node.js - Bower, Grunt on Ubuntu 12.04 - command not found -
I have spook and knock on my machine, but none of this works. I get the I have kept the path to bower and grunt .bash_profile file, such as: It seems that The packages are installed properly but they are not found. NMM and node home / user /. Node and located at home /user/.npm directory Is this the right place for this? bus To set up the environment on a new machine, this one had to remind itself. According to , two steps are needed to set up the Grant.JS Task Runner on a given project: You On installed only 'Grunt-to-Grin' command line interface will put the Set the appropriate locally grunt task runner. This is achieved by adding : command not found for both.
export PATH = "/ home / user / .node / lib / node_modules / grunt-cli / bin: $ PATH "
Export PATH =" / home / user / .node / lib / node_modules / bower / bin: $ PATH "
which is the verge / grunt outputs nothing
hourly command on your system path. This can be achieved by running
npm install -g grunt-cli , which may require root privileges depending on your setup.
package.json file. Under the
devDependencies section, the package of your project will install a specific version of Grunt.js described in Jason. This file is used by nodes, so that they can describe project development and deployment dependencies.
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