
Showing posts from September, 2014

Signing an APK results in AssertionError at -

I am trying to create a signed APK with Android studio and I found this error. I am sure that my passwords and these are correct because I have tried to do the same process arbitrarily with strings and they are unsuccessful with expected errors (password wrong) Google has not proved to be helpful for this error, what is the clue going on for anyone? I'm using 0.8.6 tap Java.lang Order $ 200 at ( ( Entry on ( $ 1 $ (ExportSignedPackageWizard.java157) at com.intellij.openapi.progress.impl.ProgressManagerImpl $ ( 471) on com.intellij.openapi.progress.impl.ProgressManage...

cmd - Reading text files with system variables by batch script? -

I have a text file param.txt that looks like the following: "SaveOnExit", "true" "tmp_dir", "% tmp% \ app" "GUID", "ab0809eda345febca" I want to read this file through Win7 and File with a new "translated" system variable, for example "SaveOnExit", "true", "tmp_dir", "C: \ users \ user \ AppData \ Local \ temp \ app" "" GUID "" Ab0809eda345febca "code here I have seen samples for parsing @echo off for / f" tokens = 1 " %% g IN (Param.txt) DO @echo %% g Unfortunately Or is not being converted to system variable% temp% output remains the same as the original file. I played with SETLOCAL enabled extensions and enabledDelated Expansions without any consequences. As is possible to keep VBS as easy to use as possible, powers or additional equipment is not an option. Is there a way to get output as a request? Thanks @ech...

java - schedule a job in unix by crontab -

I have created a simple Java program for "Hello World" printing. Code is as follows public square hello {public static zero main (string [] args) {System.out.println ("hello world!"); }} The class has already been compiled and it is in the same directory. In the same directory I have created a shell file named, in which command java hello Now if I execute this shell file If Java program is being successfully executed I have written a chrono to execute it every minute * * * * * / home / ashutosh / documents / javaprice / temp Sh & gt; & Gt; /var/log/myjob.log 2 & gt; & Amp; 1 is now showing in my logs main class could not load Java not me Know what the problem is, I tried giving the full path of the Java file but nothing helped but help me. Thank you Your problem is that the working directory of the kronobose is not that directory Where your class lives. Therefore, in the script, add the cd the_right_directo...

Not able to fetch response URL in APIGEE -

Hello, I'm trying to get the response URL from the backend. I am able to get the request URL, but the response is not able to get the URL. Any suggestions / suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance. Below your backend, a redirect URL (such as HTTP 302 location header) and an athlete in the URL The code that you want to remove in the APG Proxy-Flow Response Path - You can use the JavaScript script in the response path of your proxy flow, such as: url = context.getVariable ("response.headers.Location"); Var re = New RegExp ("#. *. * [? & Amp;]" + "code" + "= ([^ & amp;; +] (& amp;;)); Var code = url.match (Re); Context.setVariable ("authcode", code);

java - locking a object using hiberante session.load -

Hibernate is a PESSIMISTIC locking mechanism that can be used to lock the DB row. session.lock (object object, locomod lockcode). Let's say I lock an object: 1) session.lock (myObject.LockMODE.READ) 2) session.lock (myObject, LockModa. Upgrade) 3) session Lock (myObject.LockMODE.UPGRADE_NOWAIT) If any other thread raises the issue of Statement 1 above, what will it work for? Will this thread just block? Or will it be an exception? Something like CantAtyearlock exception? I want to understand the behavior of 1,2,3 What if a thread gets a lock and then dies? Is the lock automatic? Or is the record closed forever? / P> session.lock (myObject, LOCKMODE.SOME_LOCK_MODE) // Death of Thread (say that JVM has died) The lock is bound to the transaction once the transaction is committed or it is issued when rolled back. If your thread dies and your transaction hangs up, the lock still keeps. Other threads trying to get locked will just wait. If I remember co...

Python: Search word on a given webpage -

This is my first program that uses python for web I count the event of a specific (EI: football) I want to do, on Google and FIFA home pages 1) On Google def the word on TheWebGoogle (): import urllib2 import re page = urllib2.urlopen (""). Print ("Football", page) Print page.Fund ("football") is output [] 1) 2) On the FIFA home page def wordOnTheWebFifa (): import urllib2 import re page = urllib2.urlopen ("http: //www.fifa. is the output & Lt; ipython-input-51-4e40573ed4fb "line1, WordOnTheWebFifa () file" D: ", line 21, wordon TheWebFifa page = urllib2.urlopen (" http: / / ") .read () file" C: \ Ana File ", line 127, urlopen return (url, data, timeout) file" C: \ anaconda \ lib \ ", line 410, open response = meth (request, response) In the file "C: \ Anaconda \ lib \", line 523, http_...

relational database - How to relate tables in Mysql -

I am creating a music download website. There are three tables named song_tbl, artist_tbl, album_tbl. Song_tbl Artist_tbl album_tbl Every artist has an artist but the problem is that there are more than one artist in some songs (Example: Song 2 can have two stars = Patrs and Artists 3). So how do I manage it? Thank you for help. You must be a table song - artist_itist_tibil which links songs to artists. There should be 2 columns: song_id and artist_id, and then if the song is linked to 2 artists 2 and 3, then you have: song_artist_tbl song_id artist_id 2 2 3 Then you can remove the artist_id column from the song_tbl table .

Read multiple times lines of the same file Python -

I am trying to read several lines of some files in Python. This is the basic way I am using: Open as file (name, 'r +') as: in the file for the line: # Do something with the line And it's working fine, but if I want to repeat each row for the second time, even when I am open with my file: with the file open (name, 'r +'): For the line in the file: # Do something with the line in the file in a few lines: # Do something with Nkti second time And it does not work and off again I need to open, then open my file again to make it work. File as open (name, 'r +') as file : for file in the row: # some file in the row with some open (name, 'r +') As: Line in file: do something with # line Thanks for the reply! Use a file to jump in a particular state. However, think about whether it is really necessary to go through the file again or not. Maybe it could be a better option. File in the form of a file (name, 'R +') with the ...

java - How to implement a multi line TextView with max height and internal scroll -

I want to limit the amount of space a textView can take to the screen with the following rules: If the text is small (say 140 letters or 2 lines), then take as much space as you need it. If the text is long, paragraphs, To illustrate some of the screenshots for valid and invalid results, go to: Short text: Medium text: Internal scrolling: Spaces: Excessive length: Try this way. Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: maxLines = "5" Android: scrollbar = "vertical" Android: Android: Text = "Lorem Ipsum bus printing And the dummy lesson of the typesetting industry is Lorem Ipsum has been the industry and standard standard dummy text ever since the 1500s. "Android: textColor =" # 232e3b "Android: Typeface =" sans "/> In Java descTxtView = (TextView) findViewById (; DescTxtView.setMovementMethod (new scrollingwall moderation);

javascript - Redraw google maps on parent container resize -

I have found a Google Map API V3 on a page and when it grows in full window size, it is not automatically redering You can see this problem I have seen what people say in the same questions and I came to know that everyone wants to solve this problem with this line of code. Google.maps.event.trigger (map, 'resizing'); I have tried to do this, but it could not help. Your opinion is highly appreciated. seems to work for me ... (see) Actually , Just add google.maps.event.trigger (map, 'resize'); does not help you, you instantiated it on the map object ...

c# - DataBinding Between 2 WPF Windows with 2 TextBoxes -

I have the following problem, I do not know why my databunding does not work (I already did it in my program In the same way and it works). It may be that this does not work, I pass the main window and go to window 2, but only my reference set on window 2 for the main-window. Still do not know how to solve it My code (forgot to cut it, I hope I can not forget anything, because 600 or 700 rows have more than 600 codes) private zeros btLogin_Click (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {var window 2 = new window2 (); Login USERTB = new login (); // References to access login references and check whether we can read the logged-in user from Window.Show (); USERTB.Username = tbLoginUser.Text; // Check whether it knows the username - so far it is working. Hide (); After this, the problem begins, the values ​​of my textbox do not go to the other from the main window, even if I try to get it with reference to USER. Here Window 2. XML & amp; Window2.cs: Window 2 cc: string action; G...

php - Google universal analytics detects the payment/authorization terminal as the referral -

When customers select Visa / MasterCard as a payment method, then pay an actual payment terminal Is sent. (Nets BBS) after inputting their card data, they are sent an authorization terminal (3D Secure), to verify their payment if their bank pays it. Finally they are sent back and presented with a "thank you" page and this is where the Google ecommerce tracker is executed. But what happens is that "" is found in the form of referrals, this is the authorization terminal where the customer verified his payment. This is somewhat true because it is the place from which "Thank you" page has been entered, but what we are not searching for. We want to know where the customer starts from the site. Has anyone made this behavior feel free, and there is a solution to this? Trying to enter the Google code before the external payment is being sent to the site, but these payments are not successful, they can provide ineligible results ... ...

c# - How to check if a certain method/class/API exists in Xamarin iOS? -

After the it is recommended to check for a specific API like this IsiOS7 bool public stable {Returns UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion (7, 0); }} If (Util.IsiOS7) {// call iOS 7 API} and {// iOS 6.1 or earlier API call} The same should go for iOS 8. Now I have read that you should check whether there is a certain method or class exists rather than checking the version. Here comes the RespondsToSelector that should be something like this if (RespondsToSelector (new selector ("edgesForExtendedLayout"))) EdgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdge.None. But how will one examine if a whole class exists like UIAlertController ? In Objective-C, there is no NSClassFromString I have seen in some such purpose - if ([UIAlertController class]) {// ...} Will such a move happen? type type = type Gettype ("UIAlertController"); If (type! = Null) {// iOS 8 API} other {// iOS 7 or lower} How will this happen in C #? Or to check for UIAlertController...

database - Liquibase scripts are not getting executed during redeployment of .ear file -

I have a Liquibase script to add two tables in the H2 database, for the first time when the .ear file is deployed If so, the script runs and the tables are created. Later I have left both tables from the H2 database when I reuse the same .ear file, then the system reads the script but the tables are not generated. The log description is low INFO 10.10.14 14: 03: LiquidBase: Changes in the lock lock lock successfully. 10.10.14 14: 03: Sleibibes: Reading Changelog from Database 10.10.14 14 : 03: Sleibibes: Reading Information from Database 10.10.14 14: 03: LiquidBase: Change Lock Lock Successfully Issued Please give me a suggestion why the tables have not been made already Thanks Liquibase in very DB Information about the changes applied to the tor (Changes in the database mentioned) Liquibase (and not sure) does not ensure that DB is in the state defined by the applied ingredients, but it depends on whether there is no magic change of third party. Drop or shorten the Liqu...

linq - how to sort csv file with two columns in c# -

There are 14 columns and ~ 800,000 lines in my CSV files, sorted according to 3 columns in order of CSV order 10th column Have to do. I use the code below but only 10th column string is from filePath = "D: \\ csv.csv"; String [] line = file. Readlines (file text, encoding.default); Var data = lines Skip (1); Var sorted = data Select (line = & gt; new {sort = int32.Parse (line.Split (';') [9]), line = line} .orderbie (x => x.SortKey). X = & gt; x line); File. WritAllLines ("D: \\ Sorted CSUCSV", take lines (1) .cockets (sorted), encoding. Default); My CSV preference col1; cola2; col3; ......; col10; .. ABC ; Fds; 123456; ....; 123; .. deaf; dsa; 12435; .... 124; .. var sorted = data. Select ( Look up = & gt; New {SortKey = Int32.Parse (line.Split (';') [9]), SortKeyThenBy = Int32.Parse (line.Split (';') [2]), line = line}) (X = & gt; X.SortKey). Then (x => x.SortKeyThenBy)

Fullcalendar day 24+7hours -

How to change the beginning / end of im. For example: at the end of the day at 7 a.m. and at the end of 7 a.m., in the short term, I would like to start and end calendar thinking day + 7hours will be stressed Any thoughts ? look "When the timing of an event ends in another day So, to present at that time the minimum time should be in order as it was on that day. " $ ('# calendar'). FullCalendar ({next day deadline: '07: 00: 00 ', // 7am ...});

return value - how to terminate installer if unstallation of legacy version of software is cancelled before executing it? -

I've used innosetup to install an application on an installer (myinstaller) (myapp) code snippet: function legacy_check (): boolean; ShellExec start ( 'runas', 'rundll32.exe', 'dfshim.dll, ShArpMaintain SecretsUtility.application, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = -0000000000000000, processorArchitecture = amd64', '', SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ERRORCODE); Results: = True; End; Start the function Setup (): Boolean; Start the result: = legacy_check (); // This code will only see // code to install the latest version end of the newly-setup wizard page; Checks legacy_check () here to check the existence of an older version of myapp in the system and uninstalls it and returns it right so Myinstaller can proceed. However, during the installation of the old version here, it asks the user whether to uninstall it or not, if the user is pressed properly to uninstall, then works fine. But if the user cancels the cancellation of the old v...

Eclipse exclude php files from validation but not build -

I have a very simple access case with eclipse Kepler PDF. New project with php nature A file on the root # test.php A file in a directory # vendor / vendor Php & lt ;? Php square fu {public function bar () {}} & amp; Both files show an error in the problem view Desired Results: li> Complete the code in test.php still works on Foo and the seller / Problems with all sections defined under Seller does not show any errors or warnings on files under . The view of the problems does not depend on the selected elements Whatever I tried: the Creator's removal / build path Elsewhere, the seller also removes all code completion on the class Project & gt; Properties & gt; Validation & gt; Enable project specific settings + PHP CodeSniffer validator settings & gt; Groups & gt; Remove folder: the seller does nothing You must install the latest PDT (3.3) 1. Available in the market) in your eclipse kepler example. ...

cordova - Phonegap 3.5 and BarcodeScanner 2.0 -

I add the barcode scanner plugin to PhoneGrap 3.5 (final version, by NPM) and in a new project. By the way it does not want to work. These days I have several tutorial / follow tips, different follow different guides and various PG versions and follow the efforts (initiated by up to) plug-ins of various Foucault (Official Fongap Klee suggested). The problem is always the same: cordova.plugins.barcodeScanner raises an exception because the Cordova.plugin seems undefined. The most affordable step I: the phonegap create barcodeapp CD Barkodap Fongap plugin com.phonegap.plugins.barcodescanner phonegap run Android The code I used was try {cordova.plugins.barcodeScanner.encode ("TEXT_TYPE", "", function (success) { Warning ("Successfully encode:" + success);}, function (failed) {warning ("Encoding failed:" + unsuccessful);}); } Hold (e) {warning (e); } I put it in the www / index.html file just after that in...

php - Doctrine querybuilder DATE_FORMAT not working -

I'm having some problems with DATE_FORMAT within a createQuerybuilder My code: but im getting \ ORM \ query \ query exception [syntax error] line 0, to 7: error: of known function Hopefully got 'DATE_FORMAT' I have searched for some links and find out that it should work like this, but it is doing something wrong for me. DATE_FORMAT as well as a bunch of MySQL functions You can either create your own or use an extension like that, and then use your theory bundle config such as Principle: dbal: ... can add related work. Orm: .... dql: string_functions: DATE_FORMAT: theory \ query \ Mysql \ DateFormat

php - Prepared statement returns 0 instead of 1, why? -

What's the problem with this case? Why do I get 0 instead of 1? If I run a query from phpMyAdmin then it works fine. If $ ($ stmt = $ mysqli- & gt; ready (select "WHERE user name = and password =?")) {$ Input ['hold'] = md5 ($ Input ['pass']. $ Config ['salt']); $ Stmt- & gt; Dam_param ("ss", $ input ['user'], $ input ['hold']); $ Stmt- & gt; Store_result (); $ Stmt- & gt; Executed (); If ($ stmt-> num_rows & gt; 0) {// set session variable $ _SESSION ['username'] = $ input ['user']; Header ("location: member.fp"); // if we have results, redirect it again} I have no solution , But some comments that are too big for a comment. The code shown by you will set the session if the result is zero, or fails, as well as when the number of rows is zero, there is no error check to see that the code is executing expectedly Yes or No. You should check the errors, also try r...

java - changes in velocity template to reflect without server restart -

Is there a way to automatically show changes made to VM files without automatically restarting the server? I am in development phase and I have a lot of changes. I am new to Velocity templates and therefore it would be very useful if someone could suggest the same method. I try to use the following attributes, but it is not working using the badge server . & Lt; Beam id = "velocityEngine" class = "org.springframework.ui.velocity.VelocityEngineFactoryBean" & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "velocityProperties" & gt; & Lt; Price & gt; Source.loader = class class.resource.loader.class = org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.ClasspathResourceLoader velocimacro.library.autoreload = true class.resource.loader.cache = false velocimacro.permissions.allow.inline. = true & lt; / Value & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; / Bean & gt; If my understanding is correct, then you have your velocity t...

css - How to make relationship absolute div with parent div parent -

मेरे पास तीन divs .table.container {स्थिति: रिश्तेदार; ऊंचाई: 120px; }। कंटेनर {स्थिति: रिश्तेदार; चौड़ाई: ऑटो; ऊंचाई: ऑटो; }। Viewsp div3 {स्थिति: निरपेक्ष; पृष्ठभूमि: पारदर्शी; पैडिंग: .2em 0 पिक्सेल; शीर्ष: -22 पीएक्स; पाठ संरेखित करें: बायां; मार्जिन बाएँ: -25px; रेखा-ऊंचाई: सामान्य; } i Div3 (पूर्ण) संबंध जहाज को मेज के साथ बनाना चाहते हैं। मैं स्थिति od div3 को ठीक करना चाहता हूँ लेकिन यह पृष्ठ के ऊपर जा रहा है (अभिभावक) - स्थिति: सापेक्ष; (बाल) - स्थिति: पूर्ण;

node.js - Converting cURL request for node js using Request -

I think this is a simple one: I want to make a request at a Node.js As the server I am currently doing this with curl. Whatever I try, I get error 404 from the server. This is my valid curl command that returns a JavaScript object: curl - data "Ajax = 1 & amp;; Example = test" http: // Some After reading manual and request manual cURL, here I have tried in Node.js : ({'content-type': 'application / x-www-form-urlencoded', Ajax: '1', example: 'test', url: 'http: // some-site-}}, function (error, result, body) {if (error) console.log (err); else console.log (body);}); Your options are incorrect for one. In addition, by specifying form , it automatically sets the correct content-type . Then try it: ({form: {ajax: '1', example: 'test'}, url: '' }, Instead of { function (error, response, body): reques...

openerp - How can I add values through XML in OpenERP7? -

मैंने नामक एक नई तालिका बनाई है, और मैंने भी एक मौजूदा तालिका के लिए नया क्षेत्र, यह क्षेत्र region_id है और यह इंगित करता है कि किस राज्य से संबंधित है। अब, मैं कुछ मौजूदा राज्य अभिलेखों के लिए फ़ील्ड region_id (एक XML फ़ाइल के माध्यम से) भरने की कोशिश कर रहा है, जिसका xml_id ज्ञात है यह मेरी XML फ़ाइल के एक रिकॉर्ड का एक उदाहरण है: & lt; रिकॉर्ड मॉडल = '' id = 'ES01' & gt; & Lt; क्षेत्र का नाम = "region_id" रेफरी = "l10n_es_toponyms_region.ESPV" / & gt; & Lt; / रिकॉर्ड & gt; समस्या यह है कि मैं एक अखंडता त्रुटि प्राप्त कर रहा हूं, क्योंकि ओपेरपी 7 ने मुझे बताया कि मैं में एक रिकार्ड दर्ज करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। फ़ील्ड शून्य मानते हैं संपादित करें पूर्व> त्रुटि my_database openerp.sql_db: खराब क्वेरी: "res_country_state" (id, "region_id", create_uid, create_date, write_uid, write_date) मानों (104,1...

logic - How to make recursive function that multiply two positive numbers without using mutiplication operator -

Some people ask me this question. I am confused that it is possible to multiply two numbers without using the multiplication operator? Plaz shares this idea. Its very simple to see this code: int times ( Int a, int b) {if (b == 1 || b == 0) returns; Then one + times back (a, - b); } I did not test it. Share it only for consideration.

android - SQLite - Order by next upcoming Date (ignore year) -

I have a table of individuals, and I want to order them by the next upcoming birthday (ignoring the year). I have used the method described in this answer: OR SQL-code: Proper order from SUBSTR (DATE ('now') from SELECT *, 6) & gt; SUBSTR (birthday, 6), SUBSTR (birth date, 6); The problem is that I use any other date format. Date format is mm-DD in the answer above, I want to use DD-MM. Now my dates are like this: 17-10-1974 03-10- 1979 29-02-1980 20-10-1993 I want to sort it in such a way: 17-10-1974 20 -10-1993 29-02-1980 03-10-1979 (Because we are 10-10-2014 / last of this date) What changes can I make in my code, What does this achieve? An easy way to store it, will be the month and day switching with the SUBSTR () function: SELECT * from SUBSTR's order (DATE ('now'), 6) & gt; (SUBSTR (birthdays, 4, 3) || SUBSTR (birth date, 1, 2)), (SUBSTR (birthday, 4, 3) || SUBSTR (birth date, 1, 2));

python - replace string via re.sub() using a regular expression as replacer -

string = "@ABlue, @Red, @ जीलो, @ ईलो, @जीजी्रीन" new = re.sub ('([[AZ] [AZ])', "########", स्ट्रिंग) मुझे एक नियमित अभिव्यक्ति की आवश्यकता है जो किसी @ दो अपरकेस अक्षरों के बाद और @ को हटाने और पहले अपरकेस वर्ण। सी कैप्चरिंग समूह और Backreference: & gt; & gt; & gt; आयात पुनः & gt; & gt; & gt; स्ट्रिंग = "@ एब्लू, @आरईडी, @ जीलो, @ ईलो, @ जीग्रीन" gt; & gt; & gt; Re.sub ('@ [AZ] ([AZ])', r "\ 1", स्ट्रिंग) ब्लू, @ रेड, येलो, @ युगल, ग्रीन ' \ 1 प्रतिस्थापन स्ट्रिंग में पहले कैप्चरिंग समूह (दूसरा अपरकेस अक्षर) के साथ प्रतिस्थापित किया जाएगा। नोट ने एक r "कच्चे स्ट्रिंग का उपयोग किया है शाब्दिक " । अन्यथा, आपको \ : "\\ 1" वैकल्पिक उपयोग से बचने की आवश्यकता है: & gt; & gt; ; & gt; ब्लू, @ रेड, पीला, @ ईएल, ग्रीन ' (' @ [एजेड] (? = [एजीड]] ',' ',' ', स्ट्रिंग) एचटीएमएल>

php - Is there a way to initialize a JSM Serializer manually? -

I am writing a PHP wrapper project for an API. Within my feedback object, I want to deerize an object to the JSON block. This is not a symphony standard structure project, just a PHP project with symphonic components. Within a symphony project, I simply call $ serializer = $ the-> ('serializer'), And be done with it. But of course, my class is neither containerware nor there is no access to any container or services in general. I need to use the JMS serializer as an API, I am writing a cover for JM serializer (with configuration). Is there any way to initialize JMS serializer ( JMS \ Serializer) \ Serializer ) manually? The services of the JMS Serializer. The following definition within Xml is: & lt; Service id = "jms_serializer.serializer" class = "% jms_serializer.serializer class%" public = "wrong" & gt; & Lt; Logic type = "service" id = "jms_serializer.metadata_factory" /> & Lt; Logi...

SQLite query to get data from multiple tables -

मेरे पास 4 टेबल हैं, ModTable file_id, mod_flag TrackTable artist_id album_id file_id शीर्षक एल्बम लेबल album_id, एल्बम कलाकारता अब तक मैंने क्या किया है (छद्म कोड) 1. SELECT file_id, artist_id, album_id, शीर्षक से TrackTable WHERE file_id IN (ModTable जहां से mod_flag = 1 का चयन करें file_id); चरम मामलों में, यह लगभग 30000 file_ids लौटाएगा इसलिए इन सभी file_ids के लिए, 2. के लिए (int count = 0; count & lt; noOfRecords / * 30000 * /; count ++) कलाकार चुनें ArtistTable WHERE artist_id ==% llu का चयन एल्बम FROM उपरोक्त प्रश्न मेरे लिए काम करता है लेकिन मैं यह जानना चाहता था कि क्या इस को लागू करने का एक अनुकूलित तरीका है। क्या मुझे लूप के अंदर क्वेरीज़ से बचना चाहिए? सामान्य तौर पर आप नीचे की तरह तालिकाओं में शामिल होंगे इसका बेहतर प्रदर्शन होना चाहिए, क्योंकि क्वेरी को इंजन से अनुकूलित किया जा सकता है। SELECT t.file_id, t.artist_id, t.album_id, t.title, a.album, ar ट्रैकटैबल टी से एल्बम में जुड़ें। पर एक टी। एलएलबीम_आईडी = ए.एएलबीएम_आईड में शाम...

java - Convert to -

I am using reuse to apply a simple recurrence API, and this is to me org. Providing with restlet. Data Media type as a ContentType However, I am trying to use some other API which uses a (from guava) is. What is the best way to convert between these two types? It seems that you should be able to: MediaType Peruvadhava Media = Type.

c# - validating decimal numbers in culture -

Can someone please explain that, in N-GB culture formatting, decimal Will the purse () function return to 155? I see the same result of 'D' culture for the input of 1.5, the return is 15. I know that this program is correct, I am just trying to understand why it is right. I googled it and came up with nothing: ( I am trying to validate user input against culture, and it is popping up the input field with 0 when parsing fails But populating the field with 15, they do not feel correct, when they enter 1,5, I think it should be "unsuccessful", when a 1,5 is entered to the English format, 15 Instead of returning. try {ValidateSource.Text = decimal.Pars E (validateThis, NumberStyles.Number, UserCulture) .string ();} hold {validateSource.Text = "0";} , is in the culture of the UK, there is no recognition of how many points in each group, so" 1,2,3 "parsed as 123 It will be done, even if it is not that we normally expect it to be writt...

where - SQL Difference between two delete queries -

I do not understand the difference between these two questions. First of all, this is a schema: Movie (MID, title, year, director) English: ID number is a movie with MID, a title, a release year, and a director reviewer ( RID, Names) English: A reviewer has a definite name with ID number RID. Rating (RID, MID, STAR, Rating Date) English: Reviewer RID gave the film MID a number of stars rating (1-5) on a fixed rating date. What is called: Remove all ratings from 1970s or later 2000s, and ratings are below 4 stars. Two questions: Remove from rating MDID (Select M.M.D. from the movie M.Join rating RMM MID = RMID WHERE (Year & lt; 1970 or year & gt; 2000) and stars & lt; 4) in ratings from WHERE MID (Choose Movie Mate for the Year WHERE Year 2000) and stars & lt; 4 Now, the first query is not correct, while the second is the query, but I do not understand why in the first query I have all those movies I am generating mid with a rating of 4 stars and ...

python - How to prevent overlap of cells in ipython notebook -

I'm working on a locally hosted notebook for a while, however, Only re-opened the notebook and found to overlap all my cells, as shown in the image below: If I take cells up and down then they are correctly aligned again The offer. The only change I can think is that the reason for this may be that I recently updated my Anaconda package. All the outputs given in the console appear normal to me. 2014-10-10 08: 22: 45.531 [notebook app] using existing profile: u '/ user / anonymous / .paththon / profile_default' 2014-10-10 08: 22 : 45.535 [NotebookApp] Using MathJax from CDN: 2014-10-10 08: 22: 45.726 [NotebookApp] Booklets from Local Directory: / Users / uname / CWD 2014-10-10 08: 22: 45.727 [NotebookApp] 0 Active Kernel 2014-10-10 08: 22: 45.727 [NotebookApp] Running on IPython Notebook: http: // Local Host: 8888/2014 -10-10 08: 22: 45.727 [notebookup] using Control-C to stop this server Turn off all the corners ...

r - `Reduce` instead of `<<-` -

Let's have a function that converts a list into a semi-JSON string: code> Properties = Point (in% names) in %% properties) = = gsub ("',' ',' ',' ', places a place around # pairs (' '', '', # 'gsub (' "([^"] +: "," \\ 1: ", # # ToJSON (rapply (properties, as.character))) label = if (is.null (dot [[" label "] ] ") Paste 0 (": ", [Dots [[" Label "]]) ID = if (is (empty ([[" id "]]) NA_character_other point [[" "id"]] query = sprintf ( "% S% s", label, attribute) returns (query)} for example: as.cypher.list (list (label) AA = A, A = 1, B = "EFU", name = "bar"): # [1] "AA {A: '1', B: 'EFU', name: 'bar'}" Now go: How to change values ​​from in the list query So that each list matches the substrings in the query in the list name? After the replacement is...

ios - Swift MVC Design With Multiple Table Views -

Then I have a main view of my controller that has a table view. This table view will display many different custom sections which will be considered sub-class UITableViewCell in some of these cells within the table. My problem is that for the table view in the table, I should specify which class to be UITableViewDelegate in this case. See the cell I thought was my initial idea to make it a cell view class: class MyTableViewCell: table view call {@Iboutlet var table view: UITableView ;; Var Message: Array & lt; String & gt;?; // Parents are called by the tableview when cellForRowAtIndexPath is said to be in the main controller / to start the override function to see dynamic properties (obj: MyObject) {messages = obj.getMessages ( ); }} Extensions MyTableViewCell: UITableViewDataSource {func tableView (table view: UITableView, cellularouttextpage index: NSIndexPath) - & gt; UITableViewCell {} function table view (table view: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section...

c++ - How do I put a space in between every four characters in this output? -

I am writing a program where I have to display binary representations of different data types. I need binary output for one place after every four numbers. For example: Below is sample of a function that I am using to display binary code. What's the best way to format output with spaces? Zero print room (four testers) {unsigned char mask = pow (2, ((shape) (four) * 8) - 1)); Cout & lt; & Lt; "Binary representation" & lt; & Lt; The tester & lt; & Lt; " is "; (Int count = 7; count & gt; = 0; count--) {If ((testChar and mask)! = 0) {cout & lt; & Lt; "1"; } And {cout & lt; & Lt; "0"; } Mask = (Masks> 1); } Cout & lt; & Lt; Endl; } You are already being a counter, so you only use it To do the character you are on, for example: if (count == 3) {cout & lt; & Lt; ""; } Just add this if before your if-else statement. This way, once you have outputed 4 ch...

java - Zip file corrupted (sort of) after SFTP transfer/put (Jsch) -

I use this code to send the code via SFTP: private Sending zero (string sftpHost, int sftpPort, string user, string sshPrivateKeyPath, string sshPassphrase, string sftpDir, string filename) {session session = faucet; Channel channel = null; ChannelSftp Channel SFTP = Faucet; FileInputStream fis = null; Try {JSch jsch = new JSch (); Jsch.addIdentity (sshPrivateKeyPath, sshPassphrase); Java.util.Properties config = new java.util.Properties (); Config.put ("hardhostky checking", "no"); Session.setConfig (config); Session.connect (); Channel = session. Open channel ("SFTP"); Channel.connect (); ChannelSftp = (ChannelSftp) channel; (sftpDir); File f = new file (filename); Fis = new FileInputStream (f); ChannelSftp.put (fis, f.getName (), ChannelSftp.OVERWRITE); } Hold (exception before) {logger.error ("send file failed", prior); Throw new runtime up (ex); } Finally {try {if (fis! = Null) fis.close (); } Hold (IOException e) {logg...

sql - Truncation Warning when data should fit -

We are updating column A with exact value from column B. Column B has a length of 255 and column A4 is the data in column B is verified by LN (reverse (coal)) only 4. When we try to update the error message, it says: / P> Update table set column A = columnB where in column B ('ABC', 'ABCD', 'AB') We have also verified This works: Update table set column A = left (column B, 4) where in column B ('ABC', 'ABCD', 'AB') What could be wrong Any guess in the form? ) Data type for column B, in which case your database may consider the width of the engine column, despite the width of the data. The trim function can then get rid of the error.

How do I create a List by applying an operation to all elements of a scala Map? -

I have a Scala map myMap and I have to make a list MyList Combination is as follows: For everybody (K, V) MyMap should be Tuple (v.someMember, k) as an element in MyList Understanding the result is a new map for map and . It's a better way to start with an empty list and add elements through the map (key, value) through pairs. var myList = List.empty [(double, string)] Mimap Foreach {case (k, v) = & gt; MyList :: = (v.someMember, k)} use toList and then Map . For example: scala> Map ("a" -> 1, "b" - & gt; 2) {case (k, v) = & gt; (K.size, v)} res12: list [(int, int)] = list ((1,1), (1,2)) Or, if you want Do not assign more memory to more intermediate list, you can list with map with breakout import scala.collection.breakOut Can Scale & gt; Val L: List [(Int, Int)] = Map ("one" -> 1, "b" -> 2) .map ({case (k, v) => (k.size, v )}} (Breakout) L: list [(int, int...

compilation - Lightweight java game library + IntelliJ = error org.lwjgl.openal.AL10.nalGenBuffers -

मैं OpenAl की मूलभूतताओं का परीक्षण करते समय यह त्रुटि पा रहा हूं: अपवाद में थ्रेड " मुख्य "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: org.lwjgl.openal.AL10.nalGenBuffers (IJ) वी यहां में: इंटबफर बफर = बफरयूथल्स createIntBuffer (1); AL10.alGenBuffers (बफर); मैंने IntelliJ में इस लाइब्रेरी को सेट करने के लिए कदम उठाए हैं, WindowsCreationTest त्रुटियों के बिना किया जा सकता है कोई आइडिया? सबसे पहले सुनिश्चित करें कि कैसे IntelliJ के साथ एलडब्ल्यूजेजीएल को सेट अप करने के निर्देश दिए जा रहे हैं। यहाँ एक सरलीकृत स्पष्टीकरण क्या है आपको करने की आवश्यकता है: फ़ाइल / परियोजना संरचना / पुस्तकालयों पर जाएं lwjgl.jar और lwjgl_util.jar जोड़ें अपने डाउनलोड किए गए एलडब्ल्यूजेजीएल वितरण के जार / सबफ़ोल्डर में स्थित कोड> पुस्तकालय चलाएं / डीबग कॉन्फ़िगरेशन पर जाएं और निम्न वीएम विकल्प सेट करें: -Djava.library.path = / path / to / lwjgl / native / & lt; आपके प्लेटफ़ॉर्म & gt; जावा Library.path संपत्ति को उस निर्देशिका को इंगित करना चाहिए जहां आप...

android - Mocking Google Analytics v4 -

Depending on what I am trying to test my code. Especially I am trying to joke with Tracker Tracker = Mockito.mock (Tracker.class) ;. yields Is there any remedy? The only thing I can think of is to prepare my own cover. After I believe the cloning of the code is Tracker. Class is - because it will instantiate the class, which in turn throws VerifyError . This is not a problem with your code, but there is a limit to the Google Play services that has been reported and The following is the solution provided by SuperJugy in the second link, to the bottom of my Gradle File Creation. By putting used to:. : tasks.withType (test) {} {// test JVM test JVM (j) jvmArgs Setting debate for '-UseSplitVerifier -XX'} I had to add VM option -noverify to my test build configuration to work in Android studio. I think that you can work in the problem of using the cover, so long the cover code tracker does not institute t...

python - Best way to change specified indices of a list -

I immediately want to change some elements of the list. Suppose we have these lists: list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] idx = [1, 3, 4] New = [100, 200, 300] I change the element 1, 3, 4 with the list to new values For example: list [idx] = new hence the last list => is [1, 100, 3, 200, 300 , 6] I know that you can use it in Matlab like this, but I should know what should I do in Python? Note : I know that using loop is possible and it is possible to do this. Edit : I want to use a pure Python solution. Code> zip (idx, new): l [i] = n Python itself does not support matlab style operation of the array, but if you are interested in that coding style , You can see it in Norma (see @Abernart's answer)

BIDS\SSIS Derived day of week from date -

I have to get a column to import MS SQL from CSV. I have a date field, but I need one day of the week, it is represented numerically, for example Monday 2. Is there any way to do this in the form of an expression in "Derived Column Transformation Editor" similar to the WeC () function in Excel? DATEPART ("DW", Using [MyDateField], you can remove the number of days.]) . It will be Monday for 1, Tuesday on 2nd, Sunday for 7th.

ios - How to pause/resume/cancel my download request in Alamofire -

I am downloading a file using Alamofire with progress, but I do not know how to stop / again Starting / canceling specific request has been canceled. @IBAction function downloadBtnTapped () { (.Get, "", Destination: Destination) .progress {(bytesRead, totalBytesRead, Println in totalBytesExpectedToRead) (totalBytesRead)}. {Response, response, _, error in println} (response)}} pauseBtnTapped (this function @IBAction: UIButton) {// I want to pause / cancel my download request here} after "text" itemprop = "text"> Keep a reference for the request made in downloadBtnTapped With a property, and pauseBtnTapped in that property Canceled call above request:. Alamofire.Request? DownloadBtnTapped function @IBAction () {self.request = (.Get, "", Destination: Destination)} pauseBtnTapped function @IBAction (this: UIButton) {self.request ?...

java - How to install the first Ninja Web Framework application? -

I'm trying to install the first Ninja Web Framework application, but I failed in trial errors. Java version - Java version - Java version "1.7.0_67" Java (TM) SE Runtime Environment (Build 1.7.0_67-B01) Java HotSpot (TM) 64-bit server VM (24.65-B-04, Mixed Mode) and my MV version is $ mvn3 -version Apache Maven 3.0. 5 (r01de14724cdef164cd33c7c8c2fe155faf9602da; 2013-02-19-19: 51: 28-0600) Maven Home: / opt / local / share / java / maven 3 java version: 1.7.0_67, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java Home: Library / Java / Java Virtual Mikens / JDK 1.7.0_67.jdk / Content / Home / JR Default Locale: en_US, Platform Encoding: UTF-8 OS Name: "Mac OS X", version: "10.9.5", Arc: "x86_64", Family: "Mac" Test run: 4, failures: 0, Errors: 4, Skipped: 0 , Time passed: 5.69 6 seconds & lt; & Lt; & Lt; Failure! Result: Test fault: testGetIndex (Controller API. ControllerDocestestTest): java.lang.NullPointerException: Ninja ...

intellij idea - Android Studio fuzzy looking on Windows PC -

I am running an Android studio on my Windows 7 PC and saw that the poor resolution was visible in the application. The text was fuzzy and things were far more than crisp and clear. I have a high-resolution monitor and everything else is good and clear. I found out that the reason was the Windows system theme that I had set up. I was running on a custom theme that I had created, and this was the issue. I changed my theme to "windows 7 basic", re-launched Android studio, and everything looked great. I'm not sure what other themes will work and still offer good looking offers, but "Windows 7 Basic" works perfectly for me I changed the theme by going to Control Panel & gt; Change theme & gt; Windows 7 Basic

json values to string array in javascript -

I'm new to this community and I'm just starting programming. I could not find anything about this topic, so I decided to start a new one ... If it is wrong then please tell me. OK, I have the following problem ... I want JSON-Object value to be in the string array in Javascript. What I have found: {"prop1": "hello", "prop 2": "world!"} I should look like this stringarray = [hello, world]; How can I get the values ​​of JSON objects (Hello and Sansar) and without these special characters (", :) and without properties (an prop1, Repeat the keys and press values: var stringarray = []; for (var key in data) {stringarray.push (data [key]);}

ruby on rails - RSpec - Get Described Class -

How do I get the main square described in RSPC 3? For example, I have the following questions: Describe the user "fetching" to describe "all" {{described_clash.New} end-end topic currently returns something similar to User :: fetching :: all , but I want to return it to user / Want to Not sure that I understand your question correctly, but as far as I can see If you just want to get a class, continuous name within your test, just what do you want by using described_close (without .new )? > class user; The end user's subject ({described_clash}} describes it { eq (User)} and

javascript - underscore/lodash unique by multiple properties -

I have duplicate objects and I am trying to get a unique entry, where specificity is defined by subset For example, for the properties of the object, {a: "1", b: "1", c: "2"} And in the C specificity I can do something like this _ Uniq (myArray, function (element) {return element.a + "_" + element + b}); I was hoping that I could _ Uniq (myArray, function (element) {return {a: element.a, b: element B}}); But it does not work, is there anything I can do, or do I need to make a comparable representation of the object while comparing multiple properties? There is not a simple way to do this, unfortunately. For this, lacking in writing your own work, you will need to return something that can be compared directly with equality (as your first example). One method would be just . ) _. UniqBy (myArray, function (elem) {return [elem.a, elem.b] .join ();}); Alternatively, you can use whatever you can not to remove or...

Cannot connect Java socket server and client -

I'm learning about socket programming with Java Using Java 8, this is a simple server: import; Import; Import; The public square throws main {public static zero principal (string [] args) {System.out.println ("My IP address" + InetAddress.getLocalHost). GetHostAddress ()); ServerSocket Server = New ServerSocket (4031); Socket socket = server.accept (); System.out.println ("is connected to anyone!" + Socket); Socket.close (); Server.close (); }} Shows all the host's address and then waits for the socket to connect. And this is the customer: import; Public square main {public static zero principal (string [] args) Exception {System.out.println ("trying to connect ...") throws; Socket s = new socket ("123.456.7.890", 4031); Println ("cool"); S.close (); }} When I run the server and the client in my home (in two separate computers), it work...

xamarin.forms - Implementation of OnSearchBarButtonPressed in the ListView in Xamarin Form -

Is there a way to find names on the table in List Xamarin without using any mono-touch components - For cross platforms? I have many names and are populated on listview and what do I want to know once the user name and list view will be resolved and it should be brought in by matching name. I've added a search bar at the top of the listview I do not know how to implement the on-searchbarbuttonpress method I believe I should not be re-wheeled again. SearchBar searchBar = new searchbar {placeholder = "search for employee's name"}; SearchBar.SearchButtonPressed + = onSearchBarButtonPressed; Padding = new thickness (10, 20, 10, 10); Content = new stack layout () {hair = {searchBar, listView}}; Objects related to posting your ListView ItemsSource a collection of. List view in the control there is no way to know about your model and will not be able to filter any . ListView does not seem to be anything inbuilt, which will allow you to specify ...

SSIS SQL Azure simple package fails without error message -

In SSIS 2012 a package is created that has a data flow function, which uses an OLE DB source from a SQL Server. A VM and SQL Ezur writes data for an OLE DB Destination. The package breaks with a read X at the OLE DB destination, but there is no error message in the error window . I have not been able to find SYSSSISLOG tables on both Source and Targeted servers. Can anyone suggest any suggestions to solve the problem of this package? I recommend OleDB instead of using ADO.Net destination with a SDI. ODDI is not supported on Azure DB while the ODBC will work, the possibility of ADO.Net will be faster.

jquery - Using javascript to get the values of multiple fields and add them to a table -

I am creating a script that takes the value of the field and places it in a table for verification, though this is , The user is able to add multiple fields (up to 5) and each field has its own ID. Therefore, when a user uses values, then I want to take my script from all that area (even if it has been added) And in the table Confidence can be how I will be able to do this? Adds a 'set' to the user, click Add Chart The user adds another 'set' (up to 5). Set ', then they appear in the Jepson Charts section. I need to get these values & lt; Div id = "chart" & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; Japson Charts & lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; Fieldset & gt; & Lt; Label & gt; Airport Identifier & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "air_id_1" id = "air_id_1" /> & Lt; / Fieldset & gt; & Lt; Fieldset & gt; & Lt; Label & gt; Chart Identifier ...

c++ - Run length encoding a vector error -

I was reading several times earlier on stage, but today I did not know why there is a problem in my code if someone It can tell if I am receiving these errors and I am grateful. I'm new to the template and I do not understand why vectr is being declared more than once, I tried to declare the vectr globally to fix the error but I do not think this is the right fix is. main.cpp: 8: 31: error: _v_class before the printcontent invalid declarator (vector T> V) ^ main.cpp: 8: 31: error: expected _ } _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '_': Error: conflicting declaration _print content vectr_printContent (vectr); ^ Main.cpp: 49: 20: Error: The previous declaration in _vectr_ is _std :: vector & lt; Double & gt; Vectr_ vector & lt; Double & gt; Vectr; These are my code, to run the target length, the content of a vector is to be encoded in a new vector so that the new vector has the number of objects in the old vector. ...

JProfiler GUI on local windows machine can't connect to remote Linux server machine -

1) I ran my server program remotely on a Linux machine. JProfiler & gt; Protocol version 41 JapiroFiler & gt; Using the JVMTI ZPFFileer & gt; JVMTI version 1.1 detected JProfiler & gt; 64-bit library JProfiler & gt; Listening on port: 8849. JPFFoller & gt; Instrument of native methods JProfiler & gt; You can rearrange the class JProfiler & gt; Can reconstruct any class. JProfiler & gt; Native library launched jpegfiler & gt; VM initialization japoophiler & gt; Waiting for connection to JProfiler GUI ... 2) Then I try to add my profiler GUI to my local window machine. I got the config.xml from the server generated by JproFileer and it has been imported via a GUI when I try to connect, I always get a "connection status" in progress. I am able to telnet into a Linux machine for a specific machine, 8849. Interestingly, when I kill the server on a Linux machine, my GUIs are also killed on the "Connection Status" d...

javascript - AngularJS - polling into persistent data store -

Angular knot here. I am creating that app for which every other URL has to be selected, and it is to continuously store that data, because it needs to be accessed by multiple views / controllers. What have I done to handle it, my http request in the factory, and data is supplied to the data controller in the factory. The issue I am having now is that the factory function has been encoded before the http request, which can cause errors in my app. Here is the code: App.factory ('Metrics', function ($ http) {var service; var user = [{laps: []}] UpdateMetrics = function () {// updates the user array in the factory}; $ http.get ('Data.csv'). Success (work) {var temp_array = data.split (""); Updated metrics ( 0, temp_array);}); service.lastLapInfo = function (for var lastlap = []; (var i = 0; i & lt; users.length; i ++) {var leap = user [i] Omissions [user [i] .laps.length-1]; last lump. Pash (lap);} finally return;}; return service;}); App.controller...

c++ - empty row in QTreeWidget after item delete -

I created a QTreeWidget with the QT Creator and it is full. When I remove an item from the tree, an empty line goes down to the end of the tree Image: Code> Zero Gpa :: on_removeButton_clicked () {QTreeWidgetItem * items = new QTreeWidgetItem (UI-> TreeWidget); Item = ui- & gt; Tree; Widget-> Current itam (); QString txt = item- & gt; Text (0); // search vector for item int i; For (i = 0; i & lt; vec.size (); i ++) if ( (i) -> getCode () == txt) break; Vec.erase (vec.begin () + i); Int index = ui- & gt; Treeview-& gt; Index offtake item (item); UI- & gt; TreeWidget-> TakeTopLevelItem (index); } If you are removing a top level item, Method: QTreeWidgetItem * QTreeWidget :: takeTopLevelItem (integer index) Otherwise, you are removing a child if you are at the top level An indicator should match item (or a child of high-level items) and use: QTreeWidgetItem * QTreeWidgetItem :: takeChild (integer index) Edit ...

php - How do I calculate and get the next latitude-longitude estimated by time between two points every 10 minutes having the start and end point? -

I need help I have the following 2 points on the map point: lat1 / long1 and dot b lat2 / long2 Google map I have distance, arrival_It is powerful and speed. How can I get the approximate latitude longitude (Google Map Format) at the next point in 10 minutes, 20, 30 and 40 minutes with these figures? Start and end point Point A lat1 = 37.78472 lon1 = -122.39913 Point B lat2 = 37.78240 lon2 = -121.23208 Operadins = 270 Distance = 102 km On arrival = 50 minutes speed = 122 km / H Example: Do I need to calculate the Nexus digits, I am going to use PHP, or where should I start Thanks There are several ways to calculate this, some of them are quite complex. You can use, which is often used for impact and distance calculation. Formula requires long / latete of the starting point, effect and distance. I suspect that if you want to re-execute this stranger, then you can go here: To use another solution vectors, it may be that the destination points have a great...