
Showing posts from July, 2015

Gulp Task for Django runserver -

I am trying to create an action to start my Django backend. I took a lot of time to solve them Search correctly to activate virtual environment stdout Get the runerver for output I've put together a solution to search for hours. I hope this will save a lot of time and frustration Below are fiction works, coffeescript Written in, the Django backend will begin: exec = requires ('child_process'). Exec gulp.task 'service: backend', - & gt; Proc = exec 'Source Bin / Active; PYTHONUNBUFFERED = 1 ./ driver 'proc.stderr.on' data ', (data) - & gt; Process.stdout.write data proc.stdout.on 'data', (data) - & gt; Process.stdout.write data You can run the job with Bulk Service: Backend Note: You will not need to install any node package, built in child_process. Use the parameter instead of span to be able to run multiple commands in one call Not only stdout but stderr handle as well or you ...

javascript - Node.js Connection mongodb using mongoclient -

In the node JS I just wanted to write some external method that gets the data from the mongode and returns it back to In this I used the MongoClient.js module to interact with the mongodb . But the problem is that when the external method is called, this database returns the value before completing the connection method execution. Here I have to hold my Return Statement only till the mongodb.connect method was completed. What to do? Here my code is, service.js var employee = requirement ('./ model / employeeService.js'); Var json = employee .getUser (employee ID); Employee service works as a model, which interacts with the database and returns the data to service.js where our web services are written and this user responds to. employeeService .js export.getUser = function (employee ID) {var json = []; MongoClient.connect (db.getdbUrl), function (mistake, db) {if (err) {json = err;} else {document = (employeeId)? {_ Id: employeeId}: {}; Db.collection (...

stack memory layout in C -

I try to understand the stack memory layout in C by compiling the following code and inspecting the address in GDB. I only record at least important points, the higher one is equal to the output print \ u & amp; A is generated using a Here is a simple test code: zero test (int a, int b) {int c = a ; Int d = b; Printf ("% d,% d \ n", c, d); } Int main () {int x = 1; Int y = 2; Test (x, y); Return 0; } I have the following results, and B: 6808 and A: 6812 & Amp; Amp; C: 6824 & amp; D: 6828 $ rbp: 6832 (frame indicator). I am confused with regard to local variables, the parameters should not work sitting on the high memory address, can anyone explain this in detail? Thank you. Edit: If I print the memory like this: printf ("& amp; a:% p, & amp; b:% p \ n ", (& Amp; amp; nbsp;), (and b)); Printf ("& amp; c:% p, & d:% p \ n", (& amp; c), (& amp; D)); I found & amp; A: 0x7fff4737687c, ...

c++ - Recursive solution for detecting negatives? -

I am writing a program that detects the number of negatives in a stack. The first snippet of code below gets the goal (I think) lightly. I am just trying to achieve the same goal. The second is the snippet I have done so far .. but I am unable to work it successfully. int negcount = 0; While (mystack.size ()> 0) {if ( () & lt; 0) {negcount ++; } Mystack.pop (); } It is that I tried to make the function recursive. Of course there is something wrong with the loop method but I am not sure whether .. size_t r_approach (stack my_stack) {int cnt = 0; While (mystack.size ()> 0) {if ( ()> = 0) {cout & lt; & Lt; "Nothing" & lt; & Lt; Endl; Mystack.pop (); } Else {cnt ++; Mystack.pop (); R_approach (mystack); }} Cout & lt; & Lt; CNT & LT; & Lt; Endl; } If your solution pretends to be recurring, while loop? You should not be repeated using the recursive: size_t r_approach (stack & lt; int &...

ruby on rails 4 - How to pass arguments to mina deploy tool -

We're using to deploy our Rails4 app after switching from Capistrano, we can do the cap cap production deploy: invoke task = "namespace: taskname" Where to start the work was a custom deployment task that used to argue to execute a specific rake function on a given environment. How to pass the argument to Mina to run the specified rack work? So far I have noticed that the nearest Meena = deployed for the harassment in Mina is. I am looking for the name of the name of the Mena names: The action name is which will have a CD in the current directory / current directory and a bundle app rake name space: function name . It seems quite simple, what am I missing? Edit as suggested by Guy Teube in /config/deploy.rb now set: work, env [' TASK '] Set: On, "# {deploy_to} / On" desc "Invites a Rocket" Work: Inococo => : Environmental queue "CD # {current} & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; bundle # [task}" end is runni...

javascript - play/pause gif with mouse event -

I have an image format GIF in my web page. I want to go with the mouse to play the animation on any image. And as long as the mouse is still there, it stays on the last frame and when the mouse comes back in the original image. Can anyone help? Something like this: HTML & Lt; Div id = "picture" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "img img1" & gt; & Lt; Img data-gif_src = "" src = " -0F44CB3D00000578-206_468x331.jpg "/> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; CSS #images .img {width: 200px; Height: 150px; } #images .img img {width: 200px; Height: auto; } JS $ ('# images .img img'). Mousecenter (function () {$ (this) .data ('img_src' $ (this) .attr ('src')); $ (this) .attr ('src', $ (this) .data ('gif_src' ));}) MouseLove (function () {$ (th...

python 2.7 - Extend every single string in a list with punctuation -

I have a long list like: ['this', 'hello' 'Good', ...] Now I want a new list that looks: ['this',' this. ',' Hello, 'hello', 'hello', 'hello', 'hello!', 'Hello:', 'good', 'this', 'this', 'it:', 'hello', 'hello' Good ', ...] So I want to add a punctuation mark to each word. Is this also possible? This would be an easy way: Nihilist = [] old list For items in: newlist.append (item) newlist.append (item + '.') Newlist.append (item + ',') newlist.append (item + '?') Newlist.append (item + '!' 'Newlist.append (item +': ') slightly shorter: adds nilist = [] = [' ',', ', To be added to the list: newlist.append (item + plus) or as an understanding of the list: '.', '!', ':' adds = ['', ',', '.', '?', '!...

python - Redirect to home page with arguments after submiting form in django -

I am trying to add the details of students, who are Django & amp; When submitting the 'Post' method I save the details in my 'Pie' file. After that I want to redirect to home page return to render_to_response ("home.html", {"edit": 0, "msg": 'saved') , Context_instance = RequestContext (request)) But on every refresh of the home page it will insert the data into the table, then I tried to use "HTTPRPSPoint Redirect", but passed this argument Will not support it. How can I solve it? stud = student (name = request.POST ['studname']) () return render_to_response (" student.html ", {" edit ":" msg ": 'saved'}, context_instance = RequestContext (request) code> & lt; form id = "AddForm" name = "addForm" action = "" method = 'post' '& lt; table & gt; & lt; tr & gt; & lt; td ...

.net - Lucene.Net Highlight Not Working -

I'm trying to highlight words on search results. I am using Umbraco and Lucene.Net I have installed Lucene.Net Contrib with NuGet and its version is - Before installation, version was installed. After the installation, the Lucene.Net.Contrib.Highlighter has also been added to the 'reference' but I can not declare it as a Lucene.Net.Contrib.Highlighter or in a different way. Therefore, on some lines var is not working as Highlighter = Highlighter (Highlight Formor, FragmentScoker (Search Query, Highlight Field, Explorer)); Private Query Scoror FragmentCooser (String Services, String Highlighted, Index Finder Detector) {Query Query = GetlucinOuquoise (Suculize, HighFeed). Setup (Finder. Getined Excerpt ()); Return a new quiz (query); } Highlight format = new simple HTMLFormatter (" , "& lt; / strong> "); For the Highlighter, the simple HTMLformer and querosauror, I can find ... .. can not be found (what you are using ..) ...

ruby - Check if document key/id exists with Tire -

I am using tire gem as an elastic finder client. I have to know if there is any way to know whether the document with known ID exists in the index? Something like this: Tire. Axisists? {Index: 'myIndex', type: 'myType', id: 'myId'} Please try it, Tire :: configuration.client.get "# {Tire :: Configuration. Url} / My Index / MyTit / Mide? Beautiful" If the document exists in the document then returns the document with indexed properties or in the body of the reaction {"exists": wrong}

scala - How to use a type constraint with abstract type -

निम्न कोड को देखते हुए: विशेषता एस {प्रकार टी} मामला वर्ग ए (टी : Seq [String]) S {type T = Seq [String]} का विस्तार करता है मुझे इस संकलन की गलती नहीं है: ऐसा लगता है कि सबूत नहीं है। def च [एस एंड एलटी:: ए, एक्स] (जी: = & gt; सीक [एक्स]) (अंतर्निहित ईव: एस # टी =: = सैक [एक्स]) = नया ए (जी) & lt; कंसोल>; 50: त्रुटि: प्रकार बेमेल; पाया: Seq [X] की आवश्यकता: Seq [स्ट्रिंग] डीईएफ़ च [एस & LT;: एक, X] (छ: = & gt; Seq [X]) (निहित EV: एस # टी =: = Seq [X]) नई = ए (जी) यह कैसे मूर्ख लग सकता है, =: = ऑपेरेंड इस मुद्दे को हल करता है डीफ़ एफ [एस एंड एलटी;: ए, एक्स] (जी: = & gt; सीईसी [एक्स]) (असल ev: SEQ [X ] =: = एस # टी) = नया ए (जी) धन्यवाद, स्केलैक। स्पष्टीकरण जब आप कहते हैं अंतर्निहित उत्प्रवास एस # टी =: = सैक [एक्स] , संकलक S # T से Seq [X] से एक अंतर्निहित रूपांतरण प्रदान करता है। हालांकि यह सेक् [एक्स] से एस # टी के बराबर रूपांतरण प्रदान नहीं करता है, और यह मूर्खतापूर्ण हिस्सा है: समानता को कम्यूटेट करने वाला नहीं है? यह...

ios - Use single datePicker to validate dates on multiple UITextFields (i.e. fromDate < toDate) -

मैं एकाधिक UITextFields पर एक एकल UIDatePicker का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। जब कोई UITextField टैप किया जाता है, तो यह UIDatePicker कॉल करता है और पाठ को अद्यतन करता है क्योंकि पिकर स्क्रॉल होता है यह सब ठीक काम करता है, हालांकि अब मैं कुछ मान्यताओं को करना चाहता हूं। मेरा UITextFields "से कार्यरत हैं" & amp; "नियोजित" करने के लिए, मुझे यह जांचने की आवश्यकता है कि "से" फ़ील्ड हमेशा "to" क्षेत्र से कम होता है (यानी कोई व्यक्ति नियोजित नहीं किया जा सकता है 1 99 0, TO 1990)। यह मेरा कोड है जो एक डिफ़ॉल्ट तिथि सेट करता है और प्रत्येक UITextField के लिए इनपुट दृश्य सेट करता है: - (शून्य) datePickerTextField {// ओपन डेट पिकर जब टेक्स्टफील्ड को यूआईडीटपीकर * टेप किया जाता है * तारीख पिक्चर = [[यूआईडीएटपीकर एलोक] इनट]; DatePicker.datePickerMode = UIDatePickerModeDate; // सेट करें डिफ़ॉल्ट तिथि NSCalendar * calendar = [[एनएससीएल्लेंडर एलोक] initWithCalendarIdentifier: NSGregorianCalendar]; NSDateComponents * घटक = [[NSDateComponents...

android - How to search only in several fragments from ActionBar? -

Recently I've added a tool to search inside the pieces. Some pieces have a list view, so when a user If a search typed the text, then a list view filtered rows. After this, it is done with the ActionBar. I have added listeners to several main activities, so when a user writes a text at the top of the screen, it filters rows into one piece. But there is no need to find anything in other pieces, so a magnifying glass is hidden. However, Talac is drawn on each screen . . I did not even try to show it in the activity and only attracted only one piece with this code: @Orreide Public Zero Copyright menu (Menu menu, Inflatable inflater) {inflater. Inflate (R. menu menu_invitro, menu); Menu.clear (); // SearchView SearchView searchView = (SearchView) menu.findItem ( with associate searchable configuration .getActionView (); SearchManager searchManager = (SearchManager) getActivity (). GetSystemService (Reference.Search_SERVICE); SearchView.setSearchableInfo (s...

javascript - Find element by data attributes that use "|" as separators -

HTML मार्कअप: & lt; div डेटा-आईडी = '23 | 24 | 25 '& gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div डेटा-आईडी = '29 | 30 | 31 '& gt; & lt; / div & gt; स्क्रिप्ट: var सरणी = [{"मध्य": "24"}, {"मध्य": "26"}, {"मध्य ":" 28 "}, {" मध्य ":" 29 "}, {" मध्य ":" 30 "}, {" मध्य ":" 31 "}]; Var item_html = ""; $ .each (एरे, फ़ंक्शन (आई, कश्मीर) {item_html = '& lt; h3 & gt;' + [["mid"] + '& lt; / h3 & gt;'; $ ('div [डेटा-आईडी =' '+ k ["मध्य"] + '"')। अनुलग्नक (आइटम_हेलेट); ???????????}); क्या "तत्व" का भाग यदि div तत्व को खोजना संभव होगा? डेटा-आईडी में मध्य मेल खाता है? मैं इस तरह एक आउटपुट प्राप्त करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं: & lt; div डेटा-आईडी = '23 | 24 | 25' & gt; & LT; h3 & gt; 24 & lt; / h3 ...

visual studio 2013 - Send notification to be received on TFS Get Latest Version -

We are using TFS on Visual Studio 2013. When our developers receive the latest version (GLV) and a new DB script file it is stored under a special folder to run using our custom update app. What I want is that, on a GLV, they get an information (in Visual Studio) that the new script is DB (Generally speaking, that a new file is under a certain path Has been added) to update. Is there any way to get it with TFS? You can write a newest studio extension, which can be triggered on Get latest, You will have to roll it in control, all your developers have to either store the lookup path to the center or replace the app again if the look path has changed. Alternatively you can add bat / power shield scripts to your source control. Within this script you can get the latest and run any script you want to run. Then you will run developers to get the latest with this script and then run it, which will get the rest of the files and run the DB script.

javascript - Coalesce / defer multiple child scope $apply calls -

In my app, I'm getting data through an HTTP channel that is done in a custom way. I am making some [data] objects from the pipes, wrap them in a scope. $ New (true) and when I receive an updated call childScope. $ () Apply to set new properties. It works well for light weight, all the informers are informed and actually running without any problems or mashed updates. Now I am trying to push a lot of updates and do not know if the pattern is the way to use the above, I think (though not checked) that every call applies $ Are called digest in the area of ​​the root and I want to collect it at the browser cycle or ~ 50 min intervals. Currently, whenever I get ~ 100 updates on 5000 objects / scope, it kills the browser. I have noticed that Angel Docks says that the $ application of each scope has an AASC method, but I have not found it anywhere, it is essentially what will happen after I am. Is this a bad idea and performance is already good enough? Should I implement my ow...

matlab - generate sinusoidal model with time varying frequency -

I would like to create sinusoidal time series over time, such as changing such occurrences. We have an overview time of 2.93 seconds, for 0 to 1 second, I want to create sinusoidal data in the additive of white noise with a set of weirs, while in the second set of second frequencies of 1 to 2.93 seconds, its I wrote the following code for % frequency FS = 100 non-constant signal with different time; Sample frequency ts = 1 / fs; T = (0: ts: 2.93); % Time vector% I want to make a signal that is included in the sinusoid components in the infected% of the white noise, in the form of frequencies in X = 25 * sin (2 * pi * 23 * t (t 1)) + 26 * because (2 * pi * 17 * t (t> 1)) + 21 * sin (2 * pi * 29 * t (t> 1)) + 10 * randn (size (t)); Z = [X '; P ']; Plot (t ', z); but it shows me error + + should agree to the error in using matrix dimensions. Error + 20 * cos (2 * pi * 24 * t (t Where do I have a wrong dimension? Even after the fixing of this problem, does...

Launch Java application in new process -

I have a Java application that I launch with "ant mep" now that I want the application itself To copy, that is, a new process is started in new processes. I know that it is a process builder or runtime. Should be done with XAC (). If I only processbilder or runtime Calling in XAC ('Ant map'), it will launch a new JVM and run it in a separate process. Is it true? But I have also heard that it is possible to run the application in a new process, but in the same JVM. How can I do this? If I do not have a new JVM, then less memory is consumed but if the new process is going on in the same JVM, what are the harm? I have multiple socket connections from one server in the application. Maybe it is a problem when new JVM is not created? look at the executables service . You can pool them, set timeouts, etc. For socket, memory, cpu: You need your app profile to make sure that you are using finite resources properly This is true for all Java applications. Can...

hibernate - Unneccessary database changeSet related to boolean after grails 2.4.3 upgrade -

I am using the Postgradz database. After raising Grails 2.4.3 I get changes in this type of database for all the Bullying fields: changeSet (Author: "I (Generate)", id: "1383573084784- 1 ") {barriers (faucet:" wrong ")}}}} {addColumn (table name:" chapters ") {column (default value: true, name:" éfreemable ", type:" boolean " There is a boolean field in the iframe a domain code chapter . Even after running this migration, it is always generated by dbm-gorm-diff I have noticed that instead of the older versions of grails there Instead of bool in Boolean changes I Hibernate Version My solution for this: Config.groovy grails.gorm.default. Type mapping = {"user-type": my.hibernate.type.BooleanBitType, category: boolean "user-type" type: My.hibernate.type.BooleanBitType, class: boolean} import my.hibernate.type .descriptor.BooleanBitTypeDes...

.net - What is the C# equivalent code for C programming statement? -

सी प्रोग्रामिंग स्टेटमेंट के लिए समरूपता कोड क्या C # कोड> # परिभाषित xtime (x) ((x & lt; & lt; 1) ^ (((x> & gt; 7) और 1) * 0x1b)) चूंकि #define सी # में सी और सी ++ से भिन्न है, आपको इसके बजाय विधि कॉल का उपयोग करना चाहिए। निजी इंट xtime (int x) {वापसी (x & lt; & lt; 1) ^ ((x & gt; & gt; 7) & 1) * 0x1b); }

Dynamic SQL Server stored procedure with table name as input param -

मेरे पास निम्न संग्रहीत कार्यप्रणाली है CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo]। [Insert] @ सेवा varchar (max), @TableName varchar (100), @query varchar (250), varchar (max), @CreatedDate datetime, @ExpirationDate दिनांक के रूप में शुरुआत सेट NOCOUNT पर @Results; लेन-देन शुरू घोषणा @SQL NVARCHAR (मैक्स), @ParmDefinition NVARCHAR (मैक्स) घोषित @ q1 VARCHAR (मैक्स), @ rez1 VARCHAR (मैक्स), @ DATE1 DATETIME, @ DATE2 DATETIME घोषित @tablename VARCHAR (मैक्स) = @Service + ' । ' + @TableName सेट @SQL = N'if नहीं मौजूद है ( '+ @tablename +' से @q का चयन करें जहां क्वेरी = @q) '+ @tablename +' मूल्यों में डालने (@q, @rez, @ DATE1, @ DATE2 ) 'सेट @ParmDefinition = एन' @ क्ष varchar (max), @rez varchar (max), @ DATE1 datetime, @ DATE2 datetime 'निष्पादित sp_executesql - गतिशील T-SQL @SQL, @ParmDefinition, @q = @query, @rez = @Results, @ DATE1 = @CreatedDate, @ DATE2 = @ExpirationDate COMMIT TRANSACTION अंत जब मैं इसे निष्पादित करने के लिए प्रयास करते हैं, यह कुछ ...

c# - Some of the images are not coming after Publishing WPF application -

I have published my WPF application through the clickon publishing method. I ran the application on the client PC and I saw that some of my images are not visible eg I carefully looked at the background images of Windows and found out that a sample. JPG Photo is showing the image inside the container, which I have used for every record. Even for another image, it is still coming. The problem is that I can not understand why these two images are coming and not the background? While creating an application I have inserted all the images in a single folder and all the images are referenced from this only single folder. I have my project & gt; BIN folder files are also tried by copying the client machine and yes, all the images have been properly loaded without problems. The problem is only coming in the publication version of my application. Can anyone help me in this? Any settings should I take care of while deploying the application? Or should I be taken to any specific ...

php - yii set criteria params names manual -

जब मैं मापदंड निर्धारित करता हूँ: $ मानदंड-> addInCondition ('t.type ', array_values ​​($ पैरामीटर [': प्रकार '])); मुझे मिल रहा है: और (t.type IN (: ycp4,: ycp5,: ycp6)) मैं चाहता हूं कि और (टी प्रकार टाइप करें (: टाइप 1,: टाइप 2,: टाइप 3)) पैरामीटर जेनरेट करने के लिए स्वचालित रूप से नहीं, लेकिन $ params = array ('') का उपयोग करें

syntax - Location of parenthesis for auto-executing anonymous JavaScript functions? -

I was recently comparing the version in my project and saw the difference in the expression of the function. Created and self executed. (function () {// code here}) (); But now it wraps automatically execute the function into brackets. (function () {// code here} ()); The accepted answer to the comment by CMS is both: (function () {}) (); and (function () {} ()); is valid. ??? ??? I was wondering what is the difference? Has the former taken a global, anonymous function except memory? Where should the bracket be located? They are virtually identical. First creates brackets near a function so that it is a valid expression and it is invited. The outcome of the expression is undefined. Performs another function and automatically creates brackets around the invitation, it creates a valid expression, it also evaluates to undefined. I do not think there is a "right" way of doing this, because the result of expression is the same. & gt; () (...

php - Magento edit form fieldset - get value of select dropdown into a label -

I am working on an edit screen for my grid line I am the same I have for this form so far : & lt; php class Intellibi_Integration_Block_Adminhtml_Manageasendiapickinglists_Edit_Tab_Form extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Form {protected function _prepareForm () {$ form = new Varien_Data_Form (); $ This- & gt; SetForm ($ form); $ Fieldset = $ form- & gt; addFieldset ( 'integration_form', array ( 'Legend' = & gt; Mage :: helper ( 'integration') - & gt; __ ( 'Asenda Pickup Information')); $ Fieldset- & gt; addField ( 'ORDER_NUMBER', 'Label', array ('label' = & gt; Dana :: helper ('integration') - & gt; __ ('order number'), 'name' = & gt; 'serial number')); // Suspended $ fieldset- & gt; addField ('pick_status', 'select', array ('required' = & gt; wrong, 'class' = & gt; 'required-entry', 'label' = ...

content management system - How to display a snippet of a field in Expression Engine -

Text after " Where a user can add news articles I have a news section on my e website. 3 Last added articles will be displayed on the homepage with a news title, date and news body copy. Here's my code: & lt; Ul & gt; {Exp: Channel: Entry channel = "News" condition = "Featured | Open" disable = "catergories | Member_data | pagination" limit = "3"} li> & Lt; H3 & gt; & Lt; A href = "{title_permalink = Site / News"} "& gt; {title} & lt; h4 & gt; to date & lt; / H4 & gt; & lt; p & gt; {body} & lt; / p & gt; & lt; / li & gt; {/ exp: Channel: Entries} & lt; / ul & gt; take a look at the EE documentation section. I think "four boundaries" will be what you want to do, alternatively look at the "word boundary". Use the kind so much: {exp: char_limit total = "100"} {body} {/ exp: char_limit}

python - How to dynamically create where clauses given a list of parameters? -

Would it be possible to dynamically add filters to a given PEVB selection statement? Instead of an example: table. Selection () Paginated (page, ENTRY_PER_PAGE). Where ((Table.Base == Base1) & amp; (table .base == base2) & amp; ... I have a list I say, and it filters in content in that list : list = [base1, base2, base3 ...] table. Selection () Paginated (page, ENTRY_PER_PAGE). Where ((Table.Base == contentfromlist)) you (Python 3.x ): & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import operator & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Reduce (operator.most, [2, 3, 5]) 30> and gt; & Gt; Generator expression: with base_list = [base1, base2, base3] table. 3 * 5 30 table. Selection () Paginated (page, operator. And _ (instead of ) (operator.and, code> operator .__ and __ ), if you need to express a more complex expression, you can also use it: ... reduce (lambda a, b : A and B, (table.base == b in base_list b)) ...

regex - Outputting special characters correctly (unicode) in PERL -

I'm trying to find all the file names in the directory and determine which names are special characters. I use regex / [^ - a-zA-Z0- 9 _.] / sample files (I created using Touch) I am: pdf-2014a 014 and 7_06_64-os_o and l, _Inc.Pdf pdf-20_06_04-O_OnLine, _Inc.PDF pdf-20_0_0-Utà _d.wr.pdf pdf-20_12_28 -20.Mga_Grf Fwd_Notice_KDJFI789 & amp; _JFK38.pdf pdf-2_0_0-C_â ???? _DUKE.pdf pdf-2_1_3-f_s-M_F_D and A.pdf pdf _-_ 401014 and 1007_0617_06264 -O_O and L, _Inc. PDF could produce the correct name before matching the name of the pattern in regex. Yes, Pearl was able to match the special character in any way, but when the character changes Come on. * pdf-2_0_0-c_a ???? _dukem.pdf & gt; Pdf-2_0_0-c _ _ _ _ DUKE.pdf I can try to adopt this line # binmode (STDOUT, ": Utf8 "); And then run the command script. Sure? The points will be removed but the output will also be different. * pdf-2_0_0-c_a ???? _dukem.pdf & gt; Pdf-2_0_0-C_à ¢ _DUKE.pdf...

javascript - Array.prototype.concat() under the hood -

How can I see what code inside the function concat? How does it do that? Does anyone have a copy of the passport or is there a way to view it in the browser console? Console fear does not give me access to previous console.dir (Array .prototype.concat); Function concat () {[native code}} logic: zero collar: faucet length: 1 name: "concat" __proto__: function below () {} & lt; Function scope & gt; I do not know how to monitor it but there should be a way to dig in javascript functions array comes with javascript, so it depends on your javascript engine how it applies. JS engine is free to implement it in any way. The possibility is that it does not use Javascript because it can be slow or not possible because you will need a JavaScript engine with that feature that you are trying to implement to implement it (). In most browsers, code javascript functions are implemented in C / C ++ Here is an example of the browser's Chrome / Chromium family s...

html - Add 2 Images To One Controlling -

I have a & lt; Div & gt; is that I would like to display 2 images. First of all, set one set to the left to the left and the other to the lower right. Ideally I would call it & lt; Div & gt; so that the content settles in it and goes to the images. I have managed to get the left image above, but I did not understand how to go down. My CSS .tab-content & gt; .tab-pane, .pill-content & gt; .pill-panel {display: none; Background-image: url ("../ images / brand / quotationOpen.JPG"); Repeat Background: No Repetition; Padding-top: 50px; Padding-left: 25px; } My HTML is & lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-md-12" & gt; & Lt; Ul class = "nav nav-gp col-sm-3 col-md-4" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "# intelligent" data-toggle = "tablet" & gt; Intelligent & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; ...

javascript - Long UL list in DIV, auto scroll to LI element -

I have such a strange problem, I have a div _inputHelper // Fixed height (200 pixels) Very long, too long ; Ul & gt; In the list (about 200 elements) and I would like to scroll using jQuery in some & lt; Li & gt; , but the problem is, when I scroll the whole list like this: $ (_inputHelper.find ('ul')) .met ({top: -1 * ($ (_ It). Position () top - $ (_ it). (())}, 200); _this is a light element that I would like to scroll down to , But I can not scroll the list using the mouse, here's a printer screen to be more accurate: I think I can scroll incorrectly, but I also tried scroll tap / margin-top and also And it still does not work. Some tests: Any help? Depending on your Bela, please give it to you scrollTop , try it: $ ('Input-Assistant'). Animate ({scrollTop: $ ("# test"). Position (). Top,}, 200); In your code, you are simply moving the ul element and then the original Out of view; Now wit...

ios - A smart way to configure custom cells on table load-up? -

I have a table view with about 5 different custom cells, which are designed in the storyboard. Each of these cells has its own dedicated subclass of UITableViewCell . cellForRowAtIndexPath , I dequeue cells: UITableViewCell * cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: self.cellArray [indexPath.row] forIndexPath: indexPath]; The problem now is, I want to call configureCell for each of these cells have declared this method in my other custom cell classes and implemented but the problem is that XCode throws up a warning when I do these cells with respect to not put in their respective classes in the cells, because XCode UITableViewCell cells. It is possible to cast each cell type individually, but with lots of if and else if lines, what is verbose do A clever way, maybe a method configureCell ? Of course, more flexible than I think this sub-Clasing with a protocol, but It depends on the words of each cell class, and you can always mix and match in b...

javascript - Open modal pop-up using custombox.js in Meteor -

How can I open a model pop-up using custombox .js plugin? It works well on my non-meteor page and now I do not seem to render it. I think that in the custom box Jn's funnel prototype is because I get an undefined function error. I tried with it because it applies in a layout of the layout (feeds item, which in turn is a substate of the feed). Code means opening a model pop-up with more information about a news post. HTML code for hyperlinks, where the model pop-up will open when clicked: & lt; A href = "# modal" class = "list-group-item" id = "flip" & gt; Read more & lt; / A & gt; and html to open in the form of a modal pop-up (there will be an event later onclick later): ({'click #flip': function (e) {var flip_position = ['vertical', 'horizontal']; $ .fn .custombox (this, {effect: 'flip', position: flip_position [math.flur ((math.rendum) * 2))]}); E.preventDe...

osx - Remove heroku toolbelt on OS X -

I have encountered some problems with a Heroku plugin and want to uninstall / restore Haroku Toolbelt . , But no instructions on how to do it can not be found. Reading in your repository, it does not seem to be in any official way. Here's an alternative solution: rm -rf ~ / .heroku sudo rm -rf / usr / local / heroku / usr / bin / heroku

curl - accept payment in paypal from credit card php -

I wanted to accept payment from my store on my store and I did not have to go to PayPal using curl Use tokens but how can I use the code below I think this is the code that I should use for payment. Curl-V \ -H 'Content-Type: Application / Jason' \ -H 'Authority: Bearer { AccessToken} '\ "," redirect_urls ": {" return_url ":" http: // to return here return "," cancel_url ":" http: // " "{Credit}": "credit card"}, "transaction": [{"amount": {"total": "7.47", "currency") and / or cancellation url here & gt; "}" payer ": {" payment_method " : "USD"}, "Description": "This is the transaction transaction statement."}]} '' I would like to use it in curl and pay by sending data to PayPal and J A trick is required to get in the S...

generate random number in a range c++ -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 जवाब मैं ncurses का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ एक खेल बनाने के लिए पुस्तकालय मुझे सही यादृच्छिक संख्या उत्पन्न करने में समस्या आ रही है। जबकि नीचे लूप को यादृच्छिक संख्या उत्पन्न करने की आवश्यकता होती है जब तक कि वे 1 से 45 के बीच न हों (यह मानक स्क्रीन पर मेरी y- अक्ष सीमाएं है)। मैं समझ नहीं सकता कि मैं क्या कर रहा हूं क्योंकि चूंकि लूप की स्थिति मेरे लिए ठीक लगती है समस्या यह है कि जब लूप अनन्त रूप से चलना शुरू होता है मैं कुछ भी नहीं कर रहा हूं, लेकिन अंत में उत्पन्न संख्याओं को छपाई कर रहा हूं क्योंकि मुझे यह देखना है कि सही संख्याएं उत्पन्न होती हैं। क्या कोई मुझे इस समस्या से मदद कर सकता है? निम्नलिखित मेरा int मुख्य है int main () {int r, c, x = 0; initscr (); कच्चा(); कीपैड (एसटीएससीआर, सच); noecho (); // mvprintw (22,45, "& LT;"); getmaxyx (stdscr, आर, ग); इंट एन, एन 2 = 0; जबकि ((n & lt; 1) || (n & gt; 45)) {srand (समय (नल)); N = रैंड (); Srand (समय (नल)); N2 = रैंड (); } Mvprintw (4,10, "प्रथम रैंडम संख्...

navigation - Dynamic Nav-pills to show Tab-content in Bootstrap -

I have makes dynamic navigation are functions that a Web page I have a problem when I top nav Clicking on the buttons then it works. This is the problem as I know that you can use the ID only once. Thanks in advance, how can I use classes instead of ID to make sure? Any questions, just comment and I will answer in a moment. code: Function Print Comments ($ Connections) {foreach ($ amb as $ key = & Gt; $ a) {& lt; Ul class = "amb_tool nav nav-bullets list-inline amb_tool_pill" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Data-toggle = "tablet" href = "# amb_info" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Data-Toggle = "Tablet" href = "#_Mb_Iim" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "glyphicon glyphicon-comment" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / A &...

javascript - Properly containing draggable markers on videojs player -

I am working with javascript and videos and am relatively new to front-growth. I am currently working on a project where I want to allow users to specify points in a video through the use of dragable markers on the search of videos. I found the Video Marker Library from here: and made a simple amendment in my createmakers () function to create a dragable marker instead of a permanent marker. create the function () {// markers term duration, m, pause, text; Console.log ("[Video-marker] Marker"); Period = Player. Period (); $ .each (options.marker_breaks, function (key, time) {pos = (time / duration) * 100; m = $ ("& lt; div class = 'vjs-marker' id = '" + key + "' & Gt; & lt; / div & gt; "); m.css (settings.marker style) .css ({" margin-left ": -perseflat (m.css (" width ")) / 2 + 'px ',' Left ': pos +'% '}); // Start my additional meeting m.draggable ({containment:' .vjs-...

vbscript windows xp warning message based on date -

I have a script of Windows XP that checks the files "date modified" because they are opened and Users can not have an extension in a warning message file when matching the date between 1/11/11 to 7/15/14, an .pm5 extension, one. NC Extensions Or Drl extensions can be. I'm not worried about any other file extension. How did I create a .vbs windows message box, got help, how did I check the revised date, but no files were checked with the listed extension being opened And giving a warning message. Thank you to all The script has a feature for this, so you have a fountain object Using a program is required. You can create a program with Notepad on your computer here for the principal see here. You can turn on auditing files, set folders to audit files (note two steps to perform some audits) A security event will be written in the event log. Task Scheduler can run the work based on event log messages.

algorithm - Fast way to find strings in set of strings containing substring -

कार्य मेरे पास एस का n = 10,000,000 स्ट्रिंग s और s p स्ट्रिंग वाले s को खोजने की आवश्यकता है S एस में पी . सरल समाधान जैसा कि मैंने सी # का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ यह है LINQ का उपयोग करने वाला एक साधारण कार्य: स्ट्रिंग [] S = new string [] {"हैलो", "विश्व"}; स्ट्रिंग पी = "ll"; IEnumerable & LT; स्ट्रिंग & gt; S_p = S.Where (s => s.Contains (पी)); समस्या यदि एस में कई स्ट्रिंग्स हैं (जैसे कि 10,000,000 स्ट्रिंग उल्लिखित हैं) यह बहुत धीमी गति से हो जाता है. प्रश्न पी H1> इस कार्य के लिए एस सूचकांक का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है और क्या आपके पास सी # में कोई क्रियान्वयन है? इसे करने का एक तरीका है: Portuguese 1. एक स्ट्रिंग T = S [ 0] + sep_0 + S [1] + sep_1 + ... + बनाएँ. एस [एन -1] + सेप_एन -1 (जहां सेप_आई एक अनूठा चरित्र है जो कभी भी S [j] में j (यह वास्तव में एक पूर्णांक संख्या हो सकता है अगर पात्रों का सेट बड़ा नहीं है). 2. प्रत्येक प्रत्यय पेड़ बनाएं (यह रैखिक समय में किया जा सक...

Twig - How to loop particular number of times -

I need to generate the link some time (stored in int variables). Is there a way to do this? Toggle to loop? {%} Some data {% endfor%} for the above example {number for iFLoops%} {{i}} do not work . I googled it but did not get the actual solution Edit: I also tried: {% set k = 10%} {% i in 0 ..k %} {% I} {I}} {% endfor%} but it generates an exception: com.lyncode.jtwig Exception.ParseException: Incorrect binary operation syntax explanation: input status (line 15, paus 27): {% for i in .... k%} ^ I found an example of work: {% set k = 10%} {% i in category (1, k) %} {{I}} {% Endfor%} Source: (Was To find and not very comfortable).

large number of Channels Kafka -

I was wondering if there is a limit to kafa or starts at a slow pace (due to GC or other reasons) We have a large number of channels. We have a large amount of data that we will send through Kafka (more than 2b data points). We were thinking of launching around 1600 channels. Do we have such a large channel in Kaffa when it comes to any issue? Similarly, are you getting problems with the local DC replication with a large number of channels and in the end, if we are using mirrmakers for DC replication with such a large number of channels in the near future There are no signals on the number of topics only in the KPKK. However, as long as possible Store information about the subject in the Oyster (// broker / subjects /), and Zukipar has a maximum limit of 1 MB on the node size, there can be only a limited number of topics, besides Kafka Broker / var / kafka Store data for different topics in / data / if there are too many sub-players in / var / kafka / data / then the ...

actionscript 3 - Fixing Flash error 1046 against SoundEvent -

I do some minor graphical editing after an old one. Trying to publish Flala (I'm not the author), but the complainant is reporting: 1046: The type was not found or was not compiled at a compile-time: Voice Event . This source tells me: Private function volume handler (EVT: sound event): zero {this.soundTransform = evt.soundTransform; } Here is the sum of the source: I'm a little bit on my head here, any help would be appreciated. import import. Video. SoundEvent; is not defined in sdk ... I think that you use some library and it does not import into your project ...

c# - Cannot find Front, Back Camera in windows 8.1 store app -

I have developed the windows 8.1 store app, it needs to capture the photo using the camera and post. MediaCaptureInitializationSettings _captureSettings = new var devices = Wait for the device information. FindAllSync (DeviceClass.VideoCapture); Forward (different devices in device) {if (device.EnclosureLocation! = Null & amp; Device.EnclosureLocation.Panel == Windows.Devices.Enumeration.Panel.Back) {deviceId = device.Id; break; }} If (! String.IsNullOrEmpty (deviceId)) {_captureSettings.AudioDeviceId = ""; _captureSettings.VideoDeviceId = deviceId; . _captureSettings.StreamingCaptureMode = Windows.Media.Capture.StreamingCaptureMode.Video; } CaptureManager = New MediaCapture (); Wait for the manager to catch up. The initial aisin (_captureSettings); Manage Capture Manager. Clean Effix Sink (MediaStreamTip Photo); CapturePrint1 Source = capture manager; Wait for the Capture Manager. StartProSync (); & Lt; / Code & gt; Here I am getting two devices but thi...

How to loop in powershell where loop value is combination of string and variable -

$ a1 = match-content-path "file path a1" $ B1 = get-content-path " File path B1 "$ A2 = match-content-path" file path A2 "$ b2 = find-content-path" file path B2 "$ A3 = find-content-path" file path A3 " $ B3 = get-content-path "file path B3" # I want to select AI and BE in every loop ($ i-5 5) {foreach ("$ 1" here in $ 1) {$ Found = $ false foreach ($ line2 in "what to do")) {if ($ line1 -q $ line2) {write-host "do something"}} I wanna knowWhat I should do is "what to do here," so that a) first loop select a1 and b1 files, b) select the second loop A2 and B2 files and similarly Hello, The code below is taking too long to print big files, what is different in each file Can you suggest some customization? $ i = 1 while ($ i -le 7) {$ t1 = Get-content -Path $ (($ oldpath) + ($ (Get-Variable) "F $ i" ).) + ($ Format) $ t2 = Get-content -Path $ (($ NEWpath) + ($ (Get-V...

matplotlib - python: how to make a histogramm with given bins and binned data -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मैं एक पिंडन के साथ बिन्दु डेटा के साथ हिस्टोग्राम, लेकिन मुझे पता नहीं था कि कैसे एक बना सकता है मुझे कोई दस्तावेज नहीं मिला (या मैं गलत हो गया), लेकिन मैंने इसे करने की कोशिश की है: पीएलबी ए = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] के रूप में आयात करें। # मेरे हिस्टोग्राम bins b = [1, 4, 6, 1, 3, 7] # मेरे डेटा plb.hist (b, bins = a) () और संबंधित विकल्प, और निश्चित रूप से यह काम नहीं करता है ... आपके द्वारा दिया जाने वाला उदाहरण सिर्फ ठीक पर चलता है मेरे पीसी, यह बहुत अच्छा नहीं लग रहा है प्रदान की। व्यंजनों की खोज के लिए एक अच्छी जगह आम आलेखें मटप्ललिब की गैलरी है: यदि आप फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करने वाले तर्कों के बारे में अधिक जानकारी प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं, तो आप दस्तावेज़ पर एक नज़र डाल सकते हैं () यदि आप उस गैलरी पर नज़र डालें और हिस्टोग्राम की खोज करें, तो आपको यह उदाहरण मिलेगा आपकी ज़रूरतों को फिट करता है:

uinavigationcontroller - How to jump to any other controller in iOS? -

मेरा स्टोरीबोर्ड संरचना समान है: ए नेविगेशन नियंत्रक बी टैबलेट नियंत्रक है सी, डी, ई दृश्य नियंत्रक हैं एफ, जी, एच, आई, जे दृश्य नियंत्रक हैं अगर अब मैं पर हूँ, और एक बटन है जिसे मैं दबाया है तो मैं वापस सी जाता हूँ। ऐसा करने के लिए कैसे? मैंने I और C के बीच सेगू बनाने की कोशिश की, लेकिन सी में एक बैक बटन है, आपने इसे दबाया, तुम वापस आई। मुझे नहीं चाहिए। जब ​​मैं आई से सी तक आया तो मुझे सी चाहिए कि जैसा कि मैं पहले सी में आया हूं बी से अगर मैं हां से हां जाना चाहता हूं, तो मैं चाहता हूं कि एच में एक बैक बटन है जिसे आपने दबाया और आप एफ से वापस नहीं लौटे। मैं से सी करने के लिए:। popViewController दो बार करते हैं, या navigationController के viewcontrollers के माध्यम से लूप और सी, सी के लिए पॉप लगता है एच से मैं: प्रोग्राममैटिक रूप से I. को स्टोरीबोर्ड में एक स्टोरीबोर्ड आईडी सेट करता हूं I के लिए, और आप [स्टोरीबोर्ड इन्स्टिटियेट वीआईयूआई कंट्रोलरविथइडेन्टिफायर: आईडी] के माध्यम से एक उदाहरण बना सकते हैं;

javascript - How to prevent removal of a child? -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: var o = true; $ ('A # filter') क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {if (o) {$ ('। Heading')। ऐप ('\ & lt; div id = "fil" & gt; \ & lt; div class = "row "& Gt; \ & lt; div class =" span12 "& gt; \ & lt; div वर्ग =" सामग्री "शैली =" पैडिंग-नीचे: 0; मार्जिन-शीर्ष: 0 पिक्सेल; पाठ-संरेखण: केंद्र; न्यूनतम-ऊंचाई: 0 पिक्सेल; पृष्ठभूमि: -मोझ-रैखिक-ढाल (केंद्र शीर्ष, #fafafa 0%, # e9e9e9 100%) दोहराएँ स्क्रॉल 0 0 आरजीबीए (0, 0, 0, 0); पृष्ठभूमि: -वेबकिट-रैखिक-ढाल (ऊपर, #fafafa 0%, # ई 9 9 9 9% 100%); "& gt; \ & lt;? Php इको '& lt; a href =" "& gt; सभी & lt; / एक & gt; '$ अक्षरों;? & Gt; \ & lt; / div & gt; \ & lt; / div & gt; \ & lt; / div & gt; \ & lt; / div & gt;'); ओ = गलत; $ ('# cls')। Html ("एक ?? ²");} और {$ ('शीर्षक।'...

javascript - Html Code inside an tag, innerHTML doesnt return all the code -

I want all the code inside a pre-tag but internal HTML or jazzery: html () does not return all the code. Some things, where are cut, like methodology and head body tags, etc. When I alert the inside HTML of the #pre object, it only warns the developer to resolve it Is there any other possibility? If you really want to do this, use a script & lt; Script id = "pre" type = "text / template" & gt; & Lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; Asdfds & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; $ ('#team') text () .;

osx - Python filename change -

I have a lot of videos in my directory on my Mac, which have a specific string in the file name that I want Remove but I would like to keep the rest of the file name as it is. I'm running this dragon script from the terminal. I have this syntax but it does not seem to work, is it practical to use it? It seems that this is the best way to do this work, which is why I do not think it works. from OS import name, listdir text = "Remove some file name for files in x files" list = listdir ("/ users / admin / desktop / Dir_of_videos /") in some text I want : If the files in the text: os.rename (files, files. Location (text, "")) The problem is that when you are using listdir you get incomplete paths, basically, it only gives files in the directory without a prepaid path to the directory This should work : import os in_dir = './test' extract = 'hello' path = [os.path.join (in_dir, file) file in oslistdir (in_dir) if file in...

oracle - ORA-00942: table or view does not exist (ColdFusion application) -

I have a Cold Fusion 10 application with Oracle 11G backend. The production version works fine Recently, I had to refresh the test database from Oracle DBA production. Now, I do not have the ORA-00942: table or view error. All the tables are when I use the SQL plus and the question is going on well. What I have to check now is the loss in this, trace sends me the query which is running well in the SQL plus what am I missing? Update - 17th October 2014 I do not know if this does not matter, but the code throwing line here is the first one: `& lt; Cfquery name = "getWebMaster" data source = "xxxxtest" & gt; * Choose from users where SafeSaired (select Safe Virus from hd_role, where Webmaster = 'Yes') and UserStatus = 'Active' and User Level = 'XXX / XXIT' & lt; / Cfquery & gt; ` Does this mean that the whole cfquery section is error, or just 1 row? BTW, I think that I thought how to code imbed Thanx! Th...