ruby on rails 4 - How to pass arguments to mina deploy tool -
We're using to deploy our Rails4 app after switching from Capistrano, we can do the cap < Code> cap production deploy: invoke task = "namespace: taskname" Where to start the work was a custom deployment task that used to argue to execute a specific rake function on a given environment.
How to pass the argument to Mina to run the specified rack work? So far I have noticed that the nearest It seems quite simple, what am I missing? Edit as suggested by Guy Teube in /config/deploy.rb now is running As I wrote on me, Mina is essentially rake and I Possible: then set to Then call it with: If the deployment environment is required, then modify the job and Meena = deployed for the harassment in Mina is. I am looking for the name of the name of the Mena names: The action name is which will have a CD in the current directory / current directory and a
bundle app rake name space: function name .
set: work, env [' TASK '] Set: On, "# {deploy_to} / On" desc "Invites a Rocket" Work: Inococo => : Environmental queue "CD # {current} & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; bundle # [task}" end
Mina Call TASK = Old: Votes - Amit does not work yet, " CD / Home / Dapper / Apps / Manabs / ON & amp; amp; amp; amp; & Amp; amp; bundle "(Without the trace environment variables the finished string was not taken into account.
rake mytask var = foo p ENV ['var'] # = & gt; "foo"
There is no requirement line, just use environment variables - like this. This work is expected to be an environment variable "work".
desc "invites a rocket "Function: invoke = & gt ;: Environmental queue!" CD # {current} "Q!" Bundle app rake # {ENV ['Work']} RAILS_ENV = Production "End
Start the work = namespace : Function
in the queue! "Bundle app rake # {ENV ['task']} RAILS_ENV = # {ENV ['to']}"
with Mina Call Invoke task = namespace: function name = staging
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