node.js - Bower, Grunt on Ubuntu 12.04 - command not found -

I have spook and knock on my machine, but none of this works. I get the : command not found for both.

I have kept the path to bower and grunt .bash_profile file, such as:
export PATH = "/ home / user / .node / lib / node_modules / grunt-cli / bin: $ PATH "
Export PATH =" / home / user / .node / lib / node_modules / bower / bin: $ PATH "

It seems that The packages are installed properly but they are not found.

NMM and node home / user /. Node and located at home /user/.npm directory Is this the right place for this?

which is the verge / grunt outputs nothing

bus To set up the environment on a new machine, this one had to remind itself. According to

, two steps are needed to set up the Grant.JS Task Runner on a given project:

  1. You On installed only 'Grunt-to-Grin' command line interface will put the hourly command on your system path. This can be achieved by running npm install -g grunt-cli , which may require root privileges depending on your setup.

  2. Set the appropriate locally grunt task runner. This is achieved by adding install npm after adding the desired version of GrantJ to your project's package.json file. Under the devDependencies section, the package of your project will install a specific version of Grunt.js described in Jason. This file is used by nodes, so that they can describe project development and deployment dependencies.


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