ubuntu - java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: IBM_JAVA -
I get many references to this question and I have posted using Hello 2.4.1 Am and Flu My flame-env.sh configuration is given below FLUME_CLASSPATH = "/ var / lib / apache-flume-ng: lib / hasoop-core-1.2.0.jar: lib / hadoop - Auth-2.4.1.jar: lib / hadoop-thread-api-2.4.1.jar: lib / hadoop-mapreduce- client-jobclient-2.4.1.jar: lib / hadoop-mapreduce- Customer-Core -2.4 1.jar: lib / hasoop-common-2.4.1.jar: lib / hasoop-annotations-2.4.1.jar " I have added another jar with these jars Commons-Configuration-1.6. The flu is available in flu. I'm new to Flu and Hoop. Please help me out. The complete detection form is as follows: error [conf- file poller-0] (org.apache.flume.node.PollingPropertiesFileConfigurationProvider $ FileWatcherRunnable .run: 149) - Action error java.lang.NoSuchFieldError without :. IBM_JAVA org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation.getOSLoginModuleName (UserGroupInformation.java:337) is on org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGr...