
Showing posts from February, 2015

mvvm - Difference between Set() and RaisePropertyChanged() -

I'm reading this mvvm lighting framework for learning. I download source code Friend.cs. My question is that some set method of different properties is implemented differently. For example, for the first name setter, why should I want to 'ref' the keyword for _firstName? set (first name, property name, ref first, name); and setter for DateOfBirthString " RaisePropertyChanged ((=) = DateOfBirth); When LINQ expression Will be evaluated namespace MyFriends.Model {[SimpleSerialize] public class friend: ObservableObject {/// & lt; summary & gt; /// & lt; see cref = "FirstName" /> Property Name ///./lt; / summary> Public String String FirstNamePropertyName = "First", Private string _firstName; /// & lt; Summary & gt; /// Set and The first asset gets / changes in the ./payer that the value of the property is Proper Set tychange_image_product.php/TrChanged event./satellite.aspx [SimpleSerialize (FieldName = ...

How to use JavaScript or jQuery to wrap a range (from selection) in a web page into a specific tag? -

So I have to find a way to wrap some range in a specific tag using javascript or jQuery. For example: & lt; P & gt; Hey how are you? & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; I am good! & Lt; / P & gt; Then use the JavaScript code in the console: & lt; P & gt; This is & lt; Mytag & gt; How are you? & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; I & lt; / Mytag> good! & Lt; / P & gt; I know how to get a limit from a selection, but I have to find a way to wrap this category. Thank you! You can tag the desired area in this way: HTML & lt; P & gt; Hey how are you? & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; I am good! & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; This is & lt; Span class = "mytag" & gt; How are you? & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; & Lt; Span class = "mytag" & gt; I & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Myt...

php - How to select 2nd element with same tag using dom xpath? -

मेरे पास इस तरह का लेआउट है: & lt; div class = "fly" & gt; & Lt; img src = "a.png" वर्ग = "बैज" & gt; & Lt; img class = "aye" डेटा-मूल = "b.png" width = "130" height = "253" / & gt; & Lt; div class = "to" & gt; & Lt; h4 & gt; फ्लाई टू द चंद्रमा & lt; / h4 & gt; & Lt; div class = "clearfix" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "द" & gt; & LT; h4 & gt; ** वाह ** & lt; / h4 & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "चंद्रमा" & gt; & LT; h4 & gt; ** ग्रेट ** & lt; / h4 & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; सबसे पहले मुझे xpath से क्वेरी मिलती है: $ a = $ xpath- & gt; क्वेरी ("// div [@ class = 'fly'] "" फ्लाई फूरच ($ a $ $ p) {$ t = $ p- & gt; getElementsByTagName ('im...

javascript - DatePicker Error in Angular JS due to UTC -

I selected the UI on 12 September 2014. The following code is ctrl. $ Formatters.push (function (modelValue) {console.log (modelValue); var dt = new date (model value); dt.setMinutes (dt.getMinutes () + dt.getTimezoneOffset ()); Console.log (dt) Return dt;}); I see the following two console logs. 09/11/2014 Mercury's 10 September 2014 18:30: GMT + 0530 (IST) Why is not conversion done properly from UTC locally thanks in advance It is not clear what you are trying to do is not time in the input. Do you want to add the present time of the day to arbitrary date? Or do you just want a local representation of the date? dt.setMinutes (...) and replace all three rows, instead of the following two lines: return dt. ToLocaleDateString (); If you are still trying to decide which date is the input (I do not know why ...) but you can try: dt.setTime (new date (.) GetTime ()); setMinutes (...) instead of the line . Then you return to dt.toLocaleStr...

sql server - Except operation in TSQL returning error -

मुझे ओरेकल में एक EXCEPT ( MINUS के समान) आवेदन करने की आवश्यकता है ) TSQL में ऑपरेशन मैंने एक साधारण कोड के साथ कोशिश की चयन करें * तालिका 1 से चुनकर * चुनें * से, जहां '2014-10-01' और '2014-10-10' के बीच calndr_dt प्रत्येक उप क्वेरी ठीक निष्पादित कर रहा है लेकिन EXCEPT के साथ जुड़ने पर, यह निम्न त्रुटि संदेश लौट रहा है। संदेश 103010, स्तर 16, राज्य 1, रेखा 1 त्रुटि पर पार्स त्रुटि: 2, कॉलम: 1: 'सिवाय' के पास गलत सिंटैक्स। ऑर्डर बाय निकालें यदि आपके पास यह खंड है, तो पहली क्वेरी से खंड।

Can I change time zone of ArangoDB's logs? -

I live in Japan, so want to change the time zone of ArangoDB logs UTC + 9: 00 from default. Maybe I have to change any config file, but I could not figure it out. time zone always GMT can open a feature request on github, perhaps a configuration option can be added is. But it should be investigated.

In assembly, how can I store esp's address displaced by 4 to a variable? -

Is it possible to do this? What do I want to do, for example another register, esi, esp + 4 address mov ecx, [esp + 4] I Which I understand, does the ESP + 4 not address the value contained in the address of EPC + 4 in Exx but above the code given above? I'm relatively new to assembly programming, so thanks to everyone who would be happy to help me. Usage (Load Effective Address) For example: Lea Xx, [esp + 4] You can do this manually like it Do: mov ecx, esp add ecx, 4

protractor - where can i find a list of all built in matchers for Jasmine expect -

I am trying to find a list of all the current Jasmine such as 'toContain' such as Matters ... ... Where can I find this? I searched for a while but could not find anything like the API. The Jasmine site does not have any sort of order list. You can find it on GitHub.

c - FT_Init_Freetype unresolved Symbol -

Let me run run-free on a controller. I have said that the path directory for the compilation includes paths. I am using a multi debugger by the Green Hills which flash the code on the controller. I am unable to use the FreeType functions. I'm new to the freeway Sorry for my ignorance There is no crime, but you feel slightly new to C. #include at all a header brings the related functions announcements to your program, but you usually do not have any Definitions , the actual code i.e. To get them, you need to link about the file containing the relevant code. In your case, you might want to -publish something while compiling your program: $ gcc -o myprogram myprogram .c -lfreetype Note that in the case of order source file (s) and -l linker option (s) If you have Makefile set up, then declare a line LDLBS is declaring, and it should be -lfreetype Edit to include option.

How to use meteor to append more html to a div? -

jquery में यह आसान है, $ ('# xiv')। संलग्न ('my html') लेकिन HTML और जावास्क्रिप्ट के मिश्रण के कारण यह गन्दा दिखता है मैं इसे कैसे उल्का बना सकता हूँ? आप अभी भी jQuery का उपयोग कर सकते हैं उल्का में उल्का रास्ता एचटीएमएल के स्निपेट्स के साथ मैन्युअल रूप से अपने डिवों को बदलना नहीं है। इसके बजाय, एक उल्का टेम्पलेट परिभाषित करें जो बताता है कि कैसे html को पुन: उत्पन्न करने के लिए अंतर्निहित डेटा के आधार पर एक पृष्ठ। फिर अपने ऐप को डेटा और इसके अद्यतनों में सदस्यता लें। इस टेम्पलेट में शामिल हैं: & lt; टेम्पलेट नाम = "लीडरबोर्ड" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "लीडरबोर्ड" & gt; {{#each खिलाड़ी}} {{& gt; खिलाड़ी}} {{/ प्रत्येक}} & lt; / div & gt; {{#if select_name}} & lt; div वर्ग = "विवरण" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "नाम" & gt; {{selected_name}} & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "बटन" वर्ग = "inc" मान = "5 अंक दें" / & gt; ...

javascript - Find childrenparent elements -

How to get the maximum number of children using Javascript Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Maximum element: 4 code> & Lt; Div id = "a" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt;...

ruby on rails - Program throwing timeout error -

I do not know what the reason is but my Ruby program throws timeout error completely / home `start '/mounarajan/.rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/2.1.0/net/http.rb:879:in: execution ends with /home/mounarajan/.rbenv/ (Net :: OpenTimeout) version / 2.1.2 / lib / ruby ​​/ 2.1.0 / net / http.rb: 879: /home/mounarajan/.rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby /http.rb:879: '/home/mounarajan/rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/2.1.0/timeout.rb:91' from Block In Connect 'in `open' from /2.1.0/net : In_in 'Blockout Timeout' From / Home / Mornarajan /. Rbenv / Version / 2.1.2 / lib / ruby ​​/ 2.1.0 / timeout.rb: 101: From `/home/mounarajan/.rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/ 'to` 2.1.0 / Timeout From 'timeout' to /home/mounarajan/.rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/2.1.0/net/http.rb:878:IN 'Connect' to `/ home / mounarajan / Do_start '/home/mounarajan/.rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/2.1.0/net/http.rb:863:in/ruby/2.1.0 from .rbenv / versions / 2.1.2 / lib / Home / m...

django - Paypal loses session data -

Django Oscars PayPal and DeJones using the Oscars -0.7, when I submit for the payment page, on the PayPal site Is redirected. After continuing that step and redirecting to my site, it shows that the basket is empty and all PayPal sessions are lost. I'm stuck here please help me in this? The issue was that I was getting the method to redirect PayPal, post later Turned to and it worked for me. I used the Oscars for that, in that checkout I wrote a redirection in the post function, which worked it

sorting - BucketSort in Java -

I am trying to get the head of the Baltsorting algorithm, but failed to do so. Look at many instances ... but this can not work ... Let's say I have this: Public classes Employee {int id; /// Example: 52015 string first name, last name; String section; } I have a large list of employees, so I strip the list of all staff for each department in the straps. And the goal is to put these data in the bucket, on my employee ID, my list of employees is those who are ready to pass. I am unable to understand it. Instead of using bucket-sorting comparable & lt; Employee & gt; interface. Public Class Employee Applicable & lt; Employee & gt; {Int id; /// Example: 52015 string first name, last name; String section; To compare public differences (Compare Employee Employee) { - Compare Employee employer.getID (); } Anyway, u can read the article to better understand this mechanism.

viewmodel - extjs 5 : make a data binding for component's custom property -

I have a file that extends from the file field, and I have added a custom property 'server path' to it, and I have Also define recipient and setter. Code: Ext.define ('MyApp.ux.Field.File', {extension: 'Ext.form.field.File', Xtype: 'myfilefield ', Serverpath:' ', getServerPath: function () {this.serverPath;}, setServerPath: function (serverPath) {this.serverPath = serverPath;}}); Ext.create ('MyApp.ux.Field.File', {bind: {serverPath: '{serverpath}'}, see Modell: {type: 'myViewModel'}}); I will not paste the definition of my view model. It is simple. And it turns out that the binding does not take effect. Can anyone help? should be your class: Ext.define ('MyApp .ux.Field.File ', {extension:' ext.form.file.file ', xtype:' myfilefield ', config: {serverPath:' '}}); And you should have all the sets because EXJGs will also make setters and gaets for you and setter. In ...

php - Laravel DB::RAW fetch single -

I am using a quote query in Laravel .. because this query is a bit complicated with builder or lucrative. I ask the database for 1 person, from where I am using it. The returned result is an array, with something in it .. (see screenshot) How do I get only the first result? I have tried return data $ ['person'] = db :: select (db :: raw ($ person)) [0]; From which I get the following error: Feedback content A string or object should implement __toString (), "Object". Return Data ['Person'] = DB :: Select (DB :: Raw ($ person)) - & gt; First (); which is telling me that it is not applicable for such queries first .. this is the query SELECT Companies on JOIN companies from nickname, firstname, lastname, age, title, photo,,, trickshot people.ind = persons.company_id Join cities in = companies.city_id where CONCAT (first name , Last name) = '{$ Fullname}' and cities. Name = '{$ ...

javascript - Simple ToDo-List doesn't work -

My toDo list works the way I want to, I am working with JavaScript for just 2 weeks It is very new to me, so it does not look good for code. The result turned out to be incorrect. If I type in "buy food" the first line just looks like this, but next time I want to "run the dog", it displays purchase food Buying food walking a dog I hope you understand my problem. This eliminates the unordered list tag after the first click and adds the other things to another Here is javascript: var taskList = []; Var text = "& lt; ul & gt;" Function addToList () {var Work = document.getElementById ("toDoTask"). Values; TaskList.push (work); (I = 0; i & lt; task list; height; i ++) for {text + = " + Agenda [i] + "& lt; / li & gt;" ; } Text + = "& lt; / ul & gt;"; Document.getElementById ("todoList"). InnerHTML = text; } The issue is that after you add each item, Are there. ...

java - out of memory error for files greater than 3Mb though upload using chunk -

डबल बाइट्स = file.length (); डबल किलोबाइट्स = (बाइट्स / 1024); डबल मेगाबाइट्स = (किलोबाइट / 1024); अगर (मेगाबाइट्स & lt; 10) {filesize = डबल। टूस्ट्रिंग (किलोबाइट्स); System.out.println ("किलोबाइट्स स्ट्रिंग:" + फाईलिज़); Try {arrByteFile = null; इंट बाइट्स रीड; इंट बफर साइज़ = 1024; FileInputStream = नया FileInputStream (फ़ाइल); बाइटअरेऑन आउटपुटस्ट्रीम बॉस = नए बाइटअरेऑनूटस्ट्रीम (); बाइट [] बी = नया बाइट [बफर साइज़]; जबकि ((बाइट्स रीड = है। रीड (बी))! = -1) {बोस। लिखित (बी, 0, बाइट्स रीड); } ArrByteFile = bos.toByteArray (); करीब है(); System.out.println ("फ़ाइल बाइट सरणी आकार: -" + arrByteFile.length); } पकड़ (अपवाद ई) {e.printStackTrace (); } प्रयास करें {चंकऑफ़बैटेएरा चंक ओफ़बाइटअरे = नया चंकऑफ़बाइटअरे (एरबिटफ़ाइल); सरणीलिस्ट = चंकऑफ़बाइटअरेरे.गेट चनक्सओफ़बाइटअरे (); } पकड़ (अपवाद ई) {// TODO स्वत: उत्पन्न होल्डिंग ब्लॉक e.printStackTrace (); } कैसे स्मृति त्रुटि से बाहर संभाल करने के लिए ?? वहाँ भी बेस64 प्रारूप में बड़ी फ़ाइल अपलोड करने के लिए ह...

python - Change OptionMenu based on what is selected in another OptionMenu -

I am currently trying to create two OptionMenu s, where the other is dynamically For example, I would like to create a OptionMenu_A with list [North America, Europe, Asia] If Asia is selected, then OptionMenu_B something like [Japan, China, Malasia] . If Europe is selected, then it will convert to [Germany, France, Switzerland] for example. I am able to create two OptionMenu s but can not get the OptionMenu_B to update based on OptionMenu_A status Can anyone be very kind to show that such a thing is possible? Yes, this is possible. With StringVar.trace , you can check when the first option has been changed. Then remove all options in the second option menu and fill it with this option. If you have a data structure like a dictionary behind this, then this pattern can be very easy to map: import sys if sys.version_info [0]> = 3: import as tkkner Import TK class app (tk.Frame) as someone else Tkinter: def __init __ (self, master): tk.fra...

go - how can I declare a slice of chan (channels) in func -

I am trying to write a function like this, but I can not declare the piece of the channels func fanIn (set & lt; - [] chan string) & lt; -chan string {c: for = make (chan string) i: = range set {go func () {for {c & lt; -set [i]}}} ()} Return C} Is the fragment of the channel as a logic? Example of the call Set: = [2] chan string {mylib.Boring ("which"), mylib.Boring ("n"}} c: = FanIn (set) If I can do this func fanIn (input1, input2 & lt; -chan string) & lt; -chan string { I think it should be possible Updated: Funny fan in (set [] & lt; -chan string) & Lt; -chan string {i: = class set {go for func ()} {x: = & lt; -set [i] c & lt; - x}} ()} Return C} func main () {Set: = [] & lt; -chan string {mylib.Boring ("joe"), mylib.Boring ("n"), ring ("max")} c: = fanIn (set) i: = 0; I & lt; 10; I ++ {fmt.Println (& lt; -c)} fmt.Println ("You're borin...

google chrome - Android Webview Performance differences -

I am writing a webview app in Android 4.4.3 latest Android version. But my biggest problem is the performance difference between the Chrome browser and my webview app. The difference is huge. I found the same webview app in the same display as Chrome browser How do I get it? Try this code it will help you increase speed increase - webview.getSettings (). SetRenderPriority (RenderPriority.HIGH); . Webview.getSettings () setCacheMode (WebSettings.LOAD_NO_CACHE); Try adding it to manifest under the desired activity - android: hardwareAccelerated = "true" Edit Chrome does not use webview. - Does that mean that WebView is using Chrome for Android? No, Chrome is separate from the webview for Android This is probably the only reason for the difference in performance

xcode5 - How can I build for iOS 6 with Xcode 5? -

I've already downloaded the new Xcode 5.0, but I wanted to make an app for iOS 6 ... How can I do this with Xcode 5.0? Or do I need to install a version of Xcode 4 so that I can do this? Xcode lets me change the goal of deploying the bottom of the screen: But this does not allow me to use an older base SDK In the configuration of the project, simply set the deployment target on iOS6:

signalr - How can i highlight the Kendo grid cell by color change after update -

I am using Condo U Grid with MVC and SignalR. I can successfully run CRRudio on the grid using SignalR.I want to notify the customers by changing the informed cell (changing the cell color). How can I get it with the following code: @ (HTML.Kendo (.) Grid & lt; Webapplication1.Models.ShipViewModel & gt; () .name ("ShipGrid" ) Column (c = & gt; {c.bound (m = & gt; Hydid (); c. Bound (m = & gt; m.LocationViewModel). Title ("location1"); C. Bound (M => M space 2 viewmodel). Title ("Place2"); C. Bound (M => MboxCent); C. Commands (P => {P. Edit (). Text (".") Update Text ("") Canceltext (""); p.Destroy (). Text (""). Html Properties (new {@title = "cancel"})}} );}). Toolbar = (t {= Title} ) .mode (Kendo.Mvc.UI.GridEditMode.PopUp) .TemplateName ("abcEditor"). Events (events = & gt; {events.Edit ("edit");}) .datasource (datasource = & gt; Data...

node.js - Send update notification to particular users using -

The code at the following conclusion is, where storeSelUserId contains user_id to send a message - FYI - node version 1.1.0 // socket notification var socket = io ('http: // localhost: 6868'); Socket.on ('Connection', Function (Data) {socket.emit ('Send Notice', {sent_to: storeSelUserId});}); The path file contains the server code - var client = {}; Io.on ('connection', function (socket) {socket.emit ('connection', 'connection created.)); ('notification', function (sent) {console.log (sent_to);});}); The array of console sent_to appears in user_id . Now there is a starter in I got stuck with the solution how do I send a message to these specific users. I searched and found that I need to push each user with its sockets, so I improved it - var user = []; Io.on ('connection', function {users.push ({socket_id:}); socket.emit ('connection', 'connection creat...

c - How to convert #defined string literal to a wide string literal? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मेरे पास एक परिभाषा है जो #define का उपयोग कर परिभाषित है: #define B "1234 \ 0" मैं इस परिभाषा का उपयोग कैसे करूँ? संकलन समय पर व्यापक स्ट्रिंग शब्दशः? एल "1234 \ 0" (बस #define d स्ट्रिंग शब्दशः मैंने इसे करने की कोशिश की: # परिभाषित करें मैकवेड्स (एल) एल ## एस लेकिन यह एलबी उत्पन्न करता है। टोकन चिपकाने के लिए ऑपरेंड के रूप में प्रयुक्त मैक्रोज़ के साथ ठीक से निपटने के लिए एक अतिरिक्त स्तर की ओर आना चाहिए। पेस्ट (एक्स, वाई) एक्स # # y #define MAKEWIDE (x) पेस्ट (एल, एक्स)

java - ImageIO thread-safety -

I see that yarn-security is not a goal, even if the web Many examples have been seen using the () and ImageIO.write () to upload / clean images in the environment. So, my question is, according to the tip, is ImageIO thread-safe? TLDR; Yes, static methods (...) and type (...) threads are safe I one of the specification The part that says that there is a need to read in context. What is actually said is that the person does not have to worry about thread protection for the ImageReader , ImageWriter or ImageInputStream / ImageOutputStream implementation (And as a result, the client code should never be guessed that the threads are secure). Unless you live according to this rule, you are safe. However, note that the same part of the device also states that: [...] Many instances of the same plug-in class should be possible to simultaneously operate . This part of the specification does not specifically discuss the static methods ...

python - Replace item in wxPython GridSizer -

मेरे पास wx.Frame एक wx.GridSizer के साथ है। इस ग्रिड में कई कस्टम wx.Panel शामिल हैं। मुझे अपने ग्रिड के दो कोशिकाओं की सामग्री को स्वैप करना होगा। निकालें , GetItem , और सम्मिलित करें विधियों को सफलता के बिना कई समाधानों की कोशिश की। उदाहरण के लिए मान लें कि मेरे पास 3x3 ग्रिड के साथ 8 तत्वों (मेरे कस्टम पैनल) 0 से 7 तक। इस मामले में ग्रिड का अंतिम कक्ष रिक्त है। मैं अंतिम सेल (ग्रिड [8]) में अंतिम आइटम (ग्रिड [7]) को स्थानांतरित करना चाहता हूं। मैं कैसे कर सकता हूं? और अंतिम क्या अंतिम कक्ष रिक्त नहीं है, तो अंतर क्या हैं? 'panelInGrid7' निम्न में है आपके पैनल का उदाहरण है जो ग्रिड में है [7], ग्रिडबैगसिजर स्थितियों में यह (2, 1) sizer.Detach (panelInGrid7) sizer.Add (panelInGrid7, (2 , 3)) यदि (2, 3) रिक्त नहीं है तो आपको उस आइटम को अलग करना होगा और फिर उसे जोड़ना होगा जहां आप चाहते हैं।

php - wordpress ajax and foreach - doesn't return an array -

The last time I will fight with Ajax and WordPress. I have a problem in using Ajax, loading posts of the same category ... the object has been changed in response, only one entry ajax.js var $ fnWritePostGrid = function (idCat) {var data = {type: 'post', url: ajaxOptions.url, verb: 'kk_load_servicesGrid', idCat: idCat}; $ .Azax ({type: "post", url: ajaxuality.Source, data: data, datatype: "jason", success: function (feedback) {console.log (feedback);}}); return false; }; functions.php $ cat_id = $ _POST ['idcat']; $ Args = array ('category' = & gt; $ cat_id, 'posts_per_page' => 8, 'order' => 'DESC'); $ Posts = get ($ args); Foreign Currency ($ post $ post) {$ postID = sanitize_text_field ($ post-> ID); $ PostTitle = sanitize_text_field ($ post- & gt; post_title); $ PostContent = sanitize_text_field ($ post- & gt; Post_sign); $ Response = array ('id' = & gt; $ ...

how to add css property using jquery for small devices -

I have a dynamic table, I'am css popatty trying to use jquery for small devices . But iam is not receiving the output, this is my code $ ("# slidetable td: nth-of-type (8):" before). CSS ("Content:", "Credit WP"); You can not target pseudo elements (before, in this case) Javascript In addition, you can use only to target specific device sizes: The media query contains at least one expression that is used by media features Style sheets limit the width, height and color in the form of. @ media screen and (max-device-width: 460px) {#slidetable td: nth-of- Type (8): first {content: "credit wp"; }} @James Donnelly but my table is dynamic ???? Kannan DS It does not make any difference. Here a JSFiddle demo is showing that the dynamically created div element is still influenced by CSS. If Content: "Credit WP"; How dynamic is this ??? Kannan DS In this case, you have to use a different element instead of...

c# - WPF Thumb drag behaviour wrong -

I created a thumb in WPF. Private Zero Thumb_DragDelta (Object Sender, System.Windows Control.Premitives.DragDelTeventEurges e) {MyValue = e.VerticalChange; } This works fine, however, when my button is clicked again, the value starts at the point where I clicked (0). I need to click and drag to change the relative value of the original. So I tried to do this: Private Zero Thumb_DragDelta (Object Sender, System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.DragDeltaEventArgs ) {MyValue + = e.VerticalChange; } This works, but when I pull down and then go up, the value decreases, even if I take the mouse back up. The only thing when moving the mouse up (the value increases), and then move the mouse back down (the value keeps increasing). How it works: double minLeft = double MaxValue; Double hntop = double. Maxwell; Double left = canvas. Gadget left (item); Double top = canvas.Tet (item); MinLeft = Double. ISNAN (left)? 0: Math (Left, minorleaf); MinTop = Double. ISNAN (...

php - Magento admin grid column formatting - renderer? -

I want to show the sales_order_create grid to show both price and special price in the same column, and I did this by adding The: _prepareCollection () function, and then to add: -> addAttributeToSelect ('special_price') code > $ This- & gt; AddColumn ('special_price', array ('header' = & gt; mega :: helper ('sale') - & gt; __ ('special value'), 'sort' = & gt; wrong, 'index' = & Array ('value', 'special_pris'), 'type' = & gt; 'concat', 'separator' => gt; '-', 'width' => '140px',)); _prepareColumns () function on This works! The result is a new column, which shows as an example: 79.9800 - 34.9900 How can I format it, so is it in currency format? A £ xx.xx Besides, is this style possible? So it looks like: £ 79.98 (£ 34.99) If it is not possible for style, then the currency format will be great. I think ther...

osx - How to edit numbers of Evernote notes, and make them sync? -

I'm trying to format my Evernote notes (thousands) so that they are readable on any device. I have accessed Evernote storage on my Mac and have seen folders of entries - Every folder contains a note.xhtml and a content.enml files, which contains the contents of the stores directly I can modify * .xhtml file, and the changes are reflected on the Evernote client, but They will not only sync to the server; Additionally, * .enml file contains the same content for the xthml file, but there will be no change in it. Is there any way that I can edit my notes neatly, at HTML level ? Thx! In AppleScript, it is very easy to get and set up HTML. In fact HTML can be used to manipulate any other language. Here is how you can read and write HTML content to any single selected Evernote comment: Set noteList set the selection for the "Evernote" item to set the n set of noteList to n set the HTML content of the HTML content to extractedHtml " Evernote offers ...

javascript - Best way to Try/Catch HTTP response in Google Script -

I'm still new to JavaScript and Google Apps Script, and this is the first time that I try the 'try / hold' statement I am running a script that connects to a page. It connects most of the time without any problems, but sometimes it will not respond and an HTTP error (or, the response will be empty) If I get an error code, then try this reaction to run it a second time. I want to catch / hold, but I'm not 100% sure that I understand the syntax, because it does not matter how I format it, it's either an exception. Does it, or always throws it. Here are some sample code I have used: function myFunction () {var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch (""); Logger.log ('response code:' + response.getResponseCode ()); Try {if (response.getResponseCode () === 200); } Hold (mistake) {throw 'page linked'; }} If I can get it to work, I am sure I can find out the rest though, although Log shows me that I have an HTTP response of 200 It never ...

Rails nested resource not rendering form on new -

@ रेकॉन्नेर के पास_शेष_शक्ति_रेक्विरेमेंट्स और मार्गों में, संसाधन: गणनाकर्ता संसाधन करते हैं: shift_requirements अंत में मेरे पास एक रिकॉर्ड के तहत reckoner_controller.rb है & lt;% = link_to 'एक बदलाव बनाओ', [: नया, @ रेकॉन्नेर,: shift_requirement]% & gt; ... जो एक फॉर्म सहायक युक्त सही दृश्य को सक्रिय करता है। फिर यह त्रुटि को फेंकता है - अपरिभाषित विधि # shift_requirements_path # # के लिए & lt; # वर्ग: 0x007f908e00a458 & gt ;: 0x007f908e8a09c8 & gt; मैं गलत कैसे हुआ? shift_requirement.rb है - वर्ग ShiftRequirement & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस is_to: रिकॉर्डर अंत reckoner.rb है - वर्ग रिकॉर्डर & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस है_माएं: shift_requirements समाप्ति ... और फ़ॉर्म में दृश्य अब और lt;% = form_for (@reckoner, @ Shift_requirement) क्या | एफ | & Gt%; ... & lt;% = f.submit% & gt; मुझे लगता है कि आपके फ़ॉर्म में है: & lt ;% = Form_for (@shift_requirement) करो | f | | & Gt%; & Lt;% =...

web services - Upload Files to Sharepoint Library through WS with PHP (NTLM & ThyBag) -

I use WS-WS from SharePoint to obtain information about document libraries and files in these libraries. Now I want to upload new file. How do I upload with PHP? To update: (to date) P> I want to contact Copy. To do this, I use the following lines: $ sourceurl = 'http: // null'; $ Params = '& lt; CopyIntoItems xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; SourceUrl & gt; & Lt '$ sourceurl ..'; / SourceUrl & gt; & Lt; Destination & gt; '. $ Destination URL '& lt; / Destination & gt; & Lt; Stream & gt; '. $ Stream '& lt; / Stream & gt; & Lt; / CopyIntoItems & gt; '; $ Xmlvar = New \ Sopor ($ params, XSD_ANYXML); // Try going to try {$ result = $ this-> Soap Client-> CopyIntoItems ($ xmlvar) - & gt; CopyIntoItemsResponse- & gt; CopyIntoItemsResult; } Hold (\ SoapFault $ mistake) {$ this-> OnError ($ mistake); } But I d...

java - Can't understand logic of code to find the sum of the evenly positioned digits -

So the question is basically something like: to accept a number Write a program for the user and calculate the digits deployed evenly from the left side. For example if the input is 94852 then the output is 9 (4 + 5). Now, I know that this question can be done by changing the number in the string and using the array, but in fact there is a better way to do this. The following program shows this method: public class questions {public static zero main (int one) {int evenSum = 0, odd = 0; Int b = a; // b is used as a value, eventually gets 0. Whereas (a & gt; 0) {int sum = evenSum + a% 10; Bhima = Asymmetrical; // change the amount (?) Strange thing = yoga; // Interestingly, weird odd positioed points reserves the amount of a = a / 10; } System.out.println ("entered number is" + B); System.out.println ("Even the amount is" + Evening in the evening); }} When I was scouting for alternative solutions, I happened to come to this reply, and it was stun...

sql - Django dynamic filter -

मेरे पास एक उत्पाद है: वर्ग उत्पाद (models.Model): ... गतिशील विशेषताओं के लिए fk के साथ इस उत्पाद की विशेषताएं: वर्ग ProductFeatures (models.Model): उत्पाद = models.ForeignKey ('उत्पाद') गतिशील विशेषता नाम मॉडल: वर्ग विशेषताएँ श्रेणी (मॉडलों) । मॉडल): शीर्षक = मॉडल.कारफिल्ड (अधिकतम_लांबी = 255, वर्बोज़_नाव = _ (u'Ð ?? Ð ° Ð · вР° ниÐμ ')) और प्रत्येक के लिए मान विशेषता: वर्ग सुविधाएँ (models.Model): श्रेणी = models.ForeignKey ( 'FeaturesCategory') मूल्य = models.CharField (MAX_LENGTH = 255, verbose_name = _ (u'Ð ?? нРयह सब काम करने का उदाहरण: हमने सुविधाओं का निर्माण किया है वस्तु वस्तु - "रंग", इसमें कुछ मान जोड़े गए हैं: "रेड", "ग्रीन", "ब्लू" "1", "2", "3" इस हम उत्पाद में जोड़ने के सभी, उदाहरण के लिए: मूल्यों के साथ "गणना" - और एक और FeaturesCategory ऑब्जेक्ट जोड़ रंग - लाल गणना - 3 मुसीबत, इस उत्पाद को कैसे फ़िल्टर करना है ?? प...

css - Display HTML string as read-only formatted text in view -

I'm sending some text to my angle controller that I want to display as a formatted text, And not as an HTML .. For the sake of this example, I will use the following code which only reads the output to read but displays html tags instead of formatting. & lt; Div class = "well" ng -repeat = "field in model.viewFields" & gt; {{FieldName}} & lt; Textarea disabled = "true" style = "height: 200px; width: 100%; resize: none" & gt; {{Field.value}} & lt; / Textarea & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; What can I swap textarea to show my {{field.Value}} html as formatted text? You can use it: & lt; div class = "OK" ng-repeat = "model.view field" & gt; {{field.Name}} & lt; div Ng-bind-html = "field.value" style = "height: 200px; Width: 100%; "& gt;

Java for Selenium - String comparison -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 23 उत्तर मुझे एक समस्या का सामना करना पड़ रहा है अगर नीचे दिए गए कोड के लिए कथन मैं सही स्थिति के साथ भी अगर बयान में लॉग इन करने में सक्षम नहीं हूं। क्या मेरा वाक्यविन्यास सही है? स्ट्रिंग निकोटीन उत्पाद = "पिछले 5 सालों में नहीं" यदि (निकोटीनप्रॉडक्ट == "नहीं, कभी नहीं") निकोटीन उत्पाद == "पिछले 5 सालों में नहीं" | | निकोटीनप्रोडक्ट == "पिछले 3 वर्षों में नहीं") (यदि (दर श्रेणी == "प्रीफ़ बेस्ट नॉटिकॉटिन") दरक्लास्वल = 1; और अगर (दर क्लास == "प्रीफ नो निकोटीन") रेटक्लास्वल = 2; और अगर (दर क्लास == "कोई निकोटीन न चुनें") दरक्लावल = 3; और यदि (दर क्लास == "स्टैंडर्ड न निकोटीन") दरक्लावल = 4; } हमेशा .equals के लिए स्ट्रिंग का उपयोग करें तुलना: यदि (निकोटीनप्रुडक्ट.एजलल्स ("नहीं, कभी नहीं") || निकोटीनप्रुडक्ट.एजलल्स ("पिछले 5 सालों में नहीं") || निकोटीनप्रोडक्ट.एक्वायल्स (" पिछले 3 वर्षों में नहीं ")) {if (rateclas...

javascript - sorting feature in ngTable using Jasmine Testing -

I have created an application using ng-table, the application is working fine but I do not know how to The test is to write that sorting and GetData case Can someone tell me some solution for testing that functionality My code is given below Jasmine test case Workstation / Main.JS Angular Modules ('wsd.workstations', []). Controller ('Work Controller', Function ($ Rootscope, $ Scope, $ Filter, NGT Perm) {$ scope.myValues ​​= [{Name: "Moroni", Age: 50}, {Name: "Tianqum" Age: 43}, {Name: "Jacob", Age: 27}, {Name: "Nefe", Age: 29}, {Name: "ANOS", Age: 34}, {Name: "Tianjum", Age : {Name: "Nafie", Age: 29}, {Name: "Name": "Name": "Yakub" name "" named ", Age: 43}, {Name:" Yakub "," Age "}, {Name: Anoos ", Age: 34}, {Name:" Tianqum ", Age: 43} Age: 43}, {Name:" Yakub ", Age: 27}, {Name:" Nefe ...

Angular dart component init -

Is there a way to wait for the component to start? Usage: my-component foo = "bar" bar = "baz"> my components & gt; ; When I use the component like this, the manufacturer's print: tap, null I write a setter for the fu and bar I can check on each set and both sets but if no value is provided then my init is never removed. Do I have to apply an interface that is an init method or Provides something? It is similar to shown here Attacheeware Apply the interface The values ​​of the example can not be set before the element is created so the constructor There is no chance to set the outer area on display.

How to hide an iPhone App from the iPad's AppStore -

I have seen that whatsapp messenger [1] is no longer available for the iPad. Apple says that "iPad runs all the apps or apps designed for the iPhone and iPod touch" [2] Now, I must have missed a memo because I know That any iPhone app can be downloaded on the iPad too. / P> Then we finally come to my question: How to hide the iPhone app from the iPad appstore? Thank you. [1] [1] > [2] As far as I know, hashasapp has never been made available for download on the iPad, because they have telephony is listed as one of its info.plist . This is the only way that you can not get an iPhone app installed on an iPad. Apple does not provide any other way because all of the iPad's (most) want to be compatible on the iPad (if If this app is not universal then it will run in iPhone Scale mode). Please note that if you require telephony to get this, but this is not a real requirement for your app, then it rejects Apple's review process Limit dev...

java - ObjectMapper fails to deserialize - cannot deserialize instance of .... out of START_ARRAY token -

I have a Jason: {"games": [{id: "", "To": "425364_456 @ localhost", "to": "localhost @ 788295_456", "token": "Exxvustvoxo 5zghlgjcapmq5tirae", "desc": "6 CEF9 / YEFIUPLLOBBT 9PC799J JK6TG6 NKA4HE = "," Timestamp ": 1412806372232}," "": "" "" "", from ":" 425364_456 @lostalhost "," to ":" 788295_456 @ localhost "," Token ":" Exxvistvoxo 5zghlgjcapmq5tirae "," desc ":" z / ww2xroGoIG5hrgiWsU1P8YHrv4SxiYHHoojzt9tdc = "," timestamp ": 1412806373651}]} I'm trying to deserialize it with an object with the ObjectMapper . Basically as you can see, this is a list of games. I have There are classes: @JesRootnom (value = "games") public class game Jason {Private list> game> games; // getters and setters} The game class is ...

python - SQLAlchemy : Convert to date type -

यह मेरा mssql कोड स्निपेट है बीम चुनें ((केस जब (me.status ('बंद', 'शून्य') और कन्वर्ट (DATE, me.end_dt) = कनवर्ट (DATE, GETDATE ())) तब 1 और 0 अंत)) पूरा हो गया, योग ((प्रकरण जब दिनांकित (एचएच, कलाकार कनवर्ट (DATE, GETDATE ()) varchar के रूप में) + '' 00: 00: 00.000 ', मेरा। Due_dt) 12 और 24 के बीच और मेरे.स्टैटस (' बंद ',' शून्य ') में नहीं तब 1 और 0 अंत में)) के रूप में काउंटर_12_to_24 pvr_svc से मुझे (nolock) के साथ क्वेरी के पहले भाग के लिए यह मैं अब तक की कोशिश की है। expr = Func.sum (केस ([(और_ ( _ (['बंद', 'वोड']), (func.convert (DATE, pvr_svc.end_dt) == func.convert (DATE, func.current_date ( )))), 1)], else_ = 0))। लेबल ('com') session.query (expr) .scalar () लेकिन मुझे एक त्रुटि कह रही है। / P> ****** NotImplementedError: सचमुच-कोट मान (वर्ग 'sqlalchemy.types.DATE') कैसे नहीं जानते *** *** मेरे पास कुछ सवाल हैं, प्रश्न 1 DATE दिनांक से मैं datetime कॉलम मूल्यो...

python SOAP client that uses POST method -

tried to use suds to be a Python SOAP client, but it receives, does not post and my The server needs to post. Is there a move to go far away, or do you have a customer's address that supports POST? Suds.client import client from url = 'file: ///myfile.wsdl' client = client (url) client.service.myfunction () Ends my issue I was missing a previous / / '' in the server address. This post has more details

c# - Populate a ComboBox on MainForm via Logic.cs -

I was able to enable a combo box through the stream reader on the mainframe. I now feel like I need the same information in several different combo boxes of different dialogues. This task accepts that I can not reach the combo box "CBTsk". Error "in the current context name 'cbTask' does not exist 'code public static zero workbook (try {{StreamReader function} = new streamrider (datafolder + task file); string function = Work.readline (); while (work! = Null) {cbTask.Items.Add (task); function = work.readline ();}} hold {}} datafolder one The path is the Taskfile file name, and if I leave it on the mainfrom it works well. Why Can anyone tell me in the right direction? Thanks for watching in advance !! I appreciate it. It's a great day! EDIT: After reading a few times on this it seems that My question is not clear. I am trying to add information to several combo boxes from Stream Rider on many child communications. My first answer is to ...

javascript - Bind click to li's child -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 18 उत्तर मुझे यह HTML & lt; ul class = "list-row" & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & Lt; इनपुट नाम = "फ़ील्ड 1" वर्ग = "फ़ील्ड 1" प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" प्लेसहोल्डर = "फ़ील्ड 1" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट नाम = "फ़ील्ड 2" वर्ग = "फ़ील्ड 2" प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" प्लेसहोल्डर = "फ़ील्ड 2" & gt; & Lt; p class = "delrow" & gt; पंक्ति हटाएं & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & Lt; इनपुट नाम = "फ़ील्ड 1" वर्ग = "फ़ील्ड 1" प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" प्लेसहोल्डर = "फ़ील्ड 1" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट नाम = "फ़ील्ड 2" वर्ग = "फ़ील्ड 2" प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" प्लेसहोल्डर = "फ़ील्ड 2" & gt; & Lt; p class = "delrow" & gt; पंक्ति हटाएं & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; p वर्ग = ...

Variation of Edit distance algorithm that only tracks substitutions and insertions -

Does anyone know about editing-distance algorithm which only replace and insert, basically, without deleting it Levenshatin distance will be algorithms. You can use almost the same dynamic programming solution which is used for computing the general line of lensen It is done, but without transition which is in line with extinction.

No XAP file after buidling a Windows phone project in Visual Studio 2013 -

I am using Visual Studio 2013 to create a Windows Phone project. When I make it in DEBUG, I can run it in the simulator but I do not get any XAP file. I only see that the EXE file is created. Can you please tell me how to prepare an XAP file? Thank you. In Windows Phone 8.1, you have to create an app package. Right click on the project and select Store & gt; Create App Packages.

wix - Windows Installer just changes my installation to ALLUSERS=1 behind my back -

I'm seeing a strange problem with the WiX 3.8 and Windows Installer. I have created an Outlook Therefore, I have been carefully created Not to write at any system level Not to write any system-level registry key (such as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ) Li> and in my YX script, I made sure to set ALLUSERS = 0 and set all other related properties that I found perUser or limited : & lt; Wix xmlns = "" xmlns: netfx = "http: // schema / wix / NetFxExtension" & gt; & Lt; Product ID = "*" name = "MyAdin" language = "1033" version = "1.0.0" creator = "m" upgrade code = "- some-good-" codepage = "1252" & gt; & Lt; Package installer = "200" compressed = "yes" InstallScope = "perUser" description = "more yada" manufacturer = "m" languages ​​= "1033" summ...

python - how to extract a zero-dimensional slice from a 1-dimensional array in numpy -

Is a 1-dimensional array slice the zero-dimensional sub-array? ndarray arr , arr [0] (N-1 ) - Dimensional Ndarray . However, if I have 1-dimensional ndarray x , x [0] 0-dimensional ndarray is not back Returns, rather a numpy.int64 , (if x contains int64 s). The minimum example: def increment (zero_d_array): zero_ad_rere [...] = zero_a_array + 1 counter = (0) # zero-dimensional with scalar Array increments (counter) # Success; Counter now 1 counter = numpy.zeros (3, dtype = int) # [0, 0, 0] increment (counter [1]) # failed; Counter [1] is a numpy.int64, not 0-D array I realize that will work with increments (counter [1: 2]) , But only because increments () works with both 0-D and 1-D input, all functions will be so flexible. Use an oval: increment (counter [ 1, ...])

python - python3.4 tkinter.scrolledtext not callable -

मैं यह सरल कोड लिखता हूं: टिनकेटर आयात से टीकेटी आयात टंकनेटर .scrolledtext root = Tk () पाठपैड = tkinter.scrolledtext (root) textPad.pack () root.mainloop () लेकिन रन नहीं। आउटपुट है: ट्रेसबैक (सबसे हाल ही में कॉल अंतिम): फ़ाइल "ई: /m/lale/test/", पंक्ति 6, & lt; मॉड्यूल & gt; TextPad = tkinter.scrolledtext (root) TypeError: 'मॉड्यूल' ऑब्जेक्ट कोने योग्य नहीं है आप लगभग वहाँ हैं। स्क्रॉलटेक्स्ट मॉड्यूल से स्क्रॉलटेड टेक्स्ट क्लास की आवश्यकता है यह काम करता है। tkinter.scrolledtext आयात से टंकक के रूप में आयात करें स्क्रॉल करेंटेक्स्ट रूट = टीके। टीके () टेक्स्टपैड = स्क्रॉलटेक्स्ट (रूट) टेक्स्टपाड.पैक () रूट.मैनलोूप ()

python - PyQt Window construction -

Can someone tell me the difference between the following two code examples? Why the top is not working? It executes without error, but the window does not remain open. Importing QtGui from PyQt4 import SYS app = QtGui.QApplication (sys.argv) QtGui.QMainWindow (). Show () ap .exec_ () And: QtGui import from the PyQt4 import SYS app = QtGui.QApplication (sys.argv) win = QtGui.QMainWindow () () app .exec_ () in QtGui.QMainWindow (). Show () You are creating an object of QMainWindow and you are showing it but if you do not save that example of QMainWindow in your memory Eventually the drone collection of the dragon removes that example and your QMainWindow does not show anymore in the second code: win = QtGui.QMainWindow () You can save the object object from QMainWindow to win your memory. Python does not consider it as garbage because it is in use and therefore your window remains open

html - Where to store application data for webapp? -

I have some data for a webf that I would like to store on the server, what would be a good place to keep those files ? I have some static HTML pages, which contain example specific information that need to be prevented from re-deploying the webpage, they should be editable by the administrator of the server. They are included in other HTML pages using the HTML object tag. I want to store preferences on the server, but can not use the database. I am using JSP to write and read priorities. There are no sensitive data in the preferences. Currently I am using the log directory but obviously this is not a good option. I am using tomacat I thought about creating an appdata / myapp directory under the webapp directory. is it good or bad? If the administrator of the server can also deploy the app, then I will add data to the app myself Enter in Source Control, and deploy it all together. This way you get the modification control of the data, and if you fail the server ...

What is considered a cubic algorithm when considering time complexity? -

I have implemented this algorithm and after analyzing the complexity of its time I have found that its upper bound is (O) is N ^ 2 * m) where n is the number of verticals in a graph and m is the number of edges. I am thinking that this would be considered a cubic algorithm? I know that o (n ^ 3) is cube, but I'm not sure because of "m". Anyone can explain that is it a cube or some other kind of complexity? Graph algorithm, about a particular case time complexity, technically, o (n ^ 2 * M) quartic (o (n ^ 4)), since m = hey (n ^ 2) however, since many graph algorithms are sensitive to the number of edges, so we can reflect that sensitivity For the complexity of different corners and paving functions. If the graph is sparse (M = O), then O (n ^ 2m) is a cubic, but for a dense graph, it behaves like a quartic algorithm.

ios - Strange iPhone5 letterboxing -

I just tested the retinal 4 simulator on my OpenGL game (which was developed in Xcode 3) Execode 4.6.3 is installed, and I got two black bars at the top and bottom of the screen. I added a default 568h@2x.png image file to my project with dimensions of 640x1136 Is, when I'm testing on the iPhone simulator, the default image is properly printed But after the game starts, the top bar has been moved to the lower part of the screen, now I have an array of two bars below and there is no bar at the top at the top. I have done some Google searches but it seems that there was no problem even before, I'm getting this result on the iPhone Simulator and there is no iPhone5 to confirm that this is the actual device. I I had a similar problem and I found that the use of the solution property Closing was a catalog for launch images that allowed it to be taken back to use properly named files.

How to limit the amount of requests per ip in Node.JS? -

If I ever get one, I would like to help to reduce the losses incurred on my node. Was trying to think in a way. I want to limit the IP requests per DDOS attack. I want to limit the number of requests per second to every IP address. For example: Any IP address can not exceed 10 requests every 3 seconds. So far I have come up with this: http.createServer (req, res, function () {if (req.connection.remoteAddress ????? ?) {Block IP for 15 minutes}} If you want to make it yourself At the App server level, you will need to create a data structure that records a recent record with a particular IP address so that when new requests arrive, you can look back through history and see if it is too much Requesting more. If so, then deny any more data and, in order to prevent this data from being submitted to your server, you need some kind of cleanup code that will relieve old access data. There is an idea here to do this (without test code for clarifying the idea): function Acces...