
Showing posts from January, 2015

java - how to get text which is in code is here -

सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग getTextOfFreeResponceField () फेंकता बाधित है Exception {wait.until (ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated (By.tagName ("textarea" ))); स्ट्रिंग Savetext = driver.findElement (By.tagName ("textarea"))। GetText (); System.out.println ("संदेश =" + सावितेट + "चयनित"); सावितेट वापसी; } ऊपर दिए गए कोड से मैं कंसोल में टेक्स्ट प्रिंट करने में असमर्थ हूं ... अपने कोड को देखकर मुझे लगता है कि आप पाठ के किसी भी पाठ क्षेत्र से पाठ पाने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं, न कि पृष्ठ पर स्थैतिक पाठ। यदि ऐसा है, तो आप getText () का उपयोग नहीं कर सकते हैं के अनुसार: GetAttribute () का उपयोग करने के तरीके के बारे में जानकारी के लिए देखें।

android - Accelerometer's Min and Max value range and sensor data conversion -

I have a Moto G16 GB device from Motorola, it has a LIS 3H3 axis accelerometer. getMaximumRange () to show its or To select is zero, but for my device I'm getting the value of 39.24 39.24 / 9.8 = ~ 4.00 S My range is +/- 4g But when I just read X, Y, ZD data and store it in the file and see if I value the maximal acceleration to my smart phone then its show will be 76 m / sec2 What does this mean? Is this a bug for my device? How to convert these values ​​into +2g values ​​In my algorithm + 2G format, the value of the value is how to give it? How to sample cut-off or down of sensor data values? Moto J has dynamic configure sensor. It is initially configured in 4G mode. But when you give more acceleration on your mobile, it changes the sensor mode and switches to 8g and still gives you more acceleration, it gets 16g mode automatically, after some time it is on 4G mode Comes back You may have on the sensor echrackback callback on this catego...

How can i crop Image like scanmaster.apk in android -

After seeing great solution on picture crop, I ask again for a lot of questions. Please see the scan master. APK, I want to cropping my image in any shape only in rectangular or square format. When you are calling basic activity to capture or select an image from the gallery. You have to pass some important value pair in intent.

image processing - Write text on existing PNG with Node.js -

I am trying to create a static dynamic badge (PNG) so that the application can be embedded in a static page. I have to use an existing PNG image and write some text along with some nodes on it. I've got a lot of libraries, but all of them have to use ImageMagic or Cairo to have basic dependencies, I would like to avoid installing something else on the server. I have received a letter then, but I can not really understand how to write text on an image with it. How can i do You can use it's print method: Var requires GIMP = "GIMP"); Var filename = 'test.png'; Var imageCaption = 'image caption'; Var loaded image; (fileName). Then (function (image) {loadedImage = image; back to Jimp.loadFont (Jimp.FONT_SANS_16_BLACK);}). Then (function (font) {loadedImage.print (font, 10, 10, image caption) .write (fileName);}) .cache (function (mistake) {console.error (err);});

parsing - Parse French date in python -

Can someone please tell me how can I parse French date in Python? Sorry, if the question is duplicate, but I could not find any. Here I have tried to use the dateutil parser: dateutil.parser import parse_dt from locale.setlocale (Locale Import location) # lc_time, 'fr_FR.UTF-8') ## I had previously set local level ## locale. LC_TIME, 'fr_FR.UTF-8') parse_dt ('3 juillet', fuzzy = True) ## Do not work Default month ## Out [2 9]: datetime.datetime (2014, 10, 3, 0, 0) Parse_dt (u'4 AoA T ', Fuzzy = True) # # Edit the same thing by using the same month Edit: Add some references: I The idea of ​​parsing several dates in the fly is parsing the format of your string in advance without preferring the address: parse_dt (u'Aujourd''hui ', fuzzy = tru) pars_date (u 'Hair, fuzzy = true) other library Edit using: To translate Persian words, I can get it by using the Perseidum Library and some regular expressions: Import = ...

jquery - get javascripts asynchronously using getScripts -

I get some scripts unlimited on my login page $ ($. GetScript ("/ scripts / view / scroll-sneak .js"), $ .getScript ("/ scripts / kendo / kendo custom .jj"), $ .dynamic (function (deferred) { $ (Suspended.rolive)) () () () () () () () () () () () ()) ');}); I have two questions here, How can I take advantage of the browser cache here, because matching always takes fresh scripts. How can I promise that this script will be available on all pages of the same domain. Welcome to the alternative solution Thank you. The answer to your first question is the true set of the cache Jquery also mentioned in a way jQuery.cachedScript = function (URL, option) {// type user data type, cache, and url options = $ .extend (option | | {}, {datatype: "script", cache: True, url: url}); // $ .ajax () because it is more flexible than $$. Return jatiScript / jqXHR object so that we can make callback return jQuery.ajax (options); }; // Usage $ CachedS...

javascript - how to encode non-ascii characters in java script? -

Assuming CH = ¡¡is the estimated output = \ u00e1 but output =% E1 when I survived (ca) and current I use output =% C3% A1 when I use encodermonant (ch) I am using API which accepts unicode characters. Try utf8 encoding for characters Here is the code: Https:// R = 1029

sql - ODBC linked database with / in field name -

I am trying to add an ODBC database - on which I have no control - one in MS Access 2007 Machine Data Source - I do not know what is relevant, since then I mean that access is only set on this computer. - When I follow the wizard, I get the table, but when it comes time to link it, I get the error message: database engine 'WTD DATAPOINT_5 / 1000 'can not be found. Make sure that this is a valid parameter or surname name, it does not contain letters or punctuation, and that the name is not too long I think the problem is that the field is WTD.DATAPOINT_5 / 1000 and that access is interpreted as its / . This is the thing that I do not even need data stored in this column. I do not know how to go now. Find a way to access that the / field is a part of the name. (Highly impossible) Recover only a few fields from the table using the built-in access functions. Set up the connection manually using VBA and only if some files are the way to go, I get some sig...

ios - WKWebView equivalent for UIWebView's scalesPageToFit -

I change your iOS app to change UIWebView to WKWebView I'm updating. Although I do not understand how to get the same behavior with WKWebView . I used scalesPageToFit with UIWebView to ensure the web pag was displayed with the same size as the screen size (so that full screen is displayed without scrolling ). I found this solution on the Web but it does not work: - (zero) webview: (wk webview *) webview was communicated: (wk navigation * Navigation {nssting * javascript = @ "met meta = document.createElement ('meta'); meta.setAttribute ('name', 'viewport'); meta.setAttribute ('content', 'width = device-width, Initial-scale = 1.0, max-scale = 1.0, user scalable = no '); document. GetElementsByTagName (' head ') [0] .appendChild (meta); "; [Evaluate webview javascript: javascript closing handler: zero]; } You can also try WKUserScript. Here's my working configuration: NSString * jScript = @ ...

android - Fragment's Menu issues -

हाय वहाँ, सब कुछ मैं अपने टुकड़े पर क्लिक करें यह क्रिया बार के लिए मेनू बटन जोड़ता है तो अगर मैं इसे 3 बार क्लिक करता हूँ यह मेनू बटन 3 बार जोड़ता है .. क्या किसी को पता है कि गलत कहाँ गया ??? यह मेरी कोड है @Override सार्वजनिक बूलियन onOptionsItemSelected (MenuItem आइटम) {आशय मैं = बातिल; स्विच (item.getItemId ()) {केस आर.आई.डी। रीफ़्रेशर: i = नया इंटेंट (this.context, CameraInfoActivity.class); startActivity (i); वापस सच; मामले वापस सत्य; डिफ़ॉल्ट: वापसी सुपर.ऑनॉप्शन आईटम चयनित (आइटम); }} @Override सार्वजनिक शून्य onCreateOptionsMenu (मेनू मेनू, MenuInflater inflater) {// TODO स्वत: निर्मित विधि ठूंठ super.onCreateOptionsMenu (मेनू, inflater); Inflater = getActivity ()। GetMenuInflater (); Inflater.inflate (आर.मेनू.मेनू_ इंडूर, मेनू); } और मैंने जोड़ा setHasOptionsMenu (सत्य); मेरे ऑनक्रेटिव्यू पर यह मेरा menu.xml & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0" एन्कोडिंग = "यूटीएफ -8"? & Gt; & Lt; मेनू xmlns: एंड्रॉइड = "htt...

Varnish Cached Object Time -

How can we get the time of cached object in varnish? I need something like this, say that the object is in the cache for 5 minutes and for a specific IP, I want to tell the content from the backend to the server but not with the cache. You can set up your vcl, it will always be remembered when some headers are set or when the request Comes from a certain browser In your vcl_recv set sub vcl_recv {if (req.http.Cache-control ~ "no-cache" & client Ip ~ editor) {set req.hash_always_miss = true; } }

url rewriting - Redirect issue with .htaccess file -

I'm trying to add a redirect to my .htaccess file and I> + URL. My .htaccess file Redirect 301 "^ http: //$ "Http://" Any help would be great This does not accept regex patterns. Patterns do not need to be enclosed in quotes. If all the rules are for the same host , then you do not need to use the entire URL structure. Ensure that mod_alias is being loaded. Try: Redirecting Permanent / Glossary / Glossary + C.htm $ / glossary-2 / Place this in your document root in the .htaccess file. If you want another method by using mod_rewrite , try the following: RewriteBase / RewriteCond% {HTTP_HOST} www at RewriteEngine .emfs \ .info $ RewriteRule ^ /? Vocabulary / Glossary \ + c.htm $ / glossary-2 / [R = 301, L] Put it in the htaccess file in the same place. / P>

docker - Dynamic mount point for Shared Volume Containers -

Is there a way to create dynamically named clusters during the build process of dockers? I want to see something like this: sudo docker run -e MOUNT_POINT = "/ path / to / mount" module / sub-module and then The donor file has something similar: ln -s / internal / path / to / storage $ MOUNT_POINT volume [$ MOUNT_POINT] This would be extremely valuable directive to use from the code> versions, but there can be a different mount point in the production of each storage container (and avoid colliding with a consumer which is more than one date A-quantity wanted to consume) Any ideas would be very welcome. Here's how the volume should be used. You have a container, for example a database of your app container. You have another container, which says that your volume container actually keeps your data. You start your volume container with the volume parameter -v . Here you can dynamically name your volume You can start your app container wit...

google app engine - GWT MVP Storing session data -

I have an MVP application and I need to save some height data from ResizeablePanel ( There is a dockpanel in the panel, which should be init with a certain height in px ) Now I'm not sure what is the best way to do this. WebContext, Eventbus? You can store it in your view or in your activity / presenter. You can also store it in your entry point class. There is no right answer here - it all depends on your needs and methods. There is no need to attend eventbus or sessions.

javascript - Access Exchange or Office 365 API using Meteor JS? -

Currently I am using Exchange 2010 to manage our calendars. I believe there is an API available for the exchange, which allows to edit most calendar and aspects of the calendar. I want to create a Meteor JS app that interfaces to retrieve and edit Calendar 2010. So if you know how to access the API with Javascript, you should be able to help answer my chase questions meteorite js, just have a javascript framework. What is the best way to build a meteorite JS app if I have to upgrade (or just use Javascript) to interface with Exchange 2010 and retrieve the calendar? How are there to edit any tutorials on how to do this work? In addition, Office 365 will be the same API? After Since I am not familiar with meteorite js, I can give you general API for exchange provide information for exchange 2010 is a SOAP API that exchange web Services (EWS) is called and its rich calendar functionality refer to the EWS documentation, and concept to the article exists and is hot to get it ...

python Importerror using jsonrpc2 -

I am trying jsonrpc2 using python I have created a file def Greeting (name): return word (message = "hello,% s!"% Name) Then I runjsonrpc2 Hello but got me importError: Hello any module It looks like runjsonrpc2 is missing module in sys.path You can increase the search path along with that directory where your Hello module only gives the environment settings variable For example, if you are using a shell shell, you can run the following commands in the same directory of your file: $ export PYTHONPATH = $ PYTHONPATH:. $ Runjsonrpc2 Hello

c++ - How can I make these typedefs work? -

These rows are in different header files and are being added to the source file in the following order: square alice; / * Points for Alice declared here !! * / Template & lt; Square T & gt; Class Bob; Typing Bob & lt; Int & gt; Alice; Template & lt; Class T & gt; Square bob {}; VS 2013 Error C2371: 'Alice': redefinition; Various basic types Why is this an error? Any way to work around it? This is bad for declaring something as a class and both as a separate class For typedef though, names and type-tof names are interchangeable in many names, they are not always, e.g. It is possible to refer to the form of type as alice or class alice (which is called a wide-type-spacer) ) Is a square, but it is not valid if Alice is a typed name. This rule exits from C, where you can use only wide-type-specific And to be able to say it only to Alice , a different type has been announced. The difference is important because this type of "n...

ios - Download files one by one using NSURLSessionDownloadTask -

In my app I get JSON from the web service. This is the URL of many files in JSON which I would like to download. I want to download each file one after the other (wait for the first download until the second is started and goes further and further) NSURLSessionDownloadTask Using. I would also like to keep track of total bytes so that I can update the UI. Thanks a long time ago! Like the downloadtosk, you know that their equivalent NSURQ (where it can be explained within NSOction). Unlike NSOperationQueues do not play very well with. An option will add all your URLs to an array, and then within the closing handler of the work, just line the next item. Then you can create a single loop in your works, each task completion of the handler inside a progress shop, store the work in an array, and the next task queue inside the handler of each task completion: / P> - (zero) addRequestsWithURLs: (NSArray *) URL progressBlock: (zero (^) (NSUInteger numberOfFinishedOperatio...

sql server - Static ADO recordset returns RecordCount -1 when using common table expressions -

के अनुसार, Recordset.RecordCount का उपयोग करते समय पंक्तियों की वास्तविक संख्या वापस करना माना जाता है स्थिर रिकॉर्डसेट (जोर मेरा): रिकॉर्डकाउंट संपत्ति अग्रेषित-केवल कर्सर के लिए -1 लौटाएगी; एक स्थिर या कुंजीसेट कर्सर के लिए वास्तविक गणना ; और या तो -1 या एक गतिशील कर्सर के लिए वास्तविक गणना, डेटा स्रोत पर निर्भर करता है। हालांकि, इस जाहिरा तौर पर झूठ जब उपयोग कर रहा है SQLOLEDB प्रदाता और एक एसक्यूएल बयान है कि एक आम तालिका अभिव्यक्ति में शामिल हैं: कॉन्स्ट sql1 = कॉन्स्ट sql2 = मंद cn के रूप में नया "mycte के रूप में MyTable से (MyTable से myField चयन) का चयन करें myField के साथ" "MyTable से myField का चयन करें" ADODB.Connection cn.Open "प्रदाता = SQLOLEDB; सर्वर = MYSERVER; प्रारंभिक सूची = myDatabase; एकीकृत सुरक्षा = SSPI" मंद रु न्यू ADODB.Recordset rs.CursorLocation = adUseServer rs.Open sql1, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText डीबग के रूप में .Print rs.RecordCount 'पैदावार 156' rs.Close rs.Open sql2, cn, adOpenSt...

android - slideshow like Apple's App Store -

I want to create slideshows in my Android app that looks like Apple's App Store Functionally I need an interval Automatically replace image with user can also change image with left or right swipe and preview for next and previous image. You can use this library to implement the required functionality.

linux - Grunt Package cmd fail on Running minall task (ubuntu and windows) -

I am trying to follow this tutorial so that angularJS can be notified on my OS but I get stuck on this move I've been: is running "owed" work is going on "Clean: Construction "(clean) cleaning work ... well running" clean: tmp "cleaning (tmp) cleaning tmp ... okay" build "work & gt; & Gt; File creation / angle-landscape.js created & gt; & Gt; File Creation / Angular JS was created & Gt; & Gt; File creation / angular-loader.js created & gt; & Gt; Created file creation / angular touch-js. & Gt; & Gt; File creation / angular-mocks.js created & gt; & Gt; File creation / angular-sanitize.js created & gt; & Gt; File Creation / Angular Resources. Created & Gt; & Gt; File creation / angular-messages.js created & gt; & Gt; File creation / angular-animate.js created & gt; & Gt; File Creation / Angular-Way. Created & Gt; & Gt; File creation / angular-cookies....

windows - C# Check if Current Logged on user is Admin (Remote Machine) -

I know there are many discussions about this subject but no one really answers my exact question. I am looking for a method that checks from a distance if the user has administrator rights on logging on whether a "administrator" group or a "administrator" within a nested group member, such as "Domain Administrator" is a member of the local made for example. Method # 1 (Work remotely but checks only the local "Admin" group): private bool is admin () {ArrayList mem2 = new Arrestist (); String hostName = defaultfommedal. Logged user name; // a username meets another class ({DirectoryEntry machine = New DirectoryEntry ( "WinNT: //" + mycomputer.myComputerName)) // remote computer that I get from any other category {// local administrators group Using the (DirectoryEntry Group = Machine. Find Children ("Admin", "Groups")) // Local Administrator Groups All members of group = members get the group. Invoke ("...

javascript - setTimeout in Winjs -

Regarding the server API, I should limit 3 seconds per requests. Here is my code: groups.forEach (work (group) {Api.simpleRequest (uri). Then (function (res) {// processing result}, function (error) {/ / error handling }); }); What I tried to do: 1. for (var i = 0; i & lt; groups.length; i ++) {(Function (index) {SetTimeout (function () {Api.simpleRequest (url). Then () // ...}, 1000);}) (i); }; Trying to use WinJS.Promise.timeout (1000) , then continue my promise. Both options do not work for me. Just got the solution to work, but setTimeout () var i = 0; Instead of strong> setInterval () Var length = groups. Long - 1; Var timer = setInterval (function () {Api.simpleRequest (uri) .then () // ... if (i == groups.length) {clearInterval (timer);}} i ++;});

Is it possible to expire data in MongoDB based on multiple properties? -

I'm trying to clean my MongoDB and I thought about it. . But I need separate TTLs for my documents based on a second asset, Here's an example: {"_ id": ObjectId ("525bd2aee4b05e96f1ec7362 "525bd2aee4b05e96f1ec7361", "serviceId": "525bd2ade4b05e96f1ec735f", "Status": "Start", "Timestamp": ISODate ("2013-10-14T11: 17: 01.651Z"), "Transaction" "525bd2aee4b05e96f1ec7360"} I can set up a TTL on the property timestamp , but I have a different based on serviceId TTL is required. This MongoDB 2.2.x ? After No, it is possible in a TTL index that there is no conditional argument in which the field & Lt; Now - expireAfterSeconds then delete the document However, there is a solution that can work in your situation: You have a specific date in the future where you want to expire your document. So, you You can add a field expireDate , which you can set in the ...

Javascript: Function expression over function declaration -

मेरे पास दो फ़ंक्शंस नाम हैं init एक फ़ंक्शन declaration का उपयोग करके घोषित किया गया है और दूसरा, कार्य अभिव्यक्ति का उपयोग करके, जैसे: फ़ंक्शन init () {चेतावनी ('init 1'); } Var init = function () {चेतावनी ('init 2'); } इस में(); जब मैं init फ़ंक्शन कॉल करता हूँ तो यह init 2 अलर्ट करता है। मेरा प्रश्न यह है: 1- क्यों जावास्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि फेंक नहीं करता क्योंकि दोनों फ़ंक्शंस समान नाम हैं। 2- मैं पहले फ़ंक्शन कैसे कॉल कर सकता हूं? क्यों जावास्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि नहीं फेंकता क्योंकि दोनों फ़ंक्शंस समान नाम हैं। उनके पास समान नाम नहीं है। दूसरा एक वैरिएबल init है जिसमें एक अनाम फ़ंक्शन होता है। पहला कोड init नाम दिया गया है। आप दोनों पर निम्न कार्य करके परीक्षण कर सकते हैं: console.log ( ); आप देखेंगे कि वास्तव में पहले का नाम है init , जबकि दूसरे का कोई नाम नहीं है। कैसे क्या मैं पहले फ़ंक्शन को कॉल कर सकता / सकती हूं? इस उदाहरण में पहली बार आपके कोड को दूसरे के लिए init के उपयोग के बाद नहीं बुलाया जा सकता। जब तक ...

oracle - How to check MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE for my session -

I need help getting TKProf of a SQL query Oracle asks to check the following parameters before enabling SQL trace. TIMED_STATISTICS, MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE, and USER_DUMP_DEST Can anyone help me current session and if they are wrong then how to set them up? I tried to show the parameter max_dump; Show parameter timed_statistics; Sqlplus (windows) from , but I get ORA-0942: table or visual error does not exist. In addition, any further help TKPROF will be highly appreciated in the next steps. You need to select the v_ $ parameter SQL & gt; Show parameter max_dump ORA-00942: table or view SQL & gt; Does not exist Conn / as sysdba are connected to SQL & gt; Select the grant on the v_ $ parameter on HR; Funding succeeded SQL & gt; Canaan HR / Hour Connected SQL & gt; Show parameter max_dump NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ -------- ------------ max_dump_file_size string unlimited SQL & gt;

c++ - How do I know if a project is MFC application -

My friend has given me a visual studio project with lots of files, I'm sure this is a C ++ application. But I want to verify if this is an MFC application or not The issue is that this project has been developed on the higher version (VS 2013) than mine (VS-2010) This VS is opening in 2010. So I thought I would create a new project and then gradually add these files But when I try to create a new project, There are many options, such as MFC, Vinoba etc. I think this is an MFC application. But to ensure that I want to verify that this project is actually an MFC application, how can I do this? Seeing project files especially! Look into your source files and see whether afx.h or afxwin.h are included in any location. is. Project settings are secondary. Only when such a header file is used in the project, the MFC libraries are included in the link phase.

Owl Carousel is not smooth with swipe gesture -

I have an app that shows many images in the carousel. I have noticed that the movement of images is jerky from left to right (or vice versa), but when I click on the Navigator button (in my case the small dot below, it is very smooth) . Is this a known issue? How can I improve the smoothness of the image movement in this case? I had the same problem and set dragBeforeAnimFinish option to False . $ (elem) .owlCarousel ({dragBeforeAnimFinish: false}); You can see the options of Owl Carousel here:

html - JavaScript Code Not Working -

My Java script code is not working, currently when you select a value in the first drop down menu, the second drop Down menu is editable which is fine but I want to do it like when you select the 'default' option in the first drop down menu, the second drop down menu changes to 'default' and becomes disabled Goes to read only, Ekin if I have another option I choose the other 'default' second menu should be editable. & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function mySecondFunction () {var ddl = document.getElementById ("1"); Var selectedValue = ddl.options [ddl.selectedIndex] .value; If (selected value == "default") {document.getElementById ("mySelection"). Disabled = true; } And {document.getElementById ("mySelection"). Disabled = false; }} & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Select ID = ...

jquery - Ajax request sending only part of data to PHP server -

I am trying to send an object to my PHP server (which I successfully removed from a handset) in a script Send me Function Severmett (ShowList) {var tableData = handsontable.getData (); $ .AJX ({url: "../phprequests/saveMaterials.php", data: {"data": tabledata, "enduser idid": & lt ;? php echo $ endUserId? & Gt;}, datatype: 'jason' , Type: 'post', success: function (race) {if (res.result === 'okay') {if (shoelert) warning ('saved data.');} And {if (shoelert) warning (Res.errorMessage);}}, Error: Job (Excerpt, Status, Error) {If (ShowAuthor) Warning (Error);}}); } In my PHP server, I will just get the data, and save it in my DB: is an array of contentData objects (handsets capable), which has approximately 15 fields in each (one in each column). When I have a small number of rows, everything works as expected, after sending more than 80 rows at a time, I noticed that my PHP content is only 72 items of...

ios - Is there an easy way to find all dependencies of a framework? -

While writing extensions in Swift / ranges in Objective-I, I have to make a structured decision to organize my Xcode project. . I thought keeping in mind the dependencies of different apple framework would be a good idea. For example MKMapView class MapKit is a property of its centerCoordinate type of CLLocationCoordinate2D Is. And the CLLocationCoordinate2D core location structure. depends on the MapKit framework CoreLocation structure. (see) I know that I can browse related header files to collect that information which I am looking for. But it is quite tedious. Is there an overview of all the apple frameworks coming with iOS / Maccode SDK? Or a more convenient way to determine them? running (I can not find the official manpage) The -L option should give you all dependencies: $ otool -l /path/to/ABC.framework/Versions/Current/ ABC

c# - The specified cryptographic algorithm is not supported on this platform in Glacier Upload -

We are facing the problem of uploading data to the glacier on the Windows XP machine "Error message given below" specified cryptographic algorithm Not supported on this platform. " An error occurs (for the .net low level glacier API) Client UploadMultipartPart (uploadMPUrequest); and the code below is also used when using a high level API. string archiveId = manager.upload (vaultName, "name", archiveToUpload) .ArchiveId ; On reading some links, we found that Windows XP does not support cryptography but we have many customers running XP machine, there is no solution or any hot fix for it. I came to the hot fix while searching for error but it works for the Windows Server machine and there is no luck for Windows XP Assume that your crypto algorithm is SHA256. For code if you have access, you can try to use SHA256 Management instead of SHA256CryptoServiceProvider. The algorithm will be run by the framework instead of trying to run thro...

tsql - How to cut substring between known characters in SQL Server -

How do I cut the substrings between the two known character sequences in the SQL server? For example: this is my string (column in a table) 'DateTime format = DDMM.AyyA and ReportData_FormatDate = 08/11/2014 00: 00 : 00 and ReportDataotAut = 08/12/2014 23:59: 00 & amp; Reports_Brand: isnull = true & amp; Reports_Portal: isnull = true & amp; Reports_Currency: isnull = true & amp; ReportBy = Week & amp; OrderBy: isnull = true & amp; IncludeDataForLastHour: isnull = True & amp; Server name: isnull = true & amp; User = pirman1 & amp; Reports_Export = False & amp; Internal ' and I should see only pirman1 which is between and user = and the following & amp; . I tested this code, with some changes in the code of Moorink, it's a fine job Does. Select from REPLACE (Replus (SUBSTRING (string, start_pos, end_pos - start_pos +1), '& amp; user =', ''), '& amp;', '') (SELECT strin...

dialog - How to get render parameter -

I have to get the render parameter. I wrote the following io: Script to open a new dialogue. I set the parameter in that script. & lt; Input type = "text" name = "& lt; portlet: namespace /> weburl" size = "75: id =" weburl "label =" inlinefilled = "true" /> & Lt; Aui: button name = "btn preview" id = "btn preview" value = "preview" gt; & Lt; Aui: script & gt; AUI () Use ( 'aui-base', 'Auai-o-plugin-Distrkted' Laifre-use-window ',' Laifre-Portlet-URL ',' Auai-dialog-Aiaram-Distrikted ', function (e) { Aon ( '# & lt; Portlet: namespace / & gt; btnpreview'). on ( 'click', function (event) {alert (document.getElementById ( 'weburl'). Value) var strUrl = document.getElementById ( 'weburl '). value; var Renderurl = Liferykportleturlkkreaterenderurl (); Renderurlksatprmeter ( "Nmurl" Strirl); R...

c - malloc pointer identification -

Then I have to apply it to my own malloc and free to do this job. The problem is a memory_free (zero * PTR) function. If the pointer is invalid, then it must be returned to 1, i.e. it is not allocated by memory_alloc (unsigned integer size) , or 0 returns otherwise. I can not understand a way to do this without being completely disabled. So my memory structure is this: I have a global indicator to start the array, which I am working on. Each block of memory has a int header to tell its size and whether it is free or not. This is my memory_free (zero * ptr) function right now, TYPE is typedef unsigned int : int memory_free (zero * ptr) { Zero * head = ptr; If (head == faucet) 1 return; Head - size = (TYPE); If (! (* (TYPE *) head) and 1) return 1; (* (TYPE *) head) & amp; = ~ 0x1; return 0;} Indicator ptr indicates the first byte of the user, which means that if I want to read the header, I will have to go back to 4 bytes. To solve the validity of the indicator...

objective c - iOS - update UILabel text periodically with our user interaction -

I have some labels on my UI that look like something "2s ago", "1h ago" ... now I want to update them from time to time without the user's contact, how can I get it? Use when the screen opens and you display the labels, decide when you want to You will update, you have updated the label by saying "2s ago", and the next thing you want your users to see "1 min ago" You schedule a timer task to fire in 58 seconds, and provide a callback selector that updates the label, and determines the timing of the timer's next shoot. Since you are likely to use irregular intervals (60 seconds for the first hour, 60 minutes for the next 23 hours, then one day) you should set your timer without repeating. Do not forget to cancel the time when the scene disappears.

php - zf2 repopulate form with filtered values -

I went from zf1 to zf2 a few weeks ago and when I am creating a form, I am confused. Is there any alternative that the form gets value from the form after filtered to be repatriated? What do you want: $ request = $ this - & Gt; GetRequest (); If ($ request-> ispost ()) {$ form-> SetData ($ request-> getPost ()); If ($ form-> isValid ()) {$ filteredData = $ form-> GetData (); }}

c# - MongoDB very slow read performance on server -

Actually, I have a Windows service that does a batch job. My two collections are related, client accounts and events This service runs through each account and works out of their travel times, the timestamp, the name of the event , Happened on that page, and user name event collection log actions. The risk of account closure, based on the collection of events and a set of rules defined by the user. At this time there are around 3,500 accounts and there are about 100,000 events in my database. The service to run on my development PC only takes 1 minute, but always appears on the server (I have been guessed that It takes about 2.5 hours depending on the modification of the service, so it only works on one client account. My machine has a core i7 with 16 GB RAM, the server has an Intel Xeon E5- 2609 (64 bit, Win 2008 R2) is with 24 GB RAM. I took the database nearly a couple of minutes to run a very old server (32 bit, Windows 2003) and the service. So, I know that it takes mo...

python - Tweepy Google App Engine Billing Error -

I am trying to post updates using tweepy and GAE. This code works well in local hosts. However, when I upload it to GAE, try opening a URL that receives the following error: increase TweepError ('Failed to send request:% s'% e) TweepError: Request Fail to send: Will be enabled for socket API This app is enabled after billing in Admin console. So my question is, do I need to enable billing for use with the app engine and is there any alternative solution? I mentioned that webapp2 and ssl (TPE is required when using app engine with third party library App.yaml) T thinks that Tweaksi needs a bill, but it is looking like a TwPS on the socket API to do its job, and this requires API billing. You can enable billing and still remain under the free quota, just so you know, you just have to be careful. You note, you can always set very little.

string - NumPy - Unpacking data with different dtypes from a file using genfromtxt -

I am trying to read in a file where the first column is a date string and 2-4 column regular floating point number Are there. If I get an array of 4x rows data = np.genfromtxt ("infile.csv", delimiter = ','), In the file where all the values ​​in column 1 are (quite right) NaNs then I tried to get my date as a string data = np.genfromtxt ("infile.csv", Delimited = ',', dtype = ("| S20", float, float, float). The result is a 1D array with all the four columns of a row, which is now the array of arrays Is in the form of an element. Can someone explain what I am doing wrong? Better ways to do this, but since we do not know how quickly you handle date strings To plan (to write, not to run on the amount of data), and to use some loops in a dirty way: in the category for i (iN (data [0]) For i Data DataType = Tupl (NPMMTM (data), dtype = data.dtype [i]): For J, item in enumerate (line): data_tu [J] [i] = item This will ...

scala - How to declare a manifest on a closure -

क्या के बजाय को बंद करने पर मैनिफेस्ट घोषित करना संभव है> def extract [A] (v: JValue) (निहित एम: मैनिफेस्ट [ए]): ए = वी.एक्सटेक [ए] कुछ ऐसा है? def extract [A] = (v: JValue) = & gt; V.extract [ए] यह मेनिफेस्ट को विधि पर घोषित करता है जो फ़ंक्शन देता है विशिष्ट प्रकार के लिए आपको एक फ़ंक्शन लौटाना: def extract [A] (निहित एम: मैनिफेस्ट [ए]) = (v: JValue) = & gt; V.extract [ए] इसके अलावा दो कारणों से यह असंभव है: तरीकों के विपरीत स्काले कार्य पैरामीट्रिक बहुरूपता का समर्थन नहीं करते हैं - ऐसा कुछ नहीं है [ए] (वी: जेवील्यू) = & gt; (एम: मैनिफेस्ट [ए]) = & gt; V.extract [ए] विधियों के विपरीत स्काला फ़ंक्शन अंतर्निहित पैरामीटर का समर्थन नहीं करते हैं। जबकि यह वाक्यविन्यास स्वीकार कर लिया गया है: {निहित मैनिफेस्ट: मैनिफेस्ट [स्ट्रिंग] = & gt; V.extract [स्ट्रिंग]} यहां पर निहित अर्थ का एक अलग अर्थ है: यह मूल्य मैनिफेस्ट फ़ंक्शन के शरीर के भीतर अंतर्निहित संकल्प के लिए उपलब्ध करता है लेकिन फ़ंक्शन को बुलाते समय कोई प्रभाव नह...

sbt - How to declare zip dependency and know its path in file system? -

I would like to download a zip artifact and find the related file in the local file. Where can zip extensions be declared? LibraryDransensis ++ = Seek ("Comm. CK"% "Audit-agent"% "0.7"% "Test" // where I put zip?) Maybe I can use just some objects to refer to artwork, download it and file a file name? Any ideas? In the to libraryDependencies is defined as the method: libraryDependencies + = "organization"% "myModuleName" "" from "" "%" " Follow and then update and .filter : val jar = (update to compile). ( ConfigurationFilter ("compile")) .filter (_ .name .contains ("myModuleName")) .head

batch file - Hmm, what did i do (Application selector)(Program error(IGNORE POST)) -

So, I'm trying to make an app selector - I got everything from a problem - I used to do it I can get it if this program is in the same folder as the batch file, but this code is start the CD "% userprofile% \ Desktop \ Multibech \ Place application here" Glyph.exe Not here my old one works only in that folder if% selector% == 7 GlyphClient.exe Rarnb to So How do I get to launch it, it means I'm in the directory - I put glyphs it. Please help but respect. Full code @echo off @title Multi Tool Color 0C: Title Echo ------------------ ------- -------------------------------------- Resonance ---- ------- -------- Multilay by Michael Lock --------------------- echo ---------- ------- ------------------------------------------- --- Stop: Selection 1 echo ------------------------------------------ -------- ------------- Echo - ---------------------- Selection Tool --- ---------------------- Echo --------------------------- ----------------------- ------...

jsf 2 - Omnifaces Components#includeCompositeComponent set attribute value -

When dynamically creating a composite component with Omniface, the value of properties (such as attribute myValue ) so that it is available for pre-render events on composite? & lt; Composite: interface & gt; & Lt; Composite: attribute name = "myValue" required = "true" /> & Lt; / Mixed: Interface & gt; & Lt; Overall: Implementation & gt; & Lt ;! - Does it work! - & gt; & Lt; H: output text value = "# {cc.attrs.myValue}" /> & Lt ;! - It does not execute - & gt; & Lt; F: event id = "eventId" type = "javax.faces.event.PreRenderComponentEvent" listener = "# {b. Asmat.myValue}}" /> & Lt ;! - luggage - & gt; & Lt; / Mixed: Implementation & gt; However, I can reach myValue on XHTML (via # cc.attrs.myValue} ) But this is not available for pre-render (I used to specify the value of myValue .) Edit: Also in the attribute (by managed-asset) ...

Thread constructor behaviour in Java -

सार्वजनिक वर्ग का परीक्षण थ्रेड {public void run () {System.out.println ("done"); } सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {थ्रेड टी = नया थ्रेड (नया प्रोग्राम 33 ()); t.start (); }} // java.lang.Thread class में कोई भी निर्माता नहीं है जो एक तर्क के रूप में एक थ्रेड लेता है, तो यह प्रोग्राम सफलतापूर्वक क्यों चलता है। थ्रेड क्लास के पास कंस्ट्रक्टर है जो रननबल लेता है सार्वजनिक थ्रेड (रननेबल लक्ष्य) और थ्रेड चलने योग्य आप देख सकते हैं

ruby - Rubymine shows: No SDK specified -

I have installed Rubelin 1.9.3 in my Mac. When I run a project I get a message that "no SDK is specified" I'm not sure how to get rid of this error. Can anyone help me? Please rumenain window & gt; Help & gt; Actions & gt; Find sdk, or file & gt; Settings & gt; Search SDK, you can set the SDK here (in SDK's ruby_dir / bin / ruby, linux, you can use

regex - How to remove lines which contain certain word/charater twice in notepad+ -

I want to know that we can remove all the lines in Notepad +, which repeat the specific letter or word in a single line it happens. / P> I have a large text file for my problem and I want to remove all those lines that include the email address twice. You are not the only email id, but I just want to So I can remove all the notepad lines in which @ sign was included twice ... but without conclusion I do not know how to do this, can anyone tell me with the regex of this process Please also mention that thanks The regex given below will match two lines containing two @ symbols, replace the matched wire with just an empty string, remove the same line. ^. *? @ *? @ * \ N?

dictionary - Python: find differences in two dicts -

I have the following problem: Two documents with articles are given as key and title + author value. I would like to compare two dates using article-id: If the article ID has different titles / authors, then I would like to create a mapping, in which a string will be found which is the old article id and title and author's output New ID with and does the same title and author Example: Older = {u'2014_en_1 '}: u'Letter A \ tauthor A \ n', u'2014_en_2 ': u'xplanation \ tauthor B \ N ', u'2014_en_3': u'Conclusion \ tauthor c \ n '} new = {u'2014_en_1': u'Welcome \ tauthor xy \ n ', u'2014_en_2': u'Letter A \ tauthor A \ N ', U'2014_en_3': for 'ending \ tauthor C \ n', u'2014_en_4 ': u'xplanation \ tauthor B \ n',} for k, in old.iteritems (v): if the old [k] ]! = New [k]: print k + "\ t" + old [k] + # How can I get articles related to the new one? So, th...

javascript - Cannot create Object of function defined in closure? -

Why is it that I can not create objects from a function defined in the closing? var external = function () {var constructor = function () { = 1; }; Return constructor; }; // should be: {foo: 1}, but it is: undefined var constructorObject = new external () (); // This works var c = external (); Var Constructor Object = New C (); The external function call in the bracket needs to be wrapped evenly: var constructorObject = new (outer ()) (); // ^ ^ Center Center here console.log (Constructor object); // constructor {foo: 1} console.log (constructor object.fu); // 1

jquery - Can I animate the change of a background gradient? -

I am trying to fade the gradient in the form of background color. $ ('body'). Amit (fixed) ('background:' webkit-gradient (linear, left, left bottom, from (# bccff), fixed (# 6289ff)) '}, 2000, function () {}); Create a full page div and add it to the background behind all other elements. After that you can make it alive. Check the code given below: function good morning () {$ ('# background'). Chetan ({opacity: 1}, 2000); } Goodmorning (); body {background color: red; } # Background {opacity: 0; Status: Completed; Top: 0 pixels; Bottom: 0 pixels; Left: 0 pixels; Correct: 0 pixels; Z-index: -1; Background: -WebKit-Gradient (Linear, Left, Left Down, (# BC4FF), (# 6289FF)) was fixed; } & lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Div id = "background" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Hell...

command line - PowerShell Remove all users from a specific group -

मैं स्थानीय समूह test_group से सभी उपयोगकर्ताओं को Windows 2008 R2 मानक, PowerShell 2.0 पर निम्न कमांड निष्पादित करके साफ़ करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। । Get-ADGroupMember "test_group" | | Foreach-वस्तु {निकालें-ADGroupMember "test_group" $ _ -Confirm: $ झूठी} निम्न त्रुटि फेंकता है, सबसे शायद इसलिए क्योंकि मैं v2.0 उपयोग कर रहा हूँ: शब्द 'जाओ- एडीग्रुप मेम्बार' को एक सीएमडीलेट, फ़ंक्शन, स्क्रिप्ट फ़ाइल या ऑपरेटिव प्रोग्राम के नाम से नहीं पहचाना गया है। Che ck नाम की वर्तनी, या यदि पथ शामिल किया गया था, तो सत्यापित करें कि पथ सही है और फिर से प्रयास करें लाइन पर: 1 वर्ण: 18 + गेट-एडीग्रुप मेम्बर & lt; & lt; & lt; & lt; "Test_group" | Foreach-वस्तु {निकालें-ADGroupMember "test_group" $ _ -Confirm: $ झूठी} + CategoryInfo: ObjectNotFound: (Get-ADGroupMember: स्ट्रिंग) [], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId: CommandNotFoundException मैं इस लेख और इसकी टिप्पणियों से कई विचारों की कोशिश की, और मैं काम ...

php - redirection urls does not work -

I am asking for help here I have developed the codeigniter profile with my problem redirect URL. In my path I have a local Controller, which is 'admin / user' on my local site, it works without problems on my server but nothing looks remote. codeigniter 2.0 in my config / routes.php earlier $ route ['default_controller'] = 'admin / user'; $ Route ['404_override'] = ''; and my controller folder structure is the controller as follows ---- & gt; Admin ------ & gt; (User.php / compagnie.php / gare.php .....) The administrator is a folder. And I have the following content in my .htaccess file: RewriteEngine at rewrite% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! F rewrite% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -D rewrite rule * The real problem is that there is no problem with my local server, but it does not display anything on my remote server. But if I change the $ routes ['default_controller'] = 'velcak' ; It works on the server and does not displ...

How to get a story associated with a request in Versionone API -

I am trying to get all the flaws and stories which are related to the request on the version I received a request I am capable of doing a defect with it., As follows: https: /// DATA / REQUEST? Sel = Request.ID.Number, Request.Status.Name, PrimaryWorkitems: Defect.ID.Number & amp; Where = ChangeDateUTC & gt; = '2014/10/08'; Request.Source.Name = "External"; Request.Status.Name = "Done"; Request.Status.Name = "!! Approved";! Request.Status.Name = ""; Request.Status.Name = "Reviewed"; Request.Status.Name = "Approved"; Request.Category.Name = "defect"; PrimaryWorkitems: Defect.Status. Name! = "Approved" Now, I only change the category to "Story", and I get an empty response. Not sure if request.Category.Name = "Story" is correct or not. Here's the rest call I'm doing: & gt; = '10 -8-2014 '; request. SourceName = "External"; Request.Sta...

loops - Java times table -

I want to try to make this type of output but there are some errors in my code. Would it be best to use the statement, or use another loop? Here is my desired output: Do you want to continue & gt; & Gt; Please enter an integer & gt; & Gt; 2 table 2 1 x 2 = 2 2 x 2 = 4 ... 12 x 2 = 24 Do you want to continue & gt; & Gt; T My current code is: import java.util.Scanner; Public class tugas6 {public static zero main (string [] args) {scanner input = new scanner (; Int Pilihan; Int i, j; System.out.println ("Do you want to continue;;)"; Pillian = input.exit (); If (pilihan == y) System.out.println (Please enter "integer> gt;"); Scanner = new scanner (; J = in.nextInt (); System.out.println ("Table" + J); For (i = 1; i & lt; = 12; i ++) System.out.println (+ i + "*" + + "+" (+ i * j)); Other (pillion == t) System.out.println ("Thanks"); }}} Thanks. I'm l...

c# - EF Query - SQL "IN" - Same Table -

I need to get a list of user whose code , But only if the current user is concerned with the same organization . In other words, if the current user does not have any connection with the organization in question, no results are returned. If there is a relationship then the results will be returned. This is a query yet, but it is only reusing an existing user for a user. The questions below will clearly get all the active UserOrganization records where the value in the Organization ID query matches my question. Is that how do I take my current user ( UserId ) and make sure they set this result before returning to the record, then should not be able to see them? var dbUsers = db.UserOrganizations Where (u = & gt; u.OrganizationId == Organization ID). If if (active, u = & gt; u.IsActive) var dbUsers = db.Organizations Where (o = & gt; O.OrganizationID == Organization ID & amp; User Anyone (U = & gt; u.UserId == Current User & amp; amp; U...

objective c - How to associate iOS keyboard "go" button with UIButton? -

I have a search bar in my SearchViewController , and currently, when they type in If no go button, it only shows back to show me in the keyboard, a Go button, and I want to call it - I want to connect to (IBAction) button: (ID) sender I have connected the current Next UIButton under the search bar I enable it And how would it be to add about this way? To make it clear, the search bar and next buttons were created in the storyboard, not programmatic. [textField setReturnKeyType: UIReturnKeyGo]; or - (zero) setReturnKey {// use condition here (field not empty) self.searchField.returnKeyType = UIReturnKeyGo; } As a second thing, Ghobs has said that you can find here ... Prefix: (BOOL) textFieldShouldReturn: (UITextField *) TextField {[TextField Resigns First Responder]; // Dismiss the keyboard // Add the action you want to call here. Yes come back } Source for the above code:

c++ returning a list of object pointers read from file -

I have this member function that lists the object pointer list & lt; Product * & gt; Product :: loadProducsts () {ifstream file; The product is temporary; & Lt; Product * & gt; Products; ("Cigarette DAT", IOS :: binary); If (file.is_open ()) {file.seekg (0, iOS :: end); Int size = (int) file.tellg (); File.seekg (0, ios :: beg); While (file.tellg () (& amp; temp), size (temp)); Product * R = new product; R = & amp; Temporary; Products.push_front (r); }} File.close (); Return product; } In my main function I call this function and then I would like to print some value of the item ...... List & lt; Product * & gt; S; ...... s = p.loadProducsts (); (List & lt; Product * & gt; :: iterator iter = s.begin (), end = s.end (); iter! = End; ++ iter) {cout & lt; & Lt; (* ITER) - & gt; GetModel (); } Now I can not see anything on the console and I have this error "source / buildd / eglibc" sourc...

.htaccess - wordpress plugin access file directly in browser -

I am trying to access a plugin file directly in the browser, so I can run the cron. When I go to the right URL, I can not find a page. By default WordPress prevents you from accessing it directly? Does it probably have something to do with .htaccess, or should I be able to see it directly? I'm trying to use the file resides (just an example): Askimet / askimet.php Any help would be appreciated! WordPress can not stop you from accessing PHP files directly. However, PHP files usually do themselves. It basically ensures that WordPress is loaded. In your example, the following akismet.php // make sure we do not expose any information that may be added directly (! Function_exists ( 'add_action ')) {Echo' hi there! I'm just a plugin, not so much when I'm called directly. '; Go out; } You probably want to do want to load WordPress for your plugin, though. Instead, you should know your plugins...

python - Import/export high rank numpy array to text file -

I have a high ranked egg. For example, size (100,100,100,2) . What is the best way to write it in a text file, so it is easy to import into other programs as well as numpy? You can use np.savetxt if you flatten the array And its first line, if you include the array size in the header). This way you know that when you open it in another program, then how to redraw the array: import such as np a = np.random.rand (100,100,100,2 ) Np.savetxt ('test .txt', a.flatten (), header = str (a.shape)) To import data and resize it, you For example, for example:

python - IndexError: invalid slice -

मुझे निम्नलिखित कोड मिला है पीडी .__ version__ HR1 = np.loadtxt ( "Spot_2013_Hour1.txt") HR2 = np.loadtxt ( "Spot_2013_Hour2.txt") HR3 = np.loadtxt ( "Spot_2013_Hour3.txt") hr4 = Np.loadtxt ("Spot_2013_Hour4.txt") hr5 = np.loadtxt ("Spot_2013_Hour5.txt") hr6 = np.loadtxt ("Spot_2013_Hour6.txt") hr7 = np.loadtxt ("Spot_2013_Hour7.txt") hr8 = np .loadtxt ("Spot_2013_Hour8.txt") hr9 = np.loadtxt ("Spot_2013_Hour9.txt") hr10 = np.loadtxt ("Spot_2013_Hour10.txt") hr11 = np.loadtxt ("Spot_2013_Hour11.txt") hr12 = np.loadtxt ("Spot_2013_Hour12.txt") hr13 = np.loadtxt ("Spot_2013_Hour13.txt") hr14 = np.loadtxt ("Spot_2013_Hour14.txt") hr15 = np.loadtxt ("Spot_2013_Hour15.txt") hr16 = np.loadtxt (" Spot_2013_Hour16.txt ") hr17 = np.loadtxt (" Spot_2013_Hour17.txt ") hr18 = np.loadtxt (" Spot_2013_Hour18.txt ") ...

php - file_get_contents with X-Auth -

मुझे file_get_contents का उपयोग करने में समस्या हो रही है, AUTH प्रमाणीकरण मेरे पास एक्स-एट टोकन है लेकिन मुझे यह निश्चित नहीं है कि यह कैसे file_get_contents में बाँधना है। इसके परिणामस्वरूप मुझे ब्राउजर में पृष्ठ का दौरा करते समय एक त्रुटि मिलती है, जिसका भाग है: चेतावनी: स्ट्रीम खोलने में विफल: HTTP अनुरोध विफल रहा! एचटीटीपी / 1.1 401 अनधिकृत मेरे पास कभी भी file_get_contents के साथ कई लेन-देन नहीं हुए हैं, इसे एक्स-एट के साथ प्रयोग करने में कभी भी नहीं है इसलिए मैं थोड़ी सी अटक गया हूं! किसी भी मदद की बहुत सराहना की जाएगी। धन्यवाद कृपया foloowing ब्लॉग पोस्ट पढ़ें : ब्लॉग प्रविष्टि में यह कैसे हासिल किया जा सकता है पर एक अच्छा उदाहरण है: $ username = 'username'; $ Password = 'password'; $ Context = stream_context_create (सरणी ('http' = & gt; सरणी ('हेडर' = & gt; "प्राधिकरण: बेसिक"। Base64_encode ("$ username: $ password")))); $ डेटा = file_get_contents ($ url, गलत, $ संदर्भ);

php - MySQL Query Help - DATEDIFF and Writing Results to A New Column -

OK, I have an unpleasant problem to solve and I've been stumped. I have a MySQL table essentially id Tronsdet Startdet ended Unit 1 Unit 1 Product Unit 2 Unit 2 Pross 1 2014-07-31 2014- with this structure 10-25 2014-10-29 22 hits 25.00 27 25.00 I need to do is make another column which Kuldin which calculates the number of days between Startdet and ended. How do I do this? Thank you very much - Create columns table YourTableName column add daysdiff int; - Update the new column with the appropriate calculations update YourTableName set daysdiff = datediff (enddate, startdate);

Count the rows that contain a column where values over or under a certain amount in R -

In a column, I would like to count the number of rows above or below a certain value. For example, I do not have the following data available: 1 ch1 1.0e +07 0.431105424 2 ch1 2.0e +07 1.4 9 8178 99 4 3 ch1 3.0e +07 0.862 939 286 4 ch1 4.0 E +07 0.735167840 5 ch1 5.0e 07 0.9 73566728 6 ch1 6.0e +07 1.77280045 9 7 ch1 7.0e +07 0.2 9 8531476 8 ch1 8.0e +07 0.728161 969 9 CH2 9.0e +07 0.768514386 10 CH2 1.0e +08 1.481 99 72 9 1 11 CH2 1.1e +08 0.00,00,000 I need to know how many rows value for each CR value More than. Anyone can help plyr :: count one more option Is: df 1, wars = "v1") & gt; Count (subset (df, v3> gt; vars = "v1") v1 freq 1 ch1 2 2 ch2 1

wpf - How to stop DataGrid from flickering when using ObservableCollection? -

I am struggling with WPF and for the ObsavableCollection I have some time and now I need some help. This is setup and requirements Using MongoDB as a backing database Loads of heavy data in the database Amount to be saved The UI should be able to display logs as they are inserted in the database (real time-iIS) UI Data Grid ObservableCollection Due to memory usage, the UI should be grid and paget and can have millions of records view logs On Ane, if the new entry is created and displayed, should be removed; This is due to paging and a set page size (50 log entries will be shown only at one time) A new log entry is created when using ActiveMQ to indicate Therefore, it is essentially a rolling log view where an entry comes up and an entry gets out. I should keep selected items and show updates in real time (this is why I am using ObsavableCollection ). Logs can be filtered and pages can be navigated, so I thought there are new log entries and it would be ...