osx - How to edit numbers of Evernote notes, and make them sync? -
I'm trying to format my Evernote notes (thousands) so that they are readable on any device.
I have accessed Evernote storage on my Mac and have seen folders of entries - Every folder contains a note.xhtml and a content.enml files, which contains the contents of the stores directly
I can modify * .xhtml file, and the changes are reflected on the Evernote client, but They will not only sync to the server; Additionally, * .enml file contains the same content for the xthml file, but there will be no change in it.
Is there any way that I can edit my notes neatly, at HTML level ? Thx! In AppleScript, it is very easy to get and set up HTML. In fact HTML can be used to manipulate any other language. Here is how you can read and write HTML content to any single selected Evernote comment: Set noteList Evernote offers something on their developer site. You can also use But to give you a better answer, I have to know a bit more about how you want to manipulate your notes. The above example captures the first item in your current selection and the content set Does.
xsltproc for some more systemic manipulation I have only one example in a recent post. It can be on top of a little snippet to tell you how to set up HTML content.
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