php - Doctrine querybuilder DATE_FORMAT not working -
I'm having some problems with DATE_FORMAT within a createQuerybuilder
My code: <("R.Kredetate") - & gt; Select ("DATE_FORMAT (Rated Rating, '% Y-% m-% D') =: afterDays") - & gt; And where ('R.cCurrentReviewState =: state') - & gt; And where ('r. Reinders =: reminder') - & gt; SetParameter ('AfterDays', after $ 7) - & gt; SetParameter ('state', $ oReviewStateNot verified) // not_verified - & gt; SetParameter ('Reminders', 0) // never sent a reminder - & gt; Order By ('R', 'ASC') - & gt; GetQuery);
but im getting I have searched for some links and find out that it should work like this, but it is doing something wrong for me. You can either create your own or use an extension like that, and then use your theory bundle config such as DATE_FORMAT as well as a bunch of MySQL functions
Principle: dbal: ... can add related work. Orm: .... dql: string_functions: DATE_FORMAT: theory \ query \ Mysql \ DateFormat
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