c++ - How do I know if a project is MFC application -
My friend has given me a visual studio project with lots of files, I'm sure this is a C ++ application. But I want to verify if this is an MFC application or not
The issue is that this project has been developed on the higher version (VS 2013) than mine (VS-2010) This VS is opening in 2010.
So I thought I would create a new project and then gradually add these files
But when I try to create a new project, There are many options, such as MFC, Vinoba etc. I think this is an MFC application. But to ensure that I want to verify that this project is actually an MFC application, how can I do this? Seeing project files especially!
Look into your source files and see whether afx.h or afxwin.h are included in any location. is.
Project settings are secondary. Only when such a header file is used in the project, the MFC libraries are included in the link phase.
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