.net - Lucene.Net Highlight Not Working -

I'm trying to highlight words on search results.
I am using Umbraco and Lucene.Net
I have installed Lucene.Net Contrib with NuGet and its version is - Before installation, version was installed. After the installation, the Lucene.Net.Contrib.Highlighter has also been added to the 'reference' but I can not declare it as a Lucene.Net.Contrib.Highlighter or in a different way. Therefore, on some lines

  var is not working as Highlighter = Highlighter (Highlight Formor, FragmentScoker (Search Query, Highlight Field, Explorer)); Private Query Scoror FragmentCooser (String Services, String Highlighted, Index Finder Detector) {Query Query = GetlucinOuquoise (Suculize, HighFeed). Setup (Finder. Getined Excerpt ()); Return a new quiz (query); } Highlight format = new simple HTMLFormatter ("<"> , "& lt; / strong> ");   

For the Highlighter, the simple HTMLformer and querosauror, I can find ... .. can not be found (what you are using ..) 'error'

How do I solve this problem?

Lucene.Net.Contrib three class highlighter in version of the NuGet package , Simple HTMLFormatter and QueryScorer are declared in the namespace Lucene.Net.Highlight .

Lucene.Net.Contrib classes in version 3.0.3 namespace Lucene.Net.Search.Highlight .

You should use the Lucene .Net.Search.Highlight . Also check that NLL has been included in the context of the project which is included in version 3.0.3 of the NuGet package. Examine the path of the reference - something that should be

  & lt; Base & gt; \ Packages \ lucene.Net.Contrib.3.0.3 \ lib \ net40 \ Lucene.Net.Contrib.Highlighter.dll   

no more

  & Lt; Base & gt; \ Packages \ Lucene.Net.Contrib. \ lib \ net40 \ Lucene.Net. Contrib.Highlighter.dll    


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