java - How to implement a multi line TextView with max height and internal scroll -

I want to limit the amount of space a textView can take to the screen with the following rules:

  • If the text is small (say 140 letters or 2 lines), then take as much space as you need it.
  • If the text is long, paragraphs,

    To illustrate some of the screenshots for valid and invalid results, go to:

    Short text:

    Enter image details here < P> Medium text:

    Enter image details here

    Internal scrolling:

    image here Enter details


     Enter image details here

    Excessive length:

     Enter image description here

    Try this way. Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: maxLines = "5" Android: scrollbar = "vertical" Android:

      Android: Text = "Lorem Ipsum bus printing And the dummy lesson of the typesetting industry is Lorem Ipsum has been the industry and standard standard dummy text ever since the 1500s. "Android: textColor =" # 232e3b "Android: Typeface =" sans "/>   

    In Java

      descTxtView = (TextView) findViewById (; DescTxtView.setMovementMethod (new scrollingwall moderation);    


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