BE / jboss@xx.xx.xx.xx: / data / AMOS_SHARE / CHV_BE / I have made in / data some files / AMOS_SHARE / CHV_BE / folder it worked fine and I made this folder, it's working fine. But whenever I create files in a sub folder, it does not work. Please help me. incrond recursively monitoring has not been implemented yet, so do not monitor sub-directory of events Is performed. You can do this by adding additional information to sub-directories, but I have recommended to use any other device: In addition to this you can use the ionotifywait tool (example) inotify...

javascript - Dropzone: prevent uploading of duplicate files -

I am using DropZone I would like to stop uploading a file which is already in the form of thumbnails in Dropzone "panel" With the upload in present I mean that do not allow the file to be shown twice with the same name in the panel. I do not care about the case of this file which is already present in the server and is not visible in the panel because it will be replaced with the new one with the same name. I do not want to receive this despite my efforts. I appreciate your help. Thank you very much Try it, I had a similar problem recently was. I am done with the help of this

php - how to convert mysql query to zend query? -

I want to change the following sql query to zend the query. How can I convert this mysql query to the flag query with the Flag Framework 2? binary username = "testUser"; thanks Have you tried this: Select $ => - (Where 'username' = & gt; new \ zend \ db \ Sql \ expression ("testUser ')" );

java - what this integer value means? -

The entire program I found on one of the Android Tutorials site shows the bouncing ball with a custom view. I could not understand this line. Private int xVelocity = 30; Xviolocity = xavilocity * -1; What does this mean? If I change dramatically, I delete it * as compared to the animation and the other thing is that invalid () the method of the visual class repaint () java ??? Is similar to ??? Any help would be appericiated. multiplication. xVelocity * - 1 by xVelocity by -1 . xVelocity-1 decrease 1 to xVelocity . And the other thing which is invalid () method is similar to repaint () Yes, invalid () / Code> views the scene as dirty and therefore schedules a redraw.

php - Select option not passing values -

My selection options are not passing I do not know why this is not working, it will be appreciated, but I do not know what's going on. HTML / PHP if (isset $ _POST ['submit'])) {$ name = release ($ _ POST ['name'])? Trim ($ _ POST ['name']): ''; date gt; & lt; l & gt; LHA & lt; / th & gt; & lt; th & gt; ax & lt; / th & gt; & lt; Lt; th & gt; ls gt; update & lt; / th> & lt; / tr & gt;;; $ Sql ​​= "SELECT * data from where name = '$ name' date from date"; "; $ Sth = $ pdo- & gt; Query ($ sql); While ($ line = $ sth-> fetch ()) {$ car = $ line ['car']; Echo "& lt; form action = '' method = 'post' & gt;"; Echo "& lt; tr & gt;"; Echo "& lt; td & gt;" . $ Line ['name'] "& Lt; / td & gt;"; Echo "& lt; td & gt; & lt; input type = 'text...

I get into another user session when logging in openam -

We have deployed an OpenM V10 cluster with two nodes, and sometimes many more SP have been configured. When a user logs into the system, then the system validates its credentials and the user initiates the session, but sometimes the session starts with "cross" from the other user, which is already logged into the system. . After that, when the user tries to access any registered SP, an error is displayed and it is forced to log on again. Therefore, in fact, this is not really a security problem, but it is not quite calm. We do not really know whether the problem is in OpenM or load-balancer. Any ideas are welcome. does not use OpenM HTTP sessions, but it is itself a session ID which is cryptographic safe, It is therefore not very likely that an SSO session ID conflict occurs. It is not clear what exactly "to cross the session" means ... a session in you app? Then this is an application issue, there is not an OpenM problem. This will never be the LB ...

Adding row AngularJS -

फ़ंक्शन: कोणीय। मॉड्यूल ('formTerm', [] )। नियंत्रक ('मुख्य नियंत्रक', ['$ scope', फ़ंक्शन ($ दायरा) {$ scope.rows = [{स्पष्टीकरण: '', उदाहरण: ''}}; $ scope.counter = 5; $ scope.addRow = समारोह () {$ scope.rows.push ({स्पष्टीकरण: '', उदाहरण: ''}); $ scope.counter ++;} एचटीएमएल: & lt; span class =" बीटीएन बीटीएन-प्राथमिक "एनजी-क्लिक =" एडरव () "& gt; जोड़ें & lt; / span & gt; & lt; div class =" टेम्पलेट शब्द-पंक्ति "एनजी-दोहराने =" पंक्तियों में पंक्तियां "& gt; div वर्ग =" col-md-4 "& gt; textarea class =" form-control "पंक्तियाँ =" 2 "id =" explanation " प्लेसहोल्डर = "स्पष्टीकरण" नाम = "स्पष्टीकरण" एनजी-मॉडल = "formData.rows.explanation" & gt; & lt; / पाठ क्षेत्र & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "col-md-4" & gt; & Lt; tex...

javascript - geolocation working on web browser but not on android phone browser -

I have a button with a button, when an alert with the clicked latitude and longitude shows it on Chrome on my laptop. Works, but when I try with my Android mobile, the page is showing, but there is no warning. I have tried to change the meeting in the current situation, but there is no change. In an attempt to resolve this, I have placed a warning checkpoint and I have found that the function success () is being called in a laptop browser, but not the browser in the Android, the function error () is also not being called Please help please. & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Geolocation & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body onload = "getLocation ();" & Gt; & Lt; Input type = "button" id = "btn search" value = "search" onclick = "btn_Click ();" /> & Lt; Script & gt; Var Paus; Function btn_Click () {warning ("warning"); // Alert (...

How to store Abbreviation name in database sql server Through c# programming -

I have a web form, in this web form I have a text box and a button if I click on a data in the text box Add as "Andhra Pradesh" , then when I click on the button, it stores "AP" in the database Any one can help me write in C # so it's like to have code. If I enter Andhra Pradesh then store it in the database AP If I enter Madhya Pradesh, then store MP in this database. If I enter West Bengal then this database is stored in West Bengal. If statename = "Andhra Pradesh" then statename = "AP" and if It will come back only to the first 2 characters in the uppercase. string test = "Andrpra dais"; String abbreviated = new string (test.Where (t = & gt; char.IsUpper (t)). Take (2) .ToArray ()); Console.WriteLine (abridged); Though I'm thinking that your rules should consider the possibility of two or more results with the same short wire

c - Porting callback function from 32 bit to 64 bit -

I am using Visual Studio 2008 Professional when I compile it using Win32 Build, it's OK. But when I switch to x64 I get this compilation error: Error C2664: 'lineInitializeExA': can not be changed from parameter 3 to 'zero' The goal of 'LINECALLBACK' from (__cdecl *) (DeWords, Dedworlds, Dedworlds, Dedworlds, Dedworlds, DWORD) 'targets any of these types of work does not match the target type. Some are defined / typed: typedef unsigned Bay DWORD; #define callback __stdcall and the LINECALLBACK in tapi.h is defined as: typedef zero (callback * LINECALLBACK) (DWORD hDevice, DWORD DwMessage, DWORD_PTR dwInstance, DWORD_PTR dwParam1, DWORD_PTR dwParam2, DWORD_PTR dwParam3); Signing on Windows is 32 bit wide on 32 and 64 bit platforms long. So definitely this is not a problem. Any ideas why? And how to decide? Here is the code. #include & lt; Tapi.h & gt; // Include Windows Tally API # & lt; Stdio.h & gt; / * I k...

c - Function declaration vs function definition -

यदि मेरे पास यह प्रोटोटाइप है: int बार (int); संकलक के लिए मैं पहचानकर्ता बार घोषित कर रहा हूं यदि मुझे यह परिभाषा है: इंट बार (int a) {}; संकलक के लिए मैं पहचानकर्ता बार परिभाषित हूँ आम तौर पर एक परिभाषा के साथ एक ऑब्जेक्ट के लिए स्टोरेज आबंटन बनाते हैं लेकिन: क्या यह फ़ंक्शन घोषणापत्र के लिए भी सच है? इसके अलावा इस मामले में कोई भंडारण आवंटित नहीं है? फ़ंक्शन परिभाषा के लिए आवंटित भंडारण और क्या आवंटित किया गया है? पी। एस। सी विनिर्देश जब घोषणा या परिभाषा के बारे में कहता है, उनके अपेक्षाकृत अपेक्षाकृत (यानी एक पहचानकर्ता की घोषणा ...) का कहना है लेकिन मैंने यह भी पढ़ा है जहां कहलाता है की घोषणा एक चर तो क्या कोई अंतर है या केवल एक अर्थ के बारे में कहने के लिए "डबल-वे" है? फ़ंक्शन के मामले में, फ़ंक्शन को पहली बार नाम दिया जाने पर संग्रहण आवंटन किया जाता है परिभाषा खुद भंडारण आवंटन नहीं करती है। आपको यह भी ध्यान रखना चाहिए कि फ़ंक्शन के शरीर को खाली करना मान्य है जब रिटर्न प्रकार का फ़ंक्शन शून्य है इसलिए, संकलक को इंट ब...

sql - Error Msg: unknown column in field list in tables with the field -

Currently I have the following code, Part I and Part 3 works fine though, when I'm trying to union I have two temporary tables, giving me the error message of "unknown column name" in the "field list" "Even when I've spent a lot of time changing the name that was filed" in the name 'temporary' . create a temporary table, then not inp_cnt exists (, selection (different ad.pub_id) as count c as an intermediate ad from the author But join the author at = ad.author_id join inproceedings form inp ad.pub_id = inp.pub_id where inp.booktitle = "SIGMOD conference" or inp.booktitle = "KDD" or ad.author_id inp .booktitle = "VLDB" group); If you create a temporary table, then ar_cnt is present (select, (different ad.pub_id) as the count of c from the writer as an = ad.author_id ad on the interiors Join the author to join the author article at ar.pub_id = Ar.pub_id WHERE ar.journal =

How do I pass a Float uniform to iOS Metal shader using Swift? -

I want to pass a float to my metal shader. I do not know how it might be. This is my shader: peak float 4 Modl_vrteks (unsigned Int IID [[instance_id]] continuous float angle) {float number = float (IID) / 64.0; Return float 4 (number * sin (angle), number * cos (angle), 0.0, 1.0); } Now I want to pass it in the shader do: to render render to PassDescriptor = MTLRenderPassDescriptor () Encoder = commandBuffer.renderCommandEncoderWithDescriptor (renderPassDescriptor) // .. angle: float = 0.5 render encoder.Set uForm1 (angle) // What do I do here? How can I pass a float value? I have not looked set to pass uniform for its top peak before forma *, it Use: setVertexBuffer (buffer: Mtielbfr? Offset: Aitiandaks index: IT) Where buffer in your example, an array with a float Ho. Set the word format for the use of a piece shader. Fragmentbuffer.

c++ - Why can I not pass my class pointer to my visitor class? It says there are no matching functions -

Essentially this visitor class was working until I tried to add it to another class. This visitor class I'm going to mention: Visitor.h #ifndef Visitor_h__ #define Visitor_h__ #include & lt; Stdint.h & gt; #include & lt; String & gt; # Include & lt; Vector & gt; Namespace Ph2_System {class SystemController; } Namespace GUI {class SystemControllerWorker; } Class HwDescriptionVisitor {public: // SystemController Virtual Zero Travel (Ph2_System :: SystemController and pSystemController) {} // This is a / system controller worker Virtual Wide Visit (GUI :: SystemControllerWorker and pSystemControllerWorker) {} > This is the class that attempts to call a visit to it: SystemControllerWorker.h #include "../HWInterface /Visitor.h "#include" model / settings.h "Namespace GUI {class SystemControllerWorker {public: SystemControllerWorker (settings and configuration); ~ SystemControllerWorker (); Acceptance (HwDescriptionVisitor ...

php - CakeSession::write() Not working on remote server, but works fine on localhost -

I have this code that authenticates the user for login and it works fine on the local host, but remote Does not work on the server. It just loads and lasts on the login page. But when the username or password is incorrect, then it returns the error message well. If ($ this - & amp; - Request-> ('Post')) {$ data = $->; Request & gt; Data; $ Password = sha1 ($ data ['password']); $ Email = $ data ['email']; $ AuthUser = $ the- & gt; User- & gt; Search ('first', array ('conditions' = & gt; array ('user.mail' = & gt; $ email, 'user password' = & gt; $ password)); If (calculate ($ authUser)> 0) {cake sensation :: compose ('logged in user', $ authUser ['user'] ['' id ']); Cake sensation :: write ('log inname', $ and user ['user'] ['first_name']). "$ AuthUser ['user'] ['last_name']); Cake sensation :: write ('verstatus...

How to solve No such table error in Android Sqlite -

I have tried to add data to the following helper class, but I have not found 'such a table' error. If we use normal SQL queries, then it starts working. But this kind of query is not working How to write these types of questions, please explain that syntax! Stable class EmpHelper Extended SQLiteOpenHelper {Personal Static Last String DATABASE_NAME = "empdatabase"; Private static final string TABLE_NAME = "emptable"; Personal Static FINAL END DATABASE_VERSION = 2; Private static final string UID = "_id"; Private Static Last String NAME = "Name"; Private static final string PASSWORD = "password"; Personal Static Last String CREATE_TABLE = "Create Table" + "TABLE_NAME +" ("+ UID +" integral primary key, "+ NAME +" VARCHAR (255), "+ password" + VARCHAR2 (255) "+"); Private static final string DROP_TABLE = "If present in empty tab" + TABLE_NAME; Personal r...

Magento Stylesheet is not loading after clearing cache -

I am modifying a Magento theme After clearing the cache, the stylesheet is no longer loading on the homepage. I can already see the stylesheet path but when I clicked on it, I could not find it. Any idea ... why this is happening please help. But on the Category page, the stylesheet is loading properly. The strange thing is that the homepage is fully loading the stylesheet, but without "index" php ?? The stylesheet is not loading. First of all, look at the source of your page and click on the css link, if it is properly told If it has been done, you should take it to the CSS page. Please check that you have changed the home page design from the admin panel or not. I mean that CMS & gt; Go to & gt; Pages Open Home Page. Click the Design tab. Check "Custom Theme" under "Custom Design." If you find any problems, please enter the URL of your website.

parsing - Fedora Package Changelogs -

Do anybody find a good place to find the changelog for Fedora packages? I am looking to parse some of these changes and I have difficulty finding anything reliable. My current thinking is to parse RPM spec files for that data, which I'm interested in (date, version #, etc.), but I do not have any good pre-existing libraries to do this. Can find In addition, the Fidela website outlines the standards for these modifications: * Date Developer_Name Version_NUM - Entries However, in my findings, many specific files are incompatible within this format and the miss field (usually The version is looking for version, date, etc., then you yum information or rpm -qip & Lt; packagename & gt; You can try to parse. If you have special Need something from the change log form, try again yum-changelog plugin or rpm -q --changelog & lt; packagename & gt; . (Not sure , But when using the yum-changelog it can add that information to the SQLite database used by y...

.net - Play Video from Memory stream or Byte Array in c# windows application using VLC player or WMP -

Trying to play video from memory as if by bit array or memory stream, but no solution can be found is. Using the Media API, Media Foundation and Virtual File System to Find Similar Solutions for Decrypt Video in Memory I am doing DirectShow, allow outsourcing flexible pipelines from custom sources such as flow, however, you are hoping to implement custom components and embed them into pipeline (usually in the native code domain, not managed) and on that Create Playback UI If you prefer to use pre-built players such as Windows Media Player or VLC, then you Players can recognize, and they are not included in the memory stream (not to mention process limitations) for memory stream).

c# - How do I dynamically turn animations on and off in a Telerik RadTreeView under Silverlight? -

"postprint" itemprop = "text"> I used to display a Silverlight project where I have a with the Telerik RadTreeView check box Is being turned on and control permissions for a group of users. Whenever a new user is selected, the checkboxes change their position to reflect the selected state. When this happens, the entireviewview is refreshing from a new set of merging permissions with that permission data for that user. The preview is recording and re-enforcing the expanded state of each node, when refreshed for each user. The problem is that I want to turn the animation on, but the animation plays when TreeView also refreshes every time. I want to do it only when the user manually spreads and plays the fallen nodes I'm trying to bind a class to Telerik. AnimationManager.IsAnimationEnabled that is a static return property (in the second category) that I reset every time I return the item surs, and immediately set back to the right, but the animati...

Unable to request an A/C through user console in Tivoli identity manager 5.1 -

I understand how ACL works in Tivoli Identity Manager I try to request a service from a user console I am receiving an error: "The request can not be submitted because the password passwords do not follow the rules that govern the password" in password password in response policy and password length "12345" Programmed to set the default password and change the password from the password from 0 to 8 or sequence password can be reset. 'Operation in ACL, I still do not know what I am doing. PLease suggests that the rule under the default identity policy for function createIdentity () {var EXISTING_CASE = 0; Var UPPER_CASE = 1; Var LOWER_CASE = 2; Var tf = false; Var identity = ""; Var basification = ""; Var counter = 0; Very local = topic.tpetproperty ("Errolacale"); Var fAttrKey = "UID"; Var sAttrKey = ""; Var idx1 = 0; Var idx2 = 0; Var fCase = 2; Var sCase = 2; If ((locale! = Null) & amp; amp; (Local...

html - PHP fails to insert into Mysql (auto increment) -

मैंने अपना MySQL टेबल इस लिंक से बना है: यह समस्या इसलिए होती है क्योंकि मैं अपनी mysql क्वेरी में auto_increment सम्मिलित नहीं कर पा रहा हूं। index.php & lt;? Php $ name = $ _ POST ["name"]; $ विवरण = $ _ पोस्ट [ "विवरण"]; $ छवि = $ _ पोस्ट [ "छवि"]; $ राशि = $ _ पोस्ट [ "राशि"]; $ Sql ​​= mysql_query ("` आईडी`, `नाम`,` विवरण`, `मूल्य`,` छवि` में शामिल करें) मूल्य (शून्य, '"। $ नाम।"', '"। $ वर्णन ।। " ','" $ राशि " ','" $ छवि " ')")।।। ? & Gt; मैं इसे HTML फार्म से पोस्ट करता हूं और यह क्वेरी को निष्पादित करता है लेकिन मुझे उस तालिका में कोई पंक्ति नहीं मिलती। मैं इसे auto_increment या अद्वितीय या प्राथमिक की वजह से thnk कोई भी मदद? पीएस नोब यहाँ! संपादित करें: त्रुटि: पदावनत: mysql_query (): mysql एक्सटेंशन नापसंद किया गया है और भविष्य में निकाल दिया जाएगा: इसके बजाय डी: \ xampp \ htdocs \ में mysqli या PDO का उपयोग करें \ ए...

mysql - Using to write an Ebay Motors Pro xml file -

I am struggling to do this work and for example it has come to know how to profit without benefiting it Not done. I am converting a mysql resultset into an XML file to upload to ebaymotorspro I thought it would be relatively simple and still I am struggling with conventions set by both eBay and Net Framework. The opening element of the file is to read: & lt; Empro xmlns = "blur: mobile: amp: list: xml: uk: car" xmlns: xsi = "" xsi: schema location = "vase: D: mobile : AMP: Inventory: XML: UK: Car"> I am using the xmlwriter class to recreate it and it has done so far: Author using XMLRR = XMLR Author (feedfile, xmlsettings) as author. The Authentic Document (True) Writer. WRITEStartElement ("empro", "Color: D: mobile: inventory: xml: uk: car") 'This bit problem is causing the author. WrititeAttributeString ("xmln...

javascript - Detect words and letters typed in input and sort other elements (text in div) with same letters -

I want to input an input, in which you type words or letters to sort any of the elements. For: They have divisions with different words, and when you type something in the input, then type those devices exactly which have the same letter in the input ... & lt; Input type = "text" placeholder = "sort ..." & gt; & Lt; Div class = "sortable-items" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; Dogs & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; Cats & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; Dogs & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; Dogs & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; Cats & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; Cats & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; Dogs & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; If you listen to the funnel event on the input, the function will call you every time If you write or remove a letter, you can then check that the input divs match any value of ...

internet explorer 8 - img tag doesn't work in ie8 -

मेरे पास यह कोड है: & lt; div id = "hidden_images" style = " प्रदर्शन: कोई नहीं "& gt; & Lt;? Php $ cant = 0; विदेशी मुद्रा ($ स्लाइड्सडस्टाकाडोस $ एस) {? & Gt; & Lt; div id = 'image_ & lt;? Php echo $ ct;? & Gt;' & Gt; & Lt; a href = "& lt;? Php echo $ this- & gt; आधार।" / श्रेणी / इंडेक्स / डी। [एसडी] ['स्लाईडस्टाकाडो'] ['लिंक'];? & Gt; "& gt; & lt; आईएमजी src = "& Lt;? Php echo $ this- & gt; बेस;; & gt; / img / slides_destacados / & lt;? Php इको $ s ['SlideDestacado'] ['image_small'];? & Gt;" / & gt; & Lt; / a & gt; & Lt; div class = "textte" & gt; & Lt; span & gt; & lt;? Php इको $ s ['SlideDestacado'] ['शीर्षक'];? & Gt; & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt;? Php $ cant ++; }? & Gt; & Lt; / div ...

node.js - Bower, Grunt on Ubuntu 12.04 - command not found -

I have spook and knock on my machine, but none of this works. I get the : command not found for both. I have kept the path to bower and grunt .bash_profile file, such as: export PATH = "/ home / user / .node / lib / node_modules / grunt-cli / bin: $ PATH " Export PATH =" / home / user / .node / lib / node_modules / bower / bin: $ PATH " It seems that The packages are installed properly but they are not found. NMM and node home / user /. Node and located at home /user/.npm directory Is this the right place for this? which is the verge / grunt outputs nothing bus To set up the environment on a new machine, this one had to remind itself. According to , two steps are needed to set up the Grant.JS Task Runner on a given project: You On installed only 'Grunt-to-Grin' command line interface will put the hourly command on your system path. This can be achieved by running npm install -g grunt-cli , which may require root privileg...

oracle - How to Copy data from table with a nested table column -

I have a table that has a column in the form of nested table. I want to copy the data of this table in the second, how we choose the INSERT section, it seems challenging: Consider the field which is the nested table, the phone_list whose Type is a user defined type "TBL_PHONE_EXTN", which is a table of "typ_phone_extn". Type or type _phone_pen as the object (phone_number VARCHAR2 (20), extension VARCHAR2 (10)); / Type or type tbl_phone_extn as the command of typ_phone_extn; / clearly fails below: (ORA-90094 :: with invalid identifier) ​​ sch2.sub_pat_address (INSPIRE) at pat_address_id , Pat_id, ** phone_list, ** last_updated_by) SELECT pat_address_id, pat_id, ** phone_list, ** last_updated_by by sch1.sub_pat_address; then I try: SE1, pat_idress_id, pat_id, ** tbl_phone_extn (typ_phone_extn (phone_number, extension)), ** last_updated_by by sch1 Sub_pat_address, ** table (phone_list) **; What does the nested table do when I end up with more ...

javascript - Using nodeJS and phantomJS to return network requests and responses, only working in console -

I am trying to replicate the phantomJS functionality, only in nods I am using it as a bridge Generally, it uses the phantomjs netlog.js in the command line without any unwise Will be played. This will return all the Jason's requests and reactions back to all. What I am doing here is trying to run the code using Code netlog.js phantomjs-node module ( Ignore the line var page = Required ('webpage'). Create () netlog.js . While the code does not break, What is wrong here? Do I need to pipe a page request? In app .js : var phantom = need ('phantom'); siteUrl = "" phantom .create (function (PH) {Ph.create page (function) {var system = required ("system"), address; (siteUrl, function) {// console.log ("open" + siteUrl + "\ N", position + "\ n"); page.evaluate (function () {if (system.args.length === 1) {console.log ('Usage: netlog.js & l...

sql - Querying a table matching all the data of the subquery and all the data should also match with common data -

I have two tables named "Subscription" and "Restricted" Table: Subscription + --------- + -------- + | Group ID | UserID | + --------- + -------- + | 10001 | 605 | | 10001 | 255 | | 10002 | 605 | | 10004 | 222 | | 10003 | 605 | | 10002 | 501 | Table: restriction table restriction The group is restricted to the restricted group ID and its related content ID. + --------- + ----------- + | Group ID | ContentId | + --------- + ----------- + | 10001 | 33333 | | 10001 | 22222 | | 10002 | 22222 | | 10004 | 44444 | | 10003 | 22222 | | 10002 | 44444 | + --------- + ----------- + I want to get ContentID which is related to the user ID of all groups From the restricted table. that is As sample data of UserID = 605, Group ID is "10001, 10002, 10003", I need to get ContentID which is restricted to all group IDs listed for user 605. ContentID is required in this case '22222' The final purpose is to get a list of ContentID that is restr...

html - Change css class using php variable -

Here you need help because in the title, I am trying to change the CSS classes using PHP variables I am So basically I want to make a loop which enchances some code. But I want the div squares in the first loop to be different - it should be hidden. To clear this problem, I have given simple code. I do not know where the mistakes are, please advise. & lt ;! DOCTYPE html public "- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 Transcription // N" "" & gt; & Lt; Html xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; charset = UTF-8" /> & Lt; Title & gt; Untitled document & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Style & gt; .hidden {Visibility: hidden; }. Visual {visibility: visible; }. First class {color: red; } & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body &...

java - JBoss Heap Space issue Due to Image Uploads -

We have a web application in which the users are uploading hundreds of images via the web. The application then moves these images and sends them to the archive (filename). The problem we are seeing is that the gap is replacing the heap and the application is crashing. It seems for some reason that these images are not being cleared through garbage collection, even though they are no longer being referred. We used AppDynamics on our Zebus server to monitor monitor and memory leaks. So far, we have not got any. Should we consider any suggestions other than this? Thank you. I'm assuming that you're using the FileNet Content Engine to see the first thing to do with memory leaks Will be. Since you said that no one has found you, there are some practical tips to try it: Allocate more heap space and see the time to crash at that time. See more space allocation in any significant difference, see Scale horizontally by adding more server examples to reduce the lo...

web services - dashboard for interfaces monitoring -

We are working with many different types of interfaces on a large project with XML data loading area of ​​these interfaces ( Server) are being loaded in different time (Weekly, Daily etc.). We are looking to create a dashboard to display and monitor the interface. Is anyone aware of any tools / software, open source or otherwise, which can be configured for this purpose? Appreciate your help! I'm not going to recommend a device, but I'll tell you what to see. Basically this type of activity is called Business Activity Monitoring (BAM). If you want to achieve this then you will need to see a bam tool. So go Google for a bam tool. Keep in mind that some code changes may be required in your interface, because they have to alert the BAM monitor about what is happening.

ios - How to slow down just one frame of a CCAnimation? -

मेरे पास एक चरित्र छिद्र का प्रेत है जो एक शांत तेज पंच प्रभाव है। बिंदु , जब एक टक्कर होती है (मैंने पहले से यह हिस्सा किया है) मुझे CCAnimation के 1 फ्रेम को सामान्य से 2x लेने के लिए चाहिए मैं इसे हल करने के लिए एक अतिरिक्त फ्रेम के साथ एक नया सीसीएनिमेशन बनाने से बचना चाहता हूं। कोई भी विचार? पंच का अंत / Ul> तो कम से कम आपको एनीमेशन को दो में विभाजित करना होगा (प्रारंभ, अंत)। फिर आप शुरू एनीमेशन, एक प्रतीक्षाफॉरडेल एक्शन और एंड एनीमेशन के साथ एक सीसीएक्वेन्ने बनाते हैं। हर बार जब आप पंच एनीमेशन खेलते हैं तो आप इस अनुक्रम को नए सिरे से बनाते हैं, या आपके पास दोनों की एक प्रति है। किसी भी तरह से आप प्रभावित कर सकते हैं कि कितने लंबे समय तक प्रारंभ एनीमेशन के अंतिम फ्रेम को देरी कार्रवाई के लिए समय बदलकर दिखाया गया है।

Bootstrap Affix on bottom scroll glitch (Chrome and Firefox) -

Simple page, with a 2-level header, where the second layer picks up. Here the page is skeleton: If you resize your browser around 630px height and try to scroll down, then you should note the scrolling glitch. There is no problem in IE9, but it affects Chrome and Firefox. Any help is appreciated :) In the header .affix is applied when you can offset the .content div: Header2.affix + .content {margin-top: 82px; } tested in FF32 and CH37 (this is not IE9 VM on this PC, sorry) Demo: Some background: The problem is that once the .affix class is applied, then .header2 div Inherits status: fixed . It brings .header.affix div out of its place in the DOM, so that the .content div is immediately snaped at the top of the page and hidden below (now fixed) .header2 div

ios - Extract struct from NSData in Swift -

I am creating a sports center game and I send a data packet containing a struct MovePacket / P> var packet = movepacket (packetID: 1, move: myMove) Data Pack = NSDTA (bytes) This works like Objective-C, But I don do not understand how to decode on NSData back to my struct MovePacket . This is one of my efforts: Funk match (match: GKMach !!, Rescindia Data: NSDTa !, Remote Player Player: GCplayer!) {Var Packet: Hall Packet Data.Tite (And packet, length: sizeof (MovePacket)) // Here is an error: Before it is being started println (packet) // variable 'packet' used before starting 'packet' The address of Assume that you do this by NSData . ????: Joy match (match: GK match !, Reservativa data: NSDTa !, Remote Player player: GCplayer!) {If data. Lifetime == Size (move packet ) {Packet = unsecure pointer & lieutenant; Leve packet & gt; (Data.bite) .memory println (packet)} other {// error: the data size is incorrect}}

javascript - Rendering JSON in template DJANGO -

This is working on my local machine, but when I run it on my VPS, it is always a Javascript throws the formula: var post_array = [['title': U 'How to hire a designer', 'URL': U '/ post / how-to-hire- A-Designer ',' Text ': U' Laurem Ipsum Dollar Seat AMT, Publisher Adipisive Elite Morris Altysies Lobertis Eros, Tristique Said Fallavine Non Fuse Nasi Purus, Laboratories Non Sagittis AC, Venetis Ezest It For no time, but it is very easy, but it is really the most important. In the semi-finals Dennis now exits from now, for the sake of life, ultrasonic radish sapiens. How to achieve this, as you tell me, I'm waiting for a week at my house or for my home. When Morbi asked about his children, it is not easy, the most important thing is that I love my children. Nal Leo Archu, Matisse NC, Matisse in Vannitis Non Sepian. The intervals and the most important aspects of men's women have been told about. There are a few different words on...

javascript - Hammer.js doesn't work -

I am using Hammer.js and I have included the Hummer and Hammer JCT plugin: & lt; Script src = 'res / stat / js / hammer.js' & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = 'res / stat / js / jquery.hammer.js' & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; Now, with this code I am trying to get double tap to work: The element with the classname 'snap_item' exists and the spelling is correct. The hammer. The path of the js and jquery plugin is also correct. I tested it on iPhone 5S and when I repeat the element, it does nothing. Does anyone know what is going wrong here? I have a JQuery V2 that is also causing this problem? Documents. GetElementsByClassName returns an array of elements. Hammer constructor can only take one element. Start it on your own: var element = document.getElementsByClassName ('snap_item'); [] (element). ForEach (work) {var hammertime = new hammer (element); hammertime.on ('duplic...

Access VBA: Put values of a multi-select list box into a Table -

I have a list box where I can select Monday-Friday. I can choose as many days as I want in the list box, if they want, then all I want to know is how to insert the list box in my table. Here I have written code: Private subcommand 499_Click () set RstRecSet = nothing set db = CurrentDB slow dateDay string retard dateWeek string MsgBox form In (lstDateDay.Selected) "dateWeek = lstDateWeek.Value db.Execute" tblContacts (dateDay, dateWeek) in the value & quot; "('' And Detade and Android '', and 'DaveWeek End');" Db.Close end sub As you can see I'm trying different things. My problem list box is getting the price; It is showing in the form of tap, even if this data is selected. I think what you think. Edit: Salad set rs = db.OpenRecordset ("tblContacts") each itm lstDateWeek.ItemsSelected rs.AddNew Rs. for! DateWeek = lstDateWeek.ItemData (itm) Rs! DateDay = itm rs.Update Next RS Set up rs = None set db = not...

how to solve the java.lang.NullPointerException? -

This is what I wrote for snakes and stairs. Please help me with the exceptions. The exception line is 72 and 114, I have highlighted the lines with comments that are heading towards the exception. Thanks in advance for the help. Package Practical 1; Import; Import java.util.ArrayList; Import java.util.Scanner; Public square snakeandladder1 {int totalpos = 100; Int v = 0; Int [] score; Int score = 0; Int l = 0; Public Ink Foradis () {int i = 0; {While (i == 0) {i = (Math) Random () * 100; I = I% 13; } Came back; }} Public Anti Lender (Int Score) {if (Score == 15) Score = 30; And if (score == 45) score = 71; And if (score == 25) score = 62; And if (score == 81) score = 91; And if (score == 9) points = 39; Score [l] = score; Return score; } Public sank snat (int score) {if (score == 29) score = 11; And if (score == 81) score = 48; And if (score == 92) score = 71; And if (score == 30) score = 6; And if (score == 58) points = 19; Score [l] = score; Return score; } Zer...

ruby on rails - Getting undefined 'image' errors when using paperclip for image upload? -

I'm trying to use a paperclip to show the image of a user in the post index, but I'm getting A "missing" link in its place. I am using Devise for authentication. Paperclip for more image uploads Which is disappointing because it works for me sometime, but occaisonaly brings me such troublesome errors. Thanks for the help, I have been stuck here for some days. Here is my post index: (Error has been thrown on the 8th line) & lt;% @. Posted in | & Gt%; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Div class = "well large" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "media" & gt; & Lt; One class = "pull-left" href = "#" & gt; & Lt;% = image_tag current_user.image.url (: thumb)% & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Div class = "media-body" & gt; & Lt; H4 square = "media-title" & gt; & Lt;% = post.title% & gt; & Lt; / H4 & gt; & Lt;% = post.con...

How can I program a web-based GUI in node.js and make continuous calls to a c program? -

I think the title is very self explanatory. Actually, I have a program that uses a ton of data structures to do a lot of work. The program should be in C, and there is no GUI in it, but I want to make one because why not. The program and the node web server (if it was running one) will be both on the same, local machine, by default they will be shared simultaneously by me and so my question is, what This node Trying to develop a GUI in a language such as JS, and calls the program continuously? How efficient or disabled would it be? What are the drawbacks? Like I said, I have to program in C. This homework is for work, but I really do not want to try any UI program in C. Any other methods would be fine too i have python and node. I can write in JS and my OOP in CO + is very good to create some 2D programs in Direct 2D. Edit 2: The program (whether it will be a program or GUI) will eventually use the database in some way, then it can go into any possible answer logic, if that mea...

How to get XML Element name in CSS -

I have an XML document and want to style it with CSS, how do I ensure that each element values ​​element name With : first. For example elem> Element & lt; / ELEM & gt; elem: element when CSS is implemented. I am currently trying to write in the CSS file elem: first {content: attr (name) ":";} But attr (name) does not seem to work, is it possible to get the XML element name in the style inside the CSS file? I think this is not possible. Attribute 'attribute' as the attribute name, not the tag name. To rewrite the tag data in some data-* attribute, you should write some JS and then the ATR CSS function can start working.

c# - How do I return a not complete object? -

Text after " My selection statement does not return the entire client item, just utrustningNr and description . How Refund It's a perfect way without getting this error: can not implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List & LT; AnonymousType # 1> 'System.Collections.Generic.List & lt; Fjallvick.utrustning & gt; from public list & lt; Utrustning & gt; The searchEquipment (string equipmentNr) {var queryEquipment = Select where utrustning.utrustningNr == equipmentNr utrustning in globalDBConnString.context.utrustnings (new {utrustning.utrustningNr, utrustning.beskrivning}); Return query tool. Olist (); } from the list & lt; Utrustning & gt; queryEquipment globalDBConnString.context.utrustnings where Utrustning.utrustningNr == from Utrustning equipmentNr new utrustning {Utrustning.utrustningNr, Utrustning.beskrivning} = selection; Return query tool. Olist ();

Highlighting maximum value in Shiny DataTables -

I am using the latest version of the brightest which contains 1.10.2 of the datatyas. I want to highlight the maximum value in the selected Are i columns Some examples like options = list (rowCallback = I ('function (line, data) {// bold cells for those columns & gt; = 5 in the first column if (perfalto ( Data [0]) gt; = 5) $ ("td: eq (0)", line). CSS ("font-weight", "bold")}}) If necessary, I can calculate the former values ​​in a variable like maxCol0, but I'm not sure how to move it to a hardcoded value, 5 as the code above is TIA You use paste in max in rowCallback : for example, mtcars Using the first 20 rows of the dataset: Library (luminous) df