
Showing posts from July, 2014

ubuntu - java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: IBM_JAVA -

I get many references to this question and I have posted using Hello 2.4.1 Am and Flu My configuration is given below FLUME_CLASSPATH = "/ var / lib / apache-flume-ng: lib / hasoop-core-1.2.0.jar: lib / hadoop - Auth-2.4.1.jar: lib / hadoop-thread-api-2.4.1.jar: lib / hadoop-mapreduce- client-jobclient-2.4.1.jar: lib / hadoop-mapreduce- Customer-Core -2.4 1.jar: lib / hasoop-common-2.4.1.jar: lib / hasoop-annotations-2.4.1.jar " I have added another jar with these jars Commons-Configuration-1.6. The flu is available in flu. I'm new to Flu and Hoop. Please help me out. The complete detection form is as follows: error [conf- file poller-0] (org.apache.flume.node.PollingPropertiesFileConfigurationProvider $ FileWatcherRunnable .run: 149) - Action error java.lang.NoSuchFieldError without :. IBM_JAVA ( is on

algorithm - Minimum standard random generator basics -

न्यूनतम मानक यादृच्छिक संख्या जनरेटर। मैं नीचे न्यूनतम मानक संख्या जनरेटर के बारे में पढ़ रहा हूं एक यादृच्छिक पूर्णांक xn को देखते हुए, यादृच्छिक अनुक्रम में अगले यादृच्छिक पूर्णांक xn + 1 = एक xn (mod m) कंप्यूटिंग द्वारा दिया जाता है, जहां a = 7 ^ 5 = 16807 और m = 2 ^ 31 ए???? 1 = 2147483647; आपके कार्यान्वयन पर एक जांच के रूप में, यदि x0 = 1, तो x10000 = 1043618065. पार्क और मिलर ने 2 ^ 32 से कम के सबसे बड़े मेर्सन प्राइम के रूप में मी को चुना है; मी की सबसे छोटी आदिम जड़ 7 है, और 5 से भी प्राइम, 7 ^ 5 भी एक आदिम जड़ है, इसलिए उनकी पसंद एक। चूंकि एक मी की एक आदिम मूल है, सभी मानों की सीमा 1 से मी। 1 समावेशी किसी भी दोहराने से पहले उत्पन्न होगा, इसलिए यादृच्छिक संख्या जनरेटर की पूर्ण अवधि है। गुणक ए = 16807 को अच्छी यादृच्छिकता गुण दिखाया गया है। अपने मूल पत्र के बाद, पार्क और मिलर ने 48271 की सिफारिश की, और कुछ लोग 69621 का उपयोग करते हैं, लेकिन हम 16807 का उपयोग जारी रखेंगे। यह लागू करने का सबसे आसान तरीका स्पष्ट है: बस लेकिन एक्सएमएलस के वर्तमान मूल्य से गुणा करें।...

sql server - User defined function with CASE statement -

I am very new to SQL Server Here I get the position of the order from the database STRDAT based on the various order dates I have entered I try to make UDF with case statement. Here's the code: use are on STRDAT GO set Object_id GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ANSI_NULLS (N'dbo.GetOrderStatus ', N'FN') IS NOT NULL DROP function dbo.GetOrderStatus; Create GO Function dbo.GetOrderStatus (@lngOrderID integer) varchar (50) as returning MyData (ReservedRate as ReservedDate, as ConfirmedDate conference, in the form of ProcessedDate Procs, as ProducedDate Prod, ShippedDate form the ship, select Start with CANC as as RefusingReason Refs, CancelledDate Where tbl_Order OrderID = @lngOrderID) GetOrderStatus = case when race is zero and conf zero and procs zero and output is zero and zero ship And CANC is zero and Refs is empty then not in 'Naujas' One CANC if not zero 'Atšauktas' absence Refs zero is not being shipped to 'Atmestas' prod if not zero ...

How to run a python script in browser? -

I want to display html in Python script in a browser How do I run this script so that I can see it in the browser? The code is still: ### I have added the following to run a python in the browser and my header.html and header.html Lt;; DOCTYPE html> gt; & lt; html> gt; Top & gt; & gt; title & gt; A Python To Doe List & lt; / title & gt; & lt; link rel = "stylesheet "Type =" text / css "href =" "& gt; & gt; / head> gt; body & gt; Basically you can use BaseHTTPServer in this way and run your code. home.html & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Python | Home and lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; % (Message) s & lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; And if you open http: // localhost: 8654 in your browser: This is how easy template is working Does

php - Google Cloud Messaging - too many registered devices cause message fail? -

I am using Google Messaging to send push notifications for about 4000 devices. There is a problem now that all devices can not receive notifications. I am using HTML code so that , I checked the feedback and returned as Null (no answer) Firstly it works fine with small amounts of equipment (less than 300 devices when I checked). Do I have to split the registered ID and send message several times? For example, to send information to all devices will take 10 minutes (400 devices at one time, sent 10 times, take 1 minute per minute) I would like to ask if there is no limit on the number Is GCM's registered device, or any famous problem that I need to send the request to? Thank you! You can send up to 1000 registration IDs in a single HTTP request on the GCM server. Beyond 1000 IDs, you have to divide them into multiple requests.

Configuring outlook working-hours with powershell -

In my company where we use aded infrastructure, in my work hours, hours of work and my Time zone changes I created a script that changes the time-zone, but I do not know how the working hours change. Question: The search API for Power-Shell Outlet did not return any results - wanted to ask how approach approaches with PowerShell (or any other application) Contact Scripting? What is the development process step-by-step? Is there an API defined for each app for powers? How does the powerhell interact with the application? Is there a general command-object infrastructure for all windows applications that access PowerHell? For more specific questions: how to actually change the working hours in outlets Thank you? PowerHell can use any IDISpatch-based libraries including the Outlook Object Model. But OOM does not provide any way to set those options, if using is an option, you can use its object - the RDOCLarrer option will be revealed to the next version of the redempt...

php - Export Excel into text file -

It is possible to export data from excel to .txt document And to maintain the style of particle phst or any other way? Edit: I have some solution, when I have been able to create it with PHP ... on Excel- gt; Save As - & gt; Formatted Text (Space delimited) .. saves this file in .prn : A PRN file is a special type of file containing instructions for printer It tells the printer what to print on the page and which paper tray to use, what is the paper size and many other controls. and the same style is' like Excel but without cells You can export it as a .csv, it means a text file different databases, you can read this line by line and separate the line: $ Array = split (";", line)

java - Session timeout does't work vaadin -

I am developing a vaadin web application and I have added the following snippet of code in my web.xml. & lt; Session-Config & gt; & Lt; Session timeout & gt; 30 & lt; / Session timeout & gt; & Lt; / Session-config & gt; Now I have noticed after 30 minutes that my users are capable of using appllication and I do not want this. I read something about this problem on the book Wadin but I do not believe in anything. From the Wadin book: The session expires after user deactivation In the normal servlet operation, the session time defines the allowed time of inactivity After which the server should clear the session. Inactivity is measured by the last server request. Different servicelists use different default for container timeouts, such as 30 minutes for Apache Tomcat. You can set the timeout with: In a web.xml: & lt; Session-config & gt; & Lt; Session timeout & gt; 30 & lt; / Session timeout & gt; & Lt; / S...

c# - How to use Entity Framework in PCL -

My question is really simple, I want to know the steps to create an EF model for using a SQL DB in my PCL I am I have installed an EF news package but now I do not know how to continue. I also search Google, but got nothing. EF does not work in PCL because it is a full NAT desktop framework EF The next / new version of (EF7) will be PCL-based. But SQL CE runs on platform only, which fully supports full .NET desktop framework

RegEx validation in XML schema -

& lt; xs: सरल टाइप नाम = "व्यक्तिगत नाम" & gt; & Lt; xs: प्रतिबंध आधार = "xs: स्ट्रिंग" & gt; & Lt; xs: पैटर्न मान = "। {0,0} | \ w + ([-] \ w +) * ((w) +) +" / & gt; & Lt; / XS: प्रतिबंध & gt; & Lt; / XS: simpleType & gt; मैं अपने XML इनपुट मानों को उपरोक्त पैटर्न में प्रतिबंधित करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। यह दो नामों के बीच हाइफ़ेन स्वीकार कर सकता है। यह "अंकित बंसल" जैसे नामों को छोड़ देना चाहिए या पैटर्न में तर्क के अनुसार "अंकित-बंसल अग्रवाल" 0 आर "अंकित बंसल बंसल" लेकिन जब भी मैं निम्नलिखित पैटर्न से चलाता हूं तो मुझे एक त्रुटि देता है जैसे [सीडीएटीए ['व्यक्तिगत नाम' तत्व का डेटा प्रकार के अनुसार एक अमान्य मूल्य है। एक त्रुटि हुई, (1, 32 9)।] ^ ( (?: (?: \ B [a-za-z0- 9] + [-]) +) \ w +) $ आप यह कोशिश कर सकते हैं। डेमो देखें।

asynchronous - Understanding Future in Scala -

I am writing Play 2.3.2 application in Scala. I use the responsive mongo driver to access a moddab database. I wrote the DB query to get the most used tags in the database. This method is an Action.async and it has been implemented as: max max = action.async {request = & gt; Var max: Int = 0 var tagFound: Get all tags in tag = zero / db. Val futureTags: future [list [tag]] = tag. list future tags map {(Tags: list [tag]) => Tag map {(tags: tag) = & gt; // tag string wall tag name = tag.category + ":" + tag.attr // search in DB where tag tag tag == tag val futureRequest: future [list [recommendationsystem.models.Request]] = request again. (Json.obj ("tags.tag" -> tagname)) toList futureRequests map {(Request: list [recommendationssstem.models.Request]) = & gt; Get the number of documents matching the // tag val number: Int = requests.size if (number> maximum) {max = number tag} found = tag} println (max)}} val jsonObject = if (max ...

algorithm - Order objects in hierarchic lists acording to their mutual dependence -

मेरे पास परस्पर निर्भरता के साथ कुछ ऑब्जेक्ट हैं। ए ई (बी और एफ पर निर्भर) सी (बी के निर्भर) जी एच (बी के निर्भर) मैं इन ऑब्जेक्ट्स की पदानुक्रम सूची बनाना चाहता हूं जहां कोई ऑब्जेक्ट ए, डी, जी (इन ऑब्जेक्ट्स के पास है) सूची में रखा गया है। बी (बी का निर्भर करती है) सी, एच (सी और एच बी की निर्भर करता है) एफ (एफ सी के निर्भर) ई (ई बी और एफ के आधार पर) क्या एल्गोरिथ्म इस समस्या को हल कर सकता है? यदि आपके पास पहले से कोई भी संरचना नहीं है, तो आपको ब्रूट बल का उपयोग करना चाहिए। मैं एक सूची का उपयोग करेगा, जो स्कीमा में खड़ी रूप से विस्तार करेगी और ऊर्ध्वाधर सूची के प्रत्येक नोड के लिए एक। तो, आपके उदाहरण में, मैं woul डी में ऊर्ध्वाधर सूची में 5 नोड हैं और पहली नोड के लिए, मुझे 3 नोड्स के साथ एक सूची होगी (पहला नोड A, दूसरे डी और तीसरे जी की मेजबानी करेगा)। ऊर्ध्वाधर सूची के दूसरे नोड में, एक नोड के साथ एक सूची होगी, जो कि बी और इसी तरह रखेगी। तो एल्गोरिथ्म कुछ ऐसा होगा: 1. प्रत्येक आइटम के लिए 2. अगर सूची में आइटम निर्भरता 3. सही नोड में अन...

java - Apache PDFBox - can't decrypt PDF -

I have a problem decrypting a PDF document with Apache PDF (v1.8.2) I encryption works, but Encryption with one password throws an exception (Java 1.6) package com.test; Import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument; Import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.AccessPermission; Import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.StandardDecryptionMaterial; Import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.StandardProtectionPolicy; Public class PdfEncDecTest {static string pdfPath = "G: \\ files \\ filed5b3.pdf"; Public final static string PDF_OWNER_PASSWORD = "cd1j"; Public final static string PDF_USER_PASSWORD = ""; Public static void main (String [] args) Exceptions Throws (PDDocument document = PDDocument.load (pdfPath); AccessPermission AP = new Aksespramisn (); ap.setCanPrint (right); ap.setCanExtractContent (false); ap.setCanExtractForAccessibility ( false); standard security policy psp = new standard security policy (PDF_OWNER_PASSWORD, PDF_USER_PASSWORD, AP...

Update a sg to add port from existing sg using boto.authorize -

I am trying to update a security group to add a port to another security group. Ex: sg But I do find the following error sg.authorize ( 'sg- 123456) abcdef', 'TCP' 22, 22, "SG 123456 ') file" /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/ec2/ ", line 187, authorized src_group_owner_id = Src_group.owner_id enter attribute:' str 'Object' does not contain any attribute 'owner id' If you have authorized The method is the use of the security group object that you represent the source security group on other sur Rsha Group object. You see the security group's ID passing through the string. You authorize_security_group method EC2Conction can also use the object that's why accept a string value for the source protection group: ec2.authorize_security_group (group_id = 'SG abcdef', ip_protocol = 'tcp', from_port = 22, to_port = 22, src_security_group_group_id = 'SG -1234...

GitHub - how can I create sub repositories? -

मैं github गर्त webinterface का उपयोग करता हूं। सरल प्रश्न: मैं कैसे github के साथ उप खजाने बना सकता हूँ ? उदाहरण: मेरे पास एक रिपॉजिटरी है जहां मैं अपना जूमला स्टोर करता हूं! एक्सटेंशन। मैं जानना चाहूंगा कि प्रत्येक एक्सटेंशन के लिए एक उप भंडार कैसे बनाया जाए? बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद। क्षमा करें मैं यह निर्दिष्ट करना भूल गया था कि मैं केवल वेब इंटरफ़ेस। मुझे अपना समाधान मिला: बस इस उदाहरण की तरह उप डायरेक्टरी ट्री के साथ एक नई फाइल बनाएँ: "maindir / subdir1 / subdir2 / file.txt"। Github स्वचालित रूप से उप फ़ोल्डर्स बनाएगा। लेकिन यह एक अच्छा समाधान नहीं है क्योंकि यह "मुद्दा" अवधारणा की बात नहीं है, मुद्दों को केवल "रूट" फ़ोल्डर से जुड़ा हुआ है। तो अंत में, मैंने एक और समाधान चुना है मैं उपसर्ग का उपयोग करता हूं। आपकी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद।

ruby on rails - Github API - create contents api method not triggering GitHub Pages build -

I am working on a rail app that allows users to publish a dataset via jitub and through pith pages Allows access. I am using the Github API to act as a user, creating a repo and adding files and working as expected, only one issue is that the GitHub page page does not seem to be creating dataset Can be downloaded, but trying to access the index.html page is not working at all. Here is an example repo: And here is the Github page site: You see For example, for example: works fine. I can only guess that this means that the creation of GitHub pages is not triggered you can also see if it helps: Geethub as a site Tries to parse the site. You must give an indication that you are not using the jacail empty empty .nojekyll in the root of your repository

vbscript - How can I make a vbs file which can press arrow keys? -

I am using a voice command software and its still in beta, but really the only thing that is good I have a big problem in navigation in folders and files So I thought I would create a VBS script that would start with my voice. For example: I say that VBS files are left who presses presses arrow right I just need the code for keystrokes Once again, the arrow Press the highlighted folder by pressing the key I Thanks Itemprop = "text"> it may help you to create scripts 'shell script object Customize key storks and scroll WshShell = set Word screen WScript.CreateO Open bject ("WScript. Shell") shell = wscript.CreateObject ("Shell.Application"). Open the "C: \ export \ scripts" WshShell.SpecialFolders ( "C: \ export \ scripts") WshShell.specialFolders.item (0) WshShell SendKeys "{LEFT}" WScript.Sleep 1000 WshShell.SendKeys "{LEFT}" WScript Ksleep 1000 WshShellksendkeys "{right}" Wskri...

Excel 2010 late binding on Access 2010 Project -

This is a common problem for me to distribute an access application for a client. The application has been written in Access 2010 and recently I have added some code to export excel sheet. So I added excel object library version 14.0. My clients who run Excel 2007 now get the infamous error: mssing or broken references to the file "excel ext variant 1.7". The question is: If I use late binding, will there be additional functionality available to it? I want to apologize if the question sounds gullible but I am new to VBA. / P> Yes, functionality should be available, unless you use those features that were not available in 2007. (Some table subject formats, for example using formatting 2010 is plus), then you should not have any problem to use late bond. I think that is just the simplest effort. Ideally, running a virtual PC will be Office 2007 and develop to use it, when you target the customer using a lower version by yourself are doing. Hope that helps. ...

php - CakePHP doesn't respect model config -

मेरे पास एक मॉडल है (क्रूमोडेल.एफ़पी): & lt;? Php ऐप: : उपयोग करता है ('एपीएमडेल', 'मॉडल'); क्लास क्रू AppModel का विस्तार करता है {सार्वजनिक $ useTable = 'crew23424'; सार्वजनिक $ validate = array ('crew_id' = & gt; सरणी ('नियम' = & gt; 'isUnique')); फ़ंक्शन __ रचना () {गूंज "एडी"; बाहर जाएं; } सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन सेव करें () {गूंज "बाहर निकलें"; बाहर जाएं; } सार्वजनिक समारोह से पहले () {गूंज "बाहर निकलें"; बाहर जाएं; }} लेकिन मॉडल में मेरी कॉन्फ़िग (useTable) का सम्मान नहीं कर रहा है, केक अब भी टैब्लेनेम "कैमरों" का उपयोग करता है और जब मैं var_dump ($ this-> क्रू) करता हूं; मेरे पास निम्न प्रतिलेखन है: मेरा कोई भी कार्य निष्पादित नहीं किया गया है ( save () , beforeSave () ... बेशक जब मैं $ this- & gt; चालक दल- & gt; सहेजें () आदि) इसे कैसे कार्य करें? $ this-> Model- & gt; क्वेरी () का उपयोग करके क्वेरी को निष्पादित करते हैं, तो या मॉडल से संबं...

types - Difference between a+=b and a=a+b in Java -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 5 जवाब मुझे बताया गया है कि एक + = बी के बीच मतभेद हैं; और ए = ए + बी; मूलभूत रूप से कोई फर्क नहीं है, फिर भी एक सूक्ष्म अंतर है। अंकगणित असाइनमेंट ऑपरेटर्स एक अंतर्निहित कलाकार करते हैं। उदा। बाइट ए = 1; Int b = 2; A + = b; // compiles a = a + b; // एक बाइट के रूप में संकलित नहीं करता है int = int a = (बाइट) (a + b); // इस तरह के संकलन + = के रूप में अधिक अजीब उदाहरण के लिए है। int a = 5; A + = 1.5f; // a == 6 वर्ण च = '0'; // (चार) 49 ch * = 1.1; // ch = '4'; लंबा एल = पूर्णांक.एमएक्स_एवीएएन; एल + = 0.0 एफ; // i = (लंबा) ((लंबा) एल +0.0 एफ) // i == पूर्णांक.एमएक्स_एवीएन + 1 एल; WTF !? गोलाई त्रुटि के कारण / l अब पूर्णांक नहीं है। MAX_VALUE

r - How to make a matrix from a given vector by using for loop -

I try to retrieve $ n \ times 4 $ matrix to Since I am new to the R , how to use the loop function properly. My code is such as x However, I found: Error in x1 [1 + i, 4 + i]: Wrong number of dimensions. I have to add this also to the ai in the matrix and ii1 / th of each ai matrix. The row will be. Seems that I should use the cbind function? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. It may help: n & lt ; - Length (x1) -1 race and lieutenant; - SPELE ((4: n) -3, function (i) x1 [(i + 3): i]) dim (ridge) # [1] 4 150

search - Searching in datagridview using c# -

After loading a table in the DataGrade view, I am generating items from a Cambodia with the Data Grid column header. From the Combobox I am selecting the column and I have a textbox for the search value given by the user. I am using the following code: string searchfortext = txtCrudSearch.Text; DgvLoadTable.ClearSelection (); DgvLoadTable.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect; Try {Foreach (DatagridViewRow line in dgvLoadTable.Rows) {if (row.Cells [cboCrudSearchColumn.SelectedIndex] .Value.ToString (). Equals (SearchForText)) {row.Selected = true; // If I use the break here, the code does not give an exception / but only highlighting one line I want to return all the rows, which matches the // with the search string}}} Catch (Exceptional) {message box. Show (ex.Message); } Now, the problems are: Exception to me is not set for an example of "object reference object" / li> How can I return to the datagrid instead of just lighting? Search is ...

c# - Sub-menu for each binding item -

From the Omar van Coloton I filled out a menu with the left menu item from my executed collection, for a single collection item A single menu item is okay, but I really want more. I also want to be able to get a menu item containing two or three sub items for a collection item. Here's some weird sketch: what i want + first item + first item + second item + second item + delete + update here The "first item" contains the property = false , but in "second item" it is true my current code: public Class collection item {public string name {get} Set; } Public hair is present {get; Set; }} Public Partial Class Main Window: Window {Observing Collections & lt; CollectionItem & gt; item; Public Manvindo () {items = New Observation Collection & lt; Archive item & gt; (); item. Add (new collection item () {name = "first item", exists = wrong}); Items.Add (new store item () {name = "second item", exists = true}); AllItems...

java - Auto-wiring Spring constructor arguments from properties file in XML -

I'm using Spring-Auto-Wire Beans for configuration. Some parameter properties come from the file: & lt; Bean id = "mydb" class = "myproject.mydb" autowire = "constructor" & gt; & Lt; Constructor-arg name = "host" value = "$ {}" /> & Lt; Constructor-arg name = "db" value = "$ {mydb.db}" /> & Lt; Constructor-Arg Name = "User" value = "$ {mydb.user}" /> & Lt; Constructor-arg name = "password" value = "$ {mydb.password}" /> & Lt; / Bean & gt; Is there a way to auto-wire these properties based on the Bean id , so that I have to write the following? & lt; Bean id = "mydb" class = "myproject.mydb" autowire = "constructor" /> Edit: This means that there is a need to clarify the constructor arguments without any equals. Automatically scan properties for beanId.constructorArgNam...

android - Xamarin - disconnected from layout renderer -

I just downloaded Zamorian studio. I get an error message "Layout was disconnected from renderer Please close the file and try again" Whenever I open an Angel in the Layouts folder I can see the source but do not go to the Design tab to add control The work that has been filed should not be stopped. I am not sure how I am using, but I am downloading last night. When I go to SDK Manager, I tell you that my Android SDK Tools version is 23.0.4. I found this old thread on the same topic. I tried to downgrade my device folder and, but it also did not work. He told me that I need tools of at least 22 versions. I have tried to uninstall XMerin Studio and have tried to restore it and have not received help from it. I have also installed Update 3 with Visual Studio 2013. But then I tried to install XMerin Studio on another laptop with Visual Studio 2012 and found the same problem. Note: This error displays in both Visual Studio and XMarin Studio I hope ...

javascript - AngularJS ui-router resolve does not return custom value -

While trying to resolve some data before going to my page, I force the solution to resolve, Convert it to a custom object and I try to return a custom object to your object. .state ("trip.detail", {url: '/: tripId', templateUrl: 'partial / trip / description html', controller: 'TripDetailController', resolution: {train data: Returns {TripService, $ State Page, $ Q} {TripService.getTripById ($ stateParams.tripId, Function (Data) {console.log ("Receive:" + Data); Return {"RETTATIENTID": Data. Uttar Pradesh, From ": New Date (data. Deperture). IOSTOT ()," To ": New Date (Data Arrival) .OOSOserting ()," Project ID ": Data POSIID," IsTrip ": True," tripId ":, "rectangle Pvkry ": data.tracejectory," statistics ": data.statistics}}). $ Promise;}}}); All this works, except the 'train', which is being injected into my controller, is actually 'data...

wordpress - Imaguard plugin not working with ngnix server -

We are using a WordPress plugin for some of our websites, one of those websites is on the Nginx server and the plugin works there does not. I have followed the instructions outlined here: But I still can not work on this plugin. It seems that these instructions will only work if we are hosting multiple websites on one server, we do not have vhost.conf so I do not know that this Where does the code add to Nginx configuration: if ($ http_referer! ~ * "^ Http: // (. +.)?") {Set $ ​​rule_0 $ 1 rule_0; } If ($ rule_0 = "1") {rewrite ^ / (. *). (Jpg | png | jpeg | gif) $ /show-image/?img=/$1.$2 redirect; } Where should I put this code for this plugin to work? As you stated in the link, you can get this code from your nginx.conf File should be placed in the file, if you are not using multiple .conf files

php - Add 1 hit to article on click function joomla -

Hi guys, I have some trouble here. & lt; A class = "anything" Href = "other / website" & gt; Take me to this product & lt; / A & gt; This button or link has been added to every article in my Joomla site here and I have created every article to display different products, and link me to my webshop Will take in for the product. My problem here needs to be a toplist on my site based on article article hits. Basically, I want to add that link to a specific article in which onClick You can display text in the module . Article class module Articles - NewsFlash module Both have the option of order results url part from module output by hit you have to open the module code and press Which is & lt; A & gt; ... & lt; / A & gt; part An example would be: & lt ;? Php $ pattern = "/<a.*? And gt; & lt (*.); \ / A & gt; /"; Preg_match ($ pattern, $ string, $ url); // $ string con...

c++ - Compilation error when trying to use vector -

I try to compile this code, but I get an error: #include & lt; Sstream & gt; # Include & lt; Vector & gt; Int main () {std :: vector & lt; Std :: ostringstream & gt; V; V.reserve (100); Return 0; } The error message says something about being unable to create ostringstream as a default when compiling with GCC or rub I actually Can not make sense of error message Reserved () tries to make anything? Here's the code: When calling reserved , the vector ends With enough space for 100 elements, it means reserved should have the possibility of copying or increasing everything. Because the streams are non-copyable, for this reason, they can not be stored in standard containers before C ++ 11. C +11 11, currents can be transferred, they can be made to work properly in standard containers. The missing piece here is that libstdc ++ has not implemented the currently running currents. It's with Liby ++ Expect to see in this work.

How to change points individually in plot with for loop having if() inside? R -

I have to make a digit color in conspiracy red if the value of "y" is below zero, otherwise green but thus all Dots get the same color I have tried the following: x but they are all green: You pass to the color vector (one for every point) For ifelse : set.seed (1492) # random number generation reproducible X & lt; -c (rnorm (100,) y & lt; -c (rnorm (100)) x & lt; - sort (x, decreasing = FALSE) y & lt; - Sort (y, decrement = FALSE) plot (x, Y, col = ifelse (y & lt; 0, "red", "green"))

How to replace a character in excel in special circumstances -

So I have a 71563 x 3 dataset, which contains a list of chemical molecular formulas. An example of such a chemical formula is C40H56O4, where the letters represent a chemical and their multiplicity of numbers. Whatever I want to do, I replace all the characters with the letter 'O' with a small case 'o', but only if 'o' is between two numbers, or else there is a character before it . Therefore for example: - C57H85N 9O9 will become C57H85N 9o9 , but the C6H13 will be equal to NO2 Thank you Sorry, I should first have said that there are such instances in which the first one is the letter 'O', but after that there is nothing. For example: - C8H16O, which should be C8H16o OK, so my solution is probably not the highest Compact though it works using formulas, you have to adjust for three columns, but how will it work here if all your data were alone in column A? Add this formula to column B. It ignores the OO chief by starting on the se...

java - I don't know how to implement a recursive syntax analyzer -

मेरे पास निम्नलिखित संदर्भ मुक्त व्याकरण हैं: ई = (ई) ई = i | Îμ एक इनपुट स्ट्रिंग को देखते हुए मुझे यह निर्धारित करना होगा कि यह स्ट्रिंग इस व्याकरण द्वारा स्वीकृत है या नहीं, पुनरावर्ती सिंटैक्स विश्लेषक के साथ। उदाहरण के लिए, अगर मेरे पास इनपुट है: ((i)) & lt; - यह मान्य है (((i)))) & lt; - यह अमान्य है () & lt; - यह मान्य है और मेरे पास ऐसा कोड है जो इन सभी को करना है सार्वजनिक स्थिर बूलीयन ई () {int pOpen; POpen = 0; If (lexico.equals ("(")) {pOpen ++; E ();} और यदि (lexico.equals ("i")) {if (pOpen == 0) सत्य वापस आती है; // यह वैध है सत्यापित करेंपैरेन्टिसिस ( );}} सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक बूलियन सत्यापित करेंपेरिन्थीसिस () {int pClose = 0; जबकि ((लेक्सिको = अगली सिम्बोल ())। बराबर (")")) pClose ++; } लेकिन मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि कैसे खुला कन्टेन्ट्स की संख्या ( बंद कोष्ठकों की संख्या के समान है ) । क्या मुझे सत्यापन कोड के आधार पर जबकि का उपयोग करना है? के रूप में आप के रूप में पुनरावर्ती आनंद लें। सार्वजनिक ...

c# - Other text input methods? -

There is a bunch of websites with the "search" input box. If I manually input a word, it automatically searches without the need to click any button Using the following code: GeckoInputElement input = (GeckoInputElement) geckoHtmlElement; Input. Value = "keyword"; I see that the search input box is full, but nothing happens automatically. If I manually add space or any character then the website works as expected. The automatic search for my desired word. I tried to use the input. Focus (); But still this is the same. Any ideas how can I input in a more advanced way in the search box or something like that? I think the solution here is to manually trigger the event that triggers itself - for example Key event for I had a problem I solved by adding this code: nsAStringBase eventType = (nsAStringBase) new nsAString ("keyup"); Var ev = browser.Document.CreateEvent ("HTMlevents"); Ev.DomEvent.InitEvent (eventType, incorrect,...

jquery - Query XML Event Log Data using SQL -

& lt; घटनाओं & gt; & Lt; ईवेंट xmlns = "" & gt; & LT; सिस्टम & gt; & Lt; प्रदाता का नाम = "एएसपी.नेट 4.0.3031 9.0" / & gt; & Lt; इवेंटआईडी क्वालीफ़ियर्स = "32768" & gt; 130 9 & lt; / EventID & gt; & LT; स्तर & gt; 3 & lt; / स्तर & gt; & LT; टास्क & gt; 3 & lt; / टास्क & gt; & LT; कीवर्ड & gt; 0x80000000000000 & lt; / कीवर्ड & gt; & Lt; समयबद्ध सिस्टमटाइम = "2014-10-10 T01: 37: 16.000000000Z" / & gt; & LT; EventRecordID & gt; 14870 & lt; / EventRecordID & gt; & LT; चैनल & ​​gt; आवेदन & lt; / चैनल & ​​gt; & LT; ComputerXXXXX & lt; / कंप्यूटर & gt; & Lt; सुरक्षा / & gt; & Lt; / सिस्टम & gt; & LT; EventData & gt; & LT; डाटा & gt; 3005 & lt; / डाटा & gt; & Lt; डेटा & gt; एक अनियंत्रित अपवाद हुआ। & ...

javascript - Leaflet Omnivore group markers from CSV individually -

I can not group external data with leaflet. With my marker I have a CSV and marker on my map Kept with ubiquitous. How do I group a marker? For example: I have 4 markers and assign them the "type" specified in the CSV that this type is called "freebad" how do I group all the markers with the "freebad" type Can I put them in the lairgroup named "Freiband" so that they can be filtered with layer control? // MARKERCLUSTER // Wars II var freibad = []; Function Each Layer (Marker) {var ltg = marker.toGeoJSON (); If (! = "") {Marker.setIcon (L.CON ({iconUrl: '/ icons /' + + '. Png'}))); } If ( = ""!) {Marker.bindPopup ('& lt; strong & gt;' + + '& lt; / strong & gt;' + '& lt; br & Lt; br & gt; & lt; img src = "/ icons" '+ +' "& gt; ...

spring - Maven solrj issue -

I can run my app and there is no problem in it, but when I'm adding & lt; Dependency & gt; & Lt; Group & gt; & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; Spring-Data-Solr & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Version & gt; 1.1.0.RELEASE & lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; / Dependencies & gt; -3) Context initialization failed: java. lang.IllegalStateException: configuration class can not be loaded: eu.combc.webuzu.configuration.SecurityConfig Any idea what's going on? Check with: & lt; Dependency & gt; & Lt; Group & gt; Org.apache.solr & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; Solr-solrj & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Version & gt; 4.10.1 & lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; / Dependencies & gt;

css - WordPress - Mobile Stacking Order of ShortCode Columns -

It's incredibly easy to run me bokar! I'm working on a WordPress theme plugin shortcode which builds the foundation of its style on bootstrap library. When I talk about bootstrap and need help rearranging the elements on a mobile / tablet device (& lt; 770px), then I'm starting. Actually what I'm going to do is & lt; On the desktop version, h2 and gt; and & lt; P & gt; and the right side & lt; Img & gt; (which they already have). When the width of the viewport is & lt; 770px, then I would like to & lt; H2 & gt; at the top of & lt; Img & gt; and & lt; P & gt; . But what is currently happening is the opposite: ( [div] [div] Our root gt; & lt; p & Gt; some text & lt; / p & gt; [/ div] [Div] & lt; img src = "some-image.png" & gt; [/ div] [/ div] move IMG divisions up and use pull-right to float on the right for desktop views

objective c - Connect to VPN ios8, persistent reference of password from keychain is null -

I am trying to add VPNs using the Network Extensions Framework, but there are some issues, while in the keychain There is a constant reference to stored passwords. This [ NSLog (@ "Password:% @", [Manager Protocol]. Password Reference); ] Returns blank returns after calling [manager saveToPreferencesWithCompletionHandler: ^ (NSError * error) {.. ..} But when I try to log in before saving I have completed the correction. Gives me a valid reference in the keychain. When I use this code block, for that continuous reference I get all the details stored in the keychain. NSDictionary * query = @ {(__bridge id) kSecValuePersistentRef: (__Bridge NSData *) (KeychainUserPass passwordPrescent Reference), (__Bridge ID) KSCRReturnsEventives: (ID) KCBolientrate}; Cfafstaff passworddict = zero; Ossetatus Status = Seam Etymcopy Matching ((__ Bridge CFFFFF) Query, (CFTPREF *) and PasswordDict); NSLog (@ "Status:% ld, Password:% @", Status, (__bridge NSDictionary *) passwor...

xml - How to encode python variables into URL and web-server response? -

Assume that I have a python function that takes many arguments in the form of input and returns an output. Now I want "web-service" (API) based on this function. It means that the URL should be called with some parameters, this parameter should be sent to the function, the function takes them, and calculates the result (output) and returns it back to the web-server In which its turn shows the result to the user (possibly any other program). In the case of a simple task, two real-valued arguments (for example, x and y ) and returns a real-valued result, ceremony The call may be thrown to the throwing parameters. For example: As a result I hope that A web page is only a real number. However, it is not so clear to me that what I should do with more complex input. Suppose we have a list and dictionaries in the form of the value of some arguments, how do I encode them in the URL? I can think of something like ...

push notification - iOS APNS "best-effort" fallback -

I think my head can not be around this. The APNN described in the documentation is the best effort delivery, i.e. delivery is not guaranteed. However, if I am to use the push-information model in my client / server application, then I have to use them somehow. The normal model looks as follows: There is new data on the server - & gt; The server then sends a push notification which notifies the customer that the new data is available - & gt; Customer downloads the new data Then the question is, if I can not believe 100% on the notification to distribute, what type of fallback mechanism can I use so that I can ensure that the customer Get new data available on server? What is the way to ensure that the client has the most up-date data using APNS? What is the way to ensure that the most up-to-date data in the client using APNS is? There is no way to do this Just your customer will have to ask your server when the app is brought to the foreground to see if the ne...

rest - Adding OAuth 2.0 authentication to a RESTful API -

I have an API that requires authentication via OAuth 2.0. I basically hope to experiment, however, it is more about hooking up 3 parties in the security / authentication system of Symphony and does not provide the necessary mechanisms to validate OAuth 2.0 authority Does. I got some information about which enables an app to provide its own OAuth 2.0 provider and provide the necessary security mechanism to validate the authorization header . Although the problem is that I would like to integrate the OAuth 2.0 provider (authorization server) into an external application (which has a user base) and it will not be included within the API, which will not allow tokens verification against this external app Another) will provide some mechanism for the Restine API. Points: Restart API requires OAuth 2.0 authentication. The OAuth 2.0 authorization server should be located separately I think I should use a grant and call each request to call the authentication server corr...

jsf - Specify conditional rendering of element inside ? The does not seem to work -

I & lt; Ui: repeat & gt; I'm trying to conditionally consolidate the custom list using . On every incident of -1 as item-value in the list, I need to add a line break. I joined & lt; C: if & gt; Tried to use inside & lt; Ui: Repeat; Gt; For this, but it does not seem to work, it always evaluates false . & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Ui: Repeated value = "# {subjects.list}" var = "topicId" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; # {TopicId} & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; C: If test = "# {topicId eq -1}"> & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; / C: If & gt; & Lt; / Ui: Repeat & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; Is this possible? Not with JSTL tags, no. They run during view build times, not during the scene render time. You can see it this way, when JSF creates the view, the JSTL tag first runs down and the result is the pure JSF component tree. Then when JSF renders the scene, the JSF component moves from ...

r - Returning a data table from a subsetted data table -

OK I'm totally testing no-stupid question the extent of the philosophy but How can I set someone directly to me that how are the columns of a data table basalized in any other data table? So we say that I create this data table below, and only me out of three columns for example (C ("Bob", "May", "Sue", "Bob" , "Suit", "bob"), c ( example "a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b"), as .Date (c ("2010/01/01", "2010/01/01", "2010 / 01/01", "2012/01/01", "2012/01/11", "2014/01 / 01 "))) I am trying to understand what is in data-wise () in Section 1.3 and 1.4 that what should be my result should be a new data table, not a character Vector According to the DT [. Is accomplished through the use of ()], although my efforts on that yield: example [,. Error in eval (v2, v3)] Expr, envir, enclos): The function ...

javascript - Event binding on dynamically created elements? -

I have a little code, where I'm looping through a selection box on a page and a I'm compulsive. Mouse On / Off P> The problem I have is that after the initial loop, any select box I add through Ajax or Dome will not be constrained. I have found this plugin (), but before I get 5k on my pages with another plugin, I want to see if anyone knows a way to do this, either jQuery With or from any other option should use jQuery 1.7 : $ (staticAncestors) .on (eventName, dynamicChild, function () {}); Before , the recommended approach was to use: $ (selector) .live (eventName, Function () {}); However, live was exempted in 1.7 in favor of , and completely in 1.9 Was removed. Live () Signature: $ (selector) .live (eventName, function () {}); ... can be replaced with the following signature: $ (document) .on (eventName, selector, function () {}) ; For example, if your page is dynamically creating elements with the class name dosomet...

Can a scala dsl be coded to issue its own specialized compilation errors? -

I have used some scala DSL, and wondering if someone is developing, he can also work for DSL-specific compilation. The idea is that there will also be a domain specific compilation error message in a domain specific language, helping the Domain Specialist fix things. Is it possible Scala? There are useful things that can be useful; you can customize compiler errors at unsolved intervals with this help. Are there. @Dailyon reported that if you are hacking with Scala MacOS, then c.abort , and c Error to get some custom error / additional information to the compiler This can also be helpful in this case, it allows you to restrict the use of parts of your code and generate custom error messages if someone tries to access it.

javascript - Nginx Proxy not executing as expected -

I was calling backend server using apache running JavaScript. I have setup a NGN proxy and all the graphite and elastic search requests through the path were on the server which were running apache2. Although the proxy calls the Nginx server, it adds the location to the end of the location URL. For example: When nginx is passed, the call will be done. I do not want graphite / in the end that I need ngix for simple call? I pasted my nginx.conf file config.js datasources: {graphite: {type: 'graphite', url: "Http: //" + + "/ graphite",}, elastic search: {type: 'elasticsearch', url: http: // "+ +" / elasticsearch ", index : 'Grafana-dash', grafanaDB: true,}} nginx.conf worker_processes 1; daemon off; error_log /nginx/logs/error.log; Events {worker_connections 1024;} Http {log_format cloudfoundry '$ http_x_forwarded_for - $ http_referer - [$ time_local] "$ requ...

python - Plotting data from input file from command line -

I have given a data file named "density_air.dat" and I have to take data from each column and put them in In my lists (i.e. tList will hold values ​​in the column starting with "-10") and the density will be assumed in the column starting with "1.341". The lists need to be conspicuously then I want to pop up the lists with this data Having trouble ... Any help? to scitools.std import * import sys pylab Import in the form of the enfile = sys.argv [-1] f = open (inFile, 'r') for X range (4): f.readline () tList = [] density = [] line in f For: word = line.split () in words in x: tList.append (word [x]) density .append (word [x]) f.close () conspiracy (tList, density) The data file is: Density of air at different temperatures in 1 hour, 1 atm pressure # Column 1: Celsius degree temperature # Column 2: density in kg / m ^ 3 -10 1.341 -5 1.316 0 1.2 9 5 1.2 1.2 9 10 1.247 15 1.225 20 1.204 25 1.184 30 1.164 # Source: Wikipedia (Search queri...

web services - Error BEA-380001 OSB Proxy response -

I use the replacement element in the proxy service to map the request and response of the SAP web site and to test the web service. I am trying to do the result of Soupa is next Since there is no clear answer in the error, what I can do is give some tips to help in debugging. If you are already trying to do all this, please forgive me. 1) After request $ body $ $ log the content and replace it before the response. You can use Report Components for it to be available on Log / Report console, you can validate both XML against wsdl using some online tool or SOAPUI. 2) You can call the business console on the console to see if an error or invalid response comes from there or not. . 3) In XQuery Editor, you have the option of testing both changes, if you work correctly, then you can use the logged in request and feedback. Hope this help!

java - How to get the account type name and icon for a contact list group? -

I am able to recover a list of contact groups from Android's contact provider using this segment of code: // Create a string array with fields to retrieve for the last string [] of each group. Processing = New String [] {ContactsContract.Groups._ID, ContactsContract.Groups.TITLE, ContactsContract.Groups.ACCOUNT_NAME, ContactsContract Group.ACSSTYPE}; // Create cursor to iterate on groups cursor groupcore = reference. Telecommunication Receiver () Query (contact group.contENT_URI, group projection, empty, zero, empty); On recovery, I want to show a list of groups to the user, and with the result, show the account type icon (for example, the account type I want to display Google's icon, Facebook icon for Facebook accounts ...). How do I get the icon of each account type without adding the ACCOUNT_MANAGER permission? if (groupers .getcount ()> gt; {while (groupCursor .moveToNext) ()) {String ID = Cursor groups .getString (cur .colcolumnIndex (Base...

ios - Move from Xcode 5 to Xcode 6? -

I am using Xcode 5.1.1 on OS 10.8.5 running MacBook Pro. I have created an iPhone app using the iOS 7 SDK (my first) circumstances are very stable, and this app, I believe, is ready for the testflight. Now I have been captured on Xcode 6 and iOS 8. I want to go ahead, but the encoded spacca is at risk of breaking things at this point. Many of the reviews I have read are negative, but I hope that the probability of stomach compared to those people who have problems There are more things for which things are easy. I Otoh, I have read that Testflight is well integrated in Xcode 6. I understand that the answers to this question can be opinions-based, but I have not received specific offer guidance for my special situation. / P> Should I get the chance and upgrade the xcode and app, or wait until I have launched, then should an upgrade and work on iOS 8 support in an update? Afterthought I have just checked and need an OSX upgrade 10.9.3 to upgrade Xcode 6, which is anothe...

string - Cl0sed Functions in Druid -

I am trying to write a function that takes an 8-character binary string and as an integer n A positive number, and N prints the sequence of binary numbers which increases according to my incremental function. How can I edit my work so that I can print them? Assume that all your other codes are correct, there are five problems in your recursive code. First of all, you are trying to use the value returned by the recurring call on count . But you do not have any return statement, so what might this possibly be? So try to multiply a string by inc * cnt just any and raise a typeError . If you see your code, you do not need to back anything upside down; Count just takes something, prints something, and again calls itself, do not ignore any Forward, You are trying to increase the s [-1] . But s is a string, so it's going to be just the last character you want to "increase" the entire string, right? Just pass s . After this, you are trying to call...

css - Interpolation in @import path with Stylus -

Although I've read the variables and interpolation parts of the stylus docs, I can not seem to do this work. / P> dirs = {seller: '../../../public/vendor/'} @import '{dirs.vendor + "normalize-css / normalize.css"}' returns: failed to detect the @import file {dirs.vendor + "normalize-css / normalize.css"} Is it possible in stylus? If so, what am I doing? Yes, this is possible. But stylus does not currently have string launches, so you should use containment: dirs = vendor: '../../../public/vendor/'} @import dirs. Vendor + "normalized-css / normalized css"

Adding blur to an NSImage using Swift -

I'm looking for a way to add a blur effect to a NSImage using Swift. Cocoa / a OSX- app for. In Edit 1 : I tried to use Siaifletr of: to move filters IIMAGE = CIImage (data: Pratikriyadeta) = I Siaifiltr (name: "Sigasianblur") for FilterksetValue (initial image,: kCIInputImageKey) filter.setValue (0.5, forKey: kCIInputIntensityKey) // how Ansaijeij from CIMIMAGE create? Give new image = ??? ImageView.image = newImage I have only one content filter in my Interface Builder See NSImageView.

ios - UITableViewAutomaticDimension -

I have a table view, which is the dynamic cells created by code in iOS 7 To ensure that the cell is displayed completely, I override this method in the method heightForRowAtIndexPath override ios8 that my cells only appear on each other , And all sizes 67.0003 I do not want to make an autolayout layout for cells, they are very complex and initiated Made from the same Is there a way to fix the issue of height in iOS 8? UTTVVActic Dematation is working only with autolayout. If you do not use autolayout, do not use something like this self.tableView.rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension; If you can provide your controller code then it will be useful.