wix - Windows Installer just changes my installation to ALLUSERS=1 behind my back -

I'm seeing a strange problem with the WiX 3.8 and Windows Installer.

I have created an Outlook

Therefore, I have been carefully created

  • Not to write at any system level
  • Not to write any system-level registry key (such as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ) Li>

    and in my YX script, I made sure to set ALLUSERS = 0 and set all other related properties that I found perUser or limited : < / P>

      & lt; Wix xmlns = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi" xmlns: netfx = "http: // schema .microsoft.com / wix / NetFxExtension" & gt; & Lt; Product ID = "*" name = "MyAdin" language = "1033" version = "1.0.0" creator = "m" upgrade code = "- some-good-" codepage = "1252" & gt; & Lt; Package installer = "200" compressed = "yes" InstallScope = "perUser" description = "more yada" manufacturer = "m" languages ​​= "1033" summary codepage = "1252" InstallPrivileges = "limited" comments = "more yada" / & Gt; & Lt; Property ID = "Isolation" value = "0" /> I thought this would work - but on my test system, with a normal standard user account (no admin rights), my installation fails poorly - with a message dialog I say that I'm insufficient.  

    WTF? I especially wanted to install ** only * for the user - not all users on the machine!

    MSI Logs, I have amazing things:

    MSI (C) (B0: B4) [18: 08: 08: 543]: Note: 1: 2262 2: AdministrationPractices3: -2147287038 - MSI (C) (B0: B4) [18: 08: 08: 543]: MSI (C) (B0: B4) [18: 08: 08: 543] User Policy Value 'Always Installed' 0 MSI (C) (B: ​​MSI (C) B4) [18: 08: 08: 543]: Products running with user privileges' .... .... ': It has not been assigned. MSI (B0: B4) [18: 08: 08: 543]: Changes in Property: Modifying the Eighiers Property Its Current Value is '0' Its New Value: '1'

    * Why on the earth Windows installer just ALLUSERS property to 1 ?!? !? I never told it !! Sheesh .......

    Any thoughts? idea? Indicated?

    Your installation scope (and install projectile) should be sufficient to implement each installer. So I will take my obvious ALLUSERS = 0 and see if you get the installer per user. If you try to reach restricted items, you will still get security errors, but this is a different problem.


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