rest - Adding OAuth 2.0 authentication to a RESTful API -

I have an API that requires authentication via OAuth 2.0. I basically hope to experiment, however, it is more about hooking up 3 parties in the security / authentication system of Symphony and does not provide the necessary mechanisms to validate OAuth 2.0 authority Does.

I got some information about which enables an app to provide its own OAuth 2.0 provider and provide the necessary security mechanism to validate the authorization header .

Although the problem is that I would like to integrate the OAuth 2.0 provider (authorization server) into an external application (which has a user base) and it will not be included within the API, which will not allow tokens verification against this external app Another) will provide some mechanism for the Restine API.


  • Restart API requires OAuth 2.0 authentication.
  • The OAuth 2.0 authorization server should be located separately

    I think I should use a grant and call each request to call the authentication server correct.

    I think right < / Div>

    As far as I underestimate your requirement, you need to authenticate your API through an external AOIT authority server :

    • With the request for access to protected resources, the client needs to provide an access token in the above steps. Request token request will be sent in the title as an authorization parameter.

    • The server will authenticate the request based on the token.

    • If the token is valid then the client will have access to the protected resource or otherwise the entry is denied.

      Here is one that can help you achieve your need. Check it out.

      Or simply, what you can do with

      , besides, you can check and understand the way you get your requirement.


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